New Features & Things Coming

I am working on responding to questions and current events through a YouTube channel. I’ll let everyone know more about this when it’s together. I will post the videos here once they are done and plan to do these regularly.

Another new feature is the ability to book a reading with me through clicking on this button: Book an Appointment

You will find this button on its own page as well. I plan on putting it in different places on the blog so it’s easy to access. I will only be booking until 3 PM CST on the booking site. If you want a reading at a different time that can work, just not every day, so text or call me to book outside of my normal listed hours. 615-246-7764


Next Question: Answering Readers…

Will my youngest son ever get his act together?  Born July 28, 1984.  Married? Job? Not be a bum all his life?  Thank you

I actually don’t think he’s a bum. He has a very difficult chart with so many planets in the 12th it may seem like he’s lazy but it’s not that simple. He’s actually depressive, suffers from a lot of unconscious fear and feeling lost. He would really love to have a family with so much in Leo, but he’s afraid of being a crappy dad.

He’s afraid of failing, he’s afraid of succeeding and thus he’s stuck in this weird and horrible paradox, trying to stay stationary which of course is impossible.  12th house stuff is often spiritual in nature and means there are things left over from other lifetimes that still cling to him.

Whatever happened in his childhood (this stuff squares a bunch of planets in his 4th house) was made more difficult by things that happened while growing up. I’m not saying anyone did anything directly to him it could have been entirely his perception of events – whatever he came into this world with was at odds with what he experienced as a kid and it created more obstacles for him which he has no real handle on.

With Saturn and Mars in the 4th (both malefic planets) he saw (and then Uranus conjunct his south node in Sag there as well, only reinforcing whatever negative stuff he had from his past lives) he saw the home as full of arguments/anger and a parental figure being very hard on him.  This is square his Sun and Moon – both in the same exact degree of Leo 5 degrees, leading me to believe that if you didn’t raise him alone then he saw his parents as one unshakable unit.

Chances are by this chart that there was a troublesome marriage and a divorce that led him to feel a bit lost. And he felt you were not very compassionate to his feelings of loss. I’m thinking with Uranus trining his Venus and part of fortune he may have come around later and understood things, that perhaps, what was done was for his benefit, but it’s the unconscious stuff he can’t shake.

Also with Aquarius on the cusp of his 7th house he probably has a tendency toward partnerships (both professional and romantic) that are odd or unusual, perhaps role reversals, and with people who tend to bring out the worst in him (Uranus conjuncts his south node, again past life karma that is difficult).

However there is hope for him. He has Jupiter conjunct Capricorn in the 5th house and Neptune close in Sag there as well, meaning over the next couple of years there’s a good chance he will go through a positive transformation either through having a child or through some sort of creative endeavor. Encourage a creative outlet for him, he desperately needs it. He actually would be a fine actor or writer with Mercury in Virgo in the 1st house. Even if this endeavor doesn’t pay his bills to start with, he has a lot to work through and needs to do it through working with his creative/emotional side.

He also maybe quite musical with Neptune conjunct Jupiter in the 5th so perhaps it will be through music that he finds his way. There are a lot of potential creative things he could do, he’s actually very talented in this way, although he may hide it (all those planets in the 12th). I would really encourage him to put his energy into his creative side, it will really help him to sort through what he needs to in order to move forward.

I have to say that a normal life, like one your other children may have, this sort of life is not for him right now. He needs to explore himself and be creative. Be thankful – his chart could lead him into much worse trouble than he is in – (I won’t go into that because I don’t want you to be worried as I don’t feel that he’s on that level.)

He will find his way through some encouragement. It might be a good idea for him to live somewhere else for a while, somewhere he can explore his creativity. He really needs positive guidance. He’s young. It’s best for him to learn to trust his intuition, support that in him as it will keep him out of trouble. Otherwise if he lives in the fear it will cripple his development.

Hope this helped. Let us know how you and your family are doing either via e-mail or by posting to the blog.

Many blessings to you and your family,


Next Question: Answering Readers…

il Missiles

It’s been my feeling that North Korea’s dear leader has been dead for awhile. So I asked myself why the crazy missile launch? Why provoke the world if the crazy dude is dead. And then it came to me. Perhaps these tests are not to incite problems with the rest of the world , but rather to make the North Korean people feel incapable of defeating the North Korean military. 

