Upcoming classes

There is still room for the tarot series next week. You will need a copy of any variety of Ryder Waite – as long as the basic illustrations are from that deck, such as the Universal Waite. The class next week is a series just like this week. Wednesday May 6, Thursday May 7, Friday May 8 at 2:00 PM CDT, each class will run about 2 hours. Wednesday is minor Arcana, Thursday Major Arcana and Friday is the whole thing put together. This is the Brotherhood of Light system that breaks all the components down so you can learn the symbolism and start using your cards immediately. We’ll use private FB account to find tarot buddies – so you can practice with people you don’t know to really learn how to read for others. Hope you can join us on the next seminar!

The cost is $60 (20 per class) and you can pay through Venmo: Denise-Siegel-777 – this is connected to my email address readings777@gmail

Or you can use PayPal. If you have to use PayPal please use the email address: astrologyandpsychicpredictions@gmail.com.

There has been some confusion so if you have questions please email or text me!

If you want to sign up here’s the registration:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 6, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Class 2

Denise Siegel is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Class 2
Time: Apr 23, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 821 1764 9300
Password: 481467
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
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Meeting ID: 821 1764 9300
Password: 481467
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdogCwe9CD

Donations can go to my Venmo: Denise-Siegel-777  or my Paypal:


Donations are greatly appreciated! However if you can’t afford to pay anything, don’t worry, just show up!

Blessings to all of you!


There is a syllabus and resources listed for Class 1. A private FB group has been set up for all of you to talk about your experiences if you want to join send me a request on FB. I will upload a version of the Lesser Pentagram ritual on YouTube this week. This will be a private video so if you want to have access you will have to join the FB group. I will post it there.


Resources for Class 1 & Class 2

Here are some resources for everyone who participated in Class 1 and for those in Class 2.

Lesser Pentagram ritual – explain this, show it, give hand out about it.

Please read the first link. It will explain the symbolism and meaning behind the words which are in Hebrew.



Books that will be helpful on your journey:

Ted Andrews – Animal-Speak and Animal-Wise

Starhawk – “The Spiral Dance.” If you are interested in feminism and the intersection of politics and religion her book, “Dreaming the Dark.”

Israel Regardie – “Garden of Pomegranates.” This is a good primer on the Kabbalah.

Marion March and Joan McEvers series: “The Only way to learn astrology” these are by far the best books to become an astrologer.

Training your right and left brain to communicate with one another more effectively is a skill you can hone through drawing. This is an excellent book specifically for doing just that. You do not have to have ANY DRAWING or “ARTISTIC TALENT” to do this and if you practice with this book you will actually produce decent renderings:

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: The Definitive, 4th Edition

Don’t forget to work with your spirit guide. Make time everyday to go into a protected altered state and ask questions- if you find this fairly easy you can skip ahead to automatic writing which is just getting into that state and allowing your own or fingers or your mind to flow without judgement. Keep this information to yourself. Put it away and wait for at least a week to read it.

experiment with your friends, try to read them before you talk to them. Make note of what you get and if they don’t bring up what you got ask them, prove a little and see if you are accurate!

For those interested in Tarot, some knowledge of numerology will be very helpful. Also it maybe helpful to read up a bit on the Kabbalah.

I will make a private YouTube video for the Lesser Pentagram Ritual both invoking and banishing.  I will post the code here under the heading: Code for LPR when it’s done and also on the FB page.

There is now a Facebook group for students to share their experiences in private:



Class 1


This class has happened. I will find a way to put it up later. It was recorded. Please come to the Thursday class if you missed this class as it will be a repeat of this class. It is at 2:00 CDT on April 23! Go to the post: class 2.

Here are some resources for everyone who participated in Class 1 and for those in Class 2.

Lesser Pentagram ritual – explain this, show it, give hand out about it.

Please read the first link. It will explain the symbolism and meaning behind the words which are in Hebrew.



Books that will be helpful on your journey:

Ted Andrews – Animal-Speak and Animal-Wise

Starhawk – “The Spiral Dance.” If you are interested in feminism and the intersection of politics and religion her book, “Dreaming the Dark.”

Israel Regardie – “Garden of Pomegranates.” This is a good primer on the Kabbalah.

Marion March and Joan McEvers series: “The Only way to learn astrology” these are by far the best books to become an astrologer.

For those interested in Tarot, some knowledge of numerology will be very helpful. Also it maybe helpful to read up a bit on the Kabbalah.

There is now a Facebook group for students to share their experiences in private:

