Debt Ceiling and the Final Nail…

I would say that if the plan passes as is, its the nail in the coffin for many a Washington career including Obama’s. And we will see the very dark side of the garbage we’ve been hiding behind the dumpster. I have a post ready, a prediction that I wrote last week, on Monday about what would happen. So far it’s been right on. I didn’t post it because I didn’t want to effect any possible outcome and as weird it sounds I had a feeling if I posted, it might. So I kept it hidden in the private files to be revealed later.

Someone asked me (after the 2008 crash) if I felt the Dow would go below 6,000 in the next slide. I kept seeing their being 2 major falls. Yet the second one was kept at bay. I kept being told 2 years. And I believe it was supposed to happen within the two years after the first but didn’t. However, if this package goes through you can expect to see the second fall and the crash to below 6000. Reality will hit us hard and the dance of BS will finally be over. Many people will lose everything and we will hit a serious Depression. There is only one option for the president, and if he had balls he would take it. Sadly, his are much smaller than Hillary Clinton’s the woman I voted for in the primary because I felt she would have been able to stand her ground where I feared Obama could not.

Obama however is very brilliant, likeable and he appealed to the idealist in all of us. I have wanted nothing more than for him to surprise me by being strong and like so many others we felt he was an idealist too, willing to stand up for what he believed.  I think Obama is in a debate but when it comes to following through he is sorely lacking. However I won’t count him out just yet. ( And let’s face it Obama was the only answer though we had. If McCain would have won we would have hit this Depression times 10 back in 2009.) If Obama pulls this one out of the hat at the last second as I hope to the Great Spirit he will, then I will once again have renewed faith not just in his ability to lead, win another election and bring us out of a looming Depression but also I will have renewed faith in our government itself.

If not I fear we are headed down a road too dark to even look at right now.

Pray for us – we need it!

Many blessings to the good people of this world,


Debt Ceiling and the Final Nail…

Answering Readers…

  • From readers Grace and Wei:

    grace43 // December 28, 2008 at 6:08 am (edit)

    When is the period of kindness you talked about going to begin? I am seeing a whole lot of just deeply distrubing behavior on the news – a man massacres his ex wife’s family in CA, another man decides to up and shoot a father in a Philadelphia movie theater, a guy in Scotland holding that poor, poor woman hostiage in the trunk of his car for ten days…

    It seems like people have lost their dang minds. Thanks in advance. Happy New Years!

  • Wei // December 28, 2008 at 3:56 pm 

    I think kindness starts from here… us. There’s too much carelessness and thoughtlessness in the world. If anger and lack of regard for others starts, there’s no need to continue in that kind of vein, otherwise all of us are in trouble. It is true that we are all a community and I hope over time, we will evolve to that kind of thinking.

    To Answer Grace first:

    I think we are going to see the worst of mankind first before we see the best of it. I am an optimist by nature and generally believe that when given a hard lesson people eventually learn it and open their hearts toward growth. Unfortunately, I’ve seen, as I’m sure we all have, that it takes a lot to break open the hard hearted, greedy and selfish. And the truth is there are a lot of people on this planet (last count over 6 billion) and many of them are young souls who are pretty darn selfish. Which means for all of us, it will take experiencing a lot of bad before we see the light as a group. And it may also mean that there will be a lot of sacrifice in order to learn the lesson of humanitarianism. As we go from the Piscean age to the Aquarian age there will be a time of reckoning and I fear a lot of terrible stuff we will have to endure before we see the light.

    Wei is right:

    There is so much thoughtlessness and carelessness in the world. We are going to have to learn just as children do, about boundaries. But in our case these lessons will be large scale, very frightening, and come in the form of war, disasters, and economic melt downs before we can begin to band together and truly value each others humanity. It’s sad that we have to learn the hard way but I think we’ve proven we don’t learn any other way.

    I’ve been having a lot of nightmares over the past week, broad scale, a lot having to do with elemental energies like water and fire. The news seems full of craziness, more each day. But its not a surprise astrologically. We are in for some tough times in many ways, but there is hope. 

    The more the enlighten participate, the more those who are kind hearted and empathic step up to support and stand up for those who are down trodden the greater our chances to avert the worst of our potential fate, and the faster those who are ignorant will learn about compassion. We all have to be the best examples we can be. We are all teachers here — something we have either forgotten or not much acknowledged. 

    Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,



Answering Readers…

Answering Readers’ Questions…


More questions, more answers, the first from KRG:


Hi : Very interesting

On the prediction that India will hit Pak sites, I wonder whether this could happen thru US, becos it seems more likely that Obama will use his power to persuade Pak to let US take on the training camps etc in Pak. Don’t see India doing this unless we continue to get hit like 26/11. May be you could run a chart for US vis-a-vis Pak and see how it looks…


I think you are right in the sense that the US will try to hit the camps at some point in the future, especially with the recent news about an increase in the chances of a bio-terrorist attack. However, it looked like India was still very vulnerable and that this Pakistani terrorist group wanted to push India to respond to Pakistan. The last post I did detailed all of this.


I woke up with the feeling that the credit crisis wasnt the cause of the market crash at the end of Dec/ Jan

Hi Truthseeker,

I’m sure you’re right. It’s turning out to be the information about the economy, joblessness, and eventually as Pluto crosses the 1st house of the Dow, and squares many other important planets at the critical cardinal 01 degree, (many western nations have a planet at this critical degree as well) we’re going to see some very ugly, criminal and shady stuff uncovered about how companies have been operating which will further freak out investors. Of course the news coming out about the seriousness of this crisis, joblessness and personal spending freezes we are all in will contribute to this coming Tsunami.

