A Word…

I haven’t written much lately for a number of reasons. One being I’ve been very busy. Two being there’s too much going on in the world and will continue to be so that reporting it before it happens seems like it will just cause a sense of paranoia and hopelessness. Unless I feel there is information which people can act on to change the future of something, I will remain silent.

I also don’t have an interest in doing personal readings right now because it’s too easy for me to become overwhelmed and worried about people. If anyone desires protection please use the Lesser Pentagram Ritual on a daily basis and know that I have asked my guides to help anyone looking here for protection so even if I don’t respond to you, it doesn’t matter, just reaching out and plugging into the energy of the Universe through whatever means you feel comfortable doing is most important. We all have our own path to God and I encourage everyone to find their own path as this is the way to enlightenment. No one can teach you, no one knows better than your own soul how to connect to the Great Spirit than you do. You are a unique soul – a collection of unique experiences, unique spiritual energy and physical experiences that are both at one  and are entirely special to you.

Meditation is the first place to start and once you have found a meditation system that works for you keep at it. My only caveat is to always remember that psychic protection in this polluted world is of the utmost importance and should never be disregarded no matter what tradition you choice to follow. There are some traditions that will tell you psychic protection isn’t necessary, but I have seen first hand a disturbingly high percentage of negative events happening to people who open themselves up in these traditions when all they have to do is add some simple protection. Perhaps when some of these traditions were invented the world was a smaller and more tribal place and not so disjointed and predatory.

It’s important to realize that if you raise your level of consciousness, you will also attract people who are as dark as you are light and will try to hurt you because they will see your loving nature as weakness to be preyed upon. One can be a spiritual warrior, both strong and loving. Gentle with those who deserve it and able to fight for those less fortunate or for oneself without feelings of guilt.

I think this is the primary mistake of many spiritual systems that they have separated enlightenment with survival. Allowing oneself to be a victim doesn’t make one a great martyr, but it is often a period we must pass through in our spiritual evolution as tests can and will come to those with spiritual power.

Let me be clear I do not advocate the use of spiritual power for malice under any circumstances – but this is an issue that most people will never have to really face. I also do not advocate using spiritual power to gain specific material gain in this world (such as in The Secret or other such “New Age” sorts of books.)

I believe one is here to learn and grow and one must surrender to the power of the Great Spirit and the greater good and flow of the Universe. That being said I do believe the Great Spirit can endow people with gifts that are meant to be used and when one follows their heart (this is where the Great Spirit contacts us most easily) our path is full of fulfillment. It isn’t always easy, it doesn’t necessarily bring us great wealth or fame, but it provides us with everything we need and the opportunity to be our best self.

BTW being rich and famous isn’t being our best self and some of the most miserable people on this planet live in the bubble of wealth and fame – they have everything they could ever want or need but no empathy or understanding. This is why over the years as Oprah embraced more and more New Age gurus and now on her network has a “master class” which I find completely offensive, as if because someone has been lucky enough to make some money or was at the right place at the right time and had half a brain as to how to utilize these opportunities they are somehow a “master.” A master of what? Everyone can’t be rich like Oprah, otherwise she’d be the norm thereby making her average.

Life isn’t this fantasy although many people would have us believe it is. The fantasy that if we just think something hard enough it will come true or worse if something bad happens somehow we deserve it. These very complex lines of fate, genetics, place, position, education and luck are not just the result of a single person pulling themselves alone by their own bootstraps and continuing to hold them up by themselves.

In days of old people were well aware of this, but as our culture has become increasingly narcissistic and the need to turn celebrities into demigods has inverted the truth, that no man is an island, and without a very complex social fabric and the right opportunities, breaks and the luck of having been born with talent and/or intelligence what appears to be a singular accomplishment made by one exceptional individual, is actually an accomplishment grown from a community of supportive people and helpful friends, good advice and the luck of assembling a great team of people to help the one front person and or beneficiary of many people’s sacrifice and hard work. It’s not just a magic sentence written on a piece of paper and repeated until one “believes in himself” enough to become a billionaire. Yes, having confidence does help, but it’s just the start of the chain not the chain itself.

Until I have something helpful to say I will keep my Lynx medicine to myself. For now I advise everyone to enjoy their family and friends, get their spiritual house in order and try not to get caught up in the prevailing anxiety that is ever-present. If I have any advice I feel will help people to make a better decision I will share it otherwise predicting things that one had no control over is simply anxiety producing and pointless.

Many blessings to all,


A Word…