A Word…

I haven’t written much lately for a number of reasons. One being I’ve been very busy. Two being there’s too much going on in the world and will continue to be so that reporting it before it happens seems like it will just cause a sense of paranoia and hopelessness. Unless I feel there is information which people can act on to change the future of something, I will remain silent.

I also don’t have an interest in doing personal readings right now because it’s too easy for me to become overwhelmed and worried about people. If anyone desires protection please use the Lesser Pentagram Ritual on a daily basis and know that I have asked my guides to help anyone looking here for protection so even if I don’t respond to you, it doesn’t matter, just reaching out and plugging into the energy of the Universe through whatever means you feel comfortable doing is most important. We all have our own path to God and I encourage everyone to find their own path as this is the way to enlightenment. No one can teach you, no one knows better than your own soul how to connect to the Great Spirit than you do. You are a unique soul – a collection of unique experiences, unique spiritual energy and physical experiences that are both at one  and are entirely special to you.

Meditation is the first place to start and once you have found a meditation system that works for you keep at it. My only caveat is to always remember that psychic protection in this polluted world is of the utmost importance and should never be disregarded no matter what tradition you choice to follow. There are some traditions that will tell you psychic protection isn’t necessary, but I have seen first hand a disturbingly high percentage of negative events happening to people who open themselves up in these traditions when all they have to do is add some simple protection. Perhaps when some of these traditions were invented the world was a smaller and more tribal place and not so disjointed and predatory.

It’s important to realize that if you raise your level of consciousness, you will also attract people who are as dark as you are light and will try to hurt you because they will see your loving nature as weakness to be preyed upon. One can be a spiritual warrior, both strong and loving. Gentle with those who deserve it and able to fight for those less fortunate or for oneself without feelings of guilt.

I think this is the primary mistake of many spiritual systems that they have separated enlightenment with survival. Allowing oneself to be a victim doesn’t make one a great martyr, but it is often a period we must pass through in our spiritual evolution as tests can and will come to those with spiritual power.

Let me be clear I do not advocate the use of spiritual power for malice under any circumstances – but this is an issue that most people will never have to really face. I also do not advocate using spiritual power to gain specific material gain in this world (such as in The Secret or other such “New Age” sorts of books.)

I believe one is here to learn and grow and one must surrender to the power of the Great Spirit and the greater good and flow of the Universe. That being said I do believe the Great Spirit can endow people with gifts that are meant to be used and when one follows their heart (this is where the Great Spirit contacts us most easily) our path is full of fulfillment. It isn’t always easy, it doesn’t necessarily bring us great wealth or fame, but it provides us with everything we need and the opportunity to be our best self.

BTW being rich and famous isn’t being our best self and some of the most miserable people on this planet live in the bubble of wealth and fame – they have everything they could ever want or need but no empathy or understanding. This is why over the years as Oprah embraced more and more New Age gurus and now on her network has a “master class” which I find completely offensive, as if because someone has been lucky enough to make some money or was at the right place at the right time and had half a brain as to how to utilize these opportunities they are somehow a “master.” A master of what? Everyone can’t be rich like Oprah, otherwise she’d be the norm thereby making her average.

Life isn’t this fantasy although many people would have us believe it is. The fantasy that if we just think something hard enough it will come true or worse if something bad happens somehow we deserve it. These very complex lines of fate, genetics, place, position, education and luck are not just the result of a single person pulling themselves alone by their own bootstraps and continuing to hold them up by themselves.

In days of old people were well aware of this, but as our culture has become increasingly narcissistic and the need to turn celebrities into demigods has inverted the truth, that no man is an island, and without a very complex social fabric and the right opportunities, breaks and the luck of having been born with talent and/or intelligence what appears to be a singular accomplishment made by one exceptional individual, is actually an accomplishment grown from a community of supportive people and helpful friends, good advice and the luck of assembling a great team of people to help the one front person and or beneficiary of many people’s sacrifice and hard work. It’s not just a magic sentence written on a piece of paper and repeated until one “believes in himself” enough to become a billionaire. Yes, having confidence does help, but it’s just the start of the chain not the chain itself.

Until I have something helpful to say I will keep my Lynx medicine to myself. For now I advise everyone to enjoy their family and friends, get their spiritual house in order and try not to get caught up in the prevailing anxiety that is ever-present. If I have any advice I feel will help people to make a better decision I will share it otherwise predicting things that one had no control over is simply anxiety producing and pointless.

Many blessings to all,


A Word…

Praying Mantis and The First Lesson

When I came home the other day I was met by this guy Praying Mantis. He was great about having his photo taken and seemed to actually enjoy it.

Unlike what you have heard Praying Mantis ladies don’t generally bite their lovers’ heads off. That’s only when put in unnatural lab conditions – when they are hungry and freaked out. The power of the Praying Mantis is in its ability to be still and strike when the moment is right. I have been unable to blog for a while. There has been so much going on and I have been thinking, meditating for a long time about all that has been going on. When a bug sits for his picture as long as this bug did without getting upset you know it has some sort of meaning. It’s time for me to come out of my hole and let everyone know what’s up.