We’ve been at the point where we noticed the water receding back from the shore, and it looks really weird, but we couldn’t figure out what was happening or why. We are now at the point where the water is starting to hit the shoreline.


Any thoughts on the two unresolved Senate races in Minnesota and Georgia? I think you predicted the Senate would get close to 60 seats a few weeks back. I wonder what the cards say closer to the evantual realities. Thanks!

Hi Northernlights,

It seems that I’m too late to predict Georgia. It looks like Republican Chamblis won. I really feel Franken should win Minnesota, if he doesn’t I think there was funny business going on. So I guess it will be 58 or 59, but its close enough. The Republicans are so fractured right now the next couple of  years will make it worse for them. I don’t think that number will stand long.

I do feel Obama will have the 60 needed, if not this go round, then next. The cards indicated it would happen. As I’ve said before about the cards, they are always right, but their timing isn’t always accurate.


Another question. Some of Obama’s supporters are up in arms about the people he is choosing to work in his Administration. They feel that they have been betrayed. Will the Disgruntled Dems. get over it in time or will they hold a grudge for the next 4 years?

Thanks! -)

Hi  Iris,

I have noticed this very thing, and it’s annoying. The poor guy hasn’t even taken office yet. He can always fire people if they don’t work out! I wish they would let him get out of the gate before they tried breaking his legs. This is the very thing that is lame about Democrats, and the reason they are perceived as weak. And why it has been so easy to split the party, divide and conquer, a technique used efficiently by the Republicans who had the binding force of greed to keep them together as one giant jelly fish stuck to the butt of our country.

Democrats are often too idealistic, and not practical enough. They expect miracles immediately, and are too easily disappointed by reality because the binding force that makes people Democrats is a variety of things. There is no one glue keeping the party together except for idealism, so its a double edged sort of thing. It’s why Obama won. But also why people from his own side are going to pick on him like he’s the fat kid on a baseball diamond. It’s annoying.

Obama is putting together an entire administration. Just because he’s carrying some people over from the Bush admit-nothing-stration doesn’t mean they will ultimately stay, and there is some need for consistency and experience. If company A bought company B, they’d replace almost everyone, but just for efficiancy sake, and the sake of time, some employees from company A would transition to company B.

I think everyone getting their panties all up in a bunch before Obama even has possession of the white house is ridiculous. And frankly, the dude has 60 odd days to pick everyone on his team, move his family, and get a meeting of the minds together to basically run the free world.

So I say to those spastic hypercritical Democrats and lefties, cut him some slack! Jeez! There’s a lot to worry about right now, and I’m sure Obama will cull through people over time. Give the guy a chance. God, knows we gave George W. Idiot a new chance every day which he spent screwing something else up, and there was very little fuss made about any of his messes. But he had the web of greed there to catch him at all times where Obama has a sack full of ideologies to try and placate.

All I ask is 6 months to let the Obama administration get going before the traditional Democratic backstabbing and infighting. We are in a global state of emergency. Which will require us to learn to be more practical, and pragmatic instead of dreaming up ways in which we wish our politicians were more delightful. 

So in answer to your question. Unfortunately, I’m sure we will see the traditional Democratic hazing, but lets all commit to do our part not to participate in it.  There’s enough to fix that Obama shouldn’t have to worry about pandering to everyone, too.


Will Arnold Schwartzenegger be joining Obama’s cabniet? I thought when Obama said a top Republican would be on his cabniet, it would be Arnie. Now he’s picked Gates to stay on as Sec. of Defense. Since some very conservative Christians are in top level positions in the military, this seems to be a wise move aimed at keeping them calm. What’s up for the Governator after his term runs out?

Here’s his birth information: 30 July 1947, Thal, Styria, Austria (Taken from his bio on Internet Movie Database)
Birth Time: 04:10 (04:10 AM) MEDT(-1:00) (taken from Lois Rodden’s AstroDatabank )

Thanks in advance!


I sure hope he will be. After four years of having to look at Bush and Cheney, this lady would appreciate someone up there easier on the eyes. LOL

Hi Grace,

I just don’t see Schwartzenegger in Obama’s cabinet. He’s really done a bad job here in California. We’ve had budget problems, and the unions are talking about throwing him out of office. He’s a big oaf. Sorry to say. I’m sure his wife would make a better governor then him. He should have stuck to his acting career. Here’s his chart from the source you gave:

picture-151In 2010 he’s going to have transiting Pluto going over his Moon in the 6th house. His moon rules his chart, it’s in Capricorn/career and in the 6th that’s your job.  And it will be making an applying inconjunction to his Sun. So I’d say he’ll have some trouble in the career department. His wife should take extra precautions for her health at that time, too. As the moon in the 6th could be his wife Maria having some sort of health problem that could be fatal if not caught early.  Or if his mother if she is still alive could have a health crisis. So the women in his life will have to be diligent with their health over approximately the next 5 years.

He may very well get recalled here in California in a special election at that time (November 2010). He himself was put into office on a trumped up recall election, ousting our Democratic Governor Gray Davis. It was pretty lame. Karma’s a b*tch. So looks like he’ll be getting it back right about then. Or at least the fire will be roaring in that direction by then. I hope for him, and his family’s sake it’s just his career that has trouble, and not the women in his life.

Bedtime! More questions and answers tomorrow…

Best wishes to all of you!


Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’, Stock Market Edition…

Hi Everyone,

Since we are in a market free fall and as predicted in Mid-September the real tsunami will happen at the end of Dec until the end of January. It won’t really be over then, but that’s when we’ll really see some scary stuff, much scarier then we have already. So in an effort to help as many of you as quickly as possible with all the instability on that front I’ve consolidated the stock market questions here. There are a lot, and I hope to get to them all tonight, but I maybe being too ambitious, we’ll see. I’ll try. If not today then they will be resolved over the weekend.

