Answering Readers…

More questions:

From Dera:


I have noticed that the effects of “karma” (cause-effect relationships) have speeded up. Is something occuring in the universe to explain this? Please comment

Hi Dera,

I haven’t noticed this recently. But I have noticed at different periods of my life I have had this occur. I found it was at turning points when major life lessons needed  to be learned in order for me to move forward into the next phase of my life and usually this was in synch with the people who were close to me. They also would experience the instant karma effect at the same time. It was always most intense with those people who were involved in the same transitions. Hope that helps.

From Wei:


Any thoughts about the economy? There’s seem to be a turnaround in the stock market, but as those who knows technical analysis, the market is very over-bought and due for a fall.

I think the gov’t was corrupted a long time ago, but in our generation, I agree that Reagan era created a mindset of greed. i went to one of the best high schools in the country and had a fair share of hippies, well the minute I arrived, Reagan just came into office and there was one or two hippies left in the school. They had all graduated and I was left to learn with a bunch of mind controlled zombies. Sadly, we have continued that course and crash landed after the bubble burst.


Hi Wei,

I noticed the mind controlled Reagan zombies as well. It seemed to go hand in hand with the Alex Keeting generation of middle-class kids who believed the lies and amorality sold to them during the 1980s. We are still suffering under much of the delusions created then. 

I have a feeling the economy is still turning for the better. I don’t feel it is entirely stable yet and it will take until about 2011 for things to be rectified completely, but I’m not getting that horrible feeling. I had the sense that there would be a bookend crash. Meaning there would be two big market crashes. We had the one last fall but still haven’t hit the other one. However, this one should be better and the turn around much faster without the heavy consequences. If McCain would have won, it would have been a disaster but Obama has and is putting in enough netting to catch us when we fall.

Basically, I think there are some bumps ahead, but the worst part of the ride is over. I do think that the real estate market is going to hit its major low in 2010. And it will take a couple of years for it to get better from there. So I wouldn’t buy a home until 2010, but I’d do it before 2012 when the housing market should start to go up.

Best wishes and many blessings to all you good hearted people,


Answering Readers…

Readers, Horary Chart Offer and SAG? Huh?

Hi everyone,

I meant to answer Chris’s question about a possible SAG strike and also I had a reader ask me more info about Gold and commercial real estate, all worthy questions which I will get to over the weekend. I really hope SAG is not that stupid. Why can’t they just come up with a temporary agreement and deal with the Internet stuff in a couple of years when it actually starts to make money. There is no money in the Internet right now and what little there maybe for actors (in terms of advertisers) is so minuscule it’s just ridiculous, especially with the economy the way that it is and the writer’s strike we had here.

I understand the importance of standing on ideals and being pro-union, but we are headed for some seriously tough times and in my humble opinion, actors are the most overpaid profession of all professions. When someone can live for 5 years off of making one commercial that shot for 2 days, hey, I don’t feel all that much compassion for the 2 cents the person might potentially get from a google ad. In this case it’s not the right timing to throw another wrench in the struggling economy here in SoCal for something that is so minor, and can be put off for the time being. That’s my take on it. I will do a reading though tomorrow to see if the union will go that route. And before anyone gets their panties in a bunch about actors being overpaid, let me just say, really they are. I have a lot of actor friends and clients and my husband has done some acting. Seriously, they get paid more to do a TV show then the person who created the show gets. Doesn’t that seem backwards? Yes. I actually know of one situation (and I’m sure it’s happened more than once) where an actor on a show got the head writer/creator of the show replaced. The show then proceeded to tank and was cancelled. Hello, karma! But anyway, a strike right now is not a good idea. Sooooo not a good idea.

I just want to say that we really have to get involved again in politics as the unfortunate stuff in the US chart mentioned in previous posts is about to come down. We started seeing the transit at the end of January and we are in it right now, but it hits big in March. So unless we pressure congress to do something about getting the economy back on track we seriously might be headed for a major depression. As I stated Obama is the guy for the job and he has been doing everything to focus on this but he needs our support and support from congress. So please bug the crap out of your local congress-people. Seriously. Or we are so up s*it creek and we don’t want to go there when we don’t have to. 