I know a lot of people have been freaked out about 12-21-2012. I have been asked about it a lot and of course there is a proliferation of shows about the ending date. We are living through some very dark times of our own making (not that it matters) but ultimately it will.

I was purposefully very vague (other than a few comments) about the state we are in because frankly, it’s rather depressing and upsetting. So I have decided that instead of pointing out the obvious it’s time to teach those of you who are interested how to become gateways yourself. How to connect with the collective conscience and how to feel the presence of the divine and follow your own truth.

I have taught many people how to channel – how to use the tarot, how to open their minds to become more psychic, etc. But I retreated from this role because I never wanted to be seen as a guru of any kind. And it’s too easy for others to put one in that position. I do not believe any human is more divine than any other human, perhaps further down the road home then some, but that’s it. The only guru in your life should be you – your own higher self, this is the divine part of you that will guide your spiritual development if you wish. Many people go through the entirety of their lives never delving into this aspect of their life – dealing only in the material, feeling that the spiritual is reserved for “special” people appointed or anointed by God. They prefer (if they get involved at all) to hand over their power to their local priest, rabbi, preacher, etc. But in reality we all have spiritual gifts for some (such as myself) I wasn’t really given the choice to ignore this side of life. I was forced to deal with it. This is what some people call the “gift,” which it is, but it comes with lots of responsibility, instant karma, often a painful childhood, and brushes with the dark side that most people don’t ever have to deal with. This is why when opening to the spiritual side of oneself, psychic protection is of the utmost importance and the absolute first thing one should master.

I have decided to do a step by step lesson plan for anyone interested over the next year, for anyone who wants to find their spiritual gifts. Once you open yourself to the divine you will find yourself feeling things more deeply (again this is good and bad sometimes) you will find your true path (always good) and your mission in life. You will also find that (if you work with a friend or start a group to work through the lessons which I encourage – it should be non-hierarchal and supportive of all members or imbalances in power happen – this is a NO GURUS program – meaning others may help you find your truth, but NEVER RULE OVER YOU in any way on your path.

True enlightenment must be a path cut by you to God.  You were made different from anything or anyone else in the multi-verse. Through this process you will discover each individual has different psychic gifts that will develop through these excercises and teachings. Some will find they are natural healers, others will find they dream things that come true and still others will find they are telepathic or empathic – feeling the feelings of others. For each psychic gift there are techniques I will teach you to help you turn your gifts on and off, and utilize and trust those gifts to help yourself and others.

We are in the midst of a great shift on earth this is where the 2012 thing comes in that I mentioned earlier. Today a friend posted on my Facebook account a picture of a Native Chief from Brazil crying. According to the caption he was doing so because: Chief Raoni crying when he learned that the President of Brazil approved the Belo Monte dam project on the Xingu indigenous lands. Belo Monte will be bigger than the Panama Canal, flooding nearly a million acres of rainforest & indigenous lands. 40,000 indigenous and local people will be forced off their native lands (as well as millions of unknown species & plants) In the name of “progress.”

I wonder if this isn’t related to the end of the world as the native people down south may have known it for thousands of years. It could be part of the energy the Mayans and Hopi (who traded with the Mayans) felt during this time of great transition. The world went through a Matriarchal phase at the early point of civilization and then a Patriarchal phase now we are going into the Aquarian age – an age beyond gender – closer to spirit. This means we will have to evolve past our present understanding of the physical world, past the limitations of our senses, lower emotions and simple dualistic way of seeing. This will not be an easy transition as we are seeing those in power have divided the middle-class and poor for their table scraps leaving many to be preoccupied with basic physical needs instead of putting our energy into developing our greater connection to God.

This shift will be out of our way of seeing things in black and white and into the real way the Universe is – in color! All the richness that exists and all the power there is in every kind of creation and being without judgement or hierarchy. We will have to learn to live in balance once again with all things but how we accomplish this will be different then in the past. I’m not going to lie and say it will be an easy transition. We are already feeling the anger coming to the surface and violent reaction as the first wave rising against true equality – think of how Obama has awakened the sleeping demon of racism in our country. When we put a mirror up to ourselves – we don’t always like what we see and for those who live in darkness when they see their own flaws they react by projecting them onto others in the environment. A lot of people live in unconsciousness and have lots of unresolved issues that will be catapulted into the collective for all of us to deal with. Innocent people will be hurt by this. However the more awakened and aware you are – the less chance you have of being hurt and the more you will be able to recognize when something is a projection of another’s shadow self onto you and when you actually did something unconsciously to hurt another person.