Let me remind all of you I’m a freaky psychic, artist type, and don’t know anything about the stock market. I’m only going on what my freaky psychic ability gives me and my knowledge of tarot, and astrology so when you write questions to me, make sure to dumb them down. Or I have to just go with the tarot and ask straight yes/no questions because I often don’t understand what the ins and outs are of particular financial issues, except for very basic stuff about how the market works.

I mentioned in a post a while back that there was a lot of money to be made on the down side of this market, but I wouldn’t advise people who aren’t super savvy with short selling, and all that jazz, to try this during this insane period. Would someone out there who does understand how to do this, please write a comment about the ins and outs of this to educate us? I will take the comment, and turn it into a post, and put it up with credit to whoever takes this on. Perhaps this could be a way for many people who lost a lot of money to make it back over the next couple of months. Think of spreading your knowledge as a public service.

OK, here goes!




Hi Denise,

Hope you are well. I know you must be getting overloaded with insights and chaos as things start to unravel. You know me with my Moon in Capricorn I am trying to shore up my nest egg… So i have two questions. The first is what do you think of shorting the Dow, betting that it will go down using a Dow etf short over the next 3 months?

Secondly, Etrade stock accounts are not FDIC insured so if we do have anything in the market when chaos strikes can Etrade confiscate it to cover their Banking and Lending arm. Their savings accounts are FDIC insured…. Thanks for looking out for us. All the best to you and your family!

Hi Hope and a Plan,

I think betting the stock market will go down is like betting ice will melt on a stove. I don’t know much about short selling but, yeah, it’s going to go down. And I do think you can make money betting it will go that way.

So I asked the cards if you could make money that way, just to make sure:

The answer: Maybe.

You really have to know what you are doing. If you get someone to help you, it looks like you know a man who is very generous who would be willing to give you advice in this area, then yes. But you really need to understand how all of it works, and your timing has to be impeccable so, talk to people, do research before you go for it.

I asked the second question to the cards.

Again a Maybe.

It seems that they will not have money, be economically depressed, and use their clients money to keep afloat, but I don’t have a feeling this will be legal. So they will eventually have to pay people back. But of course if they go out of business you’ll be out of luck. So you might want to be safe and put your money into one of the FDIC insured accounts where they can’t touch it.


I hate to say this, as it is not a profession that I believe is for the sane, however with these incredibly volatile swings in the market, I have gone back to my origins as a day trader and have been cleaning up. When i taught day trading for some the shops on Wall street, I told everyon 2-3 out of 10 may survive this style of trading. It might be time for short jump back to the days of the soes bandits!

Hi Oceanhawk,

Maybe you could educate us on how to short sell! I agree that if you are well trained and understand short selling and all that complex stuff, and are not a normal everyday person with some long term investments in the market, you can make a bundle. I actually talked about that in another post. However for normal people who stick their money in an IRA or 401k, or a couple of stocks and plan to keep them until retirement, those people need to get out and wait for awhile before re-investing when the market is stable again. Most people fall under that category. I wish I understood the market better to even begin to understand how to make money short selling.

I recently saw an episode of Nightline that addressed the issue of short selling, and talk of making it illegal in the future. It seems there were investors who were actually destroying companies to short sell and make money off them this way, which I guess was what set off this issue of making the practice illegal. 




Hi Denise

Appreciate your reply to my question re Centro and you asked for the start date. here it is-

Centro was incorporated as Jennings Properties Limited on 18 February 1985, and following a prospectus issued in August of the same year, shares were issued on the Australian Stock Exchange. In 1991 the Company was renamed Centro Properties Limited, and in September 1997, the Company was restructured to a stapled security structure named Centro Properties Group.

Hope this helps and also do not mind your reading using the tarot cards too. Just to refresh the question – Is this stock worth holding or to sell before the coming Tsunami around 21/22 Dec 2008? Or is there any hope of this company surviving?

One more question re your predicted Tsunami around 21/22 Dec- does that mean the US Dow will fall big time and the flow on effect on the rest of the world stock markets like here in Australia.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Hi Pat,

I can’t really run a chart without an exact date, and place at the least and since there are so many I wouldn’t know which was most useful. I’ll ask the tarot if it would be best to sell this stock before the end of December:

This is a Maybe. And I sense from the card layout, if you can wait a long time, it will be OK. If not sell within the next week or so. The sooner the better in this case.

In answer to the second question. That’s a big YES according to the tarot with the tower card coming up in the upright position — the super bad position. So it looks like the fall of our economy will trigger a domino effect that will sweep across all the markets like it did in October only in a much bigger way.


Denise, do you see any positive movement in the US stock markets – Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 or Nasdaq Composite in the next 2 weeks (Thanksgiving week, and 1st week of December), before your December tsunami begins in earnest? I trying to intuit if there’ll be some “bounce” up before that big downturn starts, and getting stuck. Thanks for your blog and answer – hopefully within a day or two!

I’ll ask the tarot. Will their be a “bounce” up in the S&P 500 in the coming three weeks?

The cards say yes and no. The next couple of weeks won’t be good but in about 3 weeks there will be big turn for the better before the plunge. Perhaps this will be when the announcement to bail out the auto industry takes place.

Will there be a “bounce” up in Nasdaq Composite in the next three weeks?

That’s a basic no. But it actually looks like next week there will be some sunshine and better spirits and then back down. It doesn’t quite look as dire as the S&P or the stock market though.

Will there be a bounce up in the Dow Jones Industrial Average over the next three weeks?

That’s a no. There maybe one day in a few weeks that looks OK, where it goes up a bit but that’s as good as it will get. That day will be in the middle of the week. And it won’t last, the volatility will continue until the plunge.