If the people in power (all the people surrounding lil Kim) were afraid of a civil uprising, civil war or take over of the government upon announcement of lil Kim’s death — where would it leave them? Certainly not in the halls of power, and worse probably dead. 

And perhaps these people know there missile is about as sophisticated as an m-80 (a common illegal firework) they know are government feels no real threat and doesn’t really care and also our military is stretched way to thin to do anything but shake a fist at them , so they send off a lame rocket knowing full well how truly useless it is. But it really is a veiled threat to their own people and as an added bonus helps move them forward with their missile technology, but mostly it’s  like shaking a loaded gun at their own people to keep them in line.

Best wishes and blessings to all the good  people out there,


il Missiles

Answering Readers

I have gotten a couple of posts from Louis, here they are and I will answer those questions tonight.


Hi denise, I am an avid reader of your website.  Thank you again. I have written previously asking about OZ minerals, you have said it would be brought out in 2010 however there has been an offer to by the company by a Chinese company. Will they buy it this year. And is it wise to buy more to reduce the overall loss, as the Chinese company is offering a little more than its present share price?. The other question is currently in Victoria, Australia we have had terrible fires devastating and killing many. Is there a rhyme or reason for particular areas throughout the world to be hit by disaster and are those people chosen to suffer such excruciating loss? Thanks again . Warmest wishes Louis

I heard about the devastating fires and was horrified and very saddened by them. It was a case of arson from what we heard here. Sadly I don’t think there was any reason those people were “chosen” for suffering. I feel the psycho who did this just bought himself a ticket to becoming an ant to be squashed on for the next 1,ooo lifetimes.

In other words sometimes things like this are new karma that happen. I don’t believe everything is fated, I believe we co-create our fate. Those people who suffered such loss and those who died may have had things in their destiny or fate that made them more suspectable, but it had nothing to do with them. This is why it is so important for people to ALWAYS TRUST your INTUITION!!!

People blow off those weird feelings because they don’t trust themselves. It doesn’t matter whether someone thinks your crazy or you feel like an idiot or you turn out to be wrong, if you ever get the feeling that something bad is going to happen and you feel the need or desire to leave, then do so. If you ever get creeped out by someone, TRUST IT! Don’t ever, ever, ever doubt yourself. We all have this internal self preservation instinct and it must be headed at all times above any kind of rationality because you are literally gambling with your life by not trusting yourself.

And the next one:


A little added info to the above query, the Chinese company offering to buy the desperate Australian Resource Company Oz Minerals OZL is called Minmetals. Is this my last chance to recoup a little of the huge losses I have already experienced? Blessings and more Louis

Hi Louis,

I’ll use the tarot to answer this question. So here is the question for the tarot. Should you buy more stock in OZ to regain the losses you have so far before the Chinese company Minmetals buy them out? I hope I got that right. I’ll answer that one, and if I got it wrong post the question again so I can answer you with a yes/no spread.

The cards answered a clear yes to that question, even though you still may not fully recover what you lost it will help according to them.

I wanted to thank Wei for answering the question about MS and pregnancy. I had always heard women with MS shouldn’t get pregnant and was surprised when my neurologist told me pregnancy was the “cure” for MS, meaning it went into remission for pregnant women. I’m not sure if this is new information or if this is sometimes the case but not always? Anyway, thanks for giving your info Wei.

And to all those who knew Cori Desmond I want to extend my condolensces. I am so sorry for the loss of this young woman who I feel was very strong and independant. I am worried about the health of her father as I feel he may have heart problems as a result of this or already had issues that this could make worse. My offer to help goes out to him. I truly feel for this man and wish this had never happened. 

Best wishes and many blessings,


Answering Readers

Year of The Black Panther (Medicine Cards)

If you haven’t heard of the medicine cards, I highly suggest looking into them. They are excellent for doing personal readings for yourself. As a matter of fact they work better than anything else for that, the tarot can be hard to interpret when looking at it for yourself.

Here’s a link to anyone interested in checking them out: Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals

I highly recommend this for anyone interested in a personal/spiritual divination system that is easy to use, clear and used primarily for your own use.

OK, that being said I pulled a card just after New Year’s eve to represent the general feel of 2009 and got the Black Panther. This is powerful medicine. It’s meaning is to trust the unknown or be thrown into the abyss.

