Answering Readers, and More About Eris…

  Hi Denise, 

I just saw in the news that there was an earthquake in S Carolina, early this morning. I had a thought about the orange garage light experience you had last night. Sometimes when I get signs they are literal. Do you think its somewhere called Orange? Orange county Florida, California, or Orange the city in different areas??? And, Do you think there is anything to worry about with the Soviets doing naval excercises in the waters off of Venezuela? Thanks for keeping up the blog!

Hi Hope and A Plan,

I had wondered about this, it was definitely something one would see in a ghost movie. I remembered as I was falling to sleep having had a dream the night before about an attempted terrorist type of attack, the weapons were mostly machine guns and I think there was an armored car involved. In the dream I was a spy uncovering the scheme. it was a foreign european country. it was night time and I didn’t think that much about it. That was all I remembered of it. It was so odd, that I kind of forgot about it. It’s not often I’m a spy exchanging gun fire in a dream. But I wondered as I was falling asleep the night of the crazy garage light, if perhaps I had blown off a warning dream the night before, and the light was trying to draw my attention to my unconscious.

I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older (and because of all the migraine and seizure medicine I take now) that I often forget my dreams, and most of my psychic stuff happens while I’m awake, often physical/poltergeist type of manifestations mixed with intense emotional feelings attached to words that circle around in my head for days until I can’t ignore them anymore. Maybe the spirits really have to hit me over the head because I’m either jaded or the medicine I take makes remembering my dreams difficult. Anyway, I thought it was interesting to read the post by you which I have coming up after Better Days Ahead’s comment, about the terrorist attack in France. I’m not surprised by the attempt because as i said there are a bunch of European countries that have Pluto hitting something important in their national chart right now. But France actually doesn’t have anything all that nasty compared to most, so its not surprising the attempt was stopped. In my dream there was gun fire exchanged. And I’m not sure if it was France or Germany or England, it was just a very typical European city. There are parts of all European cities that look the way the dream did. Hopefully this will be it for attempted terrorist attacks for the time being, but I don’t know. I am a little worried that there maybe a bigger broader wider international type of plan coming, something that will involve multiple attacks in many European cities at the same time, and here as well because of this critical degree in cardinal signs seen in so many important and national charts. I really need to study the charts again, but I’ve been so busy as we all have with the holiday and trying to keep away one of my intense migraine’s under control for the past week.


  If there’s gonna be a big sell off, it might be lead by a failure to make a loan to the auto industry. Clearly Bush and his folks are against this.


Hi Better Days Ahead,

It looked like the American auto industry would survive for the next couple of years and then go under. But there is so much anger about the last bail out which as I said in the posts back before it happened, wasn’t going to go through the first time around when it actually would have helped, but rather a watered down crappy version would pass and do really no good. People have a right to be angry. In my opinion the only reason the bail out happened was to show good faith to the rest of the world — basically to make it look like we were doing something, ANYTHING. But alas, the bail out was so flawed by the time it passed it really was an empty, extremely expensive gesture. Of course though the banking industry is the life blood of the global economy and if we poisoned it, then we were obliged to fix it or risk losing our place in the world economy. We would have been thrown out of the game for being cheaters, which of course, we were, so our government had to make a show of good faith to save face. But they really didn’t get much else accomplished for the money. The auto industry is a very different beast and it will fold our economy into a full swing Depression if it collapses, but we won’t be contaminating the world water supply like we did with the banking scheme. The Republicans don’t really care about saving Joe Normal’s job at GM, and as its turning out they didn’t really care about saving the world economy either, just fattening deals for their peeps. But that’s another story. I can’t say I have a lot of pity for the CEO’s of the American car makers, they’ve been morons. But I do feel for the people who have done their best, and worked hard at their jobs, and now face the potential loss of the life they’ve known.