I’m not of the mind (as the Buddhist/Hindu believe) that we are living in Samsara – a place of pain and suffering that needs to be shed to get to the next highest level. I believe this is a school yard and we are children. But I don’t believe we need to live totally ascetic lives to grow past the material world. I do believe greed is the root of all evil however so balancing these two things isn’t easy for most people which is why – until now – most spiritual traditions have taken the neophyte out of the everyday world and removed all temptation of money and things, in order for him/her to get in touch with the spiritual self. While some people may need to do this others only need to find the balance of how to be humble and thankful for all they have while remaining active in the material world. I think this is one hurdle that needs to be overcome because it does us no good to have several thousand people living on nothing and meditating in the mountains everyday while others try to dominate the world through commerce and industry – both are forms of selfishness.

The holy person who spend his/her life in reflection learning the mysteries of the universe only to keep them to his/herself or the business man who spends his life amassing so much wealth a hundred generations of his family couldn’t spend it all. Both are thinking only of their own needs and growth. While it’s important to take care of yourself first – it’s imperative to go to the next level (the Aquarian age) and think of the greater whole and how you, your energy, your consciousness and your interactions affect all of the world on every level, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

So enough said. I’ll go on more about this later but here is the first lesson:

Firstly one must master a form of psychic protection. You can ask God to protect you – the Lord’s prayer or whatever tradition you come from, or you can envision a white light around you dissipating anything negative that comes within your field. Or you can call the elements or do the lesser pentagram ritual. I prefer the lesser pentagram ritual as it is clear cut protection – works amazingly well and is very easy to master. It uses all things to protect you, angels, the four directions, flaming symbols of protection and so on. You can use the search button on my site to find instructions on how to do the Lesser Pentagram Ritual if you wish. Also you can go onto youtube and see people performing it so you get an idea of how its done. I have found that perfect (while some people make a big deal out of this) pronunciation is irrelevant. The spirts/angels and God/Goddess/Great Spirit know what you’re doing and you don’t have to do it with the perfect “accent.” I suggest mastering this as it is truly the most powerful form of protection around and dates back to the temple of Solomon or even further to the Sumerians.

But the real first lesson is Meditation and Prayer. For one month pray every night before you go to sleep. Make a connection with God/Goddess/Great Spirit however you want to. Then take at least 15 mintues or two 10 minute periods of the day where you sit in stillness with a candle or in a room by yourself and still your mind. It won’t be easy at first. But the more you persist the better you will get at it. I say just do it for a short period so you don’t get discouraged or bored. If you can’t handle 10 or 15 minutes start your first month with 5. Use an egg timer or timer on your computer or iphone or whatever to stop. Once it goes off gently come back to consciousness.

I suggest concentrating on a candle or your breath. Of course before you do any sort of meditation you need to perform or visualize protection around yourself. If you can get your mind to be in the moment, close your eyes and visualize your mind as a pool of water – imagine a pearl floating at the top – this is your monkey chatter – the part of your brain that just blabs all day long and won’t shut up. Now imagine that the pearl starts to sink deeper and deeper into this dark abyss of water (your unconscious) and you stop hearing the monkey chatter, just the peace and sense of oneness with all beings and the multiverse and of course the Great Spirit.

Do this for at least a month and I want to hear what happens to everyone. I will spend my time fielding questions in the next month about meditation.

Much love and peace,


Praying Mantis and The First Lesson

Answering a Reader…

Sineade wrote:

Interesting post Denise and Tina. I’m especially interested in getting your opinion on if you think the internet enhances ones psychic ability or disables it? I feel that people are becoming increasingly psychic and intuitive and I wonder if we will ever reach a point, where everyone just becomes psychic and it becomes a normal ability.

Also on another side note. Do you recommend any books or practices to enhance ones intuition?

I do think people are becoming more psychic. Or at least more open to it. I believe this is due in part to new technologies, more people with access to capturing types of technology – such as video, audio and photo equipment. It has also become OK to share ones experience, people are not just written off as crazy and more people are acknowledging their own brushes with the supernatural as information gets out there about what to look for.

If 2012 is going to be a marker of anything positive, it will be that we are more awakened. There is some very interesting moves technologically that are bringing us closer to opening ourselves up to understanding what is beyond our 5 senses. Some of them have to do with using a sense to trigger other senses, some are theoretical like string theory. All of the breakthroughs science is engaged in are actually prove out the vastness of our multiverse and supporting the notion of an animating force of which we are all a part.