Hey Denise,

With so much talk about companies bankrupting...I was curious about the wireless
industry and what will become of Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile?
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Hi Amber, 
I couldn't find data for any company except AT&T Wireless. If you can find the start dates for the other companies I can run charts on them.
Here's AT&T's chart:
att-wireless-ipoIt looks like they will have problems with companies they have partnered with over the next couple of years but once they get over that aspect they will do really well. 
Actually they have an incredibly healthy and prosperous time starting in 2012. So it could be they take
a hit because of the economy and their investments like everyone else but will recover and do very well.

The next question is from someone wishing to remain anonymous:
Thanks, also, I have two stocks QCOM qualcomm and SNDK sandisk, that I am thinking of holding. But I'm not sure how they'll perform.
So here are the charts for Qualcomm and Sandisk:
qualcomPluto is transiting Qualcomm's 12th house of loss. I have no idea what this company does or is, but it
isn't good to have Pluto transiting this house, that being said in 2014 transiting Pluto will be making
very good aspects to the natal Jupiter and the natal Moon as it conjuncts the natal Uranus. So there will
be some sort of unexpected restructuring that helps this company and makes it very profitable for a period
of time or a new technology or innovation that really gives them a boost. However, Pluto will be going
through this company's 12th for a very long time and will hit Neptune, then sextile native Pluto
so there will be up and downs, and a lot of restructuring behind the scenes, but ultimately when
Pluto goes over the ascendent in 2019, this company will be dramatically transformed or will parish.
Even though Pluto is going through the 12th (death and loss house) it is making good aspects.
So I would say in general this company will have some serious troubles, but manage to reorganize itself
and do OK once the market recovers a bit. Right now though Pluto will be on the cusp of the 11/12 houses
starting in the very beginning of December and that is very likely going to cause serious loss. So
if you can leave your money in this company for a long while it will probably be OK, but not until
Now for Sandisk:
Transiting Pluto is just about to make an exact inconjunction to the company's natal moon again in early December, late November.
Both are at 0 degrees. This aspect is not good for their investors, and I'm not going to bother with the astro speak,
just tell you that this will cause a crash in value for investors which will continue until transiting Pluto
opposes the company's part of fortune in Cancer in 2010. There will probably be some trouble then with
partnerships or legal issues they will have. Once they solve that they should do better in 2011. So if
you can wait for at least a couple of years, preferably longer, then you should recover some of the losses you will
have in the coming months. 
I can't say whether people will make money holding onto stocks however as I
have this weird feeling it's going to take a long time to get the market value up to the place it was
when most people bought their stocks. Even though things will be getting better. And companies maybe
doing OK, its sort of like what happened with the thing where everything became so overblown
there was now way to get back to where the height of those values were at their highest point.
It's my intuition that it will really take a decade for many people (those who remained in their blue
chip, stocks and made conservative investments) to get to the fiscal place they were a year or so ago.
I feel the value of the markets will rise as things change, but it won't be the wild ride we've seen, it will be more of
a steady goat climbing a mountain.
OK, my baby just woke up so I have to excuse myself and answer the following questions tomorrow:
Here's a sampling of the next batch.
Best wishes, many blessings and good luck to all of you!



Hi Denise,
Thanks for the reply. In regard to further info,
OZ Minerals is a merger between 2 companies - Oxiana and Zinifex.
The name OZ Minerals was approved by share holders on 18 July 2008 and started trading under that name on 23 July 2008. Hope this is sufficient info.

God Bless



For the people that have taken your advise and sold stocks and went to cash this year, when do you adivse investing again? I have a lot of cash in a money market fund in my 401k waiting to do this. I have a choice of 2 US domestic bond funds, 1 foreign fund and several US domestic stock funds. What would you invest in and when would you start? Thanks for doing this.



Hi Denise,

thanks so much for your blogs. I really enjoy coming back here. You have predicted a stock market “Tsunami” for December. Things are so extremely bad already… how much worse can it get…? Do you see the Dow Jones Index going below 6000 in December…? Also, do you expect Deflation or Inflation in 2009? Are they going to print so much money that the dollar becomes completely worthless and we will finally need a new currency, or o you see the dollar getting stronger, like right now?

Thanks a lot in advance,
your advice is truly appreciated!


Dear Denise,

you are awesome. Thanks for taking the time and write to us all.

I am holding stock from the company AUY. Do you see the price going back up to between 10 to 30?

Thanks a lot,

keep up the great work,



if Hillary becomes the Sec. State, hopefully she will not be excessively distracted by outside drama or personal career plans, etc.


Hi Denise firstly i would like to thank you on answering my question about GM and i look forward to the answer on Iran. I agree with this blog on the Auto industry 100%. Even with a bail out of 25 billion this would only last 2 -3 months as it costs 11 billion to keep afloat For GM alone. They will run out of reserves in roughly 1-2 months time.


I’m afraid you are right there, Denise. :o( It’s too bad these people have to be so mean.

Do you think this bomb is from domestic or foreign terrorists?

Also, you’ll probably answer this tomorrow, but won’t Michelle Obama get bored just doing First Lady stuff? She’s a high powered lawyer herself with a promising career that she has just side lined. Will she be working in a professional capacity behind the scenes?

Another question about a woman and politics…

Chelsea Clinton worked a great deal on her mom’s campaign. She seemed to really be enjoying herself. She’s got the degree for it and she’s been around the halls of power all her life. It just seems natural for her to go into politics herself. Do you see Chelsea in politics in the future?

One last question, do you see a place for Arnold Swartzenegger in the Obama administration? I know he has asked to “join the team” several times publicly.

