Answering Readers’ Questions…


My husband thinks Palin wont release her medical records because she’s had breast implants. I wonder with so many children if she’s ever had post partum depression and been given an anti-depressant….Just a couple of thoughts…

Hi Hope and a Plan, I think your husbands theory makes a lot of sense because she’s clearly vein. And it wouldn’t be cool for a conservative uber right wing Evangelical to have breast implants. Also your ideas make a lot of sense given her associations with the extreme right. Both your theories seem very logical.

I had wondered myself about both of those possibilities, and last night after I posted I wondered if perhaps the red spot I saw over her heart was due to emotional problems and excessive anger which we all know she has. But I’m going to say that the red spot is a physical problem. Red spots like this in the aura are not necessarily life threatening, when I’ve seen gray or black, that is life threatening. But it has the potential to become life threatening over time.

I think she and the first dude are very strategic, especially him. She’s got the “it” factor and he’s got the brains for strategyt. I have a feeling she doesn’t really think for herself, kind of like Reagan — also an example of the negative Aquarian type who is easily influenced by their partner. Reagan had been pretty liberal until he met Nancy. Nancy’s family had been very into Republican politics. Reagan was a likeable guy who could sell their agenda to the public. I think Palin is the same. Her erratic nature comes from the rare moment when her own idea drift past and her ego goes a bit wild, and she blurts stuff out. 

If it was found that she had a congenital heart defect, or a problems with her main artery or something major like that, it would make her bid for presidency riddled with even more problems than it already is. I believe her problem is not life threatening at the moment. It is under control, but she maybe on medicine or have had surgeries on her heart. And starting off with this before she gets the Republican presidential nomination would most likely make her an unsalable candidate.

I know the prediction is odd, but this is why I trust it.

For awhile I heard people wondering if it was because her baby was really not hers, which would also make sense. But I did a reading about it and it looked like the baby was hers.


About my and Tijuania’s posts on commodities, precious metals and the US dollar. This was what I was trying to get at. Why move all of your money out of something of value like commodities into a paper currency even though it is insured? Government policies today are much different then the 30’s. It seems with the way the US government is giving away money that hyperinflation like that of Wiemar Germany of 1923 or of Zimbabwe today is on its way. If that is true surely having all of your money in US dollars even though insured would be a bad idea. Is hyperinflation on its way? Is the US dollar in danger of being replaced?

Hi Barry, I understand your frustration. I did feel that if McCain won we would see hyper-inflation pre-WWII Germany style. I was getting visions of that horrible future when McCain was up in the polls which is why I looked into his, Palin, Obama and Biden’s charts so extensively. McCain as I’ve posted before has a lot of stuff that would activate the break down of the Dow in even more horrible ways then anything you can imagine. It would be a perfect storm of economic melt down if he won. He would make the situation go from horrible to horrifyingly scary. The kind of scary that borders on apocalyptic, not a word I use lightly. I’m not saying that because I’m liberal and as a matter of fact I was surprised to see McCain’s chart set off all these terrible aspects in the Dow and also the NASDAQ’s charts. It scared me.

But Obama is going to win, and I don’t see things getting that bad. I believe we are going to have some hard times, much like the recession of the 70s with shades of the 30s. But it will be very different as well, and will involve the entire world. So it’s hard to explain and predict because it won’t be like anything we’ve ever dealt with or seen before.

OK, I found a date for the start of the Commodities Market, here’s the chart:

OK, this is odd. I wouldn’t have expected this market to look bad. But if you notice the top of the chart, the cusp of the 10th house is at 0 degrees Capricorn and the rising is 0 degrees Aries. Pluto will also be reeking some havoc in this market as well. Pluto hitting the 10th squaring the 1st will make this market readjust, that combined with Neptune hitting the charts Mercury in March, makes me think people will be so afraid of investing. They will pull money out, and there will be losses here as well. Or perhaps there won’t be as much money for people to invest which will impact the commodities market.

This market will not be in the same kind of horrible tail spin the Dow will be in, but it will have some stumbles, and perhaps because of fear,and a lot of loss, people will not want to invest in anything remotely seen as speculative. This will drive down the value of goods and commodities. Weird, but that’s what it looks like. Hope that helps clarify your questions.

I am going to answer the other questions tomorrow. Hope you all had a great Halloween. Best wishes to all and blessings.

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions… And Happy Halloween!

There are so many tonight. I’m going to break them up over the next few days but will put the list of all of them on here so everyone can see what’s coming up. Make sure to check the post just before this one as it answers the question about the tower card and what will happen in PA.

The first from:

sally ann

Ben Bernanke, head of the US Federal Reserve, has an unbelievable onslaught of difficult astrological aspects affecting him on Dec. 11 and 12/08. He was born in Augusta GA, Dec. 13/ 1953, time unknown. Just found your site and you’ve pinpointed mid-Dec. for some market upheavals -what a scary correlation. What kind of crisis is in store for Bernanke/The Fed and US Federal Reserve notes (US dollars)?

Hi Sally Ann,

I really wish I would have studied economics and business instead of going to art school, but what can you do? I have to admit I don’t know much about how it works which I think gives me a strange advantage in that my intellect can’t cloud my intuition. But sometimes its frustrating because I feel I could explain things better if I did have a background in economics but anyway back to your question. Here’s his solar chart because we don’t have his time of birth:

Yeah it looks like transiting Saturn is going to make a T-Square to his Sun, Moon, and Jupiter. But without knowing the houses its hard to pin point where all the trouble will be in his life. Saturn in Virgo is work related. He has Sun in Sag, so he’s a very lucky guy and Moon in Pisces. I’d have to say he’s going to be under tremendous pressure during this period. Perhaps even be blamed for stuff yet to come out. He could very well be fired or be forced into a compromised position. It’s going to be hard for him. I’m sure he’s going to take the heat for a lot of this mess. And it is doubtful our money will remain strong during the coming crisis, but the whole world economy is going to be dragged through this with us, and a lot of foreign currency will be devalued as well. So I’m going to say in regards to his chart, he personally is going to have a lot of stress and depending on what houses these planets fall in, if I were him I would be worried potentially about my health, my own personal wealth and my job. But again I’m not sure how to read him individually in regards to the greater whole. His chart reflects tremendous crisis for him. 


You foresee an economic collapse and advised people to put their money in FDIC insured accounts. Are all markets going to collapse not just stocks and bonds but commodities too? How can valuable commodities that everyone needs to survive not have value and currencies like the U.S. dollar stay valuable when governments are deep debt. Wouldn’t one want natural gas, oil stocks, gold minding stocks instead of paper money that can be printed at will? And what about money market funds, are they safe? I think I read the US government has or is going to guarantee those too. I ask these questions becasue I own gold ETF, silver ETF, gold mining stocks, Suncor, Opti Canada, Double Eagle and others. I also have more then $200,000 dollars in Western Asset Managements’s money market fund in my 401k. As you probably know there are tremendous penalties for taking money out of a 401k plan.

Thanks for doing this.

Hi Barry,

You raise excellent points, all of which I’ve been thinking a lot about for the past 8 weeks. People asked me about gold and precious metals and for some reason they didn’t look like they would have the same sort of meaning they used to. It wasn’t bad to own them, just not a huge advantage. I was talking to a friend about the commodities market. I need to look at it because it seems, that these are real things that people need, and would hold more value then anything on the stock market. I will look into this once I find a reliable chart or info about the opening of the commodities market in Chicago. I will post everything I find.