I personally believe this is exactly what God is. It was always my supposition and actually I was literally kicked out of my high school English class – a Great Books style class, when the teacher asked the question, “Is there a God?” My answer to her was perhaps for those who believe there is the experience of God and for those who do not their isn’t. I was going to go on to say that it was my belief that the Universe or God is eternal, without beginning or end and we were all a part of it, some unaware, others conscious when she said, “Either you’re pregnant or you’re not.” My response to this was, “How can you apply physical rules to a supernatural being?” And that was it for me. I was literally told to speak to her after class and not allowed back. I don’t think she’d ever had a student give her an answer that was quantum before. This was many years before quantum theory was really mainstream and I hadn’t even heard of it, and I was a geek who read science magazines and astronomy textbooks, so…

Anyway back to my point, God is not just in the heavens, in a spiritual home/heaven we go back to, but also in all things – all things, like an artist who leaves His/Her mark (I believe God is genderless) on all things, on the very quarks and electrons that make everything possible and I also believe all sentient beings have eternal souls and it is that eternal soul which is a piece of God thrown out (at our choosing) so we may learn, grow and individuate in other words evolve.  At that point we know (but don’t really understand like a that a child) that with this choice will come suffering, despair, pain, love, joy, ecstasy and everything in the middle, yet when we make that decision it is just intellectual we haven’t experienced any of it yet, and that is why we decide to incarnate, to experience all of this – the darkness and light, good and evil so we may find who we are among all the many colors and shades of creation.

As far as getting in touch with your psychic ability there is something that I really want to caution anyone who is interested in exploring this realm about. It is actually a theme I’ve heard repeated now over and over in weird places which is why I bring it up because for me, much of this was dealt with many years ago and I sometimes forget how intense the awakening process is. I experienced it throughout my childhood and young adult life and still continue to do so however I have learned ways to control the worst of it. One quote I heard went something like this, “When one gets closer to God one gets closer to the Devil,” or something like that. What this means is when you open to the divine, within it lies both negative and positive energy. God is neither “good,” nor “evil” God is energy. I believe God at the core of connection, the Creator aspect of God is divine pure love, however in order for us to learn we needed a binary system. And their is a destroyer aspect, some call it the Devil – others yin and yang.

God or our universe was set up with oppositions, light and dark, good and evil, black and white. There are demonic forces without a doubt. I’ve had my run ins with them. They are very frightening. They do not respond to traditional religious spiritual paths, meaning they will not go away by asking for help from Jesus or getting a priest to bless one’s home. The only way to keep them at bay while one is opening to the light is to learn (very rigorously) psychic protection and the best there is, is the lesser pentagram ritual which I have written about on this website. You have to be in control and you must be the one to exorcise them, no one else can really do this for you. It is part of the path, the choosing, facing one’s fears, one’s demons and you must rise above them and cast them out. No other force can do this for you except you can keep them away with the lesser pentagram ritual. I can tell you that as soon as I learned it and performed the ritual in my mind every night before I went to sleep, I have never had another demonic encounter. Even spirits stay outside my home. I often go outside to talk to people who are trying to get a hold of me because the force of this protection is so intense that even benign spirits of people who have passed on can not enter if there is anything less than absolute purity which of course no human being possesses even on the other side.  One has to invite those spirits of ancestors in, sometimes they can come in to protect one, but mostly they don’t disturb the circle. I would first learn this protection before anything else and do the lesser pentagram (just search my site for the words and info, I also have a link to someone doing it on u-tube, you can probably find others who do it as well). And then start with meditation.

One must clear the mind and have control of the mind to tell what is one’s own thought from what one is receiving from elsewhere. It’s a rigorous process of keeping notes often of dreams, patterns, and finding ones own spiritual metaphorical language. It’s worth it. However it is a life long process, many lifetimes long, one that we all will eventually engage in if we are to awaken. I’m just warning you that as you open yourself up, you open yourself up to everything; love, pain, suffering, healing, anger, the dying earth’s energy. It’s not always easy to deal with. I believe this is why I have always had many health problems as this energy overwhelms me at times.

Any type of clearing the mind sort of meditation is the first step. Then find what things you are attracted to. Have you always been fascinated by Buddhism? Or by a statue of Hanuman you saw in a museum? Or perhaps Diana or Jesus, Mohammad, whatever your calling. These are the deepest recesses of your past life work and it’s best to work with the system or pathway you have already been on for many lifetimes. Just find the place in that system that best fits you. Or perhaps you are like me and all those religions call to you in different ways. Well, you can take what you need from them and navigate as best you can through many paths. I think though starting out, it is best to have one path you dedicate yourself to entirely and learn that before opening to other things. I’m not saying one should ever dismiss anything, just commit to one thing so you can find your center and go from there.

Hope that helps.

Best wishes,


Answering a Reader…


The promised conversation with the guides about H1N1.

OK, there’s a lot to be afraid of on both sides if we are to believe everything. So I spent some time meditating and using a pendulum for answers.