Thanks in advance! I love your blog.

jerry mulrooney

It’s a strange feeling within me that is so at peace and sees all possitive future experiences peaceful. I am not religious (organized religion) and cried when President elect Obama was elected. Obama seems like he gets it, worldwide. Whether he can make a difference with the problems we have today, will remain to be seen. Maybe he will convince the world to in John Lennons words, “give peace a chance”,


Thank you in advance for answering my question.

If Obama chooses Hillary for the Sec of State job, will she be a team player and represent him to well or will she be a disappointment to Obama?

Will Gov. Richardson be offered a position in the Obama Administration?

Answering Readers’, Stock Market Edition…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Hi everyone, more questions, more answers.

The first from Kathleen,


Would like to know future physic prediction of Obama and Pallen

These are pretty broad questions but I’ll do my best and I’m sure over the next few years their destiny and my predictions will become more intricate and precise as their paths evolve.

But here goes.


Sarah Palin isn’t going to go quietly into the night. She’s going to exploit her 15 minutes as much as possible, however, she has transiting Neptune hitting her natal Mars in the 7th house of open enemies, squaring her 12th house cusp starting in December of this year. Mars also rules her 9th house (the law) and 4th house (home). This aspect will bring someone to the forefront, someone who has a grudge against Palin, more unflattering information will come out about her, and it’s possible another investigation of her, and her family could be triggered.

Another aspect that does not bode well for her immediate future is Pluto inconjuncting her Venus (Venus rules her 10th house of career). This is a separating aspect and Pluto rules power, so one could interpret that as power being taken from her. It again seems to indicate family trouble. Her 5th house is involved indicated it could be separation from a child, so perhaps her daughter will decide to move out once she’s married (that’s the best possible interpretation). I’m not going to mention some of the darker things these aspects could mean because as much as I don’t like her politically, I don’t want wish any ill on her regarding her personal or family life. And I don’t want to put anything out there that could freak the family out in any way. If it does manifest in a potentially very negative way there isn’t anything that can be done, so it serves no purpose. This aspect is very active from late December into late January, then comes back late June until early August of 09, and hits again from mid-October until the end of November.

And later when Neptune conjuncts her Saturn starting around the 13 of March, 2009, her career will be put in serious jeopardy. This aspect could trigger a loss of her career (and job in her case as Saturn rules her 7th) also there could be repercussions or loss within her marriage or her father or father’s side of the family or a father figure/John McCain?. However, these aspects will be conjunctions and don’t make any other major aspects so its hard to say how strong this energy will be. And there is a good chance that the negative aspects of these aspects will be off set when Jupiter goes over her 7th house and over her stellium in Aquarius in mid-April. So whatever comes up may not stick.

I’m just going to skip ahead to what we all want to know. Does she have a shot at becoming president? So lets look at the transits happening in her chart during November 2012 and 2016. I’ll spare you the astrological details and just say that her chances in 2012 aren’t good, but she does have a pretty good shot at 2016. She’ll very likely rear her head in a major way at that time.

Obama’s chart:


Obama has some amazingly great aspects for 2012 and if he was in a contest with Palin would win hands down. Now if someone came along who had even better aspects for that time period, Obama might not win, but I would doubt it as Obama’s chart would be extremely hard to beat. So I can pretty confidently say that it looks like he will win again in 2012.



I have two questions regarding the role of the Christian Right.

Someone asked about Rush Limbaugh’s decline and you responded that his influence would wane. How about James Dobson of Focus on the Family? His influence and the influence of his organization has been tremendous in affecting evangelicals and the Christian Right. Jerry Falwell has passed from the scene. So has James Kennedy. Pat Robertson seems next. Ralph Reed seems to have been neutered. That only leaves Dobson (71) as one of the remaining big names and voices of the Moral Majority and the Christian Right.

Second, will the influence of the Christian Right diminish or surge for 2012? It seems that by pandering to this part of the GOP by adding Palin to the ticket, McCain alienated a sufficient number of moderates and independents who would have otherwise voted for him. Leaders of the GOP assessing the future of their party may decide to limit the role of the CR.


Hi Moonbaby,

I looked for a DOB on James Dobson, but couldn’t find anything. If you come up with one let me know and I’ll run a chart (even if its solar) and be able to read his future influence with greater detail. My intuition is that the Christian right (if they haven’t figured this out already) is beginning to realize they have been used by the Republican party. Oddly, the inclusion of Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket ought to make this clearer then ever for them. Republicans have no problem playing the family values angle, and “social conservatives,” (ie. how shall I put it nicely: uneducated, isolated rural white America) but God forbid they actually run the party! That was the message coming through loud and clear (between the lines of course) with Sarah Palin. The quote from a McCain aide, “Wasilla hillbillies raiding Neiman Marcus coast to coast,” is a perfect example of this double standard.

Bush appeared to be one of the religious right “social conservatives,” and although he was as dumb as bubble gum stuck to the bottom of a tennis shoe, he had a pedigree. He went to Ivy league schools, his dad was president, he grew up in the halls of power (albeit he was drunk and doing cocaine, but still.) He wasn’t a “hillbilly,” he just seemed like one. 

The splintering in the Republican party is only going to get worse in my opinion because there are two very different sets of Republicans who really share little in common. 1) The “social conservatives,” who want to deny civil rights to people based on their sexual orientation and control other people’s wombs and: 2) The very greedy and privileged, who really don’t care about “social conservative,” issues, they just care about not paying taxes and being crazy squirrels who bury so many nuts in their lawns they can’t even remember where they put them. These people look down on group #1. And group #2 is a very small group, so they desperately need group #1 to horns-waggle and manipulate. The sad thing here is I believe group #1 has naively gone along with their religious leaders, who are busy getting rich and trying to keep their wealth like group #2. 

