Just want to answer a few posts back..

I went through some posts. There are a lot of questions. One I feel I have to address which was the question of why I supported Obama. I did so because he was the lesser of two evils. I actually voted for Hillary Clinton in the first primary. I was worried about him being to weak a personality for the job. But I know if Obama hadn’t won we would be in a HORRIBLE DEPRESSION unlike anything people have seen since Germany’s depression that led up to the rise of the Nazi party.

I had hoped he would be more powerful in his leadership, but privately I did warn those who voted for him I wasn’t sure he could hold up to all the pressure. I think he is a good person and wants to do what’s right – this is partially his problem and also his greatest asset – the thing that makes people love him. I also think he is very rational which unfortunately is a problem right now. He doesn’t seem to know how to fight the irrational fringe right groups that are holding this nation hostage and he doesn’t seem to have the gumption to stand up to the many corporate interests and plutocrats that a ball cracker like Hillary would have.

I feel that he is a truly good man and because of this is blind to the darker nature of his enemies. Where as Hillary is a realist – she knows how down and dirty it can get and she’ll rip the head off any snake that tries to unseat her. This makes her look mean and menacing and a bit intimidating, even unappealing. And this is the reason she lost to Obama. He appealed to the left because he represented everything we wanted to be true – no matter how ridiculous it may have been in terms of implementation – the idea that all people should be treated with dignity and have health care like every other industrialized nation, etc. Those are the things people on the left really love because their religion is humanism.

Ironically the left exhibit the traits that Christ taught much more than those on the right who right pooh-pooh these Christian ideals as being too unrealistic or not their personal problem. But the truth is when one of us suffers we all suffer. The more poverty there is – the more crime there is and so on. Supporting others with our tax dollars is a better use of it than invading countries for their oil. And I think that is the main difference between the left and right. The right wants an empire in which the US is untouchable – at the expense of its own citizens. Where every man is out for himself and no one gets ahead unless they are lucky enough to be born into power and privilege.

The left wants to stay out of everyone’s business and take care of people who are needy and if we can take care of people in other countries – great lets help when we can. Obama spoke to that fundamental hope in us humanitarians, but alas, as all modern presidents have done so far he has been a disappointment mostly because I believe the system itself has been shown for what it is – a corroded, corrupted mess that needs to be cleaned up. That job requires someone with tremendous personal strength and no fear. Those people are not easy to come by.

The other issue I wanted to address was the notion that I think all is doomed. I personally do not feel this way. I do feel there is always hope. Zoma the entity I channel is not usually so negative, but there is something I can feel coming down the pike that is big, bad and ugly and I believe Zoma is trying to warn us about it.

However with every death there is a rebirth and our empire has gotten to a place of being stretched too thin and is in peril. That does not mean that it is the end of all life on earth – it does mean major changes we will have to adapt to. I think many of us are in the process of figuring out how to adapt to these things right now. The one thing that is out of our hands is the state of our world and that state is not healthy. There are scientists working on radical things right now (this line of thinking was started about a decade ago – I am currently reading a book about it called Hacking the Planet) in which we proactively change the earth basically through terra forming experiments to see if we can keep the polar ice caps from melting anymore and stop the ozone from thinning.

I have enormous faith in the ingenuity and brilliance of human beings as individuals working together. My fear right now is we are being isolated. We are talking virtually, many people are so involved in this virtual world that I’ve seen them almost get hit by cars because they are too busy texting to notice where they actually are walking. While we are now more connected than ever we are also less so.

We have truly entered the Aquarian age. These new issues are very Aquarian in nature. Aquarius rules friendships, hopes and wishes. The web provides (many of us) with a safe haven to project whatever we want onto people we don’t really know. I think this can be good for some and create other social issues which we are now beginning to see. For example I heard one mother complain that her daughter had a sleepover party and all the girls brought their cell phones so none of the kids talked to each other. The girl was very distraught and upset that her party wasn’t going well. The mother asked someone for advice and they said you have to make a rule that the cell phones are put into a basket when they come into the party and if they need to call their parents they can do so from a land line. Now, that’s kind of the negative side effect of the feeling of connection because it’s a perfect example of how people are all around us who we don’t talk to – real neighbors, real potential friends at local stores but instead we have “facebook” friends who we may never meet – who can’t really be there for us if  we get sick or need someone to help us move, etc.

