California has a Super Majority of Dems in Both our State House and Assembly

Californians have elected a 2/3 majority in the Senate and a super majority in the state assembly. And as we’ve all heard, “as California goes so does the nation.” I think this, as much or more than the presidential election show that people are waking up to the fact that the Republicans are double talking southern strategists who protect the interest of the 1 percent and the 1 percent only. It is heartening. I believe this is what spirit was referring to in the summer when it gave me such high numbers for the assembly and senate in CA and maybe referring to the mid-term election. CA will be a petri dish for the nation. It has always been “conventional wisdom” to split the house and senate in order to, I guess, keep balance? But this strategy I think we are already seeing has been a stupid one with the new radical right wing Republican party. It may have worked when rational thought was still in vogue but alas now days it’s passe’ among Republicans as there are no longer any moderate ones.

I do want to go into some darker things about visions I have had about the backlash. As all my readers can see there are some seriously psychotic, nasty, delusional people who populate the far right. They seized control of the Republican party and in essence have dismantled it ,because lets face it, most people are not psychotic, nasty, delusional people who want to see others starve while the upper crust pick the bones of the dead from the rotting corpses after the self induced Rapture. 

Most people are reasonable – and it used to be that the Republican party (many years ago in a long lost time) were reasonable, normal people. They even did some amazing things like Lincoln who freed the slaves. They used to be a moderate party who just had different ideas on how to get things done but alas they have been highjacked by the birthers, tea-baggers, plutocrats and religious zealots who have EVERYTHING in COMMON with the Muslims zealots they are so “afraid” of, yet they believe exactly the same things – that women should be chattel, have no rights to their own bodies, and government should be a theocracy.

Yet somehow they don’t see the irony, or similarity between their desire to merge State with Church as those zealots in the Middle-East who started a similar movement back in the 70s and turned countries like Iran from moderate western leaning countries into theocracies that we now are horrified by. I ask these people why they believe merging Christianity with State business would be any better – that experiement was tried during the middle-ages and was an abysmal failure similar to what we have seen in the middle-east. Or the merger of the  made up, bizarre Nazi religion that was merged with their government.

THEOCRACY really DOESN’T WORK. Seriously, just look at the history.

Problem is most people who support a theocracy think that theocracy will be a theocracy that looks like their religion – but what if it isn’t? What if you were a Christian and had to convert to Buddhism – would that be OK?

Yeah, no, we all know the answer…

This is why the founding fathers seperated church and state. And those who say they were “Christian” should do a little digging into what those of us who read call “history” as it turns out most of them were occultists.

Yes, they believed in God (used as a general term for a higher being) but they weren’t all Christians – Ben Frankly I’m pretty sure was an atheist.

Controlling religious belief is what the COMMUNISTS did to their people. They would NOT ALLOW ANY RELIGION. They REQUIRED a belief in ATHEISM because of the statement by Marx that “Religion was the Opiate of the masses.” What the extreme right are proposing is in essence no different than what the Chinese do to their people (but on the other side of the same coin) by disallowing personal freedom to choose how many children to have. This is the same thing the right-wing Christians want to do – they just want to take the choice away on the opposite side. Ironically, both the far right’s ideas truly mirror the very things they are terrified of.

Government – at least in a DEMOCRACY – has no right to invade people’s bedrooms, privacy or lifestyle. I have a ministerial credential and have married Gay couples many times because I believe that being GAY IS COMPLETELY NATURAL and people shouldn’t be punished or disallowed rights that other people have because they fall in love differently than the majority. Just as being Wiccan, Buddhist, Mormon, a Spiritualist or whatever religious or non-religious persuasion one has – should not be discriminated against – nor should it be the business of the public or the government.

It states plainly in our BILL OF RIGHTS. We have the right to:  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

So unless those rights impinge on the welfare of others than case closed. THE END. NO more discussion should be had – it is not the business of those who are straight to decide the fate of gay people anymore than it is the right of men to decide what women do with their bodies or for women to decide that male pattern baldness should be punishable by law. It’s all ABSOLUTELY ABSURD. There is NO MORAL arguement to be made – sorry folks on the right. Give me one actual MORAL arguement not the lame “God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve,” crap. Actually God did make Adam and Steve because 10 percent of all animals on this planet are homosexual. My beloved cat Geb was gay and lucky for him he wasn’t born human or he would have been made to feel like crap about himself for the way GOD made him.

You can’t have it both ways – God = all powerful and loving and God = makes mistakes and creates horrible suffering and evil. (And don’t try making the Devil argument he’s a later invention.) He’s an amalgamation of many other demonic figures, old Gods/Goddess and even the word Hell comes from the Ancient Goddess of the Hell Fires up in Scandinavia where souls crossed over into the next world. Maybe that was like heaven to them – it is REALLY REALLY COLD there. 

All I ask from the far right wingers is they stop watching their daily zombie diet of FOX News and just do some actual research using BOOKS and CREDIBLE sources. It’s not a coincidence that the more educated one is in the bible the more one sees inconsistencies and questions their religious beliefs. In fact many great theological scholars end up Agnostics and all the priests I knew back when I was quickly converted to Catholicism after my father’s death were openly so. 