My gut tells me it won’t be the same sort of blood bath as the stock market/global market.  Readers have asked me about certain stocks, many of them energy related. I’m not a financial expert, but these stocks also looked as though they were taking a hit. And from the feedback I got from those readers, indeed they did. I have also heard that the government was going to insure some money market funds, but not to their full value. I don’t know for sure if I have accurate information because I haven’t been able to make sense of all the conflicting things I’ve heard about it.

No doubt its a scary time. I will check into the commodities market and do a post dedicated to predictions about it. So look for that in the next couple of days. Thanks for your questions. I’m also going to post a readers’ advice about 401k(s). I don’t have experience with them, her advice seemed very good, it will be at the end of this post.


Hi this site is keeping me sane too. Thank you so much. I googled other psychics and they think McCain will win. I will give you some names then ask my questions. Victoria weston, Elizabeth Joyce and Valerie Morrison. Are these ladies all republican and that is why they think Obama will win? I am kinda upset with some of the lies that Valeria Morrison as out out about Obama on a Irv Homer show… UCK…

Hi Sinead,

I really don’t see how McCain could even logically win at this point. Really.

So it’s more likely that these psychics were wrong. No psychic is 100% right. Also when you have to constantly come up with predictions, when cornered and nothing is coming, some people end up relying on logic and don’t even realize it. A year ago it would have seemed a lot more likely that McCain would win.

I remember back when McCain ran against Bush, my husband saw him interviewed and told me he had a feeling he would win. I did not have that feeling. Have never had that feeling about McCain. It wasn’t until McCain picked Sarah Palin that I became nervous he had even the smallest chance. I just don’t think it has ever been in McCain’s destiny to become commander and chief. But he’s white and perhaps some of these (I’m assuming) older psychics just couldn’t envision a person of color winning.

That’s my take on it. 


Hi Denise:

Thanks so much for answering my question regarding PA. It worries me that you keep getting the TOWER card. Do you think they will do a last minute scare tactic to the whole country? Maybe that is why you are getting the tower card..

Thanks again,

Hi again Sinead — I do think that was part of the tower card coming up over and over again. It’s interesting that it came up in PA and at the center was the Empress card (a powerful archtypal mother character/Sarah Palin) I believe she was using scare tactics there.

One reader thought that reversed it wasn’t as bad, so I hope they are right. Personally, I’ve always seen the Tower bring chaos and disaster no matter which direction it shows up in. I do wonder about PA because the cards have been so wishy-washy when the polling has been so clearly for Obama. It makes me wonder if something strange will happen. But look at the post below about PA and the Tower. I go into much more detail about this issue.

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

Thank you so much, you are keeping me sane as well, I am taking your advice and to doing something. I am volunteering at the Obama campaign office this weekend , calling prospective voters. TO EVERYONE WHO CAN , volunteer and knock on doors for this man, It looks like he is going to need it. And after you do that, let’s pray that everything will be ALRIGHT….

If McCain loses in the general election for president in the state of Arizona, will he run again for his Senate sit or will this be his “last hooray”?

Hi Tjuania — Thanks so much for doing your part. I really appreciate it and the world is a better place because of it.

Will McCain run again for the Senate?

The cards said: Maybe.

He’s going to be pretty depressed about this lose. I wonder if he won’t go into hiding for a bit before he re-evaluates that. I don’t think he’s decided yet. He made some huge mistakes and he’s going to regret them, big time.


What is being hidden in Palin Medical records that is causing her to delay releasing them?

My first thought– She’s a robot, a Stepford Wife. Of course that’s a joke.

My intuition says she has a heart problem. Perhaps a congenital defect in her heart or main artery leading to her heart. She has a big red spot in her aura there and from my experience this is an indication of a wound or physical problem. It’s not black, so it is not life threatening but she may not want it exposed because she wants to run for the presidency and feels it would impede her future bid.

I just looked at her chart for confirmation of this feeling and there is astrological evidence as well. She has Sun, Mars and Saturn all conjunct in her 7th house and the ruler of both her 6th and 7th is Saturn. The 6th is the house of health and the Sun rules your heart, both Saturn and Mars are trouble makers.

Here’s some advice from a reader that I wanted to share because she seems to know about 401k plans and I really don’t. 

Gwen Merrick

Hi again, I wanted to pass on some info about withdrawing from 401k and putting into IRA CD which I am in the process of doing. First of all, it’s outrageous the rules and regulations to remove money out from a 401k that one has under an employer plan. It has taken more than 10 days for me to get this money out into an IRA CD even though I FedEx Overnight the application. The good news is I found that “brokerage” IRA CDs (which are insured by FDIC) give a highter interest rate than banks (almost double). Maybe this will help some of your readers.
Thanks for posting such an informative blog.

OK, here are the posts I’ll be answering over the next couple of days. Have a great Halloween! Best wishes to all and many blessings!


hopeandaplan |

Your tower card is scary. This is completely off topic but is there any hope that Rush Limbaugh will fall from his powerful perch. He is as antagonizing, misleading, as outrageous as Palin in his claims and just as popular. Turned in two votes yesterday!! Thanks for helping us all keep the faith…



Hello Denise,
I’m becoming more anxious and more nervous each day for Obama. I can’t wait till this is all over. I truly hope he is elected and the majority of Americans see through this mess that McCain/Palin has spun! It’s truly getting uglier and uglier with the McCain camp. I just can’t believe that Obama might or will lose PA. Please, please revisit this closer to the election and hopefully the outcome will change. I truly believe that he is for the people and we need a Barack Obama Presidency. Please tell me that karma will hit McCain/Palin upside the head real hard!!!

1. What do you see happening to McCain’s psyche after this election?

2. What about the Republican Party?

He has sold his soul to the devil…how unfortunate!!!
Vote!!!! Obama/Biden 08

Thanks so much



Hi Denise (waving),
Thank you so much for answering my question.
I wanted to run this by you on the Tower (reversed) card. I have always interpreted the Tower card as two figures falling out of the tower on their head so if reversed it means they have landed on their feet. So, you can take the upright Tower to mean a chaotic situation that leaves you feeling out of control, reversed to mean that it’s chaotic but you land on your feet. So the Tower reverses essentially means coming out on top of a chaotic situation. Of course, I am assuming that is the only card that you pulled from the deck. DAnd, interesting that you had a dream of a tornado. A tornado can be symbolic of a lot of things. The skies in dreams generally link to the future with the possibility of change. So if they are disturbed then it could mean there is no clear outlook for how things will be. Uncertainty, Unforeseen, changes are possibilities with tornado meanings in dreams. I keep feeling that we are in the ‘calm before the storm’. Anyway, thank you for reading and listening to my rambling. ) Many blessings to you! Hugs, Wyntyr


Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

I am totally shocked about PA coming up in the cards as a win for McCain, and shocked about the win for Obama in Arizona…..Could you check Texas?????

The reason I am asking I am checking the polls everyday and there is a large turnout, expecially African -American and young people…..We have a senate race in Texas and alot of people are pulling for Noriega over John Coreign…Do you see Noriega closing the deal in Texas?