Technology is ultimately what we make of it. I’m sure we are in phase that is a lot like the industrial revolution of the last turn of the century. That was a big mess for a long time until it was regulated. The web has opened up so much and given us a lot, but it has also taken away just as much (killed many sacred cows – the record industry, the publishing industry, film and TV are starting to see the effects and the list goes on.) People are figuring out ways to monetize this new system of commerce. Or greatest hope for a new economy rests with young people. I believe it is actually part of their spiritual gift – many of these kids were born during the 1980s and 1990s when Uranus was conjunct Neptune in Capricorn and sextiling Pluto. They understand big structures, and how to revise old failing systems. They are already changing things for the better.

I do however see two roads here – as I always have – one that is an evolution of our race and a new dawn of remarkable scientific achievement. The other is all the turmoil it will take to get us to the other side. But you are right in that hope is always the thing we must have – if you lose that you lose everything and there is always hope and goodness just as we are all part of God and a plan much bigger than our individual lives.

Many blessings,


Just want to answer a few posts back..

Zoma Answers and Breaking News…

I have been struggling with how to give people readings without charging that much money. I know many people are in need of direction right now, but being a sensitive I feel badly about charging too much for my time – however my time is extremely limited which creates (of course) the conundrum I’ve been in for a while.

At first I thought – podcast. After looking into that I realized it wasn’t going to work. It would require too much time and I would need to figure out a way to talk to people – take calls live which is not very feasible.

Since I was a musician and I know a lot of musicians (a neptunian occupation just as being a psychic is) I heard of this thing called Stage It. Basically you put tickets on line and people can buy them for whatever they want and if they feel generous add money to your tip jar. So I signed up for this. I will be putting a “concert” or rather a session on line. Since my situation is a little different I will have a friend read the questions you guys type in to me while I am in the trance like state. And I suppose I’ll have to figure out a way to record it because I will not remember much of the experience when I’m done. This will give you each anonymity ask any question to Zoma about your life. I don’t need to look at your chart  or have any information about you for Zoma to answer. I have no idea what Zoma is but I know Zoma to be extremely accurate down to the names of streets and to come up with obscure (and unknown to me) greek names that I couldn’t even pronounce if I saw it on a page. Right now I feel the world needs this service. If you want to participate go to the Stage It website. I will be setting up a session time. The first session will be whatever you want to pay and tips.

Let me know via e-mail or on the blog what ideal periods of time are good for everyone. I will try to see if there is a general period that works for most people and do it then.

Now more answers from Zoma from that same session a week ago or more now:

Q: What does the future hold for educational technology, instructional design, and how people learn?

A: As institutions of learning become more inaccessible to the average person apprentiships will become more important again – also the courses through computer correspondence and certifications through cheaper but reliable online sites will become more accepted as business will need skill sets and those looking for jobs will have limited access to higher education.

In terms of how people will learn they will learn through a variety of resources, from hands on apprenticeship type of experiences to computer website based classes, and ordinary educational systems that are in place now. As time progresses more and more people will become educated through coursework online and through apprenticeships with those they are connected to.

That was redundant but I didn’t edit it because for some reason that’s what Zoma said. I think it was because Zoma was in essence answering the same question in different ways. If you look at it the answer to all questions is in the original paragraph but I asked Zoma again about how the system would change and got basically the same answer.

OK let me know what you all think of this new idea and hopefully it will solve the problem of private readings at big price tags. I may add that back in but I don’t want that to be people’s only option it seems wrong.

OK so here’s the link to Stage It to sign up for the session which I will post in the next week. I’ll let you know on the blog so don’t stress it. http://www.stageit.com/

Many blessings to all,


Oh and on Stage It you will look under my handle here which is Zoma777.

Zoma Answers and Breaking News…

More Answers to Readers by Zoma

This is again from the same session. I’ve been breaking it up as the info is kind of intense. I am of the belief that there is always a chance to turn things around. I suppose I am naturally an optimist. However Zoma is not of the same mind. And of course in all of our dark moments we all worry that things have gotten so bad that there is no recourse. I still believe there is or why would this information be coming?

I haven’t had a chance to blog because my little daughter has been really sick and all my time has been spent taking care of her. She’s sleeping right now so I’m doing this before she wakes.

Here’s the transcript of the next question and answer:

Q:Hi Denise,
When will there be cures for the many types of cancers plaguing our people? Are there already cures, but because of the corrupted profit making business corporations including cancer organizations that make tons of money, will this be available to the public and those that need these cures?

