
Unfortunately, I was looking at the charts and writing down my impressions a word doc and it disappeared so I have to start all over again. Generally, August should be a good month for Gold, the Sun is its strongest in Leo and the Sun rules Gold along with Pluto. Luckily the same reader sent me the charts I used for my original analysis of the Gold market. I’m using the Gold futures chart and Spdr Gold Trust, so if your interested in investing there maybe some general cross over into all gold markets, but bear in mind I’m specifically dealing with these 2 charts and my information will be directly related to them. Of course because it is a commodity the charts should reflect general, overall trends but weirdness can happen so there you go. I’m reprinting the charts here for reference:
So I’ll start with SGT, it looks like it will continue to go up and get more intense toward the middle of the month as Pluto retrogrades into 2 degrees Capricorn making a trine to natal Uranus in Pisces. I would think this could be some sort of news that makes people feel the need to invest in something tangible and real like gold.  Pluto is going through SGTs first house for a long, long time. I see Pluto as a co-ruler of Gold as it is the domain of plutocrats and with Pluto going through SGT’s first house there will be a change in the way they do business. My only caveat with SGT is the power they will project could mask underlying problems but for the purposes of ups and downs, it will be trending up in the market place until we get to the late February of 2013 when there maybe some questions of legal trouble or ethics that rear and then calm for a while, things will calm by mid-late summer of 2013 but the trouble will not be truly over, it will just be the first sign of something amiss. By December of 2013 into 2014 the next level of trouble will rear up, this could cause concerns about SGT and whether it will be able to sustain the potential losses and perhaps even legal action or trouble. By the end of January 2014 the problem will start to find resolution, ultimately  the issue will come to full resolution in 2020.

OK, let’s look at Gold Futures, Pluto is transiting through GFs 3rd house making a waxing conjunction to the sun on the 4th house cusp. In my opinion this indicates people’s perception of the value of Gold is driving the price upward. As Pluto retrogrades closer to a positive aspect (sextile) GF will continue to climb slowly upward until a slow down in mid-September of 2010 (but still going up) and then as the aspect grows farther away in late November the slowdown should really start to grind to stasis and finally in late January the positive aspect will be weak until it has no real effect at the same time Pluto will begin its square of GF’s natal Pluto in the 1st house and GF’s rising in Libra at 8 degrees. This will probably bring about changes in the way business is conducted in this industry as it may turn out again there will be legal trouble, ethics issues and lead to new legislation and change which will impact how the market goes forward. Once these issues are settled it will take a while for GF to recover from the mess as Pluto will first conjunct the natal Sun, again causing a transformation in identity and the way business is done and then as Pluto moves into the 4th house and conjuncts natal Mercury and opposes natal Saturn in the 10th, skepticism about the new regulations and cleaned up mess will hold back GFs climb, lowering prices.

The first of these difficult aspects happen in late February of 2012 when Pluto hits GFs natal Sun and makes GF restructure with heavy pressure until the mid-late February 2012 and goes on until late May 2012. Another round starts up in Mid-December 2012 until Mid January 2013 this builds as Pluto get closer and closer to the natal Saturn opposition and conjunction with Mercury at the beginning of March 2015.  The issue will seem to go out of public purview and even seem like it’s not going to be that big of a deal by December of 2013, people may even think the issue settled, or the worst as being over, but it won’t be, another round will be coming. Having transiting Pluto conjunct natal Mercury and opposing natal Saturn in the 10th starting in March of 2015 will hold prices back, there will be bad public opinion, bad press and a dampening of investment in GF.

Hope that helps and that’s it for me for now with the stock market. I really don’t like doing predictions about it since I know nothing about it and I would not personally invest in it. I feel it is a rigged game and not for people outside the ring of those in the know. I also feel we are in a weird irrational bubble right now that is not properly reflecting reality and due to this the market is impossible to predict with anything remotely rational, this is not surprising with Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. But it will be a very long time before the playing field is truly level and fair. For those of you who do understand and are in the know, go for it. I hope the stars can help, for the rest of us mere mortals far from the shadow of Wall Street best to stick with things we know.

Many blessings,




Unfortunately, a couple of weeks ago when I warned that the hillside in La Canada would slide and cause major damage; it happened last week (for those who are not local.) Luckily, no one was seriously injured which is a miracle. These poor people have had to evacuate a dozen times or more over the last 6 months and I’m sure are fatigued at having to do so. But it’s a good thing most people complied or things would have been much worse.

OK and the stock market, let’s just say I’ve been sticking to my original prediction that the market would take a double plunge and until late fall of 2010 the market would and will remain unstable. I know things are going that way again. So I hope those of you who have been looking at that part of the blog have kept in mind my advice to stay away from the whole mess for 2 years from the initial crash. Unless of course you are an expert in which case you are in an entirely different ball game and perhaps unable to stay out even if you want to.

More on karma coming this week…

Best wishes and many blessings…



The Economy… predictions from around the blog

I pulled some predictions about the economy from past postings that may apply to what we are in right now. Here’s one from January 21, 2009:

Despite the financial sour pickle we are going to eat and the release of information (probably within the next day or so) that will make the market start to free fall some more, we will be a better, stronger, wiser, kinder people. Also with Saturn in the 5th, the stock market will have the squeeze put on it both in terms of new laws and regulations and also its numbers continuing to constrict rather then bloom.

