Obama & Flu Be Gone

I didn’t want to be too hard on Obama. But I really don’t think keeping the statis quo as it has been for the past 30 years is the right way to go. We are in this horrible mess because we need to truly change, destroy and rebuild our system. There are too many old bones rattling around slowing down the wheels of progress, too much power that corporations have and too much reliance on corporate self-policing.

Obama just needs to get in there and do some serious butt kicking the way old FDR did it back in the day. Granted Obama has more hurdles and a country ill informed, and the vast majority of Americans who don’t even understand the basics of the economy well enough to know they are being swindled and lied to by FOX news inc. and as someone mentioned the big start of all this happened during the Reagan administration, when double speak and calling the conservative corporate media “the liberal media” started and all kinds of saying the opposite of the truth to cover the truth began.

Obama has a huge (and rather terrifying) job of reforming a dying beast in front of him. He is an amazing and erudite man, gentile and compassionate. These are all great qualities which I respect in him. I just want him to feel free to be a warrior on behalf of our country and do what needs to be done by disassembling the corporatocracy and re-instating the democracy we are supposed to be.

Hey, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’m finally over the flu despite being barfed on twice this weekend by my lovely little daughter.

Many blessings to all you kind and good hearted people,


Obama & Flu Be Gone

2 thoughts on “Obama & Flu Be Gone

  1. SOme fundamental assumptions of the past have to change. Some examples
    – Using home as a line a equity (every citizen’s psyche has to change for this)
    – Short term gratification – why does one need a new iPhone every few months?
    – Health care for all
    – Jobs for anyone willing to work
    – Less stress for all

  2. grace43 says:

    *hugs* It sounds like you all have had the rotovirus we had. It was a really bad one that lasted almost a month. You have my deepest empathy. Summer is not a fun time to be sick.

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