I’m actually starting to believe my own wild conspiracy theory that the Republicans want to turn the US into a 3rd world country so they can have slave labor here at home. I really think they want there to be a huge gulf between rich and poor and are willing to do just about anything to make that happen. So us middle class people better start fighting or we’ll end up on the soup line.

Please urge all your friends, copy and paste the previous post with all the info that a fellow reader shared with us and do an e-mail blitz. Things are unfortunately going the way I predicted them to go. You know in this case I really didn’t want to be right!

Have a great weekend and keep posting questions. And I wanted to put an offer out there for those interested in a particular financial situation to send an e-mail with a specific question so I can run a horary chart and do a post dissecting it for everyone. Of course the issue should be something that will benefit more than just you personally, something that you and other people can benefit from knowing.

Best wishes,


my e-mail is:

Readers, Horary Chart Offer and SAG? Huh?

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Sorry, I’ve been swamped and it feels like questions have been piling up. I’ll try to get through a bunch tonight and if I have time I will either delineate the future of the S&P 500 (as best I can) here or in a separate post tomorrow.



Some random questions:

1) What do you think about Laura Bush?

2) Bush, Cheney, Karl Rove and many GOP’ers are praising Obama. Do you think this is genuine or they are just playing along?

3) Will India play a role in the Obama administration, especially with regards to Pakistan?


Hi A,

It’s funny that you brought up Laura Bush the night you posted because I was telling my husband that I didn’t think Laura Bush agreed with her husband’s policies which is why she choose to stay in Crawford most of the time. I have a feeling she is much more liberal and compassionate then George or his family of origin.

Every once in a while she wears an expression that seems to indicate she’s a bit embarrassed by him and is just putting up with her goofy husband because despite his foibles (of which there are many) she loves him, the way a mother loves her kid.

In answer to the second question of whether the GOP is playing along or not, I think they’re glad they don’t have to clean up their mess. They threw a big old bash on the tax payers money, and bankrupted our economy, got us involved in 2 wars, and now they can blame everything on the Democrats when Obama can’t solve all the problems they created in the first month of his administration. So, no, I don’t think it is genuine, I think it is very strategic, and they are angling for a way to take power once Obama and Biden have cleaned up their mess.

The third question is more complex. I don’t feel that India can play a role in regards to Pakistan, there is too much animosity between the two countries. Pakistan as you know was once part of India. India is a democracy, the main religion is Hinduism and of course Pakistan’s people are mostly Islamic. Pakistan has a lot of turmoil and chaos going on it’s a very delicate situation. I can tell you I don’t have a good feeling about it, and this is one of the areas I’m going to look into in greater detail over the coming months. I need to run charts of all the countries in that area, and really meditate on this because as I said I feel like we blew it, and we’ll have to repair diplomacy with Pakistan before we really can win the war in Afghanistan, or at least stabilize the country, and root out the Taliban before we can leave the country knowing it will be able to regenerate itself.


Will the situation in Iraq improve under Obama? At first, I had high hopes that a meeting of the minds could take place and really get this settled. But after reading this:;_ylt=AsEatMoZSBKorAUV.cztaY0LewgF

I am not so sure. What is your thinking on this? Thanks in advance!

Hi Grace,

I read the article and my feeling is this is just a scare tactic, a way to try and assert some power over the new administration, but it won’t work. I feel Obama will get us out of Iraq, but it won’t be over night. And I feel also that these scare tactics telegraph the fear that some radical groups have in Iraq, perhaps feeling that their cause and energy are waning. I have a feeling that the Iraqis are even more sick of this war then we are, and want to get rid of those aligned with terrorists because their presence in Iraq only guarantees our staying there. I don’t feel any major policy change in regards to Iraq coming from the new administration. I do feel Obama will get us out. 


If a person is trying to have a secure future when would be the best time to buy index funds, mutual funds, both american and foreign. Also with so many foreclosures out there if a person happens to have some money when is the best time to purchase a home. How long will a person have to wait for the real estate market to recover

Hi Ann,

I’ll need to run charts on index funds, and mutual funds. If there are any in particular you want looked at post their names and if you have the date and place where they started trading that would be great.