However the urge to be ONE WITH GOD is absolutely and totally human and noble. I absolutely get the need to merge with this mysterious and beautiful force that is so beyond our understanding that we have hundreds of different interpretations of the same religion in each organized religion and in older religions like Hinduism there are thousands not to mention how abstract and esoteric the ideas get. 

I totally applaud the desire to be close to God/Creator/Goddess/Great Spirit/Life Force/Universe/Multivesre whatever you want to call it. I get it. I have it in excess. This is exactly why no one way works and why we should never NEVER judge or associate right/wrong or hatred with this SACRED FORCE.  We have to allow each soul to find his/her way to the Great One. 

As Rodney King said, “Can’t we all just get along.” I mean really. God has a plan for everyone and the truth is if you are judgmental and nasty for sure you don’t know it. In fact you are lost yourself. God doesn’t work through fear because fear is the opposite of love not hate. I say this because love brings compassion and understanding and fear brings intolerance, hatred and disconnection and the source of all love is GOD/SPIRIT/UNIVERSE/CREATOR/MULTIVERSE/PLACE YOUR WORD FOR IT HERE. 

I am heartened today by the fact that the stars (which reflect the Great Spirit’s plans for us) have been abided.

I however am not naive to the very strong and powerful forces of greed, selfishness and shortsightedness which fuel the motives of those who must feed their need to feel important by lording over other human beings – aka plutocrats (think of Trump as the inadvertent spokesman for their subconscious thoughts as he appears to be a walking Id.) These dark forces will rear their ugly heads again and we have a long way to go to correct the many years they’ve had to game the system. 

One must always be vigiliant against these forces everywhere. Lets not forget Germany was a Democracy before Hitler was elected.

And for those who said it couldn’t happen here (those I argued with as far back as HS) take heed – ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

Many blessings and peace be with all of you,


California has a Super Majority of Dems in Both our State House and Assembly

Clarity Among Chaos

A reader mentioned that she has noticed a pattern of apocalyptic weather dreams on the blog and that she has been in fear for her family. She also mentioned that she noticed people being very pissy, in denial and self-centered. I want to address all these things.

First of all those of us who chose to come here (including our children) came here for a reason. This is one reason I try not to emphasis the negative because we did come here to turn the energy toward “our better angels” as Lincoln put it. At the very least being true to ones deepest goodness and humanity is a light in the darkness that has been encompassing the world since as early as I can remember.

Of course as of late the acceleration has been freakishly scary. However, all we can do is trust our intuition and know that we are here for a reason.

I just heard a news story where a stay at home mother tried to kill her two children and herself, thinking it was the end of the world. I want to say that the world and humanity have gone through many changes. And just like us, someday the earth and our sun will die, just like we will.

Death however is nothing to fear.

And if you have a child, remember that your child chose to come here. I believe that we are co-creators in our evolution and we must respect and understand that while we have to do everything we can to protect our children if they are here now, chances are good that they are evolved souls who have come to spread knowledge or for their own spiritual evolution. My point being, we do not own our children and while we are responsible for protecting them they are not our possessions, something that many people tend to forget. The woman who tried to kill her children probably did this due to intense anxiety, and really believed she was saving her children from horrible atrocities to come. My point in bringing her up is she represents in the most intense and crazy way, the enormous fear that can lead in itself to atrocity. Despite how intensely terrifying the world is right now, we have to stay strong and courageous. We are all descendants of people who went through the middle-ages, the great plagues, slavery, World Wars, nuclear bombs, genocide, the ice age.

Whatever is to come the answer is not to ignore it, which I agree has been the major coping mechanism of the vast majority of people, but it is also not to give into the fear. As spiritual warriors we must be willing to fight like the angel Micheal for ourselves and those we love. And we must be willing to sacrifice – which we will all do whether we like it or not eventually – for the greater good.

I believe the world has become increasingly more divided into the ME FIRST GREEDY CAMP and the HUMANITARIAN/ECOLOGICALLY MINDED CAMP.  I can’t break humanity down into black and white, good and evil camps since we are far too complex for that. However there are people who are other centered – who would gladly share their last piece of bread with a stranger who is starving and those who would steal the last piece of bread from a starving child to warehouse it for themselves for future possible use.

Unfortunately, those who operate entirely from a survival, lower-chakra sort of (ME First Camp Place) are in the majority, and those who may have been pushed toward higher development are being pushed through fear toward their darker natures and falling into a lower vibration. These are trying times, and in trying times it’s much harder to do the right thing then it is when everything is going one’s way.

But never in the history of the world has it been more important than now to hold onto one’s humanity, to help those in need and to call people on their greedy and awful behavior. If there is a gospel to be preached it is the golden rule.

We must balance the awful truth with how we can mollify the darkness. The tip of the storm is hitting us, but instead of hunkering down and closing the bomb shelter doors so no one else can get in – we must do what we can to wake people to the coming dangers and help people see that the situation is dire and can be corrected over the long arc of history and time.

Remember YOU have POWER.

More than you have been taught, more than anyone has allowed you to know. This is what it meant when the bible said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” The meek, or the trodden upon, are the masses of those who play by the rules and do the right thing, they are not the few greedy who steal from the many.