I asked, “Will there be a big giant epidemic of H1Ni?” and got the answer — NO

“Will there be complications from the flu shot?” —  YES

“Will people die from the flu shot” — YES

“Will there be other complications from the flu shot” — YES

“Is this a drug company scheme to make money?” — YES

“Will a large number of children die from the H1N1 virus?” — NO

“Will this flu be in the normal middle range of most flus for deaths and complications?” — YES

“Will squalene be added now to the vaccine?” — YES

“Will this vaccine be responsible for new cases of Gion Beret Syndrome?” — YES

“Is there thimerosal in the vaccine” — YES

“Were the free doses of the H1N1 flu vaccine, given to the poor in Los Angeles and other parts of the country, a way of testing the vaccine?” YES

“Will people get hepatitis from this flu vaccine?” — YES

“Will people get AIDS from this flu vaccine?” — NO

These questions were compiled by me from those asked by you all. I hope this helps people to make as an informed of a decision as they can. Do your research. There’s a lot out there. My husband has been busy reading up on it last night and sent me some links that I have yet to open. I will put them up in the next post.

Please follow your own intuition. I’m sure for some people the vaccine is the right decision for you, but for the vast majority it may not be advantageous according to the spiritual information I’ve gotten. However every person is different and their chemistry, tolerance and needs are different. You must do what feels right for you. If you have a terrible feeling about this vaccine, avoid it. If you feel you really need it, go with your own intuition.

I must say I had sort of the feeling about the H1N1 virus that I had about the Avian flu which was not much energy at all, no more than a normal flu, perhaps even less. But I had to be sure through meditation that this wasn’t just wishful thinking. As a parent I’ve been very concerned about this and wanted to make sure about my clarity on the subject.

The prayer page is going up today. So please take a look at it and help pray for those who need help.
Best wishes to all you kind, good people,



Regarding A Few Posts from Readers…

Hi I got one comment from JoJo who was mad at me for talking to much about other things like religion. Oh, well, in my opinion all things are related and I like to push the envelope in regards to our assumptions about religion especially because it is often used as a crutch to do horrible things. It is also something most people are afraid to examine because of the “FEAR OF GOD!” which is a terrible ridiculous idea. One that serves organized religion well, keeps their 10% coming in and people’s minds shut off from having a relationship with God which is very sad.

Religion is also so often used to destroy others with, to invade countries, to feel righteous – all very bad things that lead to suffering and are the antithesis of spirituality. I think it’s sort of funny that people want me to just be a psychic and predict things. Where do these people think I get my information? I was given the gift because I have spent most of my lifetimes trained in different religious traditions. If anyone spends the vast majority of even one lifetime meditating and doing trance work they will get psychic information. I have memories of my past lives and believe me I earned these abilities both in other lifetimes and in the circumstances of this lifetime.

In this lifetime I have been trained in a religious tradition and have a ministerial credential. I have performed quite a few marriages in my years. It’s a strange idea that some people separate spirituality from psychic ability. It is impossible to have the “gift” and not connect with spirits, inter-dimensional beings (angels, fairies, guides, the higher self or whatever one wants to call it) and have flashes of God/Goddess’s love. Being a psychic is a modern form of shamanism. And shamans are in direct connection with the divine. Seriously, where else would the info come from? I guess that’s why some super right wing Christians think psychics are in league with the devil because their preachers tell them they are the only ones who can spread the TRUTH, while they misquote and misunderstood the bible (mostly Christ’s message, they seem to do well with the damnation part aka the Old Testament aka the Torah which isn’t supposed to be the Christian part but I guess I’m just getting fussy) and it’s perfectly fine to be like a lame parent and “Do as I say not as I do,” for many of these leaders, being major hypocrites (to say the least in many cases). Many of these “preachers” have the energy of a used car salesman on meth like Ted Haggard. Jeez, way before he came out he seemed strung out on coke and I would have better the deed to my house that he was getting some man action. Not that there would be anything wrong with him being gay or even having drug problems if he wasn’t running around damning everyone else to hell for having the same problems. It’s just disgusting the things these people do in the name of religion. They are so hateful to gay people and people with drug problems or any sort of problems which is so NOT CHRISTIAN! I know there are many really great Christan people who follow the words of Christ and who are loving and kind and pure. I wish they would speak up against these nut-jobbers who seem to be using the religion to just get rich and take advantage of people by dignifying the lowest human traits like racism, anger, hatred, war mongering, fear, etc. and find these bizarre ways to elevate this low level behavior to a spiritual club (this behavior is anything but spiritual or God-like unless one’s conception of God is that he’s a jealous, evil, mean-spirited, blood thirsty father figure who likes to create people to have sexual desire only to punish them for it, talk about Sadistic!) Christ said things like “He who is without sin cast the first stone, love thy neighbor as thyself, etc.” I mean we all know his teachings, they were not my Dad in heaven’s gonna kick your ass with his oozy if you don’t do what I say!

And anyone can be psychic if they want to spend a few lifetimes meditating and praying all the time. Or even if they want to devote  a big chunk of this life to knowing and understanding God/Goddess through meditation and trance work.

