Exoplanets, Multiverses and the Aquarian Age

There have been over 300 exoplanets found in recent years. Exoplanets are planets that revolve around other stars, planets outside our solar system. So far those found exoplanets have been gaseous monsters more akin to Jupiter than Earth. And actually often many times larger then Jupiter. The reason being; they are easiest to find because they literally tug on the stars they revolve around. And with our new fan-dangled telescopes in space and telescopes with computer programs that compensate for our atmosphere, we have been able to peer into the universe actually back to the beginning of time. A freaky thought, we can actually look back (because light takes a long time to get here) back at the birth of our cosmos. By 2012 scientists believe they will find a planet that is not only earth-like, but has the makings and or markings of life.

Oddly, the more scientists study our universe the more questions have been raised which are often relegated to the realm of philosophers, theologians and occultists. Such as; if there was a big bang, how did it happen? That question has actually been tackled and led to some very interesting theories that echo ancient philosophy. One such theory is well known, string theory which proposes a minimium of at least 11 dimensions and tiny strings that vibrate which basically sing everything into being; this idea seems very like the myth of Quaoar. And accordingly our universe was created by 2 other universes bumping together and suddenly Bang! Our universe was born. I like this idea, it’s very much in keeping with the Goddess/God myths and the idea of “as above, so below.”

There is also the theory of an infinite amount of universes and dimensions, some compeletly barren of life others thriving like ours, where everything just happened to be perfectly tuned to allow it to exist. To me this seems the most logical and probable, it also doesn’t dismiss the idea of string theory or the notion of universes doing the bump and grind.

And lastly is the anthropic principle which basically states, there are just too many coincidences for our universe not to have some sort of creator because everything in our universe is perfectly tuned to encourage life. If anything about our universe was slightly tweaked it would be barren. And perhaps, which is my personal opinion, all these theories are right in a way.

Needless to say, chances are extremely remote that we are the only universe, and there are only 4 dimensions (time being one of course). In which case we are not only one star in a galaxy of about 250 billion, inside a universe of who knows how many billions of gallaxies. But we are in a multiverse with an infinite amount of universes, and an infinite amount of dimensions. This makes the possibility of us being alone extraordinarily unlikely. And this reality will challenge our current major Western religious traditions which rely on personal conversion via a special emissary from God.

These theories threaten the idea of anthropomorphic God (if there’s so much life, and its so diverse why would we we God look like us? He could look like an alien eight legged space creature for all we know, but chances are He/She doesn’t look like anything but is pure energy). It also threatens the notion of one Messiah sent to save us.

If God had to personally rescue every intelligent life form by sending his son or daughter down to every intelligent life in the multidimensional multiverse He/She wouldn’t be able to do anything except save His/Her creations from the forces of darkness.

These theories make the idea of our specialness seem a bit egomanical and the religions built on these irrational feelings seem small and ill equipped to answer the big questions which they were designed to answer. It’s my belief that as science progresses on its course it will continue to bring us closer to the truth, and a real understanding of the multiverse. We will end up coming full circle to many of the older esoteric teachings which (having studied them) are remarkably akin to what science is digging up. The three major western religions, all very much Piscean age in their emphasis and spiritual teachings, will begin to crumble. This will be the end of the world as we have known it, Armageddon. But it won’t be the end of us, we will survive to find enlightenment outside this limited view which has had people killing each other over the fine print of the very same God’s word.

It is no wonder that the extraterrestrial or UFO phenomena has really not been properly investigated by the scientific community and has been mired in government secrecy. My grandmother told me a story about listening to the radio show, “War of the Worlds,” when it came out. She said people were running down the street screaming. And there were actual suicides, people throwing themselves out of buildings because they not only believed they were being invaded by aliens, but people were so terrified by the very idea of alien creatures. People are frightened of other human beings from different races, imagine an alien race dropping down from the sky. Who would choose to believe this? And of course the government would want to cover it up. It takes away their power to protect their people if some alien race can swoop down and do experiments on their people and they can do nothing to protect those people. How does it benefit any government to acknowledge they have no power to stop these attacks?