My point here is, the vast majority of the Republican party, those who are “values voters,” can not be happy that there have been so many shenanigans within the Republican party over the past 8 years from corruption indictments to homosexual romps exposed. These are the people who were horrified Bill Clinton had an affair with a woman. Imagine how hard they took it when they found out Ted Stevens was doing blow with a male hooker and Senator foot tapper was caught in an airport bathroom trolling for gay sex. All this and they didn’t get to overturn Roe vs. Wade! Really, they didn’t even get close. President Bush (the supposed 2nd coming of Christ according to some churches before the 1st election — boy were they wrong!) abandoned them pretty early on, and followed his own interests those of group #2, the one he really belonged to.

I predict there will be a couple of opposite pulls going on in the Christian right. I feel there will be a strong, even more crazy, racist, sexist, nut jobby (not what Jesus would condone in any way) neo-nazi type of arch, and those who are more moderate, and more intelligent who will loose their faith, or move more toward the middle, or the left over the next few years. I feel there will be great polarization in this movement, and it will not really have the strong hold it has enjoyed, but will be more of a fringe group of kind of crazy people who will truly be anything, but Christian.

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

Hi Denise,

What do the cards say about Bobby Jindal from Louisiana or Mitt Romney? I do think that Obama will win another 4 years and there will not be any mention about Sarah Palin. Also why did the McCain campaign have two separate campaigns going on? One for McCain and the other for Sarah Palin?????

Hi Tjuania,

I have to admit I knew nothing about Bobby Jindal until you asked the question about him. The little bit of research I did makes me wonder so many things about this man, did he convert to Christianity just to get into politics? Why would a person of East Indian descent become a Republican? Or be against abortion in the case of rape or incest? Or be against stem cell research? Especially when he considered going into medicine. 

Since I couldn’t find a time of birth here’s his solar chart:


Is it just me or is it chilly in here? No, it’s Bobby Jindal’s chart. Eeeck, he’s icy. Moon in Capricorn, Venus Saturn conjunct in Taurus in the 12th with a Sun and Mercury in Gemini! He may have a grand earth trine depending on the time of his birth, but its safe to say he is very ambitious, lacking in compassion, materialistic and opportunistic with Neptune conjunct Jupiter. He does have a loose grand air trine that makes him extremely intelligent, calculating, strategic and insufferably fixed in his ideas of the way he thinks things should be.

Honestly, his chart gives me the creeps. I hate to say that because I think it’s great that he managed to become governor of a southern state despite the racism he must have faced with both his parents being from India. And I must say I have a soft spot for Hinduism, but alas he’s not a Hindu, his parents are. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bobby, hadn’t been angling for a career in politics since grammar school. And it makes sense that he went for the Republican side as it fits his personality much better than what seems on the surface would seem a more natural fit, the Democrats. I have a feeling this guy isn’t going away and is likely to try a run for the highest office in the land as soon as it seems viable for him to do so. My gut says, he’s power hungry, snobby and arrogant. I’m sure he truly believes he’s better than everyone, and has the right to govern because of it.

OK, now Mitt Romney. I ran a solar chart on him, again no time of birth:


You ever get the feeling Mitt is hiding something? Well, that’s because he is, I knew he felt a bit slimy but he’s not as bad as he seems. He actually is pretty sensitive, but he is also extremely secretive. And it looks like he came from money through both his father and his mother’s sides. This is a man who hasn’t had a tremendous amount of struggle in his life, and this is most likely why he can’t really understand what it’s like to be a regular working person.

With so much water in his chart in weak placements it is why he changes his opinions with the wind. It looks like he is a pretty religious guy, and not a bad person if you got to know him, which very few people really do. But he’s very out of touch with ordinary people, and with America as a whole, and I doubt very much he could be much of a leader. His chart doesn’t show strong leadership skills. He’s too passive, and too secretive even though he has this tremendous desire for power that comes from his father. He just doesn’t have the character to live up to that desire. Looking at his chart I don’t see any real chance that he could ever become president.


What will happen to the auto industry Ford and crysler?

Hi Elly,

Here’s Ford’s chart, hint, it doesn’t look good for them right now:


By the end of this month Pluto will be conjuncting Ford’s natal Mars, this is not good for their investors, as Mars rules the 8th house of investments. If you own stock, I’d look for a good day to sell it before the 26th of November unless you want to keep it for a very long time. Once this aspect hits off and on over the next year, there will be major losses for investors. Then things will sort of stabilize for awhile, but really the worse is yet to come as Pluto will conjunct Ford’s Pluto in the 10th causing major changes in the way Ford works, and possible relocation of their company. That will come in about 2011 so we don’t have to get too exact right now with that aspect, but after that transiting Pluto (through the 5th house of speculation) will hit the company’s Sun in the 11th and I would say at that point either Ford will come up with some radical new technology, and save themselves, or go out of business. This will be in about 8 years from now.

However, some good news: there is a positive aspect helping the company as Pluto opposes its Mars, transiting Pluto will be making a trine to natal Uranus which is in the 6th and rules the 6th. I would think that this means there will be some sort of bail out for the company that will save jobs at least for the time being. But the stock will go down in value as a result of the opposition. It may have some better days ahead, but its going to go through some serious changes over the next 8 years. And there is a chance with so much Pluto action that the company could fail, and ultimately go out of business.So, its up to you to trust your intuition about this. My gut tells me its going to be all over the place for awhile and will eventually mutate into something else.

I have been feeling the auto industry’s demise since this summer but I’m not sure if I wrote a post exclusively about it although I meant to. I may have mentioned it in relationship to the financial crisis in another post. I meant to do a detailed analysis of this issue, but felt it might seem to obvious a prediction and also got side tracked by the election.

Hope this helps you some.