The greedy will fall and no amount of money will be able to save them. Revolutions will only continue to catch fire as Uranus is in Aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn, or to put it in layman’s terms people’s self-interest to survive will cause the false financial infrastructure to fall. It is my very sad opinion that those 400 Americans who make the same amount of money as 50% of our population does combined, don’t have any motivation to care about “the peasants.” I believe they feel their money will protect them, they will buy space in underground bomb shelters or have some fantasy about jetting around the planet to safe zones. But the reality is that once the people rise up against them, their money will be as meaningful as the plain paper it started out as.

The US hasn’t been a democracy for a long time. In a democracy the people determine policy not corporations. Ironically, the Republicans who have been being paid to support the gun lobby may find that the real reason for the 2nd amendment will be called upon if they continue to take people’s chances to make a living and support their children away from them.

So far we have seen the gun nuts all on the right, but as things become more polarized we may very well see violence, riots and even revolution here in our country – if people continue to push the poor into a corner where death by fighting looks better than sitting idylly by as they and their children starve to death.

I am not advocating this in any way, I am just stating what will happen if compassion and humanity doesn’t truly permeate American policy and Corporate interests continue to march us toward new, innovative forms of indentured servitude.

Please use this site as a way to stay in community with one another. Stay strong in yourself and your connection to the Great Spirit whatever religion you utilize as your path. God is not causing these horrible atrocities to punish us. Endings are not punishment they are just part of new beginnings.

Try to stay away from thinking in terms of the punishing jealous patriarchal vision of the Great Spirit. I know we have all been raised in a western world and our minds automatically turn to these thoughts, but truly God is good and forgiving and full of love. Pain and death and endings, are just ways to move things forward and tools for teaching and evolving.

Many blessings to all – stay balanced, meditate and pray for our world, the animals, plants and most of all the evolution of humanity,

Sending you all and our aching planet much love,


Clarity Among Chaos

Oil First, Gold Next…

I really don’t like doing stock market predictions as things seem a bit off the charts and in a bubble right now, but people have asked me to look into oil and gold due to past accuracy in regards to my predictions. Since the crash of the market my laptop crashed as well and I lost the original chart I had based many of my oil predictions on, luckily one of the many kind readers out there sent it to me. Here it is:

Although there are 2 here, the one on the left is the one I’m using, so you can disregard the other for now.

I looked at this chart and compared it to the Gulf disaster and found on the day of the Gulf disaster, this chart had transiting Neptune at the top, conjuncting the natal mid-heaven and inconjuncting transiting Saturn which was making a waxing conjunction to USO’s south node in the 5th house in Libra, which means the accident started a trend of oil going down due to worries about other accidents, safety, legal and partnership problems and worries that one giant might fall leaving the other companies unstable.

Ultimately,  for USO as Saturn approaches the full conjunction of the south node and moves through the 5th house it will stabilize the marketplace, but also keep profits conservative. It will level out in other words and keep a cap on fluctuation of any real kind.  This period will go on until December of 2012 when the full effects of the spill and losses are known and the market can comfortably recover. Until then there will of course be ups and downs but they will be more of a minor nature.  Around then the full devastation and price tag, amount of work to recover will be known and it will put serious financial constraints on BP which is one of the largest oil producers, this will affect USO capping their ability to grow or expand and putting the emphasis on finding new reserves as the oil will be drying up.

With Neptune in Aquarius at the start of USO it indicates loss through accidents and of course Neptune rules the oil industry.  I would not invest in oil at this time as Neptune will be going into Pisces, its natural ruler – Pisces rules loss. Over the next few years there will be a serious move away from oil as it becomes obvious the resources are running low and new technologies will have to be employed thereby making fossil fuels less valuable, even though there will be less fossil fuels. This may sound crazy, but an industry can not run on a few drops of blood it has to have a host to suck off of or it will die out and I think we are in the twilight years of the oil industry now. There will be a rally when oil prices go up due to their scarcity and people will have a run on buying in May of 2012 this will die down about 2 months later and start-up again in a bigger way in March 2013, peaking in April of 2013 when it will hit a high point, then slide a little in May of 2013 and go up again in mid-July 2013 then start sliding in late August of 2013, sliding for a while until it hits another high at the end of January 2014 until late February of 2014 after that it slides until mid-late October of 2014 cachinging until mid December 2014 where it will then start to slide again that will be the end of it.

After that point Neptune will be approaching USOs Uranus in the 10th house – this is when the public will start to discover the truth that there isn’t enough to make a market any longer, that period will start leaking out in April of 2016 – this will mark the beginning of the end of the industry. That’s about 6 years away, big oil’s death throes will go on until the 2020s at which time there will be no more denying the truth and the industry will collapse. Kind of a bummer, but hey what can I say, this is why I’ve been avoiding giving predictions lately. One good thing is it will force us to move away from fossil fuels – necessity is the mother of invention. So if you want to be the next gazillion start working on a way to convert gas engines into some other type and gas stations into a place that will sell some other type of fuel. Or come up with a solar panel car – this would be the ultimate but in reality we’ll need some sort of transition as many people will still have gas based engines.

There should be a bump in oil prices this month August 2010, starting at the beginning and sliding in early September 2010. And then another bump up in early February until early March 2011.  Another upswing should occur in August of 2011 – hitting its peak in mid-September through all of November, December and ending after the first week of January. There will be a rise with more money to be made at the end of November until the end of December of 2010 – this will have something to do with corporate mergers and big money being infused into USO.