In modern organized religions God is often so formalized, intellectualized and distant that many priests and preachers don’t get to actually experience God directly but rather go through the prescription of the bible or other holy books. I have met priests and nuns who have a beatific quality, it’s obvious they are very connected to Spirit (most Buddhist monks and nuns are like this, they spend the vast majority of their time meditating). But western religions are not big on shamanistic practices or on forging ones own connection to the divine, but rather we are taught to blindly believe the bible and those religious figures who teach it. History has proven this to be problematic from the burning times of Europe when 25% of all women were murdered to our current crisis of Christian Crusaders blowing up abortion clinics, terrorizing doctors and building Mega Churches with our tax dollars for the military so they can get pumped up in their fight against Muslim extremists. Does anyone see the problem here? I’m sure 99.9% of you do.

So for those who don’t like the theological side of me, well, I’ll just have to say I’m given information by a greater force than myself and that includes where my spiritual beliefs come from, they come from a lifetime of connecting and praying, meditating and giving myself over to the Great Spirit to channel the truth. If it doesn’t jive with a book written more than 2,000 years ago, oh, well. And if it you’ve meditated on your own connection and what I say doesn’t feel right to you, I completely respect that as we all have our own spiritual paths. But the one thing I will never respect is paying someone else to do your spiritual work for you because not only does it not work, it actually causes spiritual devolvement. It is the most dangerous thing about organized religion which is why, ironically, I have more in common with most atheists and agnostics, in this regard, than I do people who blindly follow a specific faith without using their own higher self to guide them on that path.

All religions are the truth. It’s just the truth is buried inside the faith, and one must do the digging on his or her own to progress down the path. This is because religions become like a millennium long game of telephone, and by the time the information is given to you via multiple interpretations of the scriptures and political events that color or even edit either the meaning/tone or actual information in the scripture. Try reading all the different versions of the bible. Now imagine all those versions came from early translations that were translated from early translations that were passed down through oral tradition for thousands of years. As you can see the truth soon becomes a needle inside hundreds of tangled haystacks. Many of these haystacks manipulated (say sprayed different colors or covered in chemicals or whatever) by the culture and those in power at different points in history. The only way to find that needle is to close your eyes, meditate upon it and plug into the part of you that is one with God. If you do, you walk right through all the thousands of haystacks, right to the center of the one that has the needle inside it, as if it was never lost.

Many Blessings,


Oh, and to John who posted about Lincoln,

I’m from Illinois so I’m sure I didn’t get the whole story of Lincoln. I don’t know enough so I can’t argue with your information. I’m sure he was corrupt in some ways. But he did end slavery and that took some pretty big balls.

I had heard someone in passing say he was racist, but I think everyone was back then. People were segregated and whites had no real contact with African Americans and those who did would have had contact with either slaves or extremely poor and/or undereducated African Americans thus adding to people’s stupid assumptions.

The moral argument against slavery wasn’t that they believed in the equality of the African Americans, it was about the immorality of slavery itself. I think it’s a bit much to believe anyone back then was really that advanced in regards to their understanding of race or gender. I’m sure Lincoln was a total sexist, too. As the vast majority (99.99999999%)  would have been because it was the culture they were raised in where women and minorities were not given the same opportunities and of course if you limit people then they can’t help but live up to their culture’s limited expectations. It is only the rare few that are able to rise and then they are considered the “exceptions.”

There’s always a way for people to protect their ignorance. I thank you for your information about Lincoln. I’ll have to do more research about him.

Regarding A Few Posts from Readers…

Some of the findings and perhaps a rant about the right…

So far after about a week of channeling and meditating on a nightly basis I’ve come to the conclusion that there should be 3 different rulerships for each sun sign representing the three interconnected pieces of us and reflected in ancient and modern symbolic language. In the representation of the threefold Goddess, Mother, Maiden and Crone which shows the three phases of the moon (not including the new moon which is considered masculine) of waxing, waning and full. And in current symbology utilized in Christianity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In human beings we can look to the Freudian idea of the ego, id and superego or in ancient mystical texts the higher, lower and middle selves.

I have found the class of new found objects which are trans-Neptunian objects from the Kuniper belt which have been migrating closer to us, and named after the Centaurs by astronomers, to represent and/or rule the 7 chakras. I have long ago noticed that each sun sign seems to favor a chakra that gets overworked and now it will be a matter of putting these Centaurs together with the sun signs and chakras.

The third new caste in the system are the trans-Neptunian objects or “dwarf planets,” of which Ceres is included (although not trans-Neptunian) also rule the transformation and/or healing, higher self or spiritual pathway to the sun signs. They will be assigned rulership as I go along and investigate more.

Now onto something extremely annoying the “birthers” and the idiots who don’t want to reform the health care system. These same anti-reformers (often paid by and bussed in by the health insurance companies) actually say things like “I don’t want reform because I don’t want my medicare taken away.” OK, I know everyone who reads this blog is smart enough to understand how stupid that statement is and won’t bother to explain it. And the birthers are so out on a limb that the branch they are standing on has broken and they are now basically showing themselves for what they are a bunch of racist jerks. Do they really think that anyone could go through the rigorous process of running for president with a fake birth certificate? I mean really. Seriously, that B.S. Nigerian birth certificate they “found,” wouldn’t get a person a fake ID let alone pass muster for the highest office in the U.S.