The black panther is a great teacher, but it doesn’t teach gently. In my own experience it denotes a period of chaos which can lead to a loss of reason. Black panther is a nocturnal predator and only the keen, able and strong are able to survive it. 

It nurtures the spirit through the teaching of fierce independence and self-sufficiency, but it can also cause chaos, destruction and disruption. It has resonance with Pluto in that it destroys the old ways holding a person (or a world) back in order to nuture and teach independence, strength and self-reliance. It has no patience for superficiality, and its energy is strong, forthright. It will rip your throat out if you act out of fear and not out of deep abiding faith in yourself. 

This will be a year when structures are shaken down to their foundation, and people who have lead unconscious lives will have to wake up or risk losing either their peace of mind or their physical well being. Black panther is a harsh teacher, but very mystical. 

We will see people’s interest in symbolism, deeper meaning and spirituality rise along with the panther’s reign. For those who embrace their own instincts and personal power, it will be a year of advancement. A year when you will see through the collective chaos with laser sharp clarity while others are drowning in it.

This however will not be the year to save someone else like a friend, lover or family member. The panther stalks alone. If you attempt to save someone else this year (I mean personally not in the way of global or through broader acts of charity) be careful because a great deal of damage can be done to the person you are trying to save, and to your relationship with them. Panther’s attempt to rescue a weaker animal can lead to accidentally tearing its throat out. There is no room for subtlety during black panther year. It is a year of extremes, of predators and prey, kill or be killed, trust or perish.

The world will go through major changes this year, and its likely extreme circumstances, war and natural disasters will not abate, more likely these things will proliferate. It will be a tough year for many, but it will teach us the most valuable lessons of our lives.

For those on the journey toward spiritual enlightenment, it will lead the way to great inner strength, magic, psychic awareness, and will open doors to the other side, other dimensions, and parts of the brain most of us have turned off.

Don’t be afraid if this year you have visions, crazy dreams or intense spiritual experiences. Embrace these experiences and let them change you for the better.

Year of The Black Panther (Medicine Cards)

An Extension…

For all of those who have been interested in getting a reading for the discounted rate, as long as you let me know this week, even if I can’t fit you in — I will honor the lower price. Even if the booking ends up being after the holidays. So if anyone is interested just e-mail and let me know you are interested this week so you can secure a less expensive reading.

Best wishes to all,


P.S. I’m fighting off a cold which is why I am extending this offer. Hopefully, I won’t give into this cold and next week I’ll be able to read everyone, if not I will, of course, schedule everyone when I can, and you will still get the discount.

An Extension…

Discount Private Readings, What?

Hi everyone,

As a Yule tide offer on December 9,11,12,16,18 and 19 between Noon and 6PM PST I will cut rates for a 15 minute reading to $50, for half an hour $100, 45 minutes $150 and for an hour $200.

I want to give people on a budget a chance at a private reading with the New Year coming and so many changes heading our collective way. So e-mail me at soon to reserve a time in that period. For more information in general about private readings check the page entitled Private Reading (how to get one).

During this period I will book readings very tightly so if you realistically think you will want half an hour or more then book it in advance! Because chances are good I won’t be able to extend time with you. Under normal circumstances I’m very generous with my time (as those of you who have had readings with me know) and try to keep a wide window around readings, but I want to be able to give many people readings, so I won’t be able to do that during this window of time. If you do want to just book a 15 minute period then it will have to be a tarot reading and make sure to have questions prepared so you get what you want out of the experience.

(I’ll go old school and just clairvoyant it up. One of my first job’s as a psychic, I had to read very quickly under a lot of pressure — that’s a story in itself, I won’t bother to go into.)

Best wishes to all and many blessings…

Discount Private Readings, What?

Answering Readers’ Questions…



Hello again. Here is a unique question. When within the next 75 days would you recommend a marriage date for these two people? Born 7/28/56 Chillicothe, Ohio and 8/17/80 Olongapo, Philippines. Any other advise would be appreciated too. Thank you again.

Hi Barry,

I wouldn’t feel comfortable giving a good time specifically without the birth times of both people. In general both people are Leo’s and there are a bunch of conjunctions. I can’t tell however if their moons or rising signs are square or in the later case, trine or whatever. The woman born in the Philipines hasn’t gone through her Saturn return yet, meaning she hasn’t completely come into her own. That will happen in September of 2009.