Answering Readers’ Questions… And Happy Halloween!

The Tower Card and Pennsylvania Election

OK, first the tower card keeps coming up reversed which is actually better then it right side up in my opinion. I saw this phenomena before 9/11 so I take this to mean we are in for some sort of national crisis. Now this could be just about anything. It could even be referring to the crazy stock market collapse and subsequent restructuring of the market coming up, as I have predicted at the end of December and really the beginning of the new year. But I’ve posted on this crazy aspect enough. I do feel as I have alluded that there will be something happening next year in regards to a foiled terrorist attack. This could also be part of the tower cards appearance. I am asking for dream clarification so I’ll let you all know if I get anything. 

I asked the cards if there was any major national tragedy the answer:


But it looks like it is in the way of voter fraud. A pattern we have seen before. There are lies, and some people walking away from the process and negative patterns yet to be rectified. This makes me feel better. We are already seeing some of this in early voting states so it’s really not a surprise.

OK, now let’s see about Pennsylvania because I just can’t believe Obama/Biden are going to lose. They are 12 points ahead in the polls. Perhaps this is what the cards are foreseeing some sort of voter fraud there. So lets check.

I can’t ask the cards the same question again because they won’t answer accurately so I’ll ask: Will McCain/Palin win the state of Pennsylvania?

OK: The cards answered: No. McCain/Palin are not going to win Pennsylvania.

I don’t know why it was a no to Obama/Biden last night, perhaps we’ll see some trouble here, and it won’t be immediately resolved that night. It could be that I got a false answer last night because I made the mistake of asking the cards the same exact question. This is a problem. One I should have really been wary of. I found the cards answer suspicious. And over the years have seen them lie when you ask the same question more than once, this is the problem with oracles, you have to accept the answer they give, even if its a maybe, or rephrase the question from a different angle.

Unfortunately, I didn’t do that, my bad. I’m happy to see that was a false negative. But it does make me wonder if there won’t be some problems in PA, perhaps the race will be tighter then expected, or there will be some voter fraud, or a lower voter turn out then expected.

The Tower Card and Pennsylvania Election

Answering Readers’ Questions…

The first question comes from Sinead:


Can you tell me more about Philadelphia and PA regarding Obama?

OK, let’s ask the cards again about PA. Which came up as a maybe last time. Perhaps with the ad and a few days closer to the race the Collective Unconscious of PA will be decided.

Will Obama/Biden win the state of PA?

Well, the cards are now saying: No

I don’t completely understand it because it looks like there are tremendous economic problems in this state according to the cards. But there is also a lot of fear and distrust of Obama. This is going to be an upset. The tower card comes up reversed, never a good sign. I’ve been seeing this a lot in the cards. I saw this card come up a bunch before 9/11. In this case it looks like Palin has scared a lot of voters away from Obama. She is the centerpiece here of the reading, and it looks like she’s appealing to the fear and xenophobia. There will be some very strong supporters working to turn it around, but right now it looks like PA will not go to Obama. Even among Obama supporters there has been a walking away. I don’t know why. I could speculate, but I’m going to leave it here for now and maybe re-visit this issue in a few days. I’m very surprised to see this, I was just watching the news, and they predicted a solid win for Obama in PA. Odd.

The next question is from Wyntyr:


Hi Denise,
I am so glad that you answered this post. For many reasons. I agree with you that we will see many radical hate individuals, groups, etc. in the coming years. Because people are really hurting due to the economy, losing jobs, and their life savings there are going to be people that are going to strike out in hate. Like that will solve anything. It’s sad. But, by explaining things as articulately as you do then maybe people can be forewarned and educated so that we maybe keep the violence to a minimum. We really all have to band together as a nation of citizen’s and look after one another no matter what our race or religion. And, thank you for bringing up the ‘Christian’ factor. I live in a state (NC) where one of our senators (R-Elizabeth Dole) has just released one of the most vile, horrific television ads against her democratic opponent Kay Hagan by calling her Godless and falsely fabricating an audiotape. It is honestly one of the filthiest ads I have ever seen televised. I intuitively feel (R) Elizabeth Dole will lose her seat in NC and wonder what your thoughts are? We have a funky ballot in our state this year which will probably cost Obama our state because so many people are choosing a straight ticket and are forgetting to select their Presidential choice at the top of the ballot (which coincides with your NC prediction) but I am hoping that Dole gets bumped out as she doesn’t deserve a place in politics. 
) Thank you again for your dedication and wisdom! Your blog is the first thing I read when I get up everyday! )

Hi Wyntyr, I don’t live in NC, but I did see the ad on either Countdown with Keith Olbermann or the Rachel Maddow Show tonight. I had seen your post and had the news on in the background so I made sure to pay attention to that part of the broadcast. Wow, it was really disgusting. And kind of insane on top of everything else. I couldn’t really tell what the point was other then making Dole seem like a paranoid nut jobber. So let’s ask the cards your question.

Will Elizabeth Dole lose her senate seat to Kay Hagan?

The tarot says: Maybe. It’s going to be so tight. It may take a recount or something because it will be so close.

Something is up. I keep getting the tower card reversed in almost every reading. There could be serious voter fraud here or since it came up for a different state as well, some sort of horrible tragedy just before the election. I am going to look at the chart of the US to see what’s going on and try to figure it out. I will post about this later.


Denise, What should people who are in IRA’s do? If your not 59 1/5 you pay 10% to take your money out and then pay taxes on it at your current rate which could be an initial loss of 30% or more. Should we pull out of our IRA’s? Will we lose more or all if we don’t? If we stay in will it come back? When? Thank you

Hi Flyer:

You can take your money out of the stock market and put it into a FDIC insured CD for now. There won’t be any penalties because you’re just moving it. Since the economy is going to get worse before it gets better there is talk of allowing people to take out money early to help them get by (actually Obama already alluded to this) without any sort of penalty. I’m not sure how much that will be. The main thing is the stock market is going to really bottom out at the end of December and into January because Pluto will go over the first house. It will also oppose Uranus and will seem out of the blue. The market may appear to be getting better before this happens. And once Pluto goes over the market’s first house we will see a real tsunami, globally and very clearly. All that has been hidden will come out. It isn’t going to be pretty.

I personally took everything out of the market (it was just one money market IRA but still) and put it into a FDIC insured CD IRA the day before I started this blog, back around mid-September of this year because I kept hearing a voice tell me to get out. That was the inspiration for this blog. I wanted other people, especially those getting ready to retire to be able to save what they’ve worked their whole lives for. I felt if one person listened and was inspired to get out, and it saved them from going broke, it was worth it. I have no idea if anyone listened. I hope someone did.

But anyway, back to your question. The market is going to remain extremely volatile as this Pluto aspect keeps happening, it will go back and forth over the first house for the next few years. So I personally think it’s too risky to invest in for anyone who isn’t a mulit-billionaire. I’m sorry if you have lost money already. It makes the whole equation a lot more difficult. I hope that is not the case, but chances are you have. In that case I would use your intuition to pull out when the market is up enough for you to recover some or most of what you have lost. If you can pull out before late December, do it! Hope that helps some.

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

I want to ask you about “FOX news”, there is something not right with them, I look at all cable news shows and I find them offensive on all fronts.