I do however urge people to take care when investing in this resource as it is in flux and while this industry will exist for another 10-15 years it will change pretty radically which means it will be difficult to predict unless one has special information. The next 10 years should be OK but it’s still dodgy and the further into it the more dodgy it gets. Better to invest in new business models and inventive new companies.

Best wishes,


Oil First, Gold Next…

United Kingdom…

Oye Vey! More of the same! With so many planets on the angles and cardinal transiting Pluto has already started doing a number on them and will continue as it squares the part of fortune and the nodes, conjuncts the natal Sun in the 4th house and eventually opposes the natal moon in the 10th. This could leave the UK open to attacks on their soil, violent and potentially nuclear starting as early as 2011 and not ending until 2019. Off and on the UK will be in serious danger of violence targeted at them. As we get closer I will hone in on the warnings but the government of the UK should be aware that there are probably already plans being laid to do major damage in London or other major cities. Of course nothing is for sure and if they are diligent and relentless in their pursuit of terrorism and careful to stay out of major world conflicts they can mollify this, even avert serious disaster. I say t his because there are some positive aspects like a trine to Mars in the 8th which could mean that through listening to their people deep undercover they have a good chance to stop a terrorist attack that would make 9-11 seem like a boat accident.

In the next few years we will be seeing major changes, serious conflicts and intense radical transformation. At best it could bring about saving the world from global warming and cause some financial problems for the world as we adapt to a new system of living. At worst it could mean annihilation of a great number of people, major war, famine, ecological disaster and death on a massive scale. Let’s choose the first course rather than the second. We still have the power to steer this ship in the right direction. I believe my dream of Israel was a warning of an impending 3rd WW if we keep on this course, but we always have the power to change our direction. This is a call to action. Get involved in global warming, in fair trade issues, in treating all with equality. Let’s go into the Aquarian age willingly rather than being forced through massive extinction.

Many blessings,


United Kingdom…


At the end of November 2010 transiting Pluto will oppose China’s natal Uranus this in a person’s chart is the aspect that makes people do radical things, reckless things. When it’s a Uranus opposing Uranus (a more benign form of this aspect) it is commonly referred to as the mid-life crisis. In this case transiting Pluto will also make an applying grand cross in China’s chart. After the coming year of Saturn conjucting China’s Sun in the 10th, then Mercury, Neptune and the South Node, China will have felt very put upon, restricted, and will have reorganized the way they do business in the world community, changing their dynamics and potentially upsetting their growing economy. This economic slow down has already started for them, but will continue for the next couple of years. It could potentially cause serious joblessness and the end of partnerships with those outside their country. It could and probably will lead to unrest among their population as the opposition will eventually sit on the south node in the 10th and oppose the North Node in the 4th and the part of fortune in the 4th. Again this indicates agitation, perhaps even a military coup coming from the people or some sort of outbreak of rebels willing to fight, perhaps even some sort of civil war on a small-scale.

So one Pluto gets the ball rolling from the first house and escalate slowly starting to reach a fevered pitch at the end of December 2011 and going on from there. This transformation which will potentially include getting involved in war, won’t be complete until the end of 2020. When the transit is complete China will be a radically different place. The good thing that will come out of this is they will have better working conditions and restructure how they do business with the outside world and among themselves. There will be laws put in place to regulate the work force and business which will be hard-won by the people there, much like the west went through at the turn of the last century.

OK next Russia and then the US…

Best wishes,



Answering Readers…

The promised answers to the last set of unanswered questions…

Sally Herr

Dear Denise,

On February 17, 2009 Obama sign the stimulus package at 1:34 Mountain Time in Denver, Colorado as seen on CNN. Now, what do you perceive about the stimulus package? Thanks!

I got this information from the website, Note: one can only read entries if one provides their password and name.


And from Carl:


Dear Denise, Thanks so much for your efforts here! There’s so much panic out there now – do you see major US banks like Bank Of America (BAC) and Citigroup (C) being nationalized by the government? Also, do you see a recovery of American International Group, Inc. (AIG)? THANK YOU SO MUCH! Peace and blessings, Carl

Since it turns out both of these questions are interlinked I’m going to post the chart of the stimulus package and then explain how and why.

picture-8 I couldn’t substantiate whether or not this chart is accurate but based on it. Just look at all those planets in Aquarius crammed into the eighth house of banking and investing. This will cause a couple of things to happen. One being incredible instability in the banking and financial industries, a lot of banks and investment companies will still to go out of business unless there is truly a revolution, one way being what Carl suggested. When I meditated on Carl’s question a few days ago I didn’t feel that there was any desire on the part of the Obama administration to nationalize the banking industry but this chart would suggest to me that it might actually be neccesary in order to restructure them along with many other elements of the financial industries. 

If this is indeed the correct chart then the changes will be radical and the model of a foreign system will be modified to fit ours (Sun conjunct Neptune in the 9th).  Conservatives are going to have serious opposition to this (Saturn opposite Uranus which rules all that stuff in the 8th and 9th houses) but if something radical isn’t done (and there will be elements of this that reflect systems in places like Denmark, Sweeden, Norway — not to worry though they have the highest standard of living and are among the wealthiest countries in the world so not a bad place to steal ideas from) there will be a huge collapse. Those are the choices here. And the Obama administration isn’t going to sit by and let that happen so although their original intentions may be to be more conservative as more information comes out and things progress they will be further and further pushed to make radical changes.