If it were me, in this case because there is a big age, and cultural difference, I would wait until that return happens and get married October of 2009 when there are a lot of positive aspects between the outer planets and stuff going on in both charts. If one can’t wait then it’s best to do it while the sun is in Sagittarius, either the weekend of December 5 or on the 10, or 11th.

But mostly I’d just go with your own gut feeling, and do it when convenient. Stuff like marriages and births have a tendency to work out the way they are meant to. So I wouldn’t sweat it too much!

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

Will Tim Geitner be a good Secretary of Treasury?

Hi Tjuania,

That’s a big yes from the tarot.

Oddly a woman is at the center of this answer. I feel his wife maybe a secret weapon. It looks as though he works very hard. Also the Justice card comes up which makes me believe he’s got a diplomatic personality, and works well with other people, often moderating between different people’s opinions, and coming up with a workable solution.

It also looks like as he gets into the job he’ll soon uncover a lot of deceptive practices, and out right lying that took place on wall street. This could potentially lead to a criminal investigation which could also be why the Justice card comes up. There is another woman involved in the pursuit of justice along with him. This probably won’t happen right away, at the earliest it would be three months into the Obama administration when this angle is considered. Perhaps it will be Nancy Pelosi or another powerful woman (Hillary?) who insists on prosecuting those responsible for what will turn out to be a major swindle of the American public and the world economy. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here. There are people involved in this who definitely deserve to do prison time. Whether they do, that’s another question altogether. 


Hi Denise I very much appreciate your reply and your time. The psychic advised me in October to hold on to the Australian stocks I hold. One you have answered with Oz minerals. The other is Minara Resources MRE ( Nickel and Colbalt Miner) which began on 17th March 1994. I couldn’t agree more that this crisis is more than fear and although it hurts many of us little people who have become victims of greed and deception, this crisis had to happen because we must come back to real values and respect for each other. Competition, winners and losers, victims and predators are not a healthy way to live and is unsustainable in the long run. May all the things that are good eventually prevail . And the ‘meek inherit the earth. One other question I have, although I like Hilary Clinton I am unsure of her possible position as State Secretary. Do you think if she took on the role would she be able to negotiate peacefully with other nations and create healing with those nations that are angry with America’s previous actions, interference and foreign policy? Thankyou so much

Hi Louis,

I’m assuming that Minara is also an Australian stock traded in Sydney? If not let me know. I ran a chart for it based on the info you gave and the start time of the Australian stock market. Here it is:

picture-161I’m wondering if this stock performed well in the spring and summer of 2006. Because if it did then this chart is accurate. It would have been off and on during that period and sort of out of the blue. In general though the company should have had other troubles going on that I won’t bother going into, but it should have had a little unexpected boon during that time period. If it did not, then take this info with a grain of salt because I may not have the right chart and timing in the market is everything, and without the right chart, the timing will be wrong.

So here goes.

According to this chart transiting Pluto is (and has been for awhile) going through the company’s 8th house (shareholders) not a good thing for the shareholders in general. However, there are some good aspects coming up starting at the end of December of 2010 and into 2011, when transiting Pluto will sextile the company’s Saturn in the 10th. This will bring them opportunity to do (or do more) business abroad, and news of this will make the stock value go up. And again when Pluto sextiles the company’s Mars in the 10th in February of 2011 on until about 2012, when the opportunity for the company to fulfill some its expectations, and become more aggressive, perhaps even expand operations, that will give this company more value. There will also be an opposition at that time to the company’s part of fortune which can either mean jackpot or crisis. So you’ll have to watch them carefully as all these aspects are sextiles and sextiles are merely opportunities, not absolutes.  Also during this time Neptune will be conjuncting the company’s Mercury either making them come up with visionary solutions or it could cause lying, confusion and secrecy.

Really, if you can wait until 2016 to sell, I’d do that because there will be very powerful trine from transiting Pluto to the company’s Moon, and also it will set off Jupiter. I would not however freak out right now and feel you have to sell this stock. There isn’t anything going on in its chart to make me think it’s going to fold anytime soon. So if you can wait out this storm, then it will get better. Remember though, I’m an astrologer and a psychic not a financial investment person, so it’s also a good idea to seek advice from someone who knows the logical side of this as well.