I will save the other car makers for tomorrow and the following questions! As well as new posts.

Best wishes and many blessings!



Nice site ) I concurr that a bad crash is yet to come on the markets. GM (general motors) is a likely cause for this fall. Do you also see GM been the cause or do you see them been bailed out? Also if i may ask Do you see a time frame for the inevitable war with Iran which also would cause a stockmarket crash and a likely rise dramatically in oil prices.

Thank you )


Hi Denise,
Thanks for this
blog. I really enjoy reading it everyday.
I am curious if you can
find out about the Acr of the Covenant. Is a religious conglomerate hiding it? I suspect it could be the Catholic or Protestant church? When and/or how will it be found? I am really curious as to what it reveal and how it will change our lives.
Thank You

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions… (And Alaska!)

OK, I had a bunch of bad, creepy dreams about Alaska. I posted what I thought they meant. I’m not saying it wasn’t one manifestation of those creepy dreams, but it looks like something very fishy did indeed go on up there! It’s just coming out now. I’ll be curious to see how this situation unravels.


Hi Denise: Many Republicans want Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012. I think you had mentioned that she will be impeached. When will this happen and will the republicans change their minds afterwards? Thanks

Hi Tckal,

We are just starting to see the skeletons shake loose from her closet. In the post where I mentioned there being a very good chance she might be impeached as governor, I also talked about how there was a mess of ugly stuff being hidden about Palin. 

I asked the tarot if she would be impeached:

It says: Maybe. 

She has a lot of enemies as I said in that prior post, and at the center of all this is gossip. The impeachment energy could be her ousting from the political arena once she’s served her term as governor never to be seen or heard from again. There is a lot of dirt on this woman. It isn’t over yet! The cards basically say, she may manage to keep her job as governor, but it won’t matter because her political career will be ruined by the end of her term.

Also in that previous posting I remember she has some bad aspects to her 7th house, the house of open enemies and the public. I said she had a bunch of enemies, people who would try to destroy her. It looks like this might end up coming from the McCain camp! They’re calling her a Diva, a hillbilly and saying she didn’t know Africa is a continent. That is pretty nasty stuff.


I have a couple of questions:
Did the stock market bottom out for the year of 2008 on oct 10th or will it find new lows as mentioned in the tsunami coming in December?
Also since this would be the worst recession in 100 years What year will the stock market bottom out at and what number should i be looking at on the DOW before all the damage is done?

Hi Sunbeyond:

No, the bottom hasn’t come yet. The aspect goes exact at the end of December and into January 21/22 of 2009, until about the time when Obama is inaugurated. Then the horrible aspect receeds, giving the market a bit of a break. But it will come and go over the next year. I will remind everyone when the next exact aspect is about to happen so those who want to get out can do so before there’s another major drop. Here are the dates for future reference: The aspect goes exact again on 6/21/09 or 6/22/09 until 8/5/09 or 8/6/09, then comes back again 10/18/09 or 10/19/09 until 11/24/09 or 11/25/09. After that we will go through some smaller crisis, but be out of the major storm. 

In essence what I’m saying is the market is going to be crazy volatile and require major restructuring for the next year. Obama’s chart does soften these aspects so believe it or not (and you won’t because its going to be bad) it would have been a million times worse with McCain’s chart interacting with the Dow. Obama will lesson the effect of this crazy market. Not that he can pull butterflies out of the air and walk on water, just that he will be able to get it under control, and steer it toward the restructuring side of these aspects rather than the death side of these aspects. 

Hope that helps.

Keep sending me questions. I am also going to start looking into foreign affairs so if anyone has a question in regards to that please post it!

Best wishes and blessings to all of you!

Answering Readers’ Questions… (And Alaska!)

Answering Readers’ Questions…


My husband thinks Palin wont release her medical records because she’s had breast implants. I wonder with so many children if she’s ever had post partum depression and been given an anti-depressant….Just a couple of thoughts…

Hi Hope and a Plan, I think your husbands theory makes a lot of sense because she’s clearly vein. And it wouldn’t be cool for a conservative uber right wing Evangelical to have breast implants. Also your ideas make a lot of sense given her associations with the extreme right. Both your theories seem very logical.

I had wondered myself about both of those possibilities, and last night after I posted I wondered if perhaps the red spot I saw over her heart was due to emotional problems and excessive anger which we all know she has. But I’m going to say that the red spot is a physical problem. Red spots like this in the aura are not necessarily life threatening, when I’ve seen gray or black, that is life threatening. But it has the potential to become life threatening over time.

I think she and the first dude are very strategic, especially him. She’s got the “it” factor and he’s got the brains for strategyt. I have a feeling she doesn’t really think for herself, kind of like Reagan — also an example of the negative Aquarian type who is easily influenced by their partner. Reagan had been pretty liberal until he met Nancy. Nancy’s family had been very into Republican politics. Reagan was a likeable guy who could sell their agenda to the public. I think Palin is the same. Her erratic nature comes from the rare moment when her own idea drift past and her ego goes a bit wild, and she blurts stuff out. 

If it was found that she had a congenital heart defect, or a problems with her main artery or something major like that, it would make her bid for presidency riddled with even more problems than it already is. I believe her problem is not life threatening at the moment. It is under control, but she maybe on medicine or have had surgeries on her heart. And starting off with this before she gets the Republican presidential nomination would most likely make her an unsalable candidate.

I know the prediction is odd, but this is why I trust it.

For awhile I heard people wondering if it was because her baby was really not hers, which would also make sense. But I did a reading about it and it looked like the baby was hers.