Hi Denise,

I woke up with the feeling that everything was shaking and a lot of energy was swirling. I have been sensitive to geo activity. It doesnt need to be local. Of course, all of this might be personal to me… I wonder if this is particularly heightened since I have my Moon at 0 degrees of Capricorn at the nadir, or collective unconscious of my chart?? I just saw that a terrorist attack and asassination attempt were thwarted in France. There was a thwarted terrorist attempt of an Air France flight to LA a couple of years ago. Seems like this time of year is a vulnerable time for France… Take care of yourself…

Hi Hope And A Plan,

There have also been some earth quakes out this way the past few months. There was a pretty big one (5. something) about 4 months ago that we really felt, another out in the desert that was over 6 something, but in a very un-populated area, but it was felt here as well as in Arizona and Nevada. I felt it as a gentle rocking. Then of course some in the mid-west not too long ago. It has made me wonder, seems like there are an awful lot of them all over the place but then again, it seems earthquakes come in swarms and then calm for a while before the next swarm hits.

I would think you’d be very sensitive to both geo activity and the collective unconscious with your moon at 0 degrees Cap and Pluto going over it right now. Pluto does rule mass consciousness, transformation, and of course Capricorn is an earth sign. 


I hope you feel better!!! Many Angels to you!!!
As for the comment I made last night about Eris, after reading it today I am not so sure about how well I conveyed my thoughts. It didn’t come out the way I thought I was conveying it at the time. Hence, I am not a writer! I am also not sure if I was right about her. I had some very weird, and actually not very dreamy, dreams last night about a lot of people being homeless. Not sure if it was Eris visiting me in my sleep or if it the fact that writing that comment was the last thing I did before I went to bed last night. I thought I was being enlightening but, I am not so sure about it today.
But, anyway, FEEL BETTER!! : ) Many Angels to YOU!! 

Hi Sparker,

I’ve been doing more research on Eris. It seems that my hunch about the patriarchal version of her as slanted toward the negative is right. She is much like a trickster, Goddess of chaos and discord. She likes to confuse or as my friend would say she’s a sh*t stir, meaning she likes to get people to think, laugh and is seen (among those who see her as positive) to be a Goddess of creativity through chaos. She also likes to reveal the superficial and make people think. I found a site that extolls Her virtues and have posted some of it here for reference and a link to the site for anyone who wishes to find out more about this Goddess who will ultimately be absorbed into astrology once we figure her out. I’m working on it right now. Here are some excerpts from the site:

Today’s Eris, as is often said by Discordians, shows more of Her mellow aspects, at least to Her ‘co-conspirators’ who sometimes tend to err on the side of attributing to Her every sort of weirdness that intrudes into their lives. Eris is said to be responsible for generating bureaucracies among human societies to both keep the tyrants confused and to keep the intelligent perplexed. She is also here to tell us that, contrary to the religious, spiritual, and theological dogmas of the past centuries, We Are Free. Humankind is not inherently flawed, spiritually blocked, or sinful. Any flaws, blocks, or sins as may exist are entirely our own doing, and as such, they can be overcome, outgrown, or avoided if we decide so.

Eris also represents the active principle of standing up for oneself in the face of exclusion, betrayal, or injustice. In Discordianism, getting ‘even’ is considered a valuable experience in one’s ability to recognize a need for redress without having to rely on so-called authority or parent figures to tell them so. How a Discordian goes about gaining redress is left up to each person. The Myth of the Golden Apple (discussed below) is often cited as a prime example of doing so.

Here’s the post that I took those excerpts about Eris from:

Answering Readers, and More About Eris…

Answering a Reader…

I had to answer this post by Truthseeker. I saw it after the post just below it and it also confirmed my skin crawling feeling. Here it is:


  Calm before the storm maybe. 

I was actually wondering if the market crash was from an unexpected reason. For example a terrorist attack, war (if India dropped a bomb on Pakistan) , possibly Israel attacking Iran out of no where.

Heaven forbid.

Hi Truthseeker,

I have a weird feeling you are onto something. As I was writing the post below I felt that the warning the spirits were showing me was not just about the economy, that something else was in the mix. I really hope I’m getting confused here. But when I focus on the message I get anxious. I’m going to try and see if I can dream anything about this for clarification. If I do I will post it. If anyone else has a feeling about this, please post it. 