Hi Denice. This is my first time posting here. I have a question. Have you done any readings on Michelle Obama and Jill Biden? I am interested in getting to know about them and what will they do in the next 4 years.



Hi Iris,

I couldn’t find their times of birth so I ran solar charts on them. Here are both women’s solar charts.

picture-19Both women are forthright, strong with Mars near their Suns, they are also aggressive, physical, athletic and don’t back down. 

Michelle is emotionally very soft and compassionate which foils her very aggressive, ambitious outer personality. Her luck has always been because she made it herself with Jupiter in Aries. She’s a humanitarian with Saturn (the ruler of her Sun) in Aquriaus, plus that Mars in Aquariaus conjunct her Sun. She’s extremely brilliant with Uranus/Pluto trining her natal Mercury. I do worry about Michelle Obama’s safety more than anyone else. And looking at her chart in February of 2010 Pluto will be going over her natal Mercury. If she has Gemini or Virgo rising this could be a very bad thing as Mercury would rule her chart or if she has Mercury in her 8th house. I warned before about her safety and to me this confirms my fear that she maybe more of a target then even her husband. Perhaps because she will be seen as easier to get to. I’m worried about her.

Jill is also intelligent and has a strong sense of family and probably values her privacy a lot, and is a bit of a homebody. As I said she’s also strong and aggressive, but not overly so as Mars, and her Sun conjunction are softened by a trine to Neptune. So she makes her point, fights it out, but not unfairly and also listens to the other person. Despite all the airy Gemini in her chart she’s pretty practical with Mercury in Taurus, and likes the finer things in life, and is willing to work hard for them — Mercury trine Saturn in Virgo. She too like Michelle has made her own luck in this world, and probably came from modest beginnings. I’d say for various reasons that I won’t get into, she’s also very sensual in a good way. She’s affectionate to those she loves, and isn’t afraid to express her feelings with her family.

Hopefully there times of birth will become public at some point, and I can give a better analysis.

Best wishes to all and many blessings,


I’ll get to these questions tomorrow! (And other posts, too.)


Hi Denise,

Can you give me some advise on a couple of mutual funds? I had originally thought that I would just hold them through this – but if it is going to get much worse, perhaps I should sell. I just don’t know how low they will go, or how long it will take for them to recover.


Hi Denise,

I am interested in the stocks for Boeing (BA) and Airbus (EADSY) – how this ecomonic crisis will effect them and should we hold out for the long-term?

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Hi Everyone!

More questions from readers. I’ll do my best to try and answer them.


if Hillary becomes the Sec. State, hopefully she will not be excessively distracted by outside drama or personal career plans, etc.

Hi Patrick,

Well, it looks like Hillary is going to take the job, but it won’t be officially announced until after Thanksgiving for some reason. That’s what I heard on the news at least, but you never know.  I can understand your concern about Hillary and drama, the Clinton years were full of that problem and she appeared to be very hawkish when running for president. So let’s see if she will be distracted by outside drama or personal career plans.

The tarot’s answer: Yes. But not so much in terms of her performance on the job.

She’ll be distracted to a degree by her husband. The pattern card comes up. And a man is in the center. It looks like Bill will cause her some personal anguish, the ace of cups reversed is also there. But she has the six of wands, victory in business or career also, so I’m going to say she’ll do a great job, and be an excellent wing woman to Obama, however her husband may have trouble being on the side lines.

I get the feeling Monica wasn’t really the first time she dealt with Bill’s infidelities, and I don’t think it was or is the last. There is a high probability that stuff will get leaked out about other infidelities he’s had, or may have, but I don’t get the feeling it will have much impact on the Obama administration. It will be more of a personal impact on Hillary not so much her job. I think Bill might be a sex addict. I feel bad for her. The worst part is she’ll feel humiliated because of his behavior, and that’s really not fair.


Hi Denise,

thanks so much for your blogs. I really enjoy coming back here. You have predicted a stock market “Tsunami” for December. Things are so extremely bad already… how much worse can it get…? Do you see the Dow Jones Index going below 6000 in December…? Also, do you expect Deflation or Inflation in 2009? Are they going to print so much money that the dollar becomes completely worthless and we will finally need a new currency, or o you see the dollar getting stronger, like right now?

