Why Mitt Romney Won’t Show His Tax Returns…

As I talked about in the last post the two most common things one sees in the charts of psychopaths and/or sociopaths is the Grand Fire or Air Trine. I was curious why Mitt Romney has refused to show his tax returns. His own father was very open with that aspect of his life. And because of this people took him to be a credible and a decent man despite what otherwise might have looked odd – his birth in Mexico due to his father’s fleeing the US due to multiple marriages. I have no problem with people having multiple co-existing marriages. If twenty women want to marry the same guy for whatever reason – go for it. If twenty men want to marry one woman – who cares? I think however it is very ironic that the Mormons spent so much money across the country defeating gay marriage when they themselves were called a sex cult at their inception. But perhaps this has to do with the fact that they believe when you die and go to heaven your purpose is to have sex constantly and make spirit babies who then come down and inhabit earthly bodies. Really? Because I thought in every other religion God created the spirit. And If you’re a super excellent mormon you get to rule your own solar system, too. No joke. I’m dead serious here – it’s like an earlier more sexual version of Scientology with a lot more Masionic stuff thrown into it like the magic underwear we’ve all heard about. Not to be too snarky about the Mormons, if you look at any organized religion it’s pretty nutty and it’s beginings are often suspect. However when the Mormons say they are Christian this is sort of like saying that Christians are Jews or that Jews are Muslims because they don’t just believe in the bible they have an extra addendum like the Muslims and the Christians – it’s called the book of Mormon which 2 very sweet young men trying to save my soul gave me recently. I read some of it and it tries to mimic the voice of the bible, but doesn’t really have the feel down.

Anyway, enough of my rant against organized religion. I’m against it if you push it down my throat. I have no problem with it if it’s kept to oneself and people don’t come knocking on my door trying to tell me what I should be or how my relationship with God should go. I don’t do that. Maybe I should? Maybe all of us who are under the general label of “Agnostic” should go around and question people about their faiths until they are so confused they give up and realize that there’s no way any one religion has all the answers to the multi-dimentional, infinite multi-verse created by an energy so far beyond our understanding that all we can do is pray for connection to it (which I do believe is hardwired into most people’s brains.) That being said I will now put up Mitt Romney’s chart and this time you will notice a very conspicuous Grant Trine in Air.



In this chart I included Ceres. She had been the ruler of Virgo for many years but then was downgraded (sort of like Pluto) and has been recently upgraded again to a minor planet – whatever that means. Of course she represents grain, daily bread, how we make our living – she was a very important Goddess to the ancient people and I think has become important again as we see the global climate changing and something like 70+ percent of the “Bread Basket” in serious drought – drought that could become a 1930s sort of problem.

Back to Senior Romney – when looking at his chart to figure out why in the world he wouldn’t release his tax returns I found a huge surprise. Yes, he was born into tremendous wealth and privilege and married a woman of the same class. But those years he won’t release will will show losses in his business. Yes, that’s right folks. All that money stashed away in foreign bank accounts and overseas and he somehow LOST money.

So he was a crappy Governor who did nothing for the economy of Massachusetts and his big claim to why he deserves to be president is a house of cards – if exposed would show a series of bad decisions, major corporate losses and God knows how many jobs shipped overseas. Yes, he did all that and still claimed he personally lost money on his tax returns – now whether that was real or some way to dodge paying his fair share? We won’t know. But it looks like he has seriously misrepresented his achievements for that company. Something I truly did not expect to see.

You maybe asking yourself, “where the hell did she come up with this?” I’ll tell you – from his chart. Now let’s explain the technicality – shall we. Here’s a man with NO EARTH in his chart WHATSOEVER! Woah! Meaning he is a kite flying in the wind without a string to hold him to the earth. He has a Grant Air Trine making his thought process nearly impenetrable to new ideas. He may pretend to change his mind or say the right things (this is typical of a lot of air in one’s chart) he may even have trouble making decisions but once he does his mind – his brain is like a dog with a bone – and no matter what – it can’t be changed. And if you think he feels and seems really slick – like he’s hiding smoething – like some sort of creepy used car salesman or that creepy politician in Steven King’s seminal novel Dead Zone – that’s because he is. All that water in his chart means he lives a secret life, it may not be anything evil or bad but he hides things even from those closest to him – even if it’s just buying shoes when he is suppose to be going golfing. It’s in his nature to be secretive, clandestine and this is why most people feel uncomfortable with him – even Republicans – any one with the slightest degree of intuition (and that pretty much covers 99.99% of humanity) will feel this tug of “something seems wrong,” or “I don’t really trust him.”

Now here’s where the money is. It is represented by Venus and is part of his Grand Trine showing the majority of his money was gifted to him, like my Grand Water Trine I was born with the “gift” of psychic ability, creativity, compassion. He was born with the gift of a big inheritance and a sharp mind. He’s no dummy. He for sure has an above average IQ (unlike some candidates we’ve seen from the Republican party in the past) however in his case the emphasis of his Grand Air Trine isn’t in Mercury or the mind, it’s actually in Venus which trines Uranus and then Neptune. He would come into sudden wealth many times in his life due to other people’s sudden misfortune – hmm, sounds a lot like what he did for a living.

However with Saturn and Pluto opposing his money maker Venus, it’s not money he worked for, it’s money he got through death, through destruction and through loss. He managed to make a career of this but it’s not a constructive sort of money making ability. His Saturn (career) conjuncts (Pluto) death/sex/the occult. He makes money by destroying not by creating.

According to Wikipedia he was Bain Capital’s founder in 1984 when “greed was good,” it was somewhere between 1999-2002 that the site claims he exited although it’s not clear like so many mysteries surrounding the man who want’s to be president. So when did he really leave? Let’s figure it out with astrology…. According to the news Mitt Romney was still recieving money from Bain Capital a “bizarre” practice unheard of until about 2010-2011 which is the only tax return he will show. So let’s find out if he ever really left or if the media suspicion is right; that he’s just trying to hide money in offshore accounts (I think that’s just a given so I’m not going to bother looking into that – it’s pretty well established he has money everywhere in the world in Swiss banks and the Cayman Islands – everywhere the world has a tax shelter to offer.)

His chart shows that he would have had Pluto starting to make a square to his Mars in 1999 and from there things would only continue to progress as Pluto would have squared his Mercury in 2002. Someone very powerful within the corporate structure didn’t like him and made it known. But my guess is since he was the founding member of the company he was paid to go away and perhaps received a dividend or stipend or some negotiated financial compensation that ended in one final lump sum windfall scheduled for sometime between Jan-Feb of 2011 but perhaps asked that it be put in a fund overseas or was put in his wife’s name (the aspect is between the Moon and Uranus.) I would venture a guess that he wasn’t seen as the best and brightest and the company went on to do much better once he was out of the decision making chair starting back in 1999 when I believe he started to come up against powerful forces within the company who felt his strategies were wrong and he wasn’t turning enough of a profit and like I said in some cases even losing money for the company.

So folks this is the big reveal. Mitt Romney isn’t even a great business man and unless he shows his tax returns to us – all we have to go on is the astrology.

Many blessings to all those who are trying their best during this difficult time,


Why Mitt Romney Won’t Show His Tax Returns…