What do you see for them in the next 4 years with a President Obama in the White House????

Hi Tjuania;

You are right. They are run by Rupert Murdoch and have had many lawsuits slapped on them because it is basically just a front for Murdoch’s personal agenda of pushing for traditional Republican idealogy –more deregulation. I find it ironic that he bought the stock exchange this summer and according to what I have heard has lost a fortune because of it. Ironic, because it was the pushing of deregulation that has and will be the collapse of the market. But anyway. I was just saying to my husband tonight that I believe FOX news will shrivel up.

I asked the cards: Will FOX news go out of business in the next 4 years?
The answer: Yes.

Again, I got the tower card reversed. I am getting a little spooked here. There is something very bad around the pike. This is not good. I had a dream about driving through a tornado the other night, but I don’t think that was literal not that there won’t be a literal aspect to the dream. Perhaps there will be a real tornado that devastates the mid-west. I hope not. I think the dream was a warning that something very bad is brewing. Again I’m going to look into this and try to figure it out. 


Hi Denise: Thanks so much for answering all our questions and easing our minds during this dirty election. I can’t believe all the nasty stuff going on. What’s the story with this Joe the Plummer? Is the McCain Campaign paying this guy to endorse him? His campaign is so dirty. I am so disgusted. Does Palin (and the republicans) really think she’s going to run for president in 2012? She’s more of a moron than I thought. I’m looking forward to seeing her get impeached (karma!!) Thanks!

Hi Tckal:

I’ll ask the cards about “Joe the plumber,” who it turned out wasn’t really a plumber, but anyway. 
Was and is “Joe the plumber,” a Republican plant?

The cards say: Kind of.

He was just a regular semi-employed, uneducated idiot who took it upon himself to question Obama, but since then they’ve used him to say and do things that they can not. He’s a Republican and an opportunist. And so are they — they are relying on his stupidity to freak out crowds. But, it isn’t really working because he’s not coherent or articulate enough. It wasn’t a very wise move on their part. It just makes them look desperate, and even more erratic, and idiotic then they do already.

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

Thank you for answering my question…. I was wondering about the “30 minute Obama ad”. Will this ad be effective or will they try to paint this as him being an elite?

Good question. I thought it was really moving, but you never know how people are going to take this sort of thing so lets ask the cards.

Will the 30 minute Obama/Biden ad help them win over voters?

The cards say: No. Surprising to me. I have to ask a follow up.

Will the 30 minute ad hurt the Obama/Biden campaign?

The answer: Maybe.

I think it will hurt them as their will be a viscious spin from the Republicans about how he spent all this money. Already we’re seeing McCain question where he got all his money. It isn’t going to hurt him among his supporters, but it doesn’t look like it will have convinced those people who are racist of anything other then he has a lot of money. John McCain is going to work the whole angle of how he’s the poor underdog, big time, again playing to that xenophobic crowd. Sadly, these people don’t seem to have a heart to touch.

I must say this is the first time in my entire life that I’ve felt like I was voting for someone I want to be president instead of a lesser of two evils scenario. I felt that commercial was excellent, it made me cry (this could be partially hormonal, you ladies out there know what I’m talking about.) You could really feel the goodness, honor, caring, compassion and genuineness of Obama despite the slickness of the documentary style commercial. I felt it really did highlight how special Obama is. It reminded me of what people told me about voting for Kennedy. Many people felt this intense love for him, felt he represented a new hopeful future. I feel that way about Obama. He is the first politician I actually feel is involved in politics because he wants to make the world a better place instead of for his own personal gain. (Having said that I do like other people like Hillary and Bill and many others, but they don’t have the same purity of spirit Obama has.)


Denise, I just want you to know your site is helping me keep sane right now in these last few days before the election! I am checking the data sites like, which is wonderful but I felt that wasn’t taking into account things like Republican dirty tricks, which is why I went in search of more intuitive information. I think the cards might be right about Montana and Arizona, strange as it may seem, because it fits with the way the polls have been going lately. (I have family and friends in Montana and they all have voted early for Obama and some have even helped with the campaign–as a whole the state is conservative of course but they might like Obama’s outsider status). I am wondering what we can do about the hate crimes and xenophobia that may be brewing over the next few years. Are there preventive steps that can be taken before we see real trouble, and if so, what are they? Thanks.


Hi Lori:

I wonder that myself. Unfortunately, we live in a world where we take three steps forward and two back. There will always be entropy and order, shadow and light, good and bad. I’ve travelled all over the world and hatred is everywhere, it takes different forms. Prejudiced people in England don’t like the French. The Australians bigots don’t like the Aborigines. And of course everyone hates the Jews. That’s a pretty universal one. I could go on, but you know what I’m talking about. It’s just human nature. People seem to need a whipping boy. They seem to need someone to feel superior to. Of course not everyone has that problem. But we all have some prejudices taught to us as children and left unchecked they can take root and become ugly.

A friend of mine recently told me he found liberal racism more insidious because liberals try to hide their prejudice. Actually, being half Jewish I have to disagree with him as I would have been gassed if I lived in Germany in the 30s, and was often called a kike, even though my mom was Catholic.

Personally, I appreciate when people keep their anti-semitism to themselves. It’s what I call considerate. These liberal types are not the sort who will murder you. Some may not trust you immediately, but they at least give you a chance. And they try to be open. Even if they have to fight themselves to do it — this just makes me respect those people more! It means they are working against their shadow self by trying to be better people. That is honorable and about all we can expect from anyone.

Recognizing our prejudices, acknowledging them, and keeping them in check when they rear up is the best and only thing we can do. Eventually they disappear, the more we confront them. But this takes actual self-examination, and work. Many people find it easier to live in fear and feel better then whatever whipping boy their culture deems appropriate. 

The only answer is time and evolution. I believe the more evolved we become the more we will see were are all the same. But don’t look for utopia on that front any time soon.

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Here is the first question:


Did the Bush-Cheney campaign engage in electronic vote fraud in 2004 on Ohio to ensure that George W. Bush would be president for another four years?

The tarot says: Yes.

It looked like they knew if they didn’t Bush/Cheney would loose and it was a close enough and they had the people in place to get away with voter fraud. They also knew that a court case would be eminent but it would be of little consequence to them as the presumptive winners.

And the next two come from Tckal:


Hi Denise: I’m really curious as to whether Obama will win Arizona and Alaska, the McCain and Palin home states. Do you see Obama turning those states blue? Thanks!

Will Obama win Arizona? 

The cards say: Yes. But I find it hard to believe as this is McCain’s home state and traditionally red. But according to the cards, it’s a pretty strong yes. It looks like it could be because of the hispanic vote which is really going for Obama. And McCain is seen as married to the establishment, also to the problems going on in the world right now and the Bush administration.

Will Obama win Alaska?

They don’t trust Obama.

But it looks like they don’t really like McCain much. The people of Alaska like their bigger oil checks (some would call this welfare and re-distributing the wealth.) So the majority are really voting for Palin partially because of the notoriety she has brought to their state, and because of those fat oil checks. She actually has more in common with the socialism of oil rich Scandinavian countries then Obama does with his rich people should pay higher taxes scheme. Wow, that’s so radical. It’s only been the income tax code since its inception about a hundred years ago. Anyway, her painting Obama as a Socialist or a Marxist is about as ludicrous as calling Palin Einstein.