Thanks a lot in advance,
your advice is truly appreciated!

Hi Tobe,

I’ll ask the tarot if the Dow will go below 6000.

The answer: Yes

I saw the number 5986 while I was focusing on this question. But I could have flipped some of the numbers. Maybe 5896? I do feel that in the end of Dec/early Jan. we’ll see it get into down into the high 5000 range.

In answer to the second question. My feeling is that because the whole world will be in similar crisis our money by comparison will fluctuate, but not get to the point where we have to use a barrel full of money to buy a gum ball. So I guess we’ll see inflation, but it will be world wide, and our dollar will be nested in about the same place its been for awhile.

It’s kind of like we’re all on the Titanic together, so buying someone’s diamond ring that’s worth two hundred bucks for ten million dollars isn’t going to matter because we’re all sinking. In other words value will have an entirely different meaning within this new context.

I also see a world currency as a direct result of this crazy financial debacle. Once the international banking and market laws go into effect, it very likely will go that way out of ease of use. But I don’t see that happening right away. That’s at least a few years away. At least. And this could change depending on what happens over the next couple of years.


Thank you in advance for answering my question.

If Obama chooses Hillary for the Sec of State job, will she be a team player and represent him to well or will she be a disappointment to Obama?

Will Gov. Richardson be offered a position in the Obama Administration?

Hi Marie,

I do feel she will be a team player. I have a strong feeling that Hillary is worried this might be the highest office she will be able to attain due to her age and her husband’s notorious past. I really feel her heart is in this, and she will acquiesce to Obama’s policy. The campaign (which started almost immediately after she became a senator in my opinion) was her trying to show how tough she was and invulnerable. This stance ruined her. Both these characteristics are actually more antithetical to her then the public would think.

I feel she played tough for fear of seeming weak, and like someone who isn’t really tough, and doesn’t understand the boundaries, she overplayed this in an effort to be one of the boys. I don’t feel she is truly hawkish. I do feel she played to win according to the rules she had in her head, and didn’t follow her heart. If she had been true to herself she would have ended up being President and Obama VP. But she blew it a long time ago. Pretty much from 9/11 on when it seemed she traded in her true passion for a power pant suit. That being said, I feel we are going to finally get the real Hillary here.

As for Bill Richardson the press has already answered that one. It seems he’s going to be in the new administration as well, which is great. I meant to answer this question sooner because I had a strong feeling Obama would find a place for him but now it’s too late to show my clairvoyant skills off.


Do you think that your dream with Chicago as a target, has any connection to the 2016 bid for Chicago Olympics? Considering that Atlanta was a target, it doesnt seem to unlikely that another Olympics in the US could be a target.

Hi Wings of Grey,

By the way is this an owl reference? I love owls! They are my life long totem animal. Anyway, that’s another story, another post. 

I feel Chicago isn’t going to be a target of domestic terrorism earlier then 2016. That was my immediate feeling. Which will be before the olympics, but that’s a good question. It may make Chicago vulnerable again at that time to other attempts.

I asked the tarot and it answered: Maybe.

I’ll have to look into the astrology around that time to glean anything further. But my immediate feeling is Chicago will be a target much earlier then that, and I’m worried about that attempt right now. 


Hi, Denise–

What a gift this is! Aquarian breadth with Piscean depth taking on all the issues of our times. I truly hope you’ll pursue publishing this. I can’t be the only one needing this vision, this hope, and this inspiration.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!



From Americhrist, 2008/11/21 at 5:38 PM


Hi Tina,

Thanks for your kind words and for posting this about my book!


Hello Dennis, why are you avoiding me. I need your help. Please comment regarding NIFTY. Expecting your valuable advice… your friend, malayali

Hi Malayali,

I need you to give the start date of trading of this company, the name of the company, and what market it is traded on so I can run a chart. I thought I had posted this before, but I’m sorry if either I didn’t and thought I did or you missed the post. I’ll be glad to look at it if you give me more info. Sorry for the delay. 

Wishing all of you the best!

Here’s a sample of the next bunch of questions:


Hello again. Here is a unique question. When within the next 75 days would you recommend a marriage date for these two people? Born 7/28/56 Chillicothe, Ohio and 8/17/80 Olongapo, Philippines. Any other advise would be appreciated too. Thank you again.