A: We have cures to cancer, which have been shown to your people. The problem is a combination of electrical interference, which creates a chemical reaction. So far it is the chemical reaction that has been mostly dealt with by science, as this is the most financially advantageous. However cancer is on the rise not just because of toxins and chemical exposure but because of electro magnetic fields that have been disturbed in the human body due to these neuro toxins There are currently ways in which science can cure many forms of cancer outside the known and predominate conservative means.

Genetic manipulation can cure cancers that have a genetic component and even cure those that don’t, however, those that don’t need the underlying cause to be dealt with which is often more complicated than a simple genetic mutation. For those types of cancer electrical magnetic and chemical balancing will be needed to cure the cancer rather than just cut it out or treat it with the fear of it reoccurring due to the underlying cause being left untended.

Yes, you are right in your intuition that the major drug companies and the health care industry do not want true cures to any disease as this would inevitably lead to huge losses in revenue. However there are some workings within the system now that know what we are talking about and are trying to move forward with research that will inevitably be perfected and utilized after the culling.

Blessings to all and continue to find God within and within all beings you come in contact with,


More Answers to Readers by Zoma

Readers Answered by Zoma

Before I post this I would like to warn people that Zoma is very matter of fact and doesn’t really pull punches. It was my belief when I started channeling this being in the early 1990s that it was of ET origin or Extra-dimensional or perhaps both. This being does not exhibit emotional behavior in the way we do and some of the information brought forth can be disturbing.

However, ultimately, we as human beings can change our path and alter the future. I truly believe that otherwise what would be the point of knowing possible outcomes? 

This next question was asked during the same session as the last. I had planned to post it along with all the others I received but decided that it was too much to absorb in one go and went with breaking up each question and answer for each post so one could really think about and examine the answer. I decided to do this because the answers to these particular set of questions, were disturbing to me.

Q: I would like to know, if Remote Viewers are correct in foretelling of a Massive Global Catastrophe on horizon involving Tsunami? Indications are it could either be a Asteroid Hitting Ocean, or a Major Earthquake. The viewers see Both Florida and California as Major Impact. Also, does Zoma see an event occurring here within the United States involving the collapse of the financial markets and a New World Order take over? 

A: The coasts are both extremely vulnerable for different reasons and various obligations. A war is in the stages of being planned – a third world war. California is the target of part of this plan, southern California, the Los Angeles area. Tsunamis have been foreseen, they will occur on the west coast but not as one might imagine. They will not be entirely from natural causes. Hurricanes and major storm systems are going to be the main threat for the entire eastern coast including Florida and even parts of the southern US. However these events will happen over periods of time, not all at once. In fact the spacing of events will be such that people will become used to them and in fact adapt to some extent, which will be their demise.

During the start of this new eon many will be murdered. The plan is bigger than one can imagine right now it has been in place as the dark decisions of mankind are now catching up with him. This is a reaping a time of reckoning and then a time of cleansing, and finally renewal, but many less people will be here on the planet for the renewal than exist on the planet now.

A hundred years from now the earth will feel almost empty of human life as those who stay conscious will be kept from the worst of it and those who get lost in the routine mechanizations of culture will be swept away.

As for the collapse of the financial market this is a major concern – however there are two roads that are still available. One that leads to total collapse and the other that will lead to a long and waning economic recovery that will take generations to get used to. Resources during the next twenty to thirty years will be at a premium and difficult to come by, wages will continue to be stagnate and people will find their standard of life falling drastically in the west, much closer to the way people live in developing nations. However those who take heed and prepare by learning real skills that can help them such as basic farming, sewing – things that the early settlers were taught, even basic medicinal use of herbs will be much better off and those who are willing to help their neighbors will find that communal groups will do better than nuclear families in this new economic system. So we suppose that either way this will be a major turn downward for many years to come. Once this period has ended and the emphasis on science and technology (Which will be happening along side of this in the shadows) is brought forth and made available to the general populous, the world will advance overnight and many breakthroughs in science and technology that will appear almost miraculous will come to pass.

OK in case you didn’t notice Zoma referred to a murdering of lots of people. I am not sure what exactly was meant by this, I will have to do a follow up. I think since the question has “The New World Order,” in it – Zoma meant that plans were being made to kill off large numbers of people so a small group of elites could live longer, more extravagant lives. This is something I would never have thought of and it is a very disturbing one to me. To think that there would be people plotting mass genocide for their own gain is horrifying – although as we know historically, it is one of the sick sides of our nature. I can only think that it is this “New World Order,” that is in control of these plans as Zoma does not mention any other group or particular country. 