…and also those currently tied states (Montana and North Dakota) that were always red until recently. Thanks Denise!

Will Obama/Biden win Montana?

The tarot says: Yes.

I was a bit shocked by this. It looks like a pretty amazing victory there. It looks very good for Obama where I wouldn’t think it possible.

Will Obama/Biden win North Dakota:

The cards say that’s still a toss up. Right now it is too close to call and it looks like it could go either way. The hearts and minds of the people there are still undecided. They are very nervous, anxious and afraid and want a change but they aren’t sure which way to go just yet.

The last question is from Tjuania:

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

THANK YOU,,,,,,,, I am getting so nervous about this election. There is a higher power looking over this election. I was wondering there was a report yesterday about “two skin-heads”, who were plotting the assasination of Barack Obama and killing at least 70 African- American students.

Will we as African- American parents have to be worried about these types of incidents in the next 4 years?

Yes, there is a higher power protecting this election. And something much more powerful going on then I have ever seen in my lifetime. I believe we are at a crossroads. It is a time of reckoning. Not the kind Evangelic’s are trying to usher in, but a true reckoning where karma will be wrought. And no amount of phony contrition will be accepted. Remember in the New Testament it says: And the meek shall inherit the earth. Well, we will see the fall of those who abused their power to control and pervert others. We’ve already seen many of these Evangelic preachers fall and many wall street big wigs, too. And this trend will continue. Many probably will loose their faith in Christianity as well they should. Because they have been mislead.  

I’m sorry to say the answer to your question is, yes.

We will see those who have nothing to fuel their sense of superiority and entitlement except hatred get very angry over Obama’s win. We will see a rise in all forms of xenophobia, all sorts of hate crimes not just against African-American people, but against, gay people, Jewish people, Hispanic people, Muslim’s, Indian/Pakistanis, you name it, anyone and everyone who is a minority or seen as the other. This is because there are those who have a sense of entitlement linked to their race. Most of these people have nothing else to feel superior about, they lack education are not very intelligent and often live cloistered lives without any real interaction with people who look different then they do. 

However, this will be brewing for the next few years, but we won’t actually see the real trouble burst out until about 2011 when Uranus will go into Aries. I fear we will see some really bad stuff then. More organized hate groups doing things like bombing black churches, mosques and Jewish temples. I really hope I’m wrong, but I do feel this incredible divide happening in this country. Those who wish to move forward and are open, compassionate and all inclusive (in the old days what was called liberal) and those who are full of venom, and I’ll just say it because it is what it is, as ignorant as some of these people are their leaders are evil and these people are choosing to go toward fear, intolerance and hatred instead of love, kindness and compassion. We are in a very karmic time. 

I find it ironic that many of those who call themselves Christian seem to be more infatuated with the old testament rather then Christ’s teachings which were meant to supersede the old testament, you know that book called, the New testament. Christ would never have condoned gay bashing, hatred toward other people because of their race, sex, sexual orientation or for anything this current crop of Christians demonize. As a matter of fact these Christian ministers getting rich, living high on the hog, speaking to stadiums full of followers and flying around in private jets would make Christ sick. It was Christ who freaked out on the money changers in front of the temple and said, “It is easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to get into heaven.” The reason being, wealth and power often corrupt the spirit with greed and selfishness. These are not qualities befitting a spiritual leader. But yet, these people call themselves Christian.

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

A question comes from Marie:



Thank you in advance for answering my question. Your time and energy is much appreciated.

Will Obama/Biden win PA, OH, FL, NC, CO, NV, VA and IN?

Will they have a lanslide victory?

Thank you

Will Obama/Biden win PA?

The tarot’s answer: Maybe

I’m getting the feeling there will be some Republican dirty tricks. I have a feeling it has something to do with Sarah Palin. When I asked the question, she popped into my head and she shows up in the cards along with the devil card. So it seems she’s going to try and scare the you know what out of the people of that state in the coming week. There is going to be some serious confusion. But I saw the state turn blue on the map. So I feel that this state will go to Obama, but there will be some strange stuff happening here. It may not be cut and dried right away.

Will Obama/Biden win OH?

The tarot’s answer:

Yes. It will be by a much bigger margin then expected. A lot of women are going to go out and vote, and I don’t mean the Sarah Palin types. Also young people, more then expected.

Will Obama/Biden win FL?

Wow! According to the cards, Yes.

And it will be a huge upset to the Republican establishment there. It looks like there is a major change going on down there, and again, young people and the message of change, hope and a new beginning for the country is going to play very well. There is a possibility of a crisis down there that could give the lead to Obama/Biden. The tower card comes up. It may very well be another economic hit that gets the elderly people living off their retirement funds very nervous, nervous enough to go for the guy who has a plan and won’t gamble their social security in the stock market. Also the issue of health care with this economic tsunami, may have the elderly feeling they need to vote Obama/Biden.

Will Obama/Biden win CO?

The tarot says: No

I immediately had the feeling that there is a tremendous amount of racism at play in this particular area. Unfortunately, there is too much confusion about who Obama is, the belief he’s a Muslim and all that crazy right wing stuff, has a much greater foot hold in this state. Why? I don’t know. But Obama/Biden will have supporters and not loose by an overwhelming amount.

Will Obama/Biden win NV?

The cards say: Yes

They literally jumped out of the deck. But my instincts feel this will be more of a reactive vote against McCain then for Obama/Biden. The economy is the main focus here, and a feeling that McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin was such a disaster there isn’t any trust for his judgement in solving the economic problems. 

Will Obama/Biden win VA?

I got a very odd answer. The tower came up, just as it did for Florida. Again election tampering (fraud, suppression) but in this case it looks like it won’t be clear who won the state for a little while. It looks like a court case may come out of this. And ultimately Obama/Biden will win. But chances are it will go to court first and we might not know who won the state right away.

Will Obama/Biden win IN?

The tarot says: Yes

Will Obama/Biden win North Carolina?


Will Obama/Biden win by a landslide?


But not as big as some would think. It maybe a bit of a nail biter. Obama is so far ahead in the polls but because of voter suppression and other dirty tricks it may not look like as big of a landslide as it actually is. Some of the same old 2000 & 2004 tricks will be tried, but this time it will not effect the final outcome. In fact I think we’ll see future laws put into place because of these same Republican dirty tricks being used again and this time the tricks will be exposed and Democrats will be in the majority. 

The next question comes from me. 

Will the Democrats win the 60 needed seats to have a true majority?

And the answer:

Just barely. But Yes. It will probably be exactly 60 or just over it.

Blessing to all!

And don’t forget to VOTE!!!!



Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

The first question comes from Amber:

Will singer Jennifer Hudson find her nephew that is missing? My feeling is that
he is hidden with his fathers family but is okay.
(Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.)

You know this is a horrible thing that has happened to Jennifer Hudson’s family and I feel so badly for all of them. It is just sickening.

I saw a picture of the boy, and I feel he is in serious peril. He is terrified, and saw what happened to his grandmother, and uncle. I feel his father has him, and is acting extremely erratically and is very abusive. I worry that this man will kill the child. I am very worried. I hadn’t focused on it until I saw the picture of the poor boy, and now I am feeling he is in grave danger, and the father is not in his right mind. He could snap, and kill his own son if the boy is not found soon. 