I’ll look into AIG for Carl later tonight.

Best wishes to all and many blessings to all the kind and good hearted people out there,


P.S. I will try to substantiate this chart and once I do, I will go into much more detail about what’s going to happen as a result of this bill.

Answering Readers…

Answering Readers… (Lehman Brothers & Goldman Sachs)

Thanks everyone for posting the 2nd inauguration time. I’ll run a chart for it over the weekend and post it with analysis next week at the latest. There were a lot of really interesting comments, many of which will probably take a whole post to answer so bare with me as I address them over the next week. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see your question answered immediately, I will get to it.

Andrew had asked about Lehman Brothers in an earlier post. I asked him if he had an incorporation date in response to his first question as to whether Lehman Brother’s was going to get out of bankruptcy. The little bit of research I did to find an incorporation date tells me Lehman Brother’s has already filed chapter 11 and is in liquidation so it seems pointless to go much more into this but I’ll post a couple of charts related to them. One was in my database, the other chart was based on a readers information which I couldn’t find corroborated anywhere. The problem with a lot of these financial institutions is that they morph and change so much and depending on how big of a change they make, it can mean they end up with a new chart. For instance if you were married and did a chart for that marriage but then got divorced and ended up re-marrying your husband, the second wedding date would be the new chart for your marriage. The original marriage chart would not be useful except to speak about the past. So its not easy chasing down all these companies and their chameleon like incorporation, merger, going public, etc. dates. And depending on the issue at hand, one of the company charts might apply more than another one. 

Here are the Lehman Brother’s charts I ran:

picture-8OK, based on the incorporation date chart given by a reader, Pluto ripped them a new one right through their 7th, legal issues, partnerships, open enemies, then through the 8th house of death, rebirth, investments, and other people’s money and then continued to rip through the 9th which would be all things foreign. That’s a lot of Pluto conjuncting almost everything in their chart for a long time, really at the start of this incorporation date. They should have consulted an astrologer! Not an easy road to hoe there. It would have been surprising if they could have actually stayed in business. It’s sort of amazing they made it through all of that according to this chart until Pluto finally hit Neptune in the 9th exactly at their time of bankruptcy. Of course Neptune rules loss, and death, the 9th would extend the bankruptcy to any foreign division and they would have not only lost their investors money here in the US but all over the world. Yikes, that was not a good time to incorporate at all.

Now the other chart is not nearly as bad, the one from my database but when Pluto hit the cusp of the 6th house, which should have been toward the end of December if memory serves, then it would have been clear there was no saving the situation and people would have been laid off and the doors would have started to close. However it does look like when that Pluto opposition happens and actually finishes off the company, investors will get some money back through the liquidation process. It will be less of course then they would have gotten but at least there will be some pay out to people.

I’ve also had a question about Goldman Sachs so here are again 2 charts, one for the newest change over from an investment bank to a holding bank and the other I think is their incorporation chart. Both are important but the newest it seems will help save them in the long run. 

picture-91The 1999 chart is an unfortunate one and as the planets transited through it, shows how and why the company was bound to fail. With Neptune and Uranus conjunct the south node in the 8th house, they were apt to be delusional, risky and repeat stupid mistakes they had made in the past. That Neptune there is a hard one to work with as it really indicates loss of investors’ money, and in Aquarius, its from being too unconventional. Uranus there shows they were willing to take too many risks with their investors money on ideas that were ungrounded in reality. When Pluto went over their Moon in the 6th this would have caused things to come to light, collapsing their reputation and making people pull their money out of the company. There would have been tremendous fear at that time. More then likely a lot of employees were also laid off at that time as well. Interesting to note that the Moon rules their chart and also real estate. Pluto in excessive and reckless Sagittarius (no offense to Sagittarius people this is the negative side here I’m talking about) hitting the emotional moon which rules not just their real estate ventures, but their public persona and reputation changed dramatically, this triggered them to go into freak out survival mode. They then filed in court to become a holding company not an investment company thereby changing their fate.

The new chart shows Pluto going through their first house which means they are trying to give themselves a big make-over and lure the powerful back into their web. It looks to me like they will find a way to survive this storm in the long run. It may take them awhile to build their momentum back, but by changing to a holding company they probably saved themselves from doom.

OK, more tomorrow! Keep posting comments! I love hearing from everyone.

Best wishes and many blessings,


Answering Readers… (Lehman Brothers & Goldman Sachs)

Answering Readers and Some Dream Patterns


Hi everyone, thanks for participating in the dream journal. Already I’ve noticed some interesting patterns, not sure if anyone else has. There seems to be a lot of water and chaotic dreams. Interesting to note someone had a dream that they posted under year of the panther that stated they saw a panther walking down the street. My husband also (without my having told him of my pulling it) pulled the black panther card. 

Please keep using the Dream Journal as your personal repository for your dreams. As themes start to suggest themselves we’ll take a look at them and see how they interact with the world at large. Also you can print out your dreams and paste them into a dream journal for your own records. Dream journals are really remarkable, often when reading mine from years ago I found things that eventually came to pass. Sometimes having dreamt about things as far as 10 years down the line. So make use of it!