I think we may see the end of capitalism as we have known it. But once new laws (which there will likely be many international as well) are put into place, there stock market will recover. And with Saturn being in Virgo, down the road the next set of stocks to get  hit will be health care related stuff as it seems Obama will restructure that as well. 

Another from December 2 2008:

Here’s the other thing, in the Declaration chart Pluto is about to shred it. I’m glad it’s not our real chart, (and if it is well, we’ll know it for sure soon) but rather our more unconscious one, or we’d be in even bigger trouble then we already are. But it’s still posed to do some major damage to our US Cons. Sign chart this will happen a little later though in March of 2009, and will again most likely hit speculators and the stock market.

Ironically, this Monday Pluto hit 0 degrees again as it had the last time we had the major drop in November, and that is directly on the US Const. Sign charts south node in the 5th — meaning, what we have reaped in the market we are going to be sowing, and it’s going to be powerful, and painful. I think the Dow’s big Pluto over the ascendant happening at the end of December into January will be more about the horrible corruption, lies and sociopathic behavior of CEOs that will come out making investors think twice about trusting their money to these people, many of whom are really criminals in business suits. This is the shore I think the Tsunami is headed in terms of the Dow.

From December 4, 2008:

OK, I don’t know if Citicorp has officially gone under yet, but they will or they will be absorbed by another company completely by February 09 when transiting Neptune in Aquarius makes an exact square form their first house to Neptune in Scorpio in their 10th. They have been seriously deluding themselves. Also Pluto is going through the company’s 12th house and making an applying square to their Saturn in the second. They’ve been keeping secrets, and if they do get absorbed by another company, whoever takes them on will be hit with a necessary and very brutal restructuring in order to save what’s left which would take place in March of 2010. This lapse in time will probably be because the company has been hiding a lot and it will take time to sort out all the mess.


I just wanted to do some re-capping of past predictions. It’s not easy to find stuff on this blog. There’s so much! Gee whiz I blab a lot. Anyway, remember the contest is still on, I’m also still looking for people to submit their opinions for the Readers/Writers page and I’m open to all questions (that of course pertain to the broader picture, not just personal ones). Hope you all are doing well and by now have gotten out of the market as it looks like we will see it continue to decline for a while. 

Best wishes and many blessings to you,


The Economy… predictions from around the blog

Geo-Politics & Bio-Terrorism

Hi everyone, 

I decided to take a break from answering stock market questions for now for a couple of reasons: 1) My brain is hurting from it. 2) If you haven’t gotten out of the market by now, it’s probably best to wait it out if you own stock in a major blue chip type of company. I will get back to these questions though over the weekend, and look into it, but in general most people are on the losing side now, and most readings I’ve done about the situation indicate waiting it out for several years is often the best thing to do if you want to get your money back to about where it was. So that being said, I will of course answer everyone over the next couple of weeks, but I just need to take a little break from it.

I really want to get to the issue of bio-terrorism and the trouble bubbling over between India and Pakistan because I feel a very dark thing there and have for awhile, but kept getting side tracked. The other day Ylem posted an article about the inevitability of such a thing happening somewhere in the world. Ylem was very worried if many people would die as a result and my response was unfortunately there were some signs (astrologically speaking) that  this could very much occur as early as 2011. This will be a major ongoing problem for about 7 years, nearly a decade before the world will get this genie back in the box, on the brighter side hopefully stopping this genie over the next decade before it ever gets out. So it is imperative that our government, and all world governments be extremely aggressive about fighting this, because it would and could be potentially extremely devastating. 

The problem that these terrorists don’t understand is they will not only potentially murder millions of innocent citizens of a country whose governments they have a problem with, but this kind of attack will backfire and very likely cause massive losses of life not just of the “enemy” but to their own people as well. Diseases once released into the public can’t be controlled. And even nerve gas attacks will have repercussions as leaks (because of badly constructed holding tanks) will poison the environment where it is stored. And this could be said of any potential dirty bomb material as well.

The reality is with Uranus in Aries, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto (in Capricorn) squaring Uranus we will be in danger of wars of all kinds, big or small, terrorist and conventional.

In June of 2012 Uranus will make an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn, and the best possible read on this would be the tearing down of the way we’ve done business, and replacing it with a radical new type of visionary leadership, that is if we live up to our highest potential, which is my hope.

My fear is enough of us will settle into darker places, and the worst potential outcome of these aspects is: unexpected war/invasion/terrorist acts with massive repercussions to the economic and eco systems with tremendous loss of life. And of course there are varying shades of gray between these two extremes. And more then likely it will be somewhere in the middle as we collectively struggle between the chaotic side of our nature and the peaceful side.

Our country (the US) will be most vulnerable to an attack in June – August of 2010 and then again starting in March 2011 off and on during the spring into the summer of  that year, and of course the whole world will be vulnerable in 2012 during that awful configuration of planets and aspects. My current feeling is that these attacks have a very good chance of being caught and averted if we are vigilant and I feel we will be, but we all must do our part to pressure the government to stay on this issue.