The other scary thing I noticed when looking at the charts of almost all the western nations was (including the US) there was a theme of 01 degrees in a cardinal sign. Meaning Pluto is about to either, square, oppose or conjunct this sensitive point of a bunch of nations. India has Mars at 0 degrees Cancer, Pluto was exactly opposite its Mars during the Mumbai attack and also exactly incounjuncting the country’s 0 degree Gemini rising. And Pakistan has 2 degrees Aries, which Pluto will hit in late January early Feb of 09. This is why I felt India would strike back at Pakistan during that period. I think Pluto actually hits 2 degrees Capricorn making the square exact, just after Obama’s inauguration. Perhaps the transition will be so focused on the economy, India will feel it can strike back at Pakistan. Let’s hope not.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,


Answering a Reader…

Something Kind of Creepy…

Pluto hits 1 degree Capricorn on the day of the winter Solstice, December 21 (this year 2008), I picked that day in the first post for all hell to break loose because of the astrological hit. Of course I had been feeling the crash and posted a couple of weeks before the market started going nutty, but warned that date was when something very bad would happen, this of course is only if that chart is 100% correct. Stuff doesn’t always happen exactly when the aspect hits, but it usually does. So far we’ve seen the market go crazy at 0 degrees quite a bit, and seems to go nuts every time Pluto goes back and forth over that point.

Now for the creepy thing. My sister in Chicago told me that a friend of her friend’s kid, a young man who recently had a schizophrenic break, and has been in a psych ward for the past few months has been screaming recently that God has been speaking to him, and that something was going to come to an end on December 21, 2008. He’s been very specific about that date, but not exactly what this end is, or what exactly this terrible thing God has been telling him is going to occur then. When my sister told me this I got the chills.

Now, maybe you’re thinking. OK, Denise this kid is nuts, so what? Well, its been my experience that psychic ability and schizophrenia in particular are two sides of the same coin. Schizophrenics are psychics without a filter, it’s as if their ego is shattered into a million pieces, and they are an open channel. Psychics have a thin filter, and with training learn how to open themselves up enough to see things. But psychics have an ego, allowing them to function almost like normal people do. In my family both schizophrenia/insanity and psychic ability run on both sides. I’ve known people who have worked in the psychiatric field who have told me very bizarre paranormal stories about schizophrenics.  I personally witnessed some very bizarre activity around my own grandmother who was schizophrenic.

Now here’s another creepy thing. Something that gave me the chills. I have poltergeist activity in my house, always have, always will. I’m pretty used to it. When I was younger it really upset me, and my family, husband, my friends, room mates, etc. But generally I’m not freaked out by it anymore, usually it’s very begnine. I feel it is mostly people from my family who come around when I’m alone with my kid (who is also psychic) doing things like turning the faucets on in my house (which several people have witnessed, 4 different friends and my husband) just to let me know they’re here as emotional support (water is emotion and turning on the faucet is a symbol of communication.)

But tonight I had a creepy thing happen. And it seemed more like a warning then a friendly “hello, we’re here watching over you,” kind of thing. I was in the kitchen holding my baby daughter when I noticed the garage light (there are 2 but only one was doing this) blinking in a sort of morris code way. And the color of the light itself was unusual, perhaps because it was so fast, more like an orange then the normal white it usually is. It’s motion activated, but there was nothing outside, no wind and the rain has stopped here for 24 hours so it wasn’t that. My neighbor’s motion detector light that always goes off when ours does, wasn’t triggered. All I can say is it gave me the creeps, and things don’t usually do that. I tried to video tape it, but of course it stopped doing the creepy Morris code thing and just went black like it had been. The other odd thing was the garage lights haven’t been working for the past 2 weeks. Maybe it was just a short or something electrical, but I’ve never seen it behave that way in the 13 years we’ve lived in this house and as I was talking to my husband about it over the phone, I heard three slow knocks on the outside of my house. 

I am taking this all to be a warning from the spirit world that something is up, and to be warned that we haven’t seen the worst of things just yet. I hope this is nothing. But I fear, from experience, that this is another warning. I had something similar, but also very different happen about a month before the first market crash. It also scared me which again isn’t easy to do. 

So, be safe, don’t do anything rash with your money, and take this warning to hunker down and be forewarned. Remember the other side usually does this sort of thing for a reason. As long as it’s not a negative entity (which is always possible and would be my trouble not a universal warning) then the spirits are just saying, “Key keep an eye out and be careful right now.”

Something Kind of Creepy…