The first question comes from Curious:


Hi Denise,
First, I hope all is well. I was just wondering. You haven’t really given any updates about Pres. Obama and family (Michelle Obama from previous predictions), the Illinois mess surrounding him or his cabinet choices. I also was wondering, what is to come for him in the first 100 days after he is to be sworn in? What about his ballout?

Once again thanks alot!

Hi Curious:

I know some of his appointments have been a disappointment, for me his choice to appoint Ken Salazar was the deepest however he did appoint Steven Chu a Nobel laureate in physics to lead the Energy Department. I know our Senator, Diane Feinstein scolded him for his choice of Leon Panetta to head the CIA due to Panetta’s lack of experience, however as my husband pointed out, this could be because many people within the intelligence community have their hands dirty from the torture issue and Guantanomo. He may have decided to rely on someone outside that circle in order to have some perspective. As for Salazar I was happy to read he is a staunch conservationist and that he is balanced by a Nobel laureate. It appears Obama is putting together not just a team of rivals but one where there is a multitude of opinions to draw from, none however being from the super left which isn’t a surprise. Obama has never claimed to be left of center, neither was Clinton. Actually there hasn’t been a president who has been anything but a centrist or at least played the game as a centrist since Kennedy or FDR. Certainly Reagan, Bush I and II were radical in many ways, Reagan slashing the social net to pieces and Bush II turning capatlism into the wild west and then socializing it. I really want to reserve judgement about Obama and his strategy for the first year because it is my gut he is going to turn out to be a really good if not great president who will solve some of the toughest issues we’ve yet faced and I don’t think one does this by surrounding themselves with a team of people who are in harmonic agree-ance a with ones own opinions. We saw how that worked with Bush II. He had nothing but Yes people around (other then the duck man, Cheney who appeared to be a Yes man but was really a weasel stealing power whenever possible). Arguments, disagreements and healthy debate are good for solving big problems. I don’t think these appointments speak to his absolute take on things but rather his openness and desire to get people involved in his administration who have more experience then he does. I’ll have to admit though, I was a disappointed at first and felt a little betrayed but just because he’s hiring these people now doesn’t mean they will be with him throughout his administration either. So, again my intuition tells me he’s doing this to encourage debate among his staff and to get people to think outside their boxes which is ultimately a good thing. 

To answer the other questions about how he’ll be treated in the first 100 days as I mentioned in a much earlier post from before the election, I’m sure there will be people trying to pin the financial mess on him. He’s not going to have an easy time of it which is why I feel its important to see how he does and lend him some trust. He is an incredibly intelligent man, and his strategy maybe more complex then something someone like say, George W. would use, perhaps this is why it will be beneficial.

And the bailout, I feel will be an ongoing process which will require years of restructuring. It isn’t going to be like the Bush bailout which ultimately was more akin to throwing a napkin over a bale exploded barf, then an actual solution. It was more of a nod to the rest of the world saying, “See we screwed things up, but we’ll clean it up.” But we really didn’t end up doing much. The Obama administration will end up with the mop and bucket and it will take some time to scrub down. It’s my feeling that Obama is also going to instate some new house rules like, “No getting crazy drunk on taking advantage of investors and the American people.”

The next from Capricorn777:



Hi Denise;

wishing that your little daughter gets well soon.

Additional info on previous financial natal charts:

The New York Stock Exchange was established on May 17, 1792
New York, NY

and NASDAQ was established on
February 8, 1971
New York, NY

Take care

Hi Steven,

I’m going to post this charts with the alternative dates for the stock exchange and the NASDAQ and let you know what I see. 


I was reticent to do this because my software (Kepler) which has an excellent database for financial astrology gave different information. I posted the charts already that came with the software but it does seem to be off. And upon a cursory examination this time, it looks like this old Stock Exchange chart maybe more accurate, we shall soon see. If the market doesn’t hit an all time low in Feb-March of this year then this old chart should be the one astrologers use from now on as the nodes are in 0 degree cardinal signs which when Pluto passed through this past September 29 and throughout October would have made a terrible grand cross and would have reeked havoc, which seems to have been the case.

Since I didn’t know if the market would have started way back when at 9 or 8 or as it does now at 9:30. I picked 9. I figure they were early risers and would have started by then. I also did the NASDAQ chart for both 9 and 9:30 because I wasn’t sure how new the half hour mark was as the start. It seems like an oddity that came this century to me in order to accommodate the coasts and world markets. OK so here goes:



Lets hope for the sake of the NASDAQ that they traded earlier when they began back in 1971. Otherwise not only will Pluto hit this NASDAQ’s Venus in Capricorn at 3 degrees this spring but it will also hit the 10th house cusp making the situation much more extreme. If trading was done back then also at 9:30 then the spring will not only show huge financial losses as Venus rules money and Pluto death, transformation and endings but with the 10th house it may indicate a change in the structure of the NASDAQ itself as Pluto first hits Venus, the way business is conducted might be restructured to save institutions. This big Pluto hit could mean the loss of more jobs among those companies traded on the NASDAQ when Pluto hits the NASDAQ’s 10th. 