I am also not sure if Zoma is stating that the reaping time and the culling, etc. are due to our own compliance in this deranged system of exploitation or if this is a much larger culling that is needd for the earth to survive due to an overabundance of human beings. I am quite sure that if we had put our heads together and went the way of those leaders in the 1960s who valued humanity, we would have found a way to live off planet and perhaps address overpopulation in a non-violent way. However it seems that our choice to not address these issues and instead involuntarily participate in the mass exploitation of resources including human beings, animals, vegetation, oil and minerals and anything else we have found useful, has led us to a false unsustainable standard of living. 

It’s a lot to think about. I will post the next Q &A in the series from that session tomorrow.

Many blessings,



I will also continue to take your questions and do more sessions.


Readers Answered by Zoma

Zoma Answers Readers…

I cut and pasted the questions into word and went into a trance, reading the questions and asking Zoma to answer.

Zoma has a strange quality. He/she refers to itself as a WE for some reason. It appears to be an extra-dimensional entity that is a collective. I’ll leave it at that for now, more on Zoma later. 

Here are some of your questions asked and answered:

Q: Can Zoma provide us with information on any possible upcoming earth changes in the next few months and also any information on dimensional vibration shifts during this time? (possibly new earth related?)


A:  There is a magnetic line and opening that goes through the heart of the US. From Minnesota down through Oklahoma and into part of the edge of Texas. The line extends all the way to the north pole. This magnetic line is part of the new eon. It is akin to a vortex, there will be many strange and unusual events surrounding this line, inter-dimensional beings, UFOS seen and earthquakes that have never occurred before. It is and has to do with the magnetic field of earth that is a split that is deep and wide and odd weather phenomena will also occur. The strongest part of the fissure is over parts of Oklahoma. This is where very unusual weather events will transpire. We all know about the usual things that the entity known as Denise has foretold. This is a new issue not shown to that entity.


Zoma Answers Readers…

Dreams and Zoma Speaks

This was the first session I did a few days ago after having a lot of uneasiness about the economy and other issues. One being a series of dreams I had in the late 1980s and early 1990s about a nuclear bomb being dropped on Los Angeles. These dreams were hyper real and really scared me. As predictive dreams generally are multi-layered so were these dreams. There were things that came to pass in these dreams that were exact matches with the period of time of the riots and subsequent fires here during the early 1990s. I had hoped that was all it was and many psychics I talked to told me that my dreams were just exaggerated “mind blowing” predictions about the riots as there were a lot of cross over – even the names of streets and specific details however I was uneasy about this and talked to one of my spiritual teachers. He felt, at the time, it was probably metaphorical however a few years ago just before he died he looked at me and said, “Denise, I’ve been thinking a lot about those dreams that a nuclear weapon hit Los Angeles. I have a feeling they may not have just been metaphorical.” I nodded but put it out of my head at the time. Of course I really wanted them to be metaphorical and interestingly his words began to haunt me in the past couple of years. I mean really haunt me however I haven’t had anymore dreams but I did have a very disturbing event happen.

My father who had been coming round (in spirit – he’s been dead since I was 10) suddenly stopped. Before he did however he left me with the image of him on my sofa crying inconsolably. To say this was disturbing is an understatement. I have struggled and begged and prayed to understand why he left me only with this last message. It was as if something in the world had turned and it could no longer be undone – whatever it was, was too big for me alone to fix it.

Soon after December 21, 2012 when the new Aeon began and I could finally feel the truth of what the future was rather than all the anxiety clogging it, I started feeling that indeed a great darkness was upon us. The novel I had written back in 1999-2000 and that I finally got round to taking to a conference in 2007 (when it won an award) seemed to be as true as ever. I had set the time frame for the 2030s (a guess a psychic metaphor) after a world war and many economic and natural disasters. In chapter 3 New York is hit by a major hurricane that all but destroys the city. In it the plutocratic (false theocracy) is actively engaged in doing nothing to prevent the destruction of the masses. Yes, they are evil, but I never go so far as to say they are actively involved in murdering humanity although it seems there are current conspiracy theorists who would do so. I will actually be doing another edit of this book and make it available soon. Agents I talked to told me to mollify the book, make it less dark, etc. But I couldn’t or the whole point of the book would be missed. I was given the information and crafted into a story to effect readers in order to change the future events I saw unfolding. When I wrote it I knew it was too far in the future for people to get and now I hope it is not too late. So I will hurry and when I finish I will let everyone know where to get it.