Other countries I don’t have the same feeling about. I have to say one of my first gut feelings was a worry for Israel. Here’s there chart:

isrealIsrael will have some very challenging aspects regarding the three outer/fate based planets as we progress into the next decade.  There is some hopeful news for them, they have great intelligence, and because the planets are never perfectly aligned for a horrible attack, there is a very good chance they will discover whatever plot there is against them. But they really have to watch their backs in the coming decade. And smaller consistent attacks will most likely escalate.

Now my other bad feeling was for India which I’m hoping was just about this recent Mumbai attack. Here’s the chart for India:

india1Right now Pluto is still at that critical 0 degrees of Capricorn going through India’s 8th house of death and opposing its natal Mars in Cancer exactly. They are still very vulnerable right now to another terrorist attack. Since the last attack happened when the Moon was in Scorpio squaring the country’s stellium in Leo, I would say they will be very vulnerable around the 22 of December this year, even more so then they were in November as the Sun will join Pluto, and light up this possibility. I wonder if perhaps this Pakistani group is trying to push India into a war with Pakistan, and this is a big part of why communications will break down at the end of January. Even the uncovering of a plot at this point would be enough to push these two countries into war or at least to push India into striking back at the Pakistani based terrorist groups.

I’m going to post a bunch of charts of countries in the middle-east here, because it seems there is a theme among them.


There are other charts I want to run and will add in a later post about this ongoing subject ,but don’t have space here. Let me just say that there is a good chance there will be a possible coo or revolution in Iran when Uranus hits this country’s Mars in the 8th, and it will be bloody. It looks like it will come from this country’s youth. And will be very unexpected and potentially deadly, this aspect happens in 2010.

It seems that the most vulnerable places over the next 10 years will be Israel and India, we are also high on the list, but harder to access for many of these small potato type terrorist groups.

Let’s also look at some European countries:

picture-142picture-13Looking at all these charts the first thing that pops out is the early degree planets in cardinal signs in nearly all these western nations, except France. Pluto will be wreaking havoc here, and this could also relate to the economies of all these nations.

The United Kingdom has an interesting feature, and probably one that makes it very vulnerable to surprise attacks; Uranus at 1 degree Libra in the 12th. Next year on and off, Pluto will be squaring this degree, and combined with other aspect this could leave the UK open to attacks, more than usual. Especially in Jan, June, July, August, October and November of 2009. This same period will be very bad for the Dow Jones as Pluto will be going over the ascendant back and forth bringing to light deeper problems and darker secrets, each one more surprising then the next and leading to erratic trading. Obama’s administration is going to have to get in there fast and start restructuring in order to turn this around. 

Also the UK’s vulnerability shows up in the charts of its allies, Italy, Spain and Germany, very likely these countries will be key to intelligence that if listened to by the UK could avert potential disaster. During this time all these countries will be having their own crisis related to the financial mess we’re in, with the exception of France which will be doing better then the lot of these posted western nations.  Perhaps they already had tighter regulations and were more protected and isolated economically then most of the other countries were.

OK, it’s time for sleep. I will continue looking at the world and this issue country by country over the next few weeks. And as we get closer I hope to go city by major city to try and isolate where any potential threat may occur.

Wishing all of you a wonderful Friday.

Keep posting questions, I’m going to get to them! I promise.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,


Geo-Politics & Bio-Terrorism

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Hi Everyone:

If I don’t get to post for the next couple of days that’s because I’m in a non-wireless zone, so hopefully I will be able to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving, but if not:
Happy Thanksgiving!
OK, now more questions. This first one is very important because remember all the financial posts I had done and how if Barack Obama were to win our situation would actually get better, not immediately, but it still would be less dire even in the short term.
Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about that. I can feel the panic in the air as I’m sure all of you can, but I also have a feeling with this aggressive restructuring of the market we are currently undertaking, the beast will be tamed to a large degree. I’m not saying there won’t be people losing their jobs, and several shaky years when people will feel unsure about their employment, their investments and what’s going on in the world financially, but I am feeling (and seeing) that this Pluto aspect (once Obama is officially in office) will actually be more about restructuring then about total devastation.
It’s as if we were in a big car barreling down a freeway at 150 MPH, headed toward a sink hole when the passenger yanked on the car steering wheel and the car lurched away from our certain death, totaling the car, but everyone lives, and has varying degrees of injury. 
So while that sounds kind of insane and scary, and it is. Our future is not nearly as bad as it would have been. We have in a way, saved ourselves from certain disaster. We will still have to pay for the sins of corporate greed, but I believe their days (at least for several generations to come) of being robber-barons is over. And the world as a whole (if we stay on this path) will find its way out of crisis.
So here’s the first question from Anonymous:
From Anonymous:
The big concerns expressed by some economists, is the perilous time before the inauguration which obviously coincides with your prediction. Evidently, in the 1930’s, the delay between the Hoover administration and FDR’s was disastrous. It appears that Obama’s administration has been getting the message and he is inserting himself into the Bush administrations’ management of the economy. Do you see a possibility of the tsunami being avoided if this trend continues? (Hope springs eternal)
Hello Anonymous,
I won’t go as far as saying the tsunami will be entirely avoided because there’s only so much Obama can do until he becomes president, but I do feel his inserting himself into the situation is absolutely a blessing to us, and will soften the blow a great deal. I feel this for a number of reasons:
1) He is reminding us (while we are panicked) that there is a competent leader who will carefully and cooly appoint the right people, and delve right into this on day one to fix the problem. This is kind of like cuddling your baby when he has an ouchy. This in itself I feel is helping to some degree to reassure us from total panic.
2) He is making good well measured decisions that are inclusive of all sides of the argument, further reassuring us that he is willing to listen to whatever idea is best no matter what side of the aisle or whether it be left, right or center. I think this is very important right now that the best idea win, politics aside.
3) We are in uncharted territory here with the economic crisis, and conventional wisdom isn’t going to work. Even the financial experts, deep in the pit of their hearts know this, and we can all smell their fear. This is exacerbating the market because they keep lying to the public when they are aware that they really can’t give advice right now, there is too much novelty, too much emotion and things are far too volatile to predict. But Obama’s measured, cool demeanor and show of strength really helps to calm this sector down. People respond to strong leadership which he is showing. 
I do feel that we’ll have a strange couple of years, and by the time its over we won’t recognize the way the market works anymore. It will be very different. It’s the end of capitalism as we once knew it.
It will no longer be a free for all anything goes as long as it can make money sort of ideology.
As I’ve said before in many posts, there will be new international banking, and trading laws that we will have to abide by, and the world will come together to make sure this never happens again. This means a lot of dirty underbelly will be exposed and rooted out, and a new way of doing business will be ushered in.
So it’s really hard for me to know how many companies will collapse under the weight of these new laws, and how many will be strengthened by it, but my gut feeling is it will be corruption darwinism, with the worst offenders dying off. That being said it will take awhile to discover all the nooks and crannies of these company’s books, and the market will be pretty nutty for awhile.
From Amber:
Denise, I found the information on t mobile and when they filed the merger with the security and exchange commission to become t mobile. I hope this is sufficient info. 
Here’s the chart:

Hi Amber,

I don’t see anything catastrophic here. It looks like they will be fine through this, they may actually expand into other communication services, the worst of it is they may have to lower their prices, or cut rates and try to go into encouraging usage in a more traditional home phone kind of way.


Hi Denise,

Can you give me some advise on a couple of mutual funds? I had originally thought that I would just hold them through this – but if it is going to get much worse, perhaps I should sell. I just don’t know how low they will go, or how long it will take for them to recover.

Hi Jean,

Can you give me the stock names and also if you have their first trading or incorporation date in case I don’t have it in my database. If you can’t find it don’t worry I’ll try to find it, but if you can find info on it, then I will be able to answer you much more quickly.


Hi Denise,

I am interested in the stocks for Boeing (BA) and Airbus (EADSY) – how this ecomonic crisis will effect them and should we hold out for the long-term?

Hi Cathy,

Here are 2 charts I found for Boeing:

picture-251There will be opportunity for them to be more profitable, but they have to make some major changes. It looks to me that this stock will be very volatile for the next couple of years, and go through some very major shifts, even perhaps changing what they are known for making and potentially getting more into experimental or innovation orientated/research driven work. That’s there best chance at staying valuable. Otherwise as Pluto makes opposition after opposition to Mars, Mercury (the chart ruler), Pluto and then the Sun, this company could go under, but that won’t be for awhile, not until about 2020. So you have some time here to decide when the best time to sell is.

I couldn’t find anything for Airbus. Do you have their incorporation date or the start date of when they began trading? If so please post it in a comment and I’ll run a chart for you.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you.

And of course have a great Thanksgiving!


Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Hi Everyone!

More questions from readers. I’ll do my best to try and answer them.


if Hillary becomes the Sec. State, hopefully she will not be excessively distracted by outside drama or personal career plans, etc.

Hi Patrick,

Well, it looks like Hillary is going to take the job, but it won’t be officially announced until after Thanksgiving for some reason. That’s what I heard on the news at least, but you never know.  I can understand your concern about Hillary and drama, the Clinton years were full of that problem and she appeared to be very hawkish when running for president. So let’s see if she will be distracted by outside drama or personal career plans.

The tarot’s answer: Yes. But not so much in terms of her performance on the job.

She’ll be distracted to a degree by her husband. The pattern card comes up. And a man is in the center. It looks like Bill will cause her some personal anguish, the ace of cups reversed is also there. But she has the six of wands, victory in business or career also, so I’m going to say she’ll do a great job, and be an excellent wing woman to Obama, however her husband may have trouble being on the side lines.

I get the feeling Monica wasn’t really the first time she dealt with Bill’s infidelities, and I don’t think it was or is the last. There is a high probability that stuff will get leaked out about other infidelities he’s had, or may have, but I don’t get the feeling it will have much impact on the Obama administration. It will be more of a personal impact on Hillary not so much her job. I think Bill might be a sex addict. I feel bad for her. The worst part is she’ll feel humiliated because of his behavior, and that’s really not fair.


Hi Denise,

thanks so much for your blogs. I really enjoy coming back here. You have predicted a stock market “Tsunami” for December. Things are so extremely bad already… how much worse can it get…? Do you see the Dow Jones Index going below 6000 in December…? Also, do you expect Deflation or Inflation in 2009? Are they going to print so much money that the dollar becomes completely worthless and we will finally need a new currency, or o you see the dollar getting stronger, like right now?

Thanks a lot in advance,
your advice is truly appreciated!

Hi Tobe,

I’ll ask the tarot if the Dow will go below 6000.

The answer: Yes

I saw the number 5986 while I was focusing on this question. But I could have flipped some of the numbers. Maybe 5896? I do feel that in the end of Dec/early Jan. we’ll see it get into down into the high 5000 range.

In answer to the second question. My feeling is that because the whole world will be in similar crisis our money by comparison will fluctuate, but not get to the point where we have to use a barrel full of money to buy a gum ball. So I guess we’ll see inflation, but it will be world wide, and our dollar will be nested in about the same place its been for awhile.

It’s kind of like we’re all on the Titanic together, so buying someone’s diamond ring that’s worth two hundred bucks for ten million dollars isn’t going to matter because we’re all sinking. In other words value will have an entirely different meaning within this new context.

I also see a world currency as a direct result of this crazy financial debacle. Once the international banking and market laws go into effect, it very likely will go that way out of ease of use. But I don’t see that happening right away. That’s at least a few years away. At least. And this could change depending on what happens over the next couple of years.


Thank you in advance for answering my question.

If Obama chooses Hillary for the Sec of State job, will she be a team player and represent him to well or will she be a disappointment to Obama?

Will Gov. Richardson be offered a position in the Obama Administration?

Hi Marie,

I do feel she will be a team player. I have a strong feeling that Hillary is worried this might be the highest office she will be able to attain due to her age and her husband’s notorious past. I really feel her heart is in this, and she will acquiesce to Obama’s policy. The campaign (which started almost immediately after she became a senator in my opinion) was her trying to show how tough she was and invulnerable. This stance ruined her. Both these characteristics are actually more antithetical to her then the public would think.

I feel she played tough for fear of seeming weak, and like someone who isn’t really tough, and doesn’t understand the boundaries, she overplayed this in an effort to be one of the boys. I don’t feel she is truly hawkish. I do feel she played to win according to the rules she had in her head, and didn’t follow her heart. If she had been true to herself she would have ended up being President and Obama VP. But she blew it a long time ago. Pretty much from 9/11 on when it seemed she traded in her true passion for a power pant suit. That being said, I feel we are going to finally get the real Hillary here.

As for Bill Richardson the press has already answered that one. It seems he’s going to be in the new administration as well, which is great. I meant to answer this question sooner because I had a strong feeling Obama would find a place for him but now it’s too late to show my clairvoyant skills off.


Do you think that your dream with Chicago as a target, has any connection to the 2016 bid for Chicago Olympics? Considering that Atlanta was a target, it doesnt seem to unlikely that another Olympics in the US could be a target.

Hi Wings of Grey,

By the way is this an owl reference? I love owls! They are my life long totem animal. Anyway, that’s another story, another post. 

I feel Chicago isn’t going to be a target of domestic terrorism earlier then 2016. That was my immediate feeling. Which will be before the olympics, but that’s a good question. It may make Chicago vulnerable again at that time to other attempts.

I asked the tarot and it answered: Maybe.

I’ll have to look into the astrology around that time to glean anything further. But my immediate feeling is Chicago will be a target much earlier then that, and I’m worried about that attempt right now. 


Hi, Denise–

What a gift this is! Aquarian breadth with Piscean depth taking on all the issues of our times. I truly hope you’ll pursue publishing this. I can’t be the only one needing this vision, this hope, and this inspiration.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!



From Americhrist, 2008/11/21 at 5:38 PM


Hi Tina,

Thanks for your kind words and for posting this about my book!


Hello Dennis, why are you avoiding me. I need your help. Please comment regarding NIFTY. Expecting your valuable advice… your friend, malayali

Hi Malayali,

I need you to give the start date of trading of this company, the name of the company, and what market it is traded on so I can run a chart. I thought I had posted this before, but I’m sorry if either I didn’t and thought I did or you missed the post. I’ll be glad to look at it if you give me more info. Sorry for the delay. 

Wishing all of you the best!

Here’s a sample of the next bunch of questions:


Hello again. Here is a unique question. When within the next 75 days would you recommend a marriage date for these two people? Born 7/28/56 Chillicothe, Ohio and 8/17/80 Olongapo, Philippines. Any other advise would be appreciated too. Thank you again.

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

Will Tim Geitner be a good Secretary of Treasury?