About my and Tijuania’s posts on commodities, precious metals and the US dollar. This was what I was trying to get at. Why move all of your money out of something of value like commodities into a paper currency even though it is insured? Government policies today are much different then the 30’s. It seems with the way the US government is giving away money that hyperinflation like that of Wiemar Germany of 1923 or of Zimbabwe today is on its way. If that is true surely having all of your money in US dollars even though insured would be a bad idea. Is hyperinflation on its way? Is the US dollar in danger of being replaced?

Hi Barry, I understand your frustration. I did feel that if McCain won we would see hyper-inflation pre-WWII Germany style. I was getting visions of that horrible future when McCain was up in the polls which is why I looked into his, Palin, Obama and Biden’s charts so extensively. McCain as I’ve posted before has a lot of stuff that would activate the break down of the Dow in even more horrible ways then anything you can imagine. It would be a perfect storm of economic melt down if he won. He would make the situation go from horrible to horrifyingly scary. The kind of scary that borders on apocalyptic, not a word I use lightly. I’m not saying that because I’m liberal and as a matter of fact I was surprised to see McCain’s chart set off all these terrible aspects in the Dow and also the NASDAQ’s charts. It scared me.

But Obama is going to win, and I don’t see things getting that bad. I believe we are going to have some hard times, much like the recession of the 70s with shades of the 30s. But it will be very different as well, and will involve the entire world. So it’s hard to explain and predict because it won’t be like anything we’ve ever dealt with or seen before.

OK, I found a date for the start of the Commodities Market, here’s the chart:

OK, this is odd. I wouldn’t have expected this market to look bad. But if you notice the top of the chart, the cusp of the 10th house is at 0 degrees Capricorn and the rising is 0 degrees Aries. Pluto will also be reeking some havoc in this market as well. Pluto hitting the 10th squaring the 1st will make this market readjust, that combined with Neptune hitting the charts Mercury in March, makes me think people will be so afraid of investing. They will pull money out, and there will be losses here as well. Or perhaps there won’t be as much money for people to invest which will impact the commodities market.

This market will not be in the same kind of horrible tail spin the Dow will be in, but it will have some stumbles, and perhaps because of fear,and a lot of loss, people will not want to invest in anything remotely seen as speculative. This will drive down the value of goods and commodities. Weird, but that’s what it looks like. Hope that helps clarify your questions.

I am going to answer the other questions tomorrow. Hope you all had a great Halloween. Best wishes to all and blessings.

Answering Readers’ Questions…

The Economy…

In a post last week I talked about foreign intervention in the markets and a rally on wall street, I thought it would be toward the end of the week. I have a feeling this whole week will be good for those of you wanting to get out. 

Pluto is a karmic planet and the more our country and the world goes toward the politics of tolerance, understanding, intelligence and fairness, the better the world economy will get. I don’t know if any of you noticed, but when John McCain was up in the polls, the market took a dive. Now I’m not saying he is directly responsible, but as I said in an earlier post his chart is so bad for the Dow that if he won we would see, as I said before the difference between, “an economic Hiroshima,” in the case of McCain, as opposed to an “economic knife fight” if Obama wins. I truly believe that as we are headed into a double digit lead for Obama, we will see the Pluto aspect in December lesson. That’s my feeling right now. 

There is always choice. Fate vs. freewill this is a big debate in the astrological community. “Bad” charts and “bad” aspects can be used for good if the individual or the entity being read has been virtuous, true, and built a life of doing good. One can also avert disaster by making a change in the path toward these principles which I believe the American people are doing right now, but it won’t erase the karma we will have incurred, it will however soften the blow. So that’s the good news.

The future is a path and as more go toward the positive, the better it will be for all of us. This being said, we will see some very unprecedented and bizarre times in the stock market over the next couple of years so if you don’t have the stomach for it, best to get out while you can. There is going to be a major restructuring of the world economy and the market place as a whole. So for the little guys like me, it might be best to play it safe. That’s what I plan to do. I’m personally am going to wait for the Pluto aspect (which takes several years) to pass before re-entering the stock market. I’ll keep you posted. 

One tip though, in about 2010 we will see the start of a good time to buy real estate and turn that around for a bunch of money in 6-8 years.

Best wishes and good luck.

The Economy…

In general…

We have Pluto moving into Capricorn and their will be major changes in the way business is conducted globally. Probably more regulations and oversight which is greatly needed. Historically de-regulation is bad for business in the long run. It may seem good to multi-national corporations in the short run because they are able to create monopolies but by doing so they cut off the innovation of smaller companies and thus the blood line of the economy in general. During the last Great Depression regulations were put in place to assure a fair playground. The free market is not free when the playing field is tilted toward multi-national corporations. Just like we wouldn’t want to walk out on the street and have our loved ones murdered by serial killers only to find that because they’ve got a great lobby, there is no recourse for justice — regulations are rules, laws to govern business which like all other entities (be they  human or run by humans) are imperative to the free market, civilization and democracy. Corporations have rights like you and I and it’s time for them to live by the same rules we live by as individuals. Remember the Robber Barons of the turn of the last century? Well, we’ve created a new class of them via de-regulation. Before laws protecting children, kids worked 20 hours a day in factories, meat was rotten on the shelf and killing people. Our ancestors fought hard to make sure corporations were held accountable, and the Republican party has been widdling away at these laws for decades now. We are now about to suffer the consequences. Write your congressmen and women, your senators and make your voices heard. We need accountability. I know the rich don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes but the reality is we are going to pay their share if they don’t. Personally, I don’t want my daughter paying for the sins of wall street and I doubt you do either. 

Please feel free to post questions anonymously. If you have any corporation you want to check out give me the name. I have a data base of every publicly traded company at my fingertips. I will gladly do the chart and give you an evaluation. Perhaps even help you to find the opportune time to get out of the market before the collapse, enabling you to keep as much money in your pocket as possible.

In general…