Now, I was freaking out about my weird feelings and the very horrible aspects I saw coming for the US so I talked to Zoma about it. Here’s the transcript:


Q:  ZOMA what will become of this economy?

A: It will take a long time to recover, much longer than anyone realizes. Somewhere around twenty to thirty years and even then it will be a very different economy one rooted in different values and currency. A currency of bartering, one less abstract to the average person only the wealthy will maintain the abstract systems such as the stock market and corporate finances. For the average person these abstractions will become more and more distant and the amount of money needed to become involved in these systems will become prohibitive to what once was the middle class.

———————— End Zoma

I want to say I have been actively working on trying to change my life to fit what I see coming. I advise those of you who also have odd feelings to do the same. Follow your gut and of course if your question can help all of us please ask Zoma. My husband, after hearing me rail on about all this stuff, started doing a bunch of research. Unfortunately for both of us what he has found only seems to support the information I have gotten through second sight.

Many blessings to you and pray for yourself and all the good people and beings of this world,


Dreams and Zoma Speaks

Questions taken…

Since I am not doing readings right now for a variety of reasons. I want to make available another option. I have channeled an entity that called itself Zoma since I first encountered it (while working more than full time as a psychic) back in the early 1990s.

I had stopped channeling this entity due to other things but have since made contact again. This entity does not appear to be of terrestrial origin and refers to itself as we or at least used to. When the internet became what it was I googled the name about five years ago or so and found that Zoma was the name of a very important ancient Jewish philosopher. I was however not under the impression that the entitiy I talked to was a regular human spirit – the entiity knew far too much for a regular spirit to gain access to.

I am going to do sessions again by myself. If anyone has questions – not personal but something that could benefit others as well – such as, What will the real estate market be like in America, Canada, etc? or What will the economy be like in Chicago? What is the alien agenda?

Please submit questions through the comment section and also cut and paste them into an e-mail just to make sure I see them. Keep on me if I don’t get to them. The e-mail is: astrologyandpsychicpredictions@gmail.com

If a question is deemed too personal it will not be dealt with for example: Is my boyfriend cheating on me? Or will I find a job soon? etc. I will deal with bigger questions – anything from philosophical, global, world issues, economic, political and any sort of bizarre mystery that has wide ranging effects on people such as UFOs, the Bermuda Triangle, etc.

Depending on how this goes I may decide later to open up to questions of a personal nature. But we’ill see how it goes. I am always lacking in time and have a thousand things in the air at once.

However I do encourage you to look for a question that can be asked about your field or something that is personal but has bigger implications.

Much love and many blessings to all,


Questions taken…

Our World’s End



It won’t come by a calendar date

Or by some metaphysical invitation

It won’t come in a day

Or one single night

It will be on the back of a tortoise

Over a long arc of time

So many small decisions that lead us to destruction

So many unpaid debts that karma comes to collect

All piled upon our children, grandchildren and great-great grandchildren


It’s the short term thinking of the unenlightened man

That leads to the death of all in his purview

Whether or not those around him agree or disagree

It’s those who hold the power of change

That steer the ship of all our fates

We can only lay down our smallness and decide to be bigger

We can all choose to see and be the truth

To deal with what is and will be rather than what is convenient


Then and only then will we be as one mind

Ready and deserving of our deliverance

For no single man or God can take us there

Only becoming the Gods and Goddesses we were born to become


Let Heaven awaken within our souls

And hell be the stupidity of our ancestors


Blessed Be

– Denise

Our World’s End

Our Collective Future

In the heavens there are some gnarly aspects. I won’t get too astrological. But suffice it to say it brought on the Arab Spring, the crash of Wall Street and the world wide economic downturn on its first past. Uranus in Aries gives periods of intense violence (Sandyhook) and of course as I have said in the past would usher in a new age of revolutions across the globe. I have examined many charts for the US. No one really has an exact time so being psychic I decided to tune into what Washington had to say about the actual date when the idea-logical motion of our country was truly set on its course. According to him it was at around 8:30 PM on July the 3rd. Being old timey folk they saw sunset as the beginning of the next day and that is why we celebrate it on the 4th. I went ahead and did a chart for this time. I will also provide you all with the charts other astrologers have worked painstakingly over the years to come up with. Mine will have the transits happening toward the end of May this year. While we will feel these effects starting earlier this will be the period when the people/government and laws will actually push us to deal with the situation.