Hi Denise I very much appreciate your reply and your time. The psychic advised me in October to hold on to the Australian stocks I hold. One you have answered with Oz minerals. The other is Minara Resources MRE ( Nickel and Colbalt Miner) which began on 17th March 1994. I couldn’t agree more that this crisis is more than fear and although it hurts many of us little people who have become victims of greed and deception, this crisis had to happen because we must come back to real values and respect for each other. Competition, winners and losers, victims and predators are not a healthy way to live and is unsustainable in the long run. May all the things that are good eventually prevail . And the ‘meek inherit the earth. One other question I have, although I like Hilary Clinton I am unsure of her possible position as State Secretary. Do you think if she took on the role would she be able to negotiate peacefully with other nations and create healing with those nations that are angry with America’s previous actions, interference and foreign policy? Thankyou so much


Hi Denice. This is my first time posting here. I have a question. Have you done any readings on Michelle Obama and Jill Biden? I am interested in getting to know about them and what will they do in the next 4 years.




Hi Denise,

Can you give me some advise on a couple of mutual funds? I had originally thought that I would just hold them through this – but if it is going to get much worse, perhaps I should sell. I just don’t know how low they will go, or how long it will take for them to recover.


Hi Denise,

I am interested in the stocks for Boeing (BA) and Airbus (EADSY) – how this ecomonic crisis will effect them and should we hold out for the long-term?

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Hi Everyone! Back to answering questions! So keep asking. Hope you all are well.

The first question comes from Sinead/Jenn:



Hi Denise:

Can you see if Al Gore & Howard Dean would have a role with his administration too? Environment and 50 state strategy?

I am proud to be an American…

Thanks again,

Hi Jenn I asked the tarot if Al Gore will be offered a cabinet position in the Obama administration.

The answer: Yes. Very strong yes.

However at the center is the 9 of swords and also the 7 of swords and 6 of swords. While it looks like there is great admiration on both sides, with the ace of cups and Gore and Obama both respect each other greatly as leaders, I don’t think Al Gore is all that interested in a permanent position in the government. He has anxiety about it for some reason, and perhaps feels it would be too much stress on him, and his family at this point in his life to take such a position. But I do feel Obama will use his expertise to help and Gore will be an important consultant. Basically Gore will be offered a position, but chances are good he won’t want to take it.

The tarot says:

No, to a cabinet position being offered to Howard Dean. Not that he won’t be involved on some issues, he just won’t be offered this kind of position in the new Obama/Biden administration.



What about GE? Good time to sell?

picture-12The sooner the better.

I’m assuming here you meant General Electric. So I ran the chart. Transiting Neptune in Aquarius is conjunction the company’s part of fortune in the 8th. Meaning there is loss of money to the shareholders, presently. Pluto is currently transiting the company’s 12th house, meaning there is some major transformation happening behind the scenes. Stuff that won’t come out until years from now.

Also the company is coming upon a Saturn return. Right now transiting Saturn is going through the 4th house and has been since October, again a restructuring aspect. And a time to reap what has been sown, in terms of the Saturn return. Saturn will pass back and forth over the natal Saturn over the coming year. This is often a time of reckoning. Not usually something people or companies look forward to.

That being said, GE will not see the same immediate devastation that the stock market faces, until a bit later when transiting Pluto will go over the company’s 7th house cusp and oppose the first house. This will probably cause the company to partner up with another company to save itself. Some sort of major merger in order to avoid calamity. This will happen in the spring of 2012, but there will be rumblings about it for awhile before it happens. 

I’d have to say with Saturn ruling the company’s 8th house, it’s not a good time for those who have invested in GE! Normally this makes the company very slow, steady with time, evening out any fluctuations. But with a Saturn return this coming year, and the state of the stock market there is likely to be trouble with this stock over the next few years, and I can’t honestly say there is a good time to get out, other than doing so before Saturn returns next spring.

This company naturally hides a lot with so much in the 12th house. I’d say this stock has awhile before it really bottoms out though. So its best to use your intuition, and get out before next spring. The trouble this company will experience over the next 4 years is big. And unless you are one of those people who makes money on the loss of the value of a stock, then its best to get out. I would do it as soon as possible before the major crash coming at the end of December and into January of next year.

But you have a bit of time. This stock will of course go nuts like everything else when the huge stock market crash we are beginning to feel, really crescendos. But this stock should even out a bit in February before trouble comes again in spring. Hope that helps.



I heard the presidential inauguration happens during the moon being void of course and that this was very important. Any comments?

You know. I’ve heard a lot of astrologers over the years freak out over the moon being void-of- course. It means the moon is not making any applying aspects to anything, and is kind of hanging out there on its own. But, I personally haven’t found the moon void-of-course to be that major of an occurrence. It happens every few days, and usually doesn’t last more than a couple of hours at the very most.

Also many astrologers feel aspects are only applicable to applying aspects, meaning when a faster moving planet is headed toward an exact aspect with another slower moving planet. Again I have found aspects can be very powerful even if they are waning, sometimes more powerful. So, I don’t usually get all worked up about the void-of-course moon. I’d prefer to run a chart, and look at the period of time in its context. That tells me a lot more.

Do you happen to know what time the inauguration will take place? I would love to run a chart of it. It will tell us a lot about the shape of Obama’s administration.



Hi Denise,

Thanks for providing a wonderful site. I’m a regular visitor.