I think its a matter of days, or weeks before this boy will pass over unless the police find him. I see the father on the road, running with the kid. Right now, the boy is alive. But I do see the father acting out on him and this father is very crazy, erratic, volatile, explosive. I’m very worried the authorities won’t find the boy until it is too late. I really hope I’m wrong. One thing I do see, if anyone can use this information is a motel with red doors. They are currently in this motel. I believe the motel is south east of where the child was taken from. Perhaps in Indiana or on the boarder of Indiana and Illinois.

If I were to have a more direct connection, knew the boys birthdate time, place and had an article of his clothing I would feel much more confident about finding this boy. Right now there is so much worry and negative energy clouding the pathway to the boy’s trail. I can’t be sure my reading is totally clear. I wish this family well. 

What a horrible and tragic situation. If the family wants my help I would be glad to do so anonymously and for free. 

The second question comes from:


Dear Denise

The canadian dollar keeps going down. It seems there is no logical reason. When do you think it will stabilize and how much more will it go down. And also what kind of role can Canada play in a utopic world. Will it be a communicator for peace. I feel at least in Quebec that there is good seeds for a spiritual world in the future. How do you foresee the role of Canada as your closest neighbour.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Hi Benoit,

I’m not sure the world will ever be utopic, but it will evolve if we let it. As global warming puts the squeeze on the world, I feel the Pacific Northwest, and most of Canada will be among the most inhabitable places on earth. 

Now about the Canadian dollar. It does defy logic that your money has gone down. So I’ll ask the tarot if the Canadian dollar will continue to loose value compared to the US dollar:

The cards say: No

It looks like there will be an economic depression both in the US and in Canada.

I asked the tarot if the Canadian dollar would go up in value over the next 3 months compared to the US dollar and it said:


It seems that both countries are going to be in serious financial trouble and both economies are going to be hit hard. I believe we will see this all over the world. Oddly, no country’s money will be worth much for awhile as the public trust will have been ruined and widespread corruption, and truly terrible things about corporations, financial institutions, brokerage firms, etc. will come out over the next few months. It’s going to feel like we’ve been attacked. As if the business world has betrayed the people of the world. As if they have abused the everyday consumer/person.

It looks like there has been so much blatant abuse of power, stealing and corruption that will come out, at first, it will be devastating. Kind of like when you find out your lover has had an affair on you. It will be very painful and a lot of people will be wary of investing in anything. People will stop spending money and start really changing their habits partially out of need because of major job losses, but also out of a feeling of abandonment.

It will feel as though the government, and the institutions we trusted, knocked us out, and then while we were unconscious kicked our teeth in on top of it. It’s going to make a lot of people upset, but it will ultimately be a catalyst for major reform in how we as a world, do business.

The last question comes from Marlene:


Will anymore Palin scandals or skeletons be revealed before the election?

I asked your question to the tarot:

The answer: No.

But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any. They’ll come out later.

One of them is about an affair. There was a rumor about her having an affair with Todd’s business partner and the cards indicate that this is true. It will leak out later.

And there will be others. Enough to ruin her future career in politics.

Best wishes to all and blessings.

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

The first question comes from Sharovik:



Hello Denise. Is there any way to help this family?

Brandon Crisp, 15, left home on October 13 (Canadian Thanksgiving) after an argument with his parents, who took away his XBox privileges. They believed Brandon was addicted to online gaming. Brandon’s bicycle was found beside a trail about 16 miles from his home, and witnesses believe they saw him on the trail. But, despite police searches, nothing has turned up.

Here’s a story link:

I have been praying for Brandon’s safe return. Is he okay? Thank you.

The next question comes from Alan aka grainman:

I posted this response but wanted to make sure that she or anyone connected to this case could find it without trouble:

Hi Sharovik,
I just checked my comments and saw this, it looked urgent. I would be happy to help in any way possible. If you know anyone connected with this case or the police who are investigating it, I’d be more than willing to help. I think in this case it would be very helpful to use psychometry, meaning touching something Brandon touched to get a trail on him. I’d also like to have his birth information. I would of course do any work on this case for free if anyone reading this wants help please contact me at:
I feel very bad for all involved and my prayers and thoughts go out to him and his family. Best wishes to you as well.



Dear Denise,
I’ve never consulted a psychic on-line. So I can’t account for why I spontaneously decided to Google “psychics on economic collapse” tonight. But here I am, having read your blog for well over an hour, asking for your insight on what I hope is a question that may have wider appeal than just my own, personal, selfish need. And I’m spending time trying to craft my question just right because it’s easy to see how you yourself spend liberally of your own precious time to answer everyone thoughtfully, with respect and diligence. So thank you. I have found your blog to be a really useful resource, deeply insightful, and entertaining to boot!

My question concerns Latin America. I have been expecting the current crisis for years, having read all I could get my hands on about the corrupt Federal Reserve banking cartel and the Elite’s plans for New World Order. So I’ve been scouting out safe havens for some time and have recently decided (about 97% decided, I should say) to move to Argentina and live on a remote farm with a couple of close friends, growing our own food and simplifying life as we ride out the coming tsunami you refer to.
The 3% doubt is because I know nothing of finances really. I’ve never invested in the Stock Market, thankfully. And I have very limited savings. (Certainly nowhere near enough to retire in Los Angeles, where I currently reside.) My friends think I’ve gone mad and am about to jump out of a getaway plane without a parachute!

Frankly, I’m basing my 97% decision purely on how my heart felt when I stepped onto the farm we found about 100 kilometers outside of Buenos Aries. I know no Spanish, and less about farming. Yet it calls to me. (My friend in the adventure is Argentinian, however, and we’ve bought some farming books!!!)

Now, I’m not asking you to validate my lack of due diligence and I promise I won’t sue you if my tomato plants wither on the vine. (Do they grow on vines? Not sure.) I guess I just want my 3% non-intuitive part to have the benefit of your 103% insight. So the question is not anything as lame as “Am I making the right decision? Please live my life for me!” It’s much more practical and down-to-earth. How do you see the “Global” Collapse playing out in Argentina, specifically, considering they already had their own very recent melt-down? Is economic lightning likely to strike twice in the same place? Fiat ‘money’ – paper money – is surely doomed in most areas of the world, I would think. But do you think having a little land to grow food is a better idea than clinging to nice bright, shiny metals?

I hope the question might be of help to others considering ‘personal bail-outs’ rather than having faith in the one the Elite’s just fostered on everyone. Thank you for your time, insight, energy, humor, and obvious caring.

God bless all your (ad)ventures.


Hi Alan,

Your question is complex. It is a huge leap to go into a different culture, not just because of the language and everything else, but also to go from being in an urban environment to a rural setting. I can understand why a part of you is scared. I would be, too. And also why it is appealing.

If one can grow their own food and not have to worry about paying on the land, that is self-sufficiency whatever the economic situation. Just because the world (and Latin America) are going to face this huge economic tsunami doesn’t mean it is going to bad for everyone in all places. If our money is worth a lot more than theirs right now, and you buy property for cheap, this seems like a sound idea. I will make an exception to my rule tonight because this is such a huge change, and it is just one question I can quickly ask the tarot, so I will.

Should Alan relocate to an Argentine farm?

