Answering Readers…

  • From readers Grace and Wei:

    grace43 // December 28, 2008 at 6:08 am (edit)

    When is the period of kindness you talked about going to begin? I am seeing a whole lot of just deeply distrubing behavior on the news – a man massacres his ex wife’s family in CA, another man decides to up and shoot a father in a Philadelphia movie theater, a guy in Scotland holding that poor, poor woman hostiage in the trunk of his car for ten days…

    It seems like people have lost their dang minds. Thanks in advance. Happy New Years!

  • Wei // December 28, 2008 at 3:56 pm 

    I think kindness starts from here… us. There’s too much carelessness and thoughtlessness in the world. If anger and lack of regard for others starts, there’s no need to continue in that kind of vein, otherwise all of us are in trouble. It is true that we are all a community and I hope over time, we will evolve to that kind of thinking.

    To Answer Grace first:

    I think we are going to see the worst of mankind first before we see the best of it. I am an optimist by nature and generally believe that when given a hard lesson people eventually learn it and open their hearts toward growth. Unfortunately, I’ve seen, as I’m sure we all have, that it takes a lot to break open the hard hearted, greedy and selfish. And the truth is there are a lot of people on this planet (last count over 6 billion) and many of them are young souls who are pretty darn selfish. Which means for all of us, it will take experiencing a lot of bad before we see the light as a group. And it may also mean that there will be a lot of sacrifice in order to learn the lesson of humanitarianism. As we go from the Piscean age to the Aquarian age there will be a time of reckoning and I fear a lot of terrible stuff we will have to endure before we see the light.

    Wei is right:

    There is so much thoughtlessness and carelessness in the world. We are going to have to learn just as children do, about boundaries. But in our case these lessons will be large scale, very frightening, and come in the form of war, disasters, and economic melt downs before we can begin to band together and truly value each others humanity. It’s sad that we have to learn the hard way but I think we’ve proven we don’t learn any other way.

    I’ve been having a lot of nightmares over the past week, broad scale, a lot having to do with elemental energies like water and fire. The news seems full of craziness, more each day. But its not a surprise astrologically. We are in for some tough times in many ways, but there is hope. 

    The more the enlighten participate, the more those who are kind hearted and empathic step up to support and stand up for those who are down trodden the greater our chances to avert the worst of our potential fate, and the faster those who are ignorant will learn about compassion. We all have to be the best examples we can be. We are all teachers here — something we have either forgotten or not much acknowledged. 

    Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,



Answering Readers…

One thought on “Answering Readers…

  1. Wei says:

    Thankfully, I don’t get nightmares, but more than any other time in my life, do I feel very uneasy about the future, despite the realities of my life which I can’t complain about. The convergence of so many prophecies and there are many on 2012, I really wonder if we are going to make it. We can hope and pray that each of us will begin to make a difference for a better world.

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