Answering Readers…

Hey everyone,

I’m working on some more posts that clarify astrological points over the next few weeks, so hopefully this will help with my astro talk and also get some of you interested in further investigation of the art/science.

For now I’m answering some readers and the first is from Wei:

Hi Denise:
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but the economic turmoil and the violent bubble and bust situations from the to the most recent real estate and credit crisis wreaks of corruption. It creates paupers and millionaries. My comment is related to a posting you made about how you forsee a different monetary system, a more universal and world market situation. I watched zeitgeist, the movies found on http://www.zeitgeistmovie.comand what I found interesting is the parallel between your comments and how the documentaries notes nefarious desire to create globalization through an universal currency and gov’t with subsequent tearing down of our civil liberties. “Terrorism” which has been happening all over the world now is touted as the new way for bankers to make money because it is a war that you can’t win so it goes on forever. Wonder if you feel there is actually some feeling that globalization is a bad thing. I, for one, find it interesting. 

Hi Wei,

I’ll have to check out the link. I’ve been too busy to look at it, but I will tomorrow. You know the bible seems to think globalization is bad, but I actually don’t feel that way for a number of reasons.

Again, I haven’t seen the documentary, but I often think the knee jerk reaction to globalization is based on this ingrained fear driven into the subconscious of our country via the book of Revelations. Which by the way was prophecy about the end of the Aries age, going into the Pisces, not about this time period despite the fact people of every age have tried to wrangle the prophecies to fit their particular era. And all the fancy metaphors and predictions did come to pass at that time. Especially, if one is a Christian the talk of a Messiah saving Israel should clearly indicate the rise of Jesus, and the emancipation of the Jews from the Egyptians around that period.

I remember when I was a kid back in the late 70s (I was on occult mailing lists of course because I tried to join the Rosicrucian’s and many other such groups via the mail) getting a pamphlet put out by the Zionists saying that the beast was the computer (there was really only one big computer that was housed in like a skyscraper or something) and all bar codes had the number 666 as part of their encoding.

This computer/beast was going to control all commerce, and people were going to have to eventually wear their mark on their palm, because cards would be too dangerous, etc. People might loose them and then what would they do! Oh, yeah call 1-800-bank-blah, but they hadn’t thought up 800 numbers yet I guess or the idea of replacing cards. Their interpretation was kind of true.

Banking is computerized, but we don’t wear the mark of the beast. And maybe the prophets of old did see some weird computer thing in a vision, and were afraid of it, doesn’t mean it is the devil. Let’s not forget it was cool to stone your wife to death, sacrifice your kid if God told you to, and God forbade eating pork. So the fear mongering in the bible extends into many crazy areas.

So here are my reasons why globalization is not only not a bad thing:

1) The more we band together as a world the greater our chances for saving the earth.

2) The more we are all interlinked the more we lift each other up, helping the developing world and in turn hopefully, helping them to avoid the errors of the mistakes we’ve made along the way. They also help us. If we do things fairly, we can all benefit from the resources of all nations, and put the best of everyone and everything to work for the whole of the world.

3) Agreeing on international laws which we all have to abide by puts each separate government’s feet to the fire, such as: We violated the Geneva Convention, in my opinion the Bush administration officials (and the President himself) should stand trial for war crimes if he, and/or his people are proven to have OK’d torture. They broke the law. If we can’t do anything in our country to make our government officials accountable then we still have the hope of the world community policing us. The more we (by this I mean countries) hold each other to humanitarian standards, despite the policies of our particular isolated country’s politics, the more we advance humanitarian causes.

4) We are one planet circling around one of approximately 250 billion stars in our galaxy alone. There are billions, and billions of stars and scientists are finding it common for stars to have planets orbiting them. And I’m sure over time we will find solar systems as common as cells in a human body. The chances we are alone in the universe are impossible. The more we see ourselves as one people – one world, the more we are prepared to take the leap forward into the future, advance our sciences, our capacity to travel to other planets and be able to deal with the eventual (if we are not already dealing with it, which in my opinion we are) communication with either extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional beings. 

Of course the down side to a global economy is what we are currently seeing. If one country falls then we see the domino effect. But if we can put laws in place, and make sure anti-monopoly laws are not only put into place, but indestructible via deregulation or otherwise, then the world would thrive in ways no one could imagine possible.

However, if we allow the greedy to manipulate the world stage then it would be Soylent Green time. This is the potential threat of a truly united global economy. Luckily, people and country’s are self-interested enough to see this potential and hopefully (if these countries are not run by morons or madmen) protect their people from exploitation.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,


Answering Readers…