What we are facing here is a fundamental change in the way our country has functioned. It will mean the degradation of major institutions, the collapse of many institutional systems and that includes many multi-national or giant corporations. The hit will very likely also play out in the stock market – so beware. I’d pull my money out starting now. There are two ways this can be dealt with either Obama fundamentally shifts the system to go around the crisis in which case, he will alter the power or at least take liberty with what power he has been given to change the course, or if the Congress can’t do their job we will see a country we never saw before. One that may resemble in some ways the end of the Soviet Union. With Saturn in Libra in the natal chart being involved of this upcoming Grand Square I think we will also see some major changes in the justice system.

For those 1 per-centers and “corporate citizens” out there all I have to say is I blame you.  If you hadn’t been engineering a plan to take over this country this shift would have been an adjustment not a collapse. But it is also you who will suffer just as much as the rest of us – if not more.

During the 1950s when the wealthiest 1 percent paid 90% tax we were the richest most vibarant economy in the world. It may sound unfair to take home only 10 percent of what you gross. Anyone would agree with that which is how this has changed. However it’s better to get 10 percent of 10,000,000 than to get 85-90% of 100,000. When you take money out of the economy by holding it (those few wealthy one percenters) it can’t circulate and it stays in pocket. But funny thing is when you circulate that money it not only gathers like a snowball going down a giant mountain to return bigger and healthier than before, it allows the entire world to be more productive, creative and forward thinking. We could be using our energy to solve the REAL problems that face our world like GLOBAL WARMING and HUNGER instead of putting 75% of the people into a position where they are just surviving and unable to thrive.

So here is my chart with the natal transits toward the end of the month:


As you can see our country has been blessed with a grand trine (kind of two. Our strength and identity have been in intellectual innovators. This has been the primrose path that has lead us to all the goodies our country has shared with the world. And with Ceres at the top of that trine in the 8th many Wall Street types and investors have made their fortunes off of the innovation and new ideas that the American People have had to offer the world.

With Pluto in the 12th house there has always been a shadow side to our country – a ruling class that has been hidden from obvious view. Later this shadow aristocracy would grow and without our noticing it, become a devouring power. This next square will be the hammer that breaks apart any illusion we have about the realities of our “Republic/Democracy.” We will see the break down of major institutions and unfortunately this will be particularly bad for education on every level which was the fundamental place many of our dreams and imaginings were cultivated for the greater good.

This Pluto in in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries makes a GRAND SQUARE to the natal US SUN in Cancer and NATAL SATURN in libra. What does this mean? It means our paradigm is about to shift radically and we can expect the second major economic down turn – the one I thought would happen in two years. I heard two – I guess it meant second term. It means hold onto your hats. Unless our President can be strong enough in the way Roosevelt was, to push through a real plan and get rid of the idea of these “austerity measures,” it will mean some very rough road ahead for all of us. That means you, too, Donald Trump.

A part of me wonders if there isn’t a secret agenda here to destroy the broken system first so a new one can take its place? That is about as positive of a take I can put on this. This could be the real beginning of the end of our Empire. Either we shift and become part of the world at large and stop being bullies and police dogs, well, then we’ll go down with the ship.

THINGS ARE GOING TO BE FORCED TO CHANGE – RADICALLY. By the time Pluto hits Pluto post-Obama our country will have undergone a major structural change whether we like it or not. My advice to government officials is to make this as painless as possible and take your cues from the Great Depression – the lessons of history. Follow the measures of Roosevelt not Reagan. Unless you want to govern a dead empire.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it will be up to us to force this change to be for the better and not for the worse. Expect the possibility of things getting crazy enough to cause violence.

Here are other charts of the US for you to look at and the ephemeris of May. It’s not going to be a fun month. Expect a lot of job losses especially during this period and major corporations falling as the economy down-slides if austerity measures are put into place – which it seems is the likely scenario right now.

There is always hope for the future if the right people take action. I pray – as should you starting now – that the needs of the people are put over the needs of the wealthiest few.




People may have to not just tighten their belt but consider lifestyle changes – downsizing and even group living situations and pooling of resources to get through this if our government continues down this road.

There is always hope. I suggest we all call our congressmen, senators and the white house as much as possible – e-mail do whatever it takes to let it be known that we have to solve this a different way. There will still be major changes and the ship will have to be righted but it can be done in a much more gentle fashion then where we are headed. And believe me – it will be much more radical and harsh than you can imagine if things continue on this course.



Our Collective Future