For me the lamest arguement against the visitation of extraterrestrial beings is a common one that goes something like this: “Well, if they are visiting us, then why don’t they land on the whitehouse lawn and meet with the president to prove to us they’re really here.”

Here are the flaws in this arguement. 1. If they are advanced enough to come here from another universe, dimension, time or place in our universe then we are by comparison extremely primitive compared to them and potentially dangerous. Do our scientists tap the alpha wolf of a pack on the shoulder and ask, “Uhm, excuse me Mr. Alpha wolf would it be OK if our peeps here tagged some of your pack, and maybe did a little experimenting on them so we could get a better idea of what you guys are all about?”

If any scientist was stupid enough to try that, not only would the alpha wolf not understand the scientist, chances are the wolf would rip the guys face off and eat his guts for breakfast.

I’m pretty sure if an alien race came to earth, they would want to observe us first, make sure we weren’t violent and irrational. If  however we were intelligent and civilized enough to negotiate with, they might then make some kind of contact with our government. But after observing us for as little as a week, it would be clear we were naturally hostile, violent and unpredictable kind of like a wild animal.

We invaded Iraq because we thought they had weapons of mass destruction. What would we try to do if we knew without a doubt our people were being abducted, abused, tortured, experimented on, and who knows what else? Wouldn’t we demand our government kill these evil aliens?

Answer: Yes.

We don’t let other humans torture and kill without repercussions. We certainly wouldn’t let some creepy alien race do it for purposes of their personal edification.

And number 2) Has anybody every considered we are being treated in the same way we treat animals? Perhaps we are an experiment to one or more alien races, and part of the experiment is observing us, the way we do animals in the wild, with as little meddling as possible. Perhaps, they don’t want to be found out! Maybe they don’t land on the white-house lawn because they don’t see us as equals.

Wow, imagine that!  A creature in the universe who is actually more advanced and thinks they are smarter than us!

Now back to the theological question raised by alien life. I’m sure our universe is teeming with it. And besides finding life on other planets, I’m pretty positive life from out there has found us. There is too much evidence, too many witnesses, too many mass sightings and too much bizarro activity to keep pretending. Something is going on, and it has been for a long time. The shapes of the crafts have changed from saucers to triangular lights, but there are far too many credible sightings and physical evidence from witnesses to poo poo.

I recently saw a case of two woman with a young boy who witnessed a UFO many years prior. The woman who got out of the car showed signs of severe radiation poisoning and was hospitalized 3 times for this, and isolated to the basement of the hospital with a hazmat sign posted outside her door. The other woman had milder radiation poisoning. She had remained in the car. The boy had the least since he was not only in the car, but away from the windows.  According to the doctor who treated the woman for radiation poisoning the other woman and boy were shielded from the radiation due to the metal of the car. The boy was most shielded because he was under the dashboard. I guess the glass of the car allowed some radiation to spill through. 

And back to the theological question of extraterrestrial life:

It’s my belief there is no creator type of God, but rather an infinite energy that is God/Goddess/Higher power. It has no gender and is actually simultaneously in everything, and everyone, joining all of the universe together in a giant web of energy. And when we die, we rejoin the core of this energy, get recycled through a process of co-creation, where we are active participants in designing our next lifetime in order to learn and grow.

It’s my belief that as pieces of this divine being, we are each attempting to individuate through various lifetime, and like roots from a plant, our souls are in search of the water of knowledge which we each bring back like dutiful ants to our source the God/Goddess energy, or the infinite, which is like a multifaceted diamond with many faces and areas to reflect upon for deeper connection.

Now back to my point about the end of the Piscean age and the earnest beginning of the Aquarian one. The Piscean age was about sacrifice, martyrdom, selflessness all as necessary tools to master for spiritual development. Its my belief that in the Aquarian age, being connected to the whole of creation/the Universe and personal individuation will be the main themes of how we get to the next step in our collective evolution.