Also it is interesting to note that Neptune was conjuncting the NASDAQ’s Sun a few years ago, this would have caused delusion among stock holders, the sense that the impossible had suddenly become possible and the theoritical a reality. There also would have been a lot of lying and deception going on by companies, institutions, and brokers about the health of companies on the NASDAQ. 

That being said give it awhile and the NASDAQ will come back stronger then ever, after the restructuring takes place and when Pluto starts to make a trine to the part of fortune. There will be more tech jobs created here in the US again and a wave of good economic health for companies involved in the NASDAQ but this will take awhile. I won’t bother to look it up in the ephemeris because it will be years from now. I’ll post about that when it gets closer.

Generally this NASDAQ chart shows a lot of return for investors under normal circumstances. It’s interesting to note that when transiting Pluto was conjunct Neptune, Jupiter and finally Mars, in the 8th house back in the 1990s, we had the crazy technology, internet bubble. This would fit perfectly with those aspects. I’d have to say this chart looks very accurate to my eye so far.

Now for the chart of the New York Stock Exchange started way back in the 18th century.  Here we see the nodes at exactly 0 degrees Aries and Libra, both making an exact square to Pluto back in the fall of 2008. If this chart is off by an hour and the start of the market back then was at 10 AM which could be possible, then we would see these nodes in the 2nd and 8th houses, making this a hard hit for the Stock exchange as those points would represent jobs (2nd house) and banking, brokers, financial advisors and investors (8th house). Let’s hope this is the more accurate chart making the hit this past fall the worst of it. I’m going to check this chart against the 1929 crash and do a comparison post to see if maybe there is a way to verify its accuracy or inaccuracy. If this chart is inaccurate and the previous Kepler based chart was accurate, then we have the worst of it coming really in March of 09.

Hope this is not the case.

May 2009 bring your greatest dreams and wishes to fruition,


Answering Readers and Some Dream Patterns

Answering Readers…

Hello everyone. Hope you all have had a wonderful start to the new year. I’m going to do a post (over the weekend) explaining how to figure out your personal year (numerology) and what it means for you. It’s pretty fun and always interesting to look back and see the cycles of your own life. In numerology you go through years 1-9 and then start over again. And from my own observation there does seem to be resonance when looking back 9 years prior. It’s not the same of course, but the issues do seem to have cross over. But I’ll save that for later.

Here’s the first question from Sallyy:


Denise, Can you give recommendations on books on Tarot, or ways to study Tarot? You said you learned from the Brotherhood of Light. Do you recommend C.C. Zain’s book? Thanks, Sally

Hi Sallyy,

I checked out the C.C. Zain book after you mentioned it on the blog, but only in a cursory way. It looked good to me. I learned from a person from the Brotherhood of Light, but I did read a zillion books about tarot before that happened, and found most of them to be rather unhelpful. It was always like a bad cook book where you had to look up things, and try to apply too many interpretations to a card. Which is why early on I chucked my Rider-Waite deck and book, and used the Motherpeace deck. It was much easier for me to relate to, and to read without having to look everything up; I could use its images to unleash associations and focus on the person.

Actually this is really how using the cards work best. More as a tool like a scrying mirror or crystal ball would work, but with more to go off of. The best astrologers and numerologists work this way as well. That being said you can learn the craft of reading which is rooted in the Kabbalah, and numerology.

It looked like the Zain book actually delved into this quite a bit, however the writing seemed a bit arcane and well, occult. If you have done a lot of reading on the subject it probably will all make sense, if not it might be kind of dense. However, the book is down loadable for free so you might as well read it! There seemed to be a lot of good information in there. Here’s the link to the free down load in case you don’t have it or other people are interested:

My other suggestion would be to really research all the decks that are out there and find one that speaks to you and practice reading your friends. When doing this, first clear your mind, do a protection and ask your higher self/God/Goddess/Universe/Creator whatever your personal connection is to the divine, to give you the absolute truth while you read. It is also helpful to have a visualization you do before reading. I imagine a light switch, and then a damn breaking, and all the water from my subconscious coming through to my conscious mind. You might want to visualize turning on a faucet, or opening the third eye chakra, or whatever you want, just something that makes sense to you and allows you to focus while letting the Universe know you are connected and ready to receive information.

Friends have sworn by the workbook, “Tarot for Yourself,” by Mary K. Greer. Here’s a link to it: Tarot for Your Self : A Workbook for Personal Transformation Second Edition

Hope that helps!

The next question comes from Steven:

Hi Denise; I was looking at the transits to the USA natal chart; would you please comment regarding the transiting Saturn conjunct natal Neptune and square natal mars? Also on today’s trigger transiting Mars opposite natal financial Venus and transiting Pluto applying opposition to natal financial Venus (mid January to end of March)? I have read on financial astrology sites, that this chart is used also for the US dollar. I would appreciate your insight. kind regards, Steven

Hi Steven,

I’ll post the different US charts here and we can talk about them. There are actually 3 but I’m only going to post 2, because these 2 seem the most significant to me. They are the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution signing. Here they are:

picture-5Looking at both of these charts and the date of 9-29-2008 when we had the -777 plunge, they are both pretty awful but it seems that the Declartion chart describes in greater detail what happened and with more clarity. The fall can be seen in both through different aspects but since the Declaration chart seems to be more in keeping with the financial crisis let’s go ahead and use it to answer your question.