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

Will Tim Geitner be a good Secretary of Treasury?


Hi Denise I very much appreciate your reply and your time. The psychic advised me in October to hold on to the Australian stocks I hold. One you have answered with Oz minerals. The other is Minara Resources MRE ( Nickel and Colbalt Miner) which began on 17th March 1994. I couldn’t agree more that this crisis is more than fear and although it hurts many of us little people who have become victims of greed and deception, this crisis had to happen because we must come back to real values and respect for each other. Competition, winners and losers, victims and predators are not a healthy way to live and is unsustainable in the long run. May all the things that are good eventually prevail . And the ‘meek inherit the earth. One other question I have, although I like Hilary Clinton I am unsure of her possible position as State Secretary. Do you think if she took on the role would she be able to negotiate peacefully with other nations and create healing with those nations that are angry with America’s previous actions, interference and foreign policy? Thankyou so much


Hi Denice. This is my first time posting here. I have a question. Have you done any readings on Michelle Obama and Jill Biden? I am interested in getting to know about them and what will they do in the next 4 years.




Hi Denise,

Can you give me some advise on a couple of mutual funds? I had originally thought that I would just hold them through this – but if it is going to get much worse, perhaps I should sell. I just don’t know how low they will go, or how long it will take for them to recover.


Hi Denise,

I am interested in the stocks for Boeing (BA) and Airbus (EADSY) – how this ecomonic crisis will effect them and should we hold out for the long-term?

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

A reader asks:


hello, i have two questions:

about the 5:00 time on the sept 15th crash chart – the market closes at 4pm and usually mundane charts are done for noon, as it’s almost impossible to pinpoint a time with something that’s ongoing. so why 5:00?

also, in view of last week’s events, would you still consider sept 15th to be the definitive chart because it was the beginning of this chain of events?

thank you very much!

Hi Alex,

I would do the chart for the closing bell. If it closes at 4PM then that would be when I would run it as that would be when the damage would be complete. Under normal circumstances when the exact time is unknown, noon is sometimes picked or sunrise to do a chart. Usually noon with the sun on the ascendant to be more accurate about it, because noon is when the sun enters the 10th house and the halfway point of the day. All the planets are calculated for that time and the sun’s degree is then made to be the first house cusp. Again this is only if there is no exact time because it is sort of like a median for the day. I hope that answers your question.

Best wishes.

Another reader asks:


Hi Denise.

i have 2 questions if you would not mind to answer. My first question is simple, will we ever find a cure for Aids? If yes, what sort of time lag are we lloking into.

Second question is there have been 2 recent mid air incident for Qantas. I have a dreadful feeling that something might happened, do u mind to verify if the company is going through a rough phase astrologically.

Thank you so much for your time and patience

God bless

Hello Nitin,

In answer to your first question, I asked the tarot if there would ever be a cure to aids. The answer was yes. The cards could be referring to the cocktail of drugs currently available that prolongs a person’s life. I have a feeling it does because it looks like the only thing that stops a person from attaining this cure is money. I think we will see a time in the next 8-10 years when the cure will be available to everyone, even those who can not pay for it. It looks like there will be some sort of a lawsuit over the next few years that will force the drug companies to lower their prices and make it available to people of all financial situations. In terms of a real cure, like a real cure to cancer rather than surviving with drugs and in cancer’s case, cutting, radiating, chemo etc. There will be a real cure, not just a management style cure, but this will come far down the pike. I’m seeing it in about 2020/2021. It is my feeling there will be a combination of nanotechnology and gene therapy that will enable physicians to locate the virus, kill it (nano part of it) and then implement a copy of the gene that has been found in aids resistant individuals. Even in 2020 this will be experimental and not available to everyone until much later.

The second part of your question in regards to Qantas Airlines. I do not have their chart data in my database, because I have only American companies and I believe Qantas is Australian. if you have the start date of the company I can run a chart. Post it if you do. I will answer the question via the tarot however.