I wanted to get your opinion on the following Stock. Ticker Symbols are as follows:

2) AGU
4) BRK.B
7) POT

I would appreciate it if you can provide certain insight whether these are to be held or sold? Especially, when you mentioned that time after Dec 15th isn’t good for the market.

I’ll check here on your site to see your observations.

As always, thanks very much for your feedback.

God Bless.

Hi Stocer,

I always have trouble with the symbols, it takes awhile to track down the names of the company and sometimes they are so close, I’m not sure I have the right one, etc. Could you post the names of each company? I will look in my database and run the charts, post them and give an evaluation. 



curious123 |

Got a few questions…

1. Will President Obama finish his 4 years…a psyhic predicted that he will not finish the 4 years and will be force to leave after 2 years and Biden will take over?!?

2. Is this the case? Will he have honest enough people around him? Are people putting a lot of hope in him and be greatly disappointed?

I hope people understand that this is a real mess that Bush is leaving. The pressure should be realistic. He is not God…maybe…lol. I’m asking these questions but might be afraid of the answers.

thanks again!

Hi Curious,

I didn’t have a chance yet to look at the link you sent but will tomorrow. From an astrological standpoint he has a lot of protection around him. Now there is one potentially dangerous aspect to him in 2010-2011, Neptune will be making an opposition to his Sun from the first house. However, Jupiter is right next to it, meaning as long as he takes proper precautions and is careful he will be OK. Other than that he really is protected and he’s a very smart man.

I can see him being president for more than one term. And from his chart he would have a much better chance of having something bad happen during his second term, perhaps because he will be a much loved president and hopefully, he won’t do this, but he might let his guard down. There are some much worse aspects for an attempted assassination in his second term then even in his first. I won’t go into that now because its far in the future and if I start having dreams or get a horrible feeling I’ll do everything I can to get word to him through whatever means. For now I feel he is going to be safe if he remains vigilant.

In terms of being forced out. I don’t see that at all. I feel that’s really off base. 

Thanks to all of you out there! Wishing you all well. You are such an interesting, smart, diverse group of people. It’s a pleasure fielding your questions. And I must add, all the people I’ve done private readings through this blog have been really remarkable, intelligent, kind hearted and spiritual people. I feel blessed to be in communication with such a great group of souls.

Best wishes and blessing to all of you,


Answering Readers’ Questions…

The Stock Market… Upcoming Problems…

OK, I know I said I didn’t want to talk about the stock market, but I also said that if there was something coming down the pike I would warn about it. Here’s something I hadn’t thought much about or noticed because I was so transfixed by the upcoming Pluto, going over the ascendant aspect. The market is about to have a Saturn return.

Remember when you were about 28-29 years old, or later when this aspect returned in your late 50s? It wasn’t an easy time, right? That’s because Saturn returned back to its original place in your birth chart. It happens to all of us, and is a manifesting aspect. It is also a karmic planet which is why a lot of rock stars drop off the planet at this time, if they’ve had drug or alcohol problems. Really anyone who hasn’t tried to evolve will have problems during a Saturn return. And lets face it this is the majority of people. Not that there is anything wrong with them, its just most people don’t think of their immortal souls until they are a little older, so most of us experience a pretty hectic Saturn return. I could go on but won’t, I will stick to how it applies to the stock market.

The last time we had a Saturn return for the Dow was the late 1970s when we were in the midst of a very bad recession. Add this to the mix of the Pluto aspect and all the hanky panky wall street has gotten into and we’re in for some serious trouble. We will see the exact degree of Saturn’s return starting at the end of this month. So don’t get lulled into a sense of complacency just yet. If you have any anxiety about investing, the smallest inkling or hunch. TRUST YOURSELF!!!! And sell when your intuition tells you to do so. We have a little bit of time, the end of this week should still be OK. But we will start to see more craziness by the end of the third week of October. So BE WARNED.

OK. I’ll post more about this and other aspects relating to the Dow soon. I had hoped that we would avert this crisis, and since Obama will win it will not get as bad as it could have, but we can’t be complacent!

Best wishes and good luck!

The Stock Market… Upcoming Problems…

Readers Questions and General Financial Advice…

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about individual stocks. At this point we are getting so close to seriously bad aspects about to hit the Dow Jones, that it’s getting too difficult to really read. I can do individual readings on stocks, but I don’t have everything in my data base and at this point its not the best use of the time I have to help people. What is important is everyone getting out as soon as they feel safe in doing so.

I can give some general info about the financial markets and if anyone has a yes/no question about a time frame they are thinking about in terms of selling their stock, I can do that. But the bleeding is so bad right now that the ratio of time I would spend evaluating the stock is not worth doing. I can do yes/no spreads which are quick if you have a time frame you are looking at in terms of selling your stock.  

But truly you are going to have to rely on your own intuition. For those of you who are not as in touch with your intuitive side, here’s an exercise to try. You don’t have to believe in anything in particular. what you are going to do is tap into your own higher mind, intuition, instinct or psychic ability, whatever you want to call it. 