In regards to real estate, that market does not completely bottom out until March of 2011. I know that all these foreclosures seem like good deals, but remember if you are buying them now at the start of a major recession, renting them out maybe difficult. Also the worth of real estate will continue to go down until 2011 (this market is ruled by the north node, search the site you’ll find a post all about the cycles of the real estate market). So I suppose if you get lucky at an auction and are able to buy a house for 9,000 dollars or something like that, then you’ll be OK. But often people get caught up at auctions and overbid on stuff.

That being said if you personally have a good chart for making money in real estate, and use your intuition I think you could start looking into it as an investment opportunity now, but you just have to be very careful as there is a lot working against you. And you have to consider the price of real estate will continue to go down so if you buy something at auction it should be for much, much, much less then its supposed to be worth. 


Hi Denise,
Hope you are well. I just wanted to say that despite how ugly things may get I am profoundly hopeful. I cant tell you the despair I would be feeling if McCain had won.
I do have one question and it is about the Taliban trying to create a full civil war in Pakistan. Pakistan has nukes and both India and the US as well as the whole world would freak out. I know you are looking at foreign policy and I think this is very dangerous. Its very complicated because the Pakistani intelligence agency kept the Taliban alive because they didnt trust that Afganistan wouldnt be overrun by India. Now, the Talibanis are turning on the Pakistanis. I think someone else asked about India… Not a real question, sorry. Do you have any feelings on this… Thanks for your great insight, as always.

Hi Hope and a Plan,

It is really complicated. And I have been meaning to look into it for a long time because I have had a bad feeling about that region. I will do a detailed analysis on this in the coming week. Thanks for the question.


Your sharing of your gifts with so many is
very impressive. I look forward to reading
your comments each day.

I wonder if you might comment on the pole
shift idea which has been predicted for the
turn of this century by so many psychics.
What is your take on that?

Hi Carol,

I have talked with other psychics, even with a mentor of mine about the pole shift prophecy. I do not believe that the poles will shift in the way that has been prophesized. This and the breaking off of California into the ocean, I argued over with my mentor who was a follower of Edgar Casey’s and worked with many other well known psychics. He was an amazing elderly man named John Brooks who is now on the other side, but anyway, he believed both those predictions. I did not and do not.

The earth moves at a different pace then we do, it is on geological time; its very slow, so while I do believe there will be a pole shift (and actually there is presently one going on) it will happen over hundreds, maybe thousands of years, and we will not really feel its effects directly. That is how I feel about California breaking off the US map. The plate California is on will continue to move and perhaps several million years in the future California will no longer be attached to the North American continent. It will happen so slowly that the only thing we will feel are the earthquakes along the way and it will take millions of them over millions of years for this to happen. It certainly won’t be a surprise when the last bit of those two continental shelves split apart.  And the pole shift will be the same, it is going on and we may see some repercussions as it does, but it won’t be the drama that has been predicted.


It has become very clear that Sarah Palin is opportunistic (and not for the good of the whole). She is all about Sarah. She reminds me of fools gold which is probably why I find all this so upsetting.

As you know, she was investigated by the Legislature and found guilty of abuse of power. She was investigated by the Personnel Board and found not guilty. I feel she and her husband lied. What do the cards say? Thanks for your time; it is greatly appreciated.

Hi Northernlights,

Let’s ask the cards if she lied:

Interesting answer. It looks like they literally bought the outcome. They didn’t need to lie because the Personnel Board was a fraudulent investigation. The board’s hands were tied, and the judgement was already made before the “investigation” began, so it was a complete sham. 

And the cards answered, Yes, they lied to the legislature. They made it look like they were just protecting their family and played down the vindictive nature of the firing. It’s interesting to note that it looks like (according to certain cards I keep pulling) there could be a civil case against Palin. And she will have a judgement against her, and have to pay damages to the man she fired if he goes forward with a case. So he’d win a civil case against her if he proceeded. There is, and was, a strong case against her, but there was a lot of pressure from the McCain camp to shield Palin. Now that they’re gone she’s going to have to deal with the aftermath. She however won’t see it coming. She’s on a real ego trip.

OK, I will answer more questions tomorrow. So if you didn’t get an answer, you will! 

Best wishes to all,


Answering Readers’ Questions…