Quite honestly I was hoping that the Signing chart was going to be more accurate because it would be less painful but with all those planets in the 8th house of the financial industry and other people’s money in Cancer at early degrees, Yikes! Pluto is going to make hard core oppositions to this starting around inauguration. To make it worse Pluto which rules this chart will be opposing Venus (money) and in the 8th house.  And then as Pluto progresses it will hit Jupiter, then the Sun and finally Mercury making this period of adjustment a long one.

In terms of transiting Saturn conjuncting natal Neptune that is in the Signing chart and won’t be felt until the fall of 2011. This transit will first trigger a trine to Pluto and then to natal Saturn so it could actually be more related to the re-structuring of the international banking laws for the better and trigger a new power structure in regards to how the global economy works.

However in the Declaration chart Saturn will be making a square to all those Cancer planets starting at the end of November and this could add extra strain on the economy as issues relating to the law and more wall street scandals both come out and are prosecuted. This will also trigger new regulations.

So in regards to your question, “Also on today’s trigger transiting Mars opposite natal financial Venus and transiting Pluto applying opposition to natal financial Venus (mid January to end of March)?” What those astrologers are referring to with transiting Mars is a trigger. It’s Pluto that is doing the major damage but Mars will help it along and kick it off this will happen around the 18/19th of March 2009, also the Moon will be in Cap, adding extra oomph to the whole thing. That could also be a very bad day for the stock market and the value of our money. 

Hope that helped to clarify some of it.

Best wishes to all and many blessings,


Here’s a link to that blog with the edited more readable version of your sun sign over view if anyone is interested:

Answering Readers…

Something Kind of Creepy…

Pluto hits 1 degree Capricorn on the day of the winter Solstice, December 21 (this year 2008), I picked that day in the first post for all hell to break loose because of the astrological hit. Of course I had been feeling the crash and posted a couple of weeks before the market started going nutty, but warned that date was when something very bad would happen, this of course is only if that chart is 100% correct. Stuff doesn’t always happen exactly when the aspect hits, but it usually does. So far we’ve seen the market go crazy at 0 degrees quite a bit, and seems to go nuts every time Pluto goes back and forth over that point.

Now for the creepy thing. My sister in Chicago told me that a friend of her friend’s kid, a young man who recently had a schizophrenic break, and has been in a psych ward for the past few months has been screaming recently that God has been speaking to him, and that something was going to come to an end on December 21, 2008. He’s been very specific about that date, but not exactly what this end is, or what exactly this terrible thing God has been telling him is going to occur then. When my sister told me this I got the chills.

Now, maybe you’re thinking. OK, Denise this kid is nuts, so what? Well, its been my experience that psychic ability and schizophrenia in particular are two sides of the same coin. Schizophrenics are psychics without a filter, it’s as if their ego is shattered into a million pieces, and they are an open channel. Psychics have a thin filter, and with training learn how to open themselves up enough to see things. But psychics have an ego, allowing them to function almost like normal people do. In my family both schizophrenia/insanity and psychic ability run on both sides. I’ve known people who have worked in the psychiatric field who have told me very bizarre paranormal stories about schizophrenics.  I personally witnessed some very bizarre activity around my own grandmother who was schizophrenic.

Now here’s another creepy thing. Something that gave me the chills. I have poltergeist activity in my house, always have, always will. I’m pretty used to it. When I was younger it really upset me, and my family, husband, my friends, room mates, etc. But generally I’m not freaked out by it anymore, usually it’s very begnine. I feel it is mostly people from my family who come around when I’m alone with my kid (who is also psychic) doing things like turning the faucets on in my house (which several people have witnessed, 4 different friends and my husband) just to let me know they’re here as emotional support (water is emotion and turning on the faucet is a symbol of communication.)

But tonight I had a creepy thing happen. And it seemed more like a warning then a friendly “hello, we’re here watching over you,” kind of thing. I was in the kitchen holding my baby daughter when I noticed the garage light (there are 2 but only one was doing this) blinking in a sort of morris code way. And the color of the light itself was unusual, perhaps because it was so fast, more like an orange then the normal white it usually is. It’s motion activated, but there was nothing outside, no wind and the rain has stopped here for 24 hours so it wasn’t that. My neighbor’s motion detector light that always goes off when ours does, wasn’t triggered. All I can say is it gave me the creeps, and things don’t usually do that. I tried to video tape it, but of course it stopped doing the creepy Morris code thing and just went black like it had been. The other odd thing was the garage lights haven’t been working for the past 2 weeks. Maybe it was just a short or something electrical, but I’ve never seen it behave that way in the 13 years we’ve lived in this house and as I was talking to my husband about it over the phone, I heard three slow knocks on the outside of my house. 

I am taking this all to be a warning from the spirit world that something is up, and to be warned that we haven’t seen the worst of things just yet. I hope this is nothing. But I fear, from experience, that this is another warning. I had something similar, but also very different happen about a month before the first market crash. It also scared me which again isn’t easy to do. 

So, be safe, don’t do anything rash with your money, and take this warning to hunker down and be forewarned. Remember the other side usually does this sort of thing for a reason. As long as it’s not a negative entity (which is always possible and would be my trouble not a universal warning) then the spirits are just saying, “Key keep an eye out and be careful right now.”

Something Kind of Creepy…