The Blog’s Look

I get a lot of comments about the blog’s look. It’s just a really old and now retired stock word press style. I customized it but that’s it. So for all of you interested in this look, I don’t think it’s available anymore for some reason. It’s too bad because it’s nice and clean.
Best to you,


The Blog’s Look

Debt Ceiling and the Final Nail…

I would say that if the plan passes as is, its the nail in the coffin for many a Washington career including Obama’s. And we will see the very dark side of the garbage we’ve been hiding behind the dumpster. I have a post ready, a prediction that I wrote last week, on Monday about what would happen. So far it’s been right on. I didn’t post it because I didn’t want to effect any possible outcome and as weird it sounds I had a feeling if I posted, it might. So I kept it hidden in the private files to be revealed later.

Someone asked me (after the 2008 crash) if I felt the Dow would go below 6,000 in the next slide. I kept seeing their being 2 major falls. Yet the second one was kept at bay. I kept being told 2 years. And I believe it was supposed to happen within the two years after the first but didn’t. However, if this package goes through you can expect to see the second fall and the crash to below 6000. Reality will hit us hard and the dance of BS will finally be over. Many people will lose everything and we will hit a serious Depression. There is only one option for the president, and if he had balls he would take it. Sadly, his are much smaller than Hillary Clinton’s the woman I voted for in the primary because I felt she would have been able to stand her ground where I feared Obama could not.

Obama however is very brilliant, likeable and he appealed to the idealist in all of us. I have wanted nothing more than for him to surprise me by being strong and like so many others we felt he was an idealist too, willing to stand up for what he believed.  I think Obama is in a debate but when it comes to following through he is sorely lacking. However I won’t count him out just yet. ( And let’s face it Obama was the only answer though we had. If McCain would have won we would have hit this Depression times 10 back in 2009.) If Obama pulls this one out of the hat at the last second as I hope to the Great Spirit he will, then I will once again have renewed faith not just in his ability to lead, win another election and bring us out of a looming Depression but also I will have renewed faith in our government itself.

If not I fear we are headed down a road too dark to even look at right now.

Pray for us – we need it!

Many blessings to the good people of this world,


Debt Ceiling and the Final Nail…