Get a white candle and some pleasant incense. I suggest Sandalwood because it is associated with money and business matters, but whatever you like is fine. Either before bed time, or early in the morning, some time when it is quiet in your home and you are in a relaxed state. Light your incense and candle, sit either straight up in a chair with your feet touching the floor, or Indian style on the ground. Try to still your mind. This won’t be as easy as it sounds. You will have a thousand thoughts hitting you at once, acknowledge them and let them go. Don’t berate yourself, don’t follow them, just let them go.

Ask your higher self, God, the Great Goddess, the Universe, Angels, Elementals, the Great Spirit, or whatever you acknowledge as a higher power. In the case of those who are atheists, go ahead and see this power as a part of you (which it is) and call on that side of yourself for protection. Visualize white light around you and ask the Being or Part of Yourself to protect you while you delve into your intuition. 

Now visualize your intuitive ability as a light switch on a wall. Turn the switch from off to on. I also like to visualize a damn breaking, and all the information coming through. Once you are in this meditative state, ask yourself whatever question you want answered. The information will be pictures, words, somewhat incoherent so write down everything you see and hear as soon as you get out of the meditative state. This is why knowing a skill like tarot or astrology is helpful in that it focuses the unconscious mind and can help sharpen the intuition, and focus it on where you want it to go. 

Please feel free to share your revelations and information in the comment section here. I’ll try to help decipher it for you when I can and other readers can weigh in to help you figure it out. It is important though to realize you can do this. We may not all be great at it, just like we can all learn to ride a bike but not everyone is Lance Armstrong, but you can do it. And the more you use your intuition and trust in it the better your instincts will become. Prayer and or mediation are important to the development of this part of you, finding a quiet place to hear this inner voice is key. During these times we will all need these skills to help us stay calm and protect us from harm, and give us a leg up.  

I will come up with a list of good books for those interested in furthering their study of meditation and opening up their intuition in a later post.

Blessing to all and good luck.

Readers Questions and General Financial Advice…

Barack Obama – his chart, who is he?

It’s interesting to see how prevalent the 7th house is in the charts of politicians. As law makers it makes sense being that the 7th house rules courts and justice as well as partnerships, the public and open enemies.

In Barack’s case we see a lot of 7th house action, his mind is defintely occupied with issues of fairness, equality and service. His Leo sun is reigned in by the 6th house of service so any bombast is tempered with his desire to serve coupled with his opposition to Uranus in the 7th and his Aquarius rising he has strong desire to serve humanity.

With his Pluto in the 7th his partner is strong, as we know. And has great influence, as well as Joe Biden will. He takes into consideration other points of view and weighs them heavily in his decision making process.

Moon in Gemini trine his Jupiter gives him a cool emotional demeanor and an understanding of both foreign and domestic people. His childhood would involve a lot of emotional ups and downs and moving quite a bit, this is also public knowledge but is indicated in his chart. His mother was an intellectual and teacher, (Moon in Gemini in the 4th) this created great opportunity for him to grow intellectually as moon trines his Mercury in the 6th. Again he puts his knowledge into serving the greater good. Not surprising he would become a community organizer as his need to serve is strong and taught him a lot about the world and himself.

Mars in Virgo in the 6th again reinforces his desire to play fair and serve others in the process which is probably why he was attracted to law. but the kind of law he was interested in and is interested in is focused on workers and their plight, those that serve others, he identifies with them which is part of his passion to serve.

He has the ability to think outside the box (Aquarius rising) but this is balanced by many factors in his chart which enable him to think in gradations of color as opposed to the black and white world of someone like Sarah Palin who has a proponderance of fixed signs and too much Aquarius in her chart leading her into the realm of magical thinking and the inability to listen to others, this quality often referred derogatorily as “a know it all,” is not present in Barack Obama. His chart is balanced with all the elements and enough mutable signs to offset his fixed sun and rising. He is strong in his convictions without being married to his ideas, able to amend his position to changes that come along when necessary and capable of listening to a good case and changing his mind to fit the facts and circumstances.

His emotional center is his home life, his wife and children, and his mother. Jupiter in Aquarius in the 12th making a trine to his moon will ultimately be a great benefit, just as the chips look down for him luck strikes and fate helps him along. 

All in all he is compassionate, service orientated, humanitarian and extremely intelligent, if this makes him an elitist then we should all be so lucky as to be called this. His excellent aspects make him capable in many ways, not just his general intelligence, ability to understand the working person, his service oriented personality but also he understands finances not just the big picture but the details of the economy. Notice the trine between Saturn in Capricorn in the 12th and Mars in Virgo. He understands what is going on behind the scenes, things we the public do not see and knows how to fix this via legislation, Mars in the 7th in Virgo. It’s no surprise that the top wealthiest among us those in the top one percent fear him because he is not going to be a giant help to them but rather to us, the everyday people who work for a living. He has many enemies in that elite group and it will be no surprise that they will pull out all the stops to make sure he’s not elected including resulting to fear tactics (geared to the naive) which will more than likely be their main focus in trying to take him down. But alas, he does have Jupiter there to save him. So he does have hidden forces who support him and luck on his side.

He will restore our good name in the world and put our economy back on track and with all the Virgo in his chart he will reform health care for the betterment of us in the middle class.

So make sure to vote!

Barack Obama – his chart, who is he?