The tarot says:

Actually, yes and no. There is a communication problem going on and instability in the company. If there isn’t a woman high up yet, then either there is a woman personally connected to your question (like your friend or family member works with you at Qantas or for Qantas and your worried about them in relationship to this question) or there will be an important woman executive as part of these changes. It isn’t that they are more unsafe in the sky then any other airline. But it seems they are going through an unstable period in their chart which may have attracted these near misses. It may take some time though for this instability to settle down. And as I said, this chaotic energy is responsible for the near collisions. It is sort of like when you are going through a rough patch in your own life, and you hear that old expression, “when it rains it pours,” well that’s because negative attracts negative.

Hope that helps and if you can give me their incorporation time I can give you more detail.

Best wishes.


Much thanks for posting your guidance in these troubling times.

Will the Canadian dollar lose more value against the US$ (its lost about 15% recently). Also how about the British pound, Euro, Yen against the dollar.

Hi Celli,

Thanks for the question. I hadn’t been thinking about this with all the crazy market stuff. 

I asked the Tarot if the Canadian dollar would lose more value against the US dollar over the next month. 

The answer:

Yes. It seems they made all the same mistakes we did, they are also in serious debt.

But the good news is Canada will get lots more work from the entertainment industry, (their card came up. I won’t tell you what it is, cause it makes the industry look bad).

Will the British Pound loose value against the US dollar in the next 6 months? The Tarot answers…

According to the tarot:

The answer is yes.

It looks like they will be involved in bailing out those in need and will their economy will be frozen. This will be exacerbated by the overall bad global situation and some bad news will drive their currency down in value. I was a bit surprised by this answer. It doesn’t look like they are going to get to the point were their money is worth less than ours, just the fact that their money will be worse less against ours within the next few months. It’s going to be a very interesting time. I don’t think normal patterns that we’ve seen are going to apply. 

Will the Yen loose value against the US Dollar in the next three months?

Again a yes.

I’m starting to wonder if our economic crisis after triggering a domino effect will destabilize the value of the money in these different countries. It’s very odd. It’s a yes but it looks good for Japan at the same time. Perhaps they’ll close up and become more isolationist during this period. Focus on creating jobs and wealth within their own country, balance their budget and then re-enter into the world market place when new laws are in place. Just a flash. 

I don’t know what to say, it all runs counter to what my logic would extrapolate. The only logical explanation for all of this is as I said, perhaps (since we are the first) we will be working on stabilizing the problem while these other countries start to go through their melt downs and we’ll see the loss of their money compared to ours.


In the trial Berg Vs Obama they are saying Obama is not a natural born citizen and that the birth certificat he provided on his website is a fraud. Is it true ? Is it the October suprise ? Will Obama be discualified ? Or will he win the trial ?

I asked the Tarot will Obama win Berg vs. Obama;

The answer:

Yes, overwhelmingly, yes. At the center of this is a grab for power, is purely political and an attempt to create fear.

I asked the Tarot if there was anything at all to Berg’s claim:

The answer:


The only thing that gives it enough legitimacy to even be filed is the fact that he lived overseas and had family members who were foreign. But there is absolutely nothing to this at all. It’s trumped up, political maleficence. 

Best wishes and good luck. 

PS. To those right wingers out there, those that are foul mouthed, those that pretend to be polite, but are passive aggressive and nasty, you will no longer find any of your comments on my blog. Write your own blog and let me know about it, and then I will post it, and we can exchange links! I think that’s the fair way to handle it. That way my readers and I don’t won’t be assaulted by your venom, and you can still have a voice. Isn’t America great. Free speech, we all have it. Go ahead and use it! But I will not allow my readers or myself to be victimized by this rhetoric, this is not the forum for your hatred and negativity. I’m sure you’ll find lots of places, and lots of blogs were you can spew your racist, sexist vileness and general nastiness.

The funny thing about the right wing, most claim to be Christian, but being a mean, greedy, nasty person and then repenting is not what Christ meant when he said, “I am the way.” What he meant was, I am the example by which you should lead your life. Maybe some of you should try that, it won’t just make you better people, it will actually make you happy, knowing you are a force for good in this world rather than an arbiter of fear, anger and hatred.

I don’t care if you agree with me, I just hope you all can learn to be tolerant and kind. This is what we “liberals” expect of ourselves which is why I guess you guys have thought we had doormat written on our foreheads. But I’ll tell you a secret, being compassionate and kind actually makes you feel better! Try it sometime! I hope you do.

Best wishes and good luck.

Answering Readers’ Questions…