Science will play a major role in how we come to see both the connection between us and all things, and in our own uniqueness. Actually, I have the feeling that science itself will become fodder for spiritual revelations and confirm very ancient ideas like the old stand by, “As above, so below.” Which is really an ancient description of a fractal and the idea that we have everything available to us to unravel the mysteries of ourself and the universe if we just pay unbiased attention. Another ancient model which seems very prescient is the Kabbalah or Tree of Life which is a very elegant, simple and poetic way of describing creation. 

In it there are two pillars of creation. One side feminine the other masculine. Beyond the pillars is the unknowable region of GOD which is a genderless, unfathomable beingness called Kether on the Tree of Life, the Abyss beyond the two pillars or dual nature of our universe. It is oneness where we are connected directly to God/Goddess through our higher-self. It is pure energy, beyond our brain’s comprehension (it is a place unbound by the laws of our universe and our dualistic order). Our higher mind, our soul, our higher-self is able to go to touch this sacred space beyond space-time, beyond the laws that govern our universe or multiverse but if one tries to understand it or make sense of it, all knowing of it disintegrates. It’s like trying to carry a patch of air in your hand while diving under water. All you are left with is the knowing, the feeling. But Kether can not be brought back here it is a vibration too high and powerful for thick slow moving Malkuth (the final earthly plane on the Tree of Life) which is where we live and why we don’t remember our life inbetween lives and most of us don’t remember our other lives which are washed clean in the energy of Kether.

Exoplanets, Multiverses and the Aquarian Age

Answering Readers…

  • From readers Grace and Wei:

    grace43 // December 28, 2008 at 6:08 am (edit)

    When is the period of kindness you talked about going to begin? I am seeing a whole lot of just deeply distrubing behavior on the news – a man massacres his ex wife’s family in CA, another man decides to up and shoot a father in a Philadelphia movie theater, a guy in Scotland holding that poor, poor woman hostiage in the trunk of his car for ten days…

    It seems like people have lost their dang minds. Thanks in advance. Happy New Years!

  • Wei // December 28, 2008 at 3:56 pm 

    I think kindness starts from here… us. There’s too much carelessness and thoughtlessness in the world. If anger and lack of regard for others starts, there’s no need to continue in that kind of vein, otherwise all of us are in trouble. It is true that we are all a community and I hope over time, we will evolve to that kind of thinking.

    To Answer Grace first:

    I think we are going to see the worst of mankind first before we see the best of it. I am an optimist by nature and generally believe that when given a hard lesson people eventually learn it and open their hearts toward growth. Unfortunately, I’ve seen, as I’m sure we all have, that it takes a lot to break open the hard hearted, greedy and selfish. And the truth is there are a lot of people on this planet (last count over 6 billion) and many of them are young souls who are pretty darn selfish. Which means for all of us, it will take experiencing a lot of bad before we see the light as a group. And it may also mean that there will be a lot of sacrifice in order to learn the lesson of humanitarianism. As we go from the Piscean age to the Aquarian age there will be a time of reckoning and I fear a lot of terrible stuff we will have to endure before we see the light.

    Wei is right:

    There is so much thoughtlessness and carelessness in the world. We are going to have to learn just as children do, about boundaries. But in our case these lessons will be large scale, very frightening, and come in the form of war, disasters, and economic melt downs before we can begin to band together and truly value each others humanity. It’s sad that we have to learn the hard way but I think we’ve proven we don’t learn any other way.

    I’ve been having a lot of nightmares over the past week, broad scale, a lot having to do with elemental energies like water and fire. The news seems full of craziness, more each day. But its not a surprise astrologically. We are in for some tough times in many ways, but there is hope. 

    The more the enlighten participate, the more those who are kind hearted and empathic step up to support and stand up for those who are down trodden the greater our chances to avert the worst of our potential fate, and the faster those who are ignorant will learn about compassion. We all have to be the best examples we can be. We are all teachers here — something we have either forgotten or not much acknowledged. 

    Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,



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