Let me remind those who are “birthers” that the reason this notion of having to be born in the U.S. is even an issue is because we rebelled against England and were worried about someone getting into the position of President who would re-unite us with the British Empire and also the worry we could end up with someone with treasoneous intentions in that position. It seems to me these birthers and the right has effectively taken up that latter mantel. Ironically these are the same people who 5 years ago were arguing for that stipulation to be taken out of the constitution because they saw Arnold Schwarzenegger as the messiah of their lame party. It’s so lame I don’t think it should even be called a party anymore, perhaps a gaggle of ignorant humans who should invest some money in what are called books and then try reading some of them.

Many blessings,


Some of the findings and perhaps a rant about the right…

R1a1, the Economy and Other Things!

Well the whole genetic testing thing is very confusing. I think because the science is still in its infancy, hopefully it will resolve later on. All I know for sure is that it is Ashkanazi Levite and accordingly a priest class which is ironic. My mom’s side is some bizarre haplotype that very little is known about, which doesn’t surprise me.

Now I’d like to talk a bit about the economy. I’ve been trying to get a psychic read on it for awhile now but keep feeling this amorphous, neptunian energy that feels gestational. So far things are not decided, paths are not walked down and things are stagnent in terms of how we are going to get out of this hole. A reader also sent me a link to a group of people who have been doing mass meditations for the earth and their own development. And after looking at the site I wondered if this was perhaps part of the over-soul’s sputter. It feels a bit like a tug of war right now. The only thing I get for sure is it will take about 2 years for us to get back on track economically and that is for sure here in America and pretty much world wide. There are a bunch of undecided moves that need to be made before I can cast my gaze into the future because we are still at a cross road and not enough has been decided to predict with any real accuracy what will happen in the long term. I do know however that it’s much better than it would have been if Obama hadn’t won. But there is a lot to be done, a lot to be corrected and a lot to be accounted for and this will take time, unfortunately.

I just want to say to all those out there who are feeling depressed, alone, and/or financially strapped: this is a temporary situation, things will get better and it’s important to recognize you as an individual have gotten caught in the cross hairs of a much bigger problem. Don’t blame yourself personally (unless of course you voted for George W, then blame away!) This is a time when I feel people are confused about what’s coming up next, nothing is going as planned and it’s scary. Many of us haven’t taken a direct hit yet but have seen others around us suffering with the weight of this. Now is the time for bargaining, cooperation, spirituality, bartering and community so get involved and re-evaluate the values we have been stewing in for the past 20 or more years. Consumerism isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, our grandparents and great grandparents had it right buy what you need only and repair what you can, don’t be wasteful. What you can’t use give to someone who can or trade it for something you need.

Here is a link to the international group meditation website. In a couple of days they are going to do a mass meditation again. It might be an interesting experience for people out there to try connecting to this energy. We are often much more powerful when working together than separately. So if you have time check it out and join in and write in about your experiences. Perhaps I’ll put up a page for comments about the experience if enough of you decide to try it.

I haven’t read all the ideology on the blog but I like the idea of people meditating together so here’s the link:


Best wishes,


R1a1, the Economy and Other Things!

Meditation, Chakras, and Aura-Soma

We are going through some turbulent times and this can reek havoc on our psyches. So besides meditation, I found (when I was going through a very emotionally turbulent time in my life) this system called Aura-Soma. 

I’ll explain. Our etheric bodies are a rainbow of colors, starting at the base of the spine with a red chakra, the next over the sexual organs is orange. Over the solar plexus is a yellow chakra which controls our will. Our heart chakra is green, our throat chakra is blue. And there is a chakra over our third eye which is indigo and finally at the top of our heads, the part of us that is connected to all and the universe is violet. The chakras are not to be confused with our auras which are different but kind of related, that’s another post. I want to deal with the chakras because many of us carry around stuff inside them that blocks our progress, intuition, happiness, and our ability to manifest our dreams. 

As evidence of how chakra’s work let me give you a very solid example that anyone can relate to. Remember back to a betrayal. Didn’t it literally feel like you had been stabbed in the heart? If the betrayal was bad enough, it can actually physically hurt. As a matter of fact there is scientific evidence and an actual medical term for people who have heart attacks after tremendous loss or betrayal. The heart chakra is often the one we feel the most. Like the opening up of our heart when we see our baby for the first time, or fall in love. This is the heart chakra. So you see, it often stores pain as well that needs to be cleared out in order to move on to the next level or lesson in our lives. 