The tarot says: Yes.

But my feeling (and the tarot confirms this) is that you could find it isolating and difficult over time. At first you will really love it. I also think there is more to your move here than just finances (which I won’t get into because this is a public forum) but anyway, there are emotional things driving this that will resolve, and once they do you may find yourself in the middle of rural Argentina, wishing you were with friends and able to do other things. In terms of it being a sound economic plan. It is. You’ll do fine that way, but there are other things to consider. So think about that.

If you want to schedule a reading e-mail me at: It maybe a good idea because this is a major life change and once you are there you might have a hard time moving back. There are a lot of things to consider here. I wish you the best Alan.

Best wishes and blessings to all.

Question I will answer tomorrow along with new questions:


Dear Denise

The canadian dollar keeps going down. It seems there is no logical reason. When do you think it will stabilize and how much more will it go down. And also what kind of role can Canada play in a utopic world. Will it be a communicator for peace. I feel at least in Quebec that there is good seeds for a spiritual world in the future. How do you foresee the role of Canada as your closest neighbour.

Thank you.

Best wishes,

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers Questions…

I’d just like to thank all of you out there who have posted encouraging and kind words. Also I want to thank all of you for your hope and good energy, and your belief that we can get through this troubling time, and make something better of our world. Your faith and hope will be contagious, and help our country, and our world get back on track. It is so important that good and kind people continue to believe in their fellow man even in the face of ignorance.

We are all here to learn and those among us who open our heart, and show kindness teach love and point others (and ourselves) toward the path of light with even the smallest act of kindness.

More questions from readers:

The first from Hope and a Plan:


Hey Denise, we all really appreciate your taking the time to share your insights and compassion. My quick question is during the last depression the US had 25% unemployment. I read that contributed to the vicious economic cycle. Will the US experience 25% unemployment in the next couple of years? Thanks. Best to you.

I asked about that number, the tarot said:  No. 

I asked if we would experience 15% it said: No

I asked if it would be about 30% at its worst point: Yes.

But my feeling is that this will be a very swift kick of in the butt, and be terrible of course, but turn around much faster then it did during the 30s. Meaning I feel the restructuring of the global economy will happen over the next couple of years, and at the worst of our downward swing it’s going to be very bleak, but will turn around pretty quickly, within a few years, and be out of that range and headed back to a healthy place.

Bottom line is my feeling is: the worst of this will last a few years, but by the end of the first Obama administration, it will be turning around, and we’ll see things getting back on track. This is going to be very tough for him. I couldn’t think of a worse time to be president then now! But if there was ever anyone up to the task it would be him. We are going to need his passionate hope and belief in the goodness of the people, besides a great plan to save this sinking ship. But we can and will do it.

The next question comes from Grace:


Thank you for your insight. Your intitution is running on the exact same tract as mine. I see a period of finicial depression ahead, but also a period of hope. I see what I term as the New Reniassance. I see majors advances in the arts and sciences. I am not sure if this is intitution or just my major in American history of the 1930s when there was certainlly great advancements in the arts, music, and literature. It is definitely an “interesting” time to be alive.

My great hope is that we will not see massive teen homelessness like they did in the 30s. Hopefully, we have in place social services for teens in crisis. I’m a mother. I can’t help but worry about the kids. How do you think things will go for the children during these hard times?

Thank you.

Hi Grace,

I worry about them, too. I’m also a mother. But even before I was one, I worried about kids. They are so vulnerable and so important to the future of our world. One worries that being exposed to the kind of traumatic events that will unfold over the next few years and beyond (as we get back on our feet) will adversely effect them.

But there is something very interesting about the children born over the last 20 years, and currently being born. They have so many outer planets in winter signs — meaning they are very old souls. Of course, just because they are old souls doesn’t mean there won’t be those among them who bring a lot of bad karma and negativity with them, but since the late 1980s and into the 1990s when there was a rare conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn there has been a shift of energy taking place on our planet.

I believe we are starting to see the effect of this in the group of young people who are now taking great interest in politics (this is of course not to say there hasn’t always been great old souls coming through, I’m just talking sheer numbers of them since this period). I’ve been saying for a long time, that these young people would be very idealistic and spiritual, but not necessarily in a conventional sense, meaning not necessarily religious. They will also be very artistic and have a love for the unique and original. They will contribute a lot to innovation especially in the arts and those born a bit later in the sciences.

Now that Pluto is going from Sagittarius into Capricorn and Uranus has been in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius, we will see the babies born now turn out to be very old, and unusual souls. On the whole they will be more sensitive and intelligent then previous generations. I believe we will see an evolutionary leap in our species from those children born from the period of the late 1980s on until those born until 2011. But when Uranus goes into Aries younger souls will begin incarnating in greater number again. Not that younger souls are bad they are just newer on the road. Of course they can also be amazingly pure, great people with many gifts and lots of love to give.

We saw a bit of this leap among people born in the 1960s when Uranus was conjunct with Pluto in Virgo, an aspect that happens once every 144 years. And in this case it was in Virgo so times that by 12, and you get an aspect in sign that only happens approximately once every 18,000 years. This was why there was such an uprising of liberal views and a mini-revolution/social revolution going on at the time. This was a window of intense learning and idealism which is embedded in those born during that time. Ironically, there were less people born during this period then any other on earth living today. Meaning this generation is the smallest group on the planet, so their impact has been small in society (Obama is on the front end of this conjunction, but it’s out of sign) and their voices often silenced because they don’t have big numbers. But this first 60s group paved a course and with this new influx of similar types, starting from people in their early twenties to babies right now, we will see some major shifts in the collective unconscious over our lifetime. This is a very good thing.

Now back to your question, I asked the cards if we would see massive teen homelessness:

The answer: Yes.

But, this will change the social services we have in this country for kids and teenagers for the better. It’s strange, but all the cards that come up for this are basically positive which makes me think that there will be opportunities for many of these kids they wouldn’t have had under their previous situations, such as the potential for a college education and a change in their fate for the better. Some or most would have been in dire situations with abuse and/or extreme poverty they would have had to endure, but with the revision of the social system they will find new hope and opportunity awaiting them.

It’s odd. I’m not saying they won’t have a hard time, but most of these kids will have come from families who were abusive or so troubled they would not have gotten their needs met. And because the public will be more aware of these kids they will actually get more help then they normally would. And lets face it when everything is rosy most people don’t think about anything, they kind of check out. Our current crisis is going to make us rethink how we do just about everything, and it will engender much needed compassion in our society.

Gwen Merrick

Dear Denise,

Thank you for the insight you are bringing to so many during these extrordinary times. I have a political question with reference to New York City Mayor Bloomberg who recently strong-armed the City Council in voting to change the term limits which the people of NYC voted twice against through his backroom politics. He truly believes he is the only one to deal with this financial disaster which originated here (what extreme arrogance). Do you see him winning the Mayor race next year and will the people of NY rise up against this non-democratic vote. I am deeply concerned about this as a small business owner knowing that the decisions he makes are only made to enhance the wealthy and create more burdens for the working class.

Thank you again.

Hi Gwen. Let’s ask the cards: Will Mayor Bloomberg win the next mayoral election?

