Zoma Answers and Breaking News…

I have been struggling with how to give people readings without charging that much money. I know many people are in need of direction right now, but being a sensitive I feel badly about charging too much for my time – however my time is extremely limited which creates (of course) the conundrum I’ve been in for a while.

At first I thought – podcast. After looking into that I realized it wasn’t going to work. It would require too much time and I would need to figure out a way to talk to people – take calls live which is not very feasible.

Since I was a musician and I know a lot of musicians (a neptunian occupation just as being a psychic is) I heard of this thing called Stage It. Basically you put tickets on line and people can buy them for whatever they want and if they feel generous add money to your tip jar. So I signed up for this. I will be putting a “concert” or rather a session on line. Since my situation is a little different I will have a friend read the questions you guys type in to me while I am in the trance like state. And I suppose I’ll have to figure out a way to record it because I will not remember much of the experience when I’m done. This will give you each anonymity ask any question to Zoma about your life. I don’t need to look at your chart  or have any information about you for Zoma to answer. I have no idea what Zoma is but I know Zoma to be extremely accurate down to the names of streets and to come up with obscure (and unknown to me) greek names that I couldn’t even pronounce if I saw it on a page. Right now I feel the world needs this service. If you want to participate go to the Stage It website. I will be setting up a session time. The first session will be whatever you want to pay and tips.

Let me know via e-mail or on the blog what ideal periods of time are good for everyone. I will try to see if there is a general period that works for most people and do it then.

Now more answers from Zoma from that same session a week ago or more now:

Q: What does the future hold for educational technology, instructional design, and how people learn?

A: As institutions of learning become more inaccessible to the average person apprentiships will become more important again – also the courses through computer correspondence and certifications through cheaper but reliable online sites will become more accepted as business will need skill sets and those looking for jobs will have limited access to higher education.

In terms of how people will learn they will learn through a variety of resources, from hands on apprenticeship type of experiences to computer website based classes, and ordinary educational systems that are in place now. As time progresses more and more people will become educated through coursework online and through apprenticeships with those they are connected to.

That was redundant but I didn’t edit it because for some reason that’s what Zoma said. I think it was because Zoma was in essence answering the same question in different ways. If you look at it the answer to all questions is in the original paragraph but I asked Zoma again about how the system would change and got basically the same answer.

OK let me know what you all think of this new idea and hopefully it will solve the problem of private readings at big price tags. I may add that back in but I don’t want that to be people’s only option it seems wrong.

OK so here’s the link to Stage It to sign up for the session which I will post in the next week. I’ll let you know on the blog so don’t stress it. http://www.stageit.com/

Many blessings to all,


Oh and on Stage It you will look under my handle here which is Zoma777.

Zoma Answers and Breaking News…