I’m not going to bore everyone with a long drawn out explanation of how the chakras work, but I am going to recommend for anyone in need of a clearing, anyone feeling depressed, anxious, worried, etc. a couple of things. One meditation on your own chakras, aligning them and clearing them. The best book I have found for this is: Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series)
Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series)

And a product that will help you accomplish this more easily called Aura-Soma. It’s a long and interesting story. I’ll let you look into it. But basically these oils or water based colored perfumes are prayed over, and utilize herbs, precious gems and color therapy. I found them to be amazingly helpful, really, I noticed a huge difference immediately when I was distraught. I don’t use them much now because I’m not in that state of mind, but when I do get upset I still break them out and notice a big difference in how I feel. For me the water based tinctures were much more helpful then the double colored oil based ones which work more on the emotional body. If you are a sensitive you will probably be like me and need the other type which works more from the spiritual toward the body rather then the way the oils work which is from the body outward toward the spirit. Or if you have a lot of earth in your chart you will probably find the oils to work better. For most people the oils are recommended.

Here’s a link to the book I have on Aura-Soma:
Aura-Soma: Healing Through Color, Plants, and Crystal Energy
Aura-Soma: Healing Through Color, Plants, and Crystal Energy

Meditation, Chakras, and Aura-Soma

Meditation And Tapping Into Your Intuition…

In an earlier post I gave basic instructions on how to tap into your intuition. And explained a little about meditation. I promised to give some recommendations. Problem is I learned meditation a long time ago and the sort I learned I wouldn’t recommend as it can open things up and crazy stuff can happen. It is important that whenever you open yourself through meditation, to do some kind of prayer of protection or protection visualization. I found a book that comes highly recommended from others. The reason I picked it here is that it doesn’t require a huge time commitment. So for beginners it shouldn’t be too daunting. Here’s a link to the book: 8 Minute Meditation: Quiet Your Mind. Change Your Life. Here’s a CD for those of you who want to try a guided meditation: Spiritual Progress Through Regression (The Meditation Regression) This next book is an excellent resource for understanding the chakra system and gives chakra meditation. I have this book and highly recommend it. It’s a great resource. Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series) I’ll continue to look into books and CD’s to recommend for those of you who are interested. Best wishes and good luck.

Meditation And Tapping Into Your Intuition…

Readers Questions and General Financial Advice…

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about individual stocks. At this point we are getting so close to seriously bad aspects about to hit the Dow Jones, that it’s getting too difficult to really read. I can do individual readings on stocks, but I don’t have everything in my data base and at this point its not the best use of the time I have to help people. What is important is everyone getting out as soon as they feel safe in doing so.

I can give some general info about the financial markets and if anyone has a yes/no question about a time frame they are thinking about in terms of selling their stock, I can do that. But the bleeding is so bad right now that the ratio of time I would spend evaluating the stock is not worth doing. I can do yes/no spreads which are quick if you have a time frame you are looking at in terms of selling your stock.  

But truly you are going to have to rely on your own intuition. For those of you who are not as in touch with your intuitive side, here’s an exercise to try. You don’t have to believe in anything in particular. what you are going to do is tap into your own higher mind, intuition, instinct or psychic ability, whatever you want to call it. 

Get a white candle and some pleasant incense. I suggest Sandalwood because it is associated with money and business matters, but whatever you like is fine. Either before bed time, or early in the morning, some time when it is quiet in your home and you are in a relaxed state. Light your incense and candle, sit either straight up in a chair with your feet touching the floor, or Indian style on the ground. Try to still your mind. This won’t be as easy as it sounds. You will have a thousand thoughts hitting you at once, acknowledge them and let them go. Don’t berate yourself, don’t follow them, just let them go.

Ask your higher self, God, the Great Goddess, the Universe, Angels, Elementals, the Great Spirit, or whatever you acknowledge as a higher power. In the case of those who are atheists, go ahead and see this power as a part of you (which it is) and call on that side of yourself for protection. Visualize white light around you and ask the Being or Part of Yourself to protect you while you delve into your intuition. 

Now visualize your intuitive ability as a light switch on a wall. Turn the switch from off to on. I also like to visualize a damn breaking, and all the information coming through. Once you are in this meditative state, ask yourself whatever question you want answered. The information will be pictures, words, somewhat incoherent so write down everything you see and hear as soon as you get out of the meditative state. This is why knowing a skill like tarot or astrology is helpful in that it focuses the unconscious mind and can help sharpen the intuition, and focus it on where you want it to go. 

Please feel free to share your revelations and information in the comment section here. I’ll try to help decipher it for you when I can and other readers can weigh in to help you figure it out. It is important though to realize you can do this. We may not all be great at it, just like we can all learn to ride a bike but not everyone is Lance Armstrong, but you can do it. And the more you use your intuition and trust in it the better your instincts will become. Prayer and or mediation are important to the development of this part of you, finding a quiet place to hear this inner voice is key. During these times we will all need these skills to help us stay calm and protect us from harm, and give us a leg up.  

I will come up with a list of good books for those interested in furthering their study of meditation and opening up their intuition in a later post.

Blessing to all and good luck.

Readers Questions and General Financial Advice…