OK, when asking this question 5 cards literally fell out of the deck. I always take that to have great meaning. They were all reversed so I would say, no. He isn’t going to win the next election. And let’s see why:

He’s got a bad record and people remember this. He’s not well liked. He’s pissed off (For lack of a better word) a lot of small business owners and made it difficult to start new businesses as well as business partnerships, weakening the overall economy. But I actually get the feeling he’s made a lot of lawyers angry. This I’m just hearing. I feel there maybe a movement to overturn what he’s strong armed. He’s got some serious enemies. Also he has pissed away a lot of opportunity for New Yorkers, how I’m not sure, I’m feeling he’s grid locked the system and made New York more unappealing for not just small businesses, but tourists, multi-national global companies and has (in a way) isolated the city. He’s also very arrogant and out of touch with what the people really think and feel about him, which is, most people don’t like him. He does however have strong support from certain giant well established institutions and institutional corporations. This is perhaps where he gets his false sense of huberis. 

I’m getting a very strong no. He isn’t going to win. And I do feel the law he strong armed will be repealed by a group of lawyers who will sue to get it overturned.

Another question this time from Tyrone:

Tyrone Solee

Hi Denise, can I ask what do you think will happen to the Philippine Stock Exchange? And to the Philippine Economy?

Hi Tyrone,

That’s a big question. I’m going to see if I can find a chart on the Philippine Stock Exchange. I found the inception date and figured the trading began at 9:00 AM so I ran it for that time. If you know what time it starts let me know in a post so I can rectify the chart. Here is the chart:

So here we see that the Sun is at 01 degree Capricorn. This is the same degree as the Dow’s ascendant. I’m seeing this 1 degree Capricorn in so many financial charts it’s making me wonder if that degree has some special significance especially to markets. Anyway, it’s in the 11th house and the Sun rules the 7th, meaning it will take a big hit because it’s friend (us) and partner (us) is going to get punched. It will also start freaking out in late December. I haven’t been paying attention to it, but I’m sure there have already been signs, and problems as this aspect gets tighter.

Now the bigger problems are going to come down the line — it may even dissolve and be re-invented or absorbed by another market, rumblings of this will start in January 2014, but it may not happen until later when Pluto hits Uranus and then all of a sudden it will go bye-bye. That will be a few years later in January of 2017. This could be part of the global market change I’ve been talking about, perhaps the Philippines will transform around that time. But I’d say from December of this year until November of 2009 this market will be very volatile and you might want to stay away until it settles down. Hope that helped.

The next question is from Joe:

Joe Mayer

The gold company Yamana Gold
Symbol (AUY)
will it rise back to the 15 to 20 mark? 

I asked the tarot will it rise back to the 15-20 mark in the next 3 months.

The answer: Yes. 

So keep watch and take advantage of it! 

Best wishes to everyone, blessings and good luck.

Answering Readers Questions…

Answering Readers Questions…

The first question comes from Aymon:


so what we’ll be seeing in dec will be worst than what we’re seeing recently from sept to october?

Unfortunately, yes. I do get the feeling that over the next couple of years some major changes in how the markets work both here and internationally, along with some sort of restructuring and some new laws, will make the global economy stronger and less vulnerable to future problems. But it will get worse before it gets better.

The aspect that set this chain off will go exact in December, so there will be as I said in the post, a tsunami.

I used that metaphor because in a tsunami, at first you’re not sure what is happening, the ocean recedes, looks strange, but it doesn’t seem so bad, then all of a sudden your drowning. And just as it seems to be over, the water pours out again. So that is how I saw it playing out. It’s almost as if it’s not really happening, very surreal.

I’m going to post, the Dow, NASDAQ, The US Constitution and the US Constitution’s signing chart so you can follow what I’m saying. If anyone is interested I have some basic astrological information, for novices on another blog, it’s url is: if you want to ask astrological questions you can post your questions there and I’ll answer them. 

Anyway here are the charts with some interpretation to follow:

Looking at the Dow’s chart we’ll see the start of a downward spiral happening more behind the scenes (like it has been) then in our faces. But once Pluto crosses the ascendant in late January 09, we will really see the effects of what has been happening. Right now this Pluto aspect is going through the 12th house and although we’re seeing it, we’re not really seeing it yet. It’s not clear what all of this means and there is a lot of illusion and delusion about the stock market. But come late January we are going to be smacked in the face and it will directly start effecting us.

My intuition is that we will see a many more companies go under, a lot more job loss/unemployment, a significant hit for retail stores — many of them will go out of business, and so many other companies are going to fall. We will also start to see a sharp rise in homelessness.

There are a lot of factors at play here. In the US Constitution’s chart Pluto will be crossing the 7th house around March of 09, making our allies more vulnerable to economic turbulence than they have already felt. But around the same time Pluto makes the horrible aspect to the Dow it also inconjuncts Uranus in the second house of work, which makes me feel there will be a tie in to major job losses, and it will be sudden, out of the blue — so some industries that seem invulnerable right now will get hit. Pluto is also squaring the US Constitution’s part of fortune in Libra in the 4th house, again causing turbulence in the housing market. More people will loose their homes, and right now we are seeing a credit freeze in that area, this aspect will get worse in late November and into December. 

This whole thing is a giant mess. The more I look at all the charts the crazier it looks. Also Uranus will make an exact conjunction to the natal US Constitution’s chart’s Mercury which rules the 4th house. I worry a bit about another terrorist attack during this time period (March of 09). We are really in for some strange times.

But I also feel we are going to turn this around and find hope, courage and a great lesson in all of this. This will be a defining moment in American history for a bunch of reasons and I have an intense feeling most of us will rise to the challenge and it will bring out the best in us, and we will turn things around for the better. It may even wake us up about other issues such as global warming which really threaten the habitability of our planet, and makes our current problem small in comparison.

So perhaps we needed this wake up call to get us all involved, engaged and thinking again, rather then checking out — something I feel we have been doing for a long time now. Hopefully, we will all learn that politics are important — the workings of which have a direct effect on our personal lives. Something we forgot when things seemed to be working OK.

We forgot the lessons of our ancestors who lived through horrible things, fought with their lives to not just give us our freedom, but to insure people would get paid a fair wage, and not be exploited. This is why unions were set up. Before their invention, our country was very much like China or Dickinsonian England where children worked 16 hour days for practically nothing, and no matter how hard a person tried they couldn’t make ends meet unless they came from the upper classes.

We forgot that people died putting those unions together to make life better for generations to come, only for Republicans to sell us on the notion that unions just took money and did nothing. Granted, unions got fat and lazy, and not all of them lived up to their original glory. But without them or regulations or without all of us banning together by voting for our own interests instead of lobbyists controlling Washington — we are nothing. We are not a democracy, we are a corporate plutocracy. Nothing could have made that point more clear then what happened during the last two election cycles. Special interests and corporations had gained so much power while we were busy playing with our blackberries, that we hardly noticed they had bought the Republican party, sold it to the working poor via FOX News (Rupert Murdoch) and then had a coo that we paid for. 

But their party is over! That is the good news. We will pay the price for their greed and our laziness. But we will learn and will have the opportunity to truly be the great country we were meant to be.

So vote, get involved and stay involved. We can’t let this happen again. The next few years are going to be hard for all of us, but we can change it. We can learn from this, and if we stick together, and help one another, we will never be stronger.

Best wishes and blessings.

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