Fiscal Cliff

Doing Coast to Coast brought a lot of conservative readers to this blog. I want to clarify for you that I was raised in a conservative family, in a conservative neighborhood and I am married to a man whose parents are also conservatives. When I’m talking about Republicans I am not talking about people who are the voter class – I’m talking about the leadership class. It’s my experience that people are people and when given the hard truth do the right thing no matter what label they may take on when they go into a voting booth.

I know Republican voters believe in hard work and personal responsibility – so do liberal people – the big difference is liberal/progressives believe there are some people who can’t pull themselves up by their own bootstraps not because they are lazy, but because circumstances are too great and overwhelming to do so alone. I would really encourage everyone to watch the Ken Burns documentaries on PBS about the dust bowl. The dust bowl happened in a very maverick part of the country – where people believe in personal responsibility and were and still are very hard-working and believe in contributing to society. However the scope of the problem (and seriously just look at pictures and you’ll see how enormously devastating this ecological disaster was year after year for about a decade) was just too enormous for any one family no matter how big their extended family. It was as if every other day a major hurricane or tornado devastated the region – this went on for a decade. These dust storms were miles high and would drop 3 feet of earth over everything making all farming impossible. It was so enormous that the storms actually dropped earth from Kansas and Oklahoma in Washington DC and New York City. The government stepped in to save lives – children and elderly people were dying of “dust pneumonia.” The story is almost too much to bear but I suggest people take a look at this because the parallels of the Great Depression and our situation with the Great Recession are enormous.

So for those who think I want only blessings for people of like mind that is more than insulting it’s insane. However I am equally insulted when we have Republican politicians who want to take away benefits to Veterans, raise the age of social security, take money and medicare away from the elderly and make the middle class pay an extra 2000 a year in taxes when they are struggling like never before. All so the wealthy one percent (who pay less than anyone else in taxes) can keep their tax breaks. It’s disgusting.

The SIN of AVARICE and GREED are at the heart of these ideals. These are not Christian values and they are not Spiritual values which is why I am against them – that is why I take issue with these spiritual diseases that I see as eating away at the fabric of our world. These evils have somehow (in the past 30 or so years) turned from being society’s seeing Greed as despicable  and shameful to a virtue.

Well, I want to remind everyone GREED IS NOT A VIRTUE! In no religious text and on no spiritual path is GREED considered anything but one of the roots of EVIL  And what we have seen during the Bush jr. years was a ramping up of this disease to the point where we the average American tax payers are being asked to pick up the tab for the frat party on Wall Street. Lots of people got rich scamming the middle class and the poor. And now we are being asked AGAIN to pay for IT! TWICE – seriously how is that good for anyone? Except the shameful few.

So now onto my prediction about the fiscal cliff.  Democrats will stay firm and there will be a period of inaction until Republicans are forced to go ahead with the program. Republicans will come to realize if they stick to their guns there will be civil unrest and if they keep with their ridiculous “plans” they will not just be killing their future careers, but putting the nail in the coffin of their party for years to come. Which honestly I do not want to happen.

Democracy needs a viable two party system – but Republicans are making a huge mistake playing to the one percent and then using trickery to try and cover their tracks. The cat is out of the bag now and continuing on this path is suicidal for their party. This will have a long-term effect on the political system and will put them into the position of being a very small minority party for years to come. My compliment to them presently for at least honestly showing their hand instead of hiding behind the BS “Trickle Down Economics,” stuff. At least they are clearly showing that they have no compassion for people who were either born after 1960 or born into families without an express lane to Harvard or Yale.

The biggest disgrace in my opinion is starting two wars, destroying hundreds of thousands of lives, forever injuring those who served along with their families not to mention the highest cost – all the people who had to die for what? Both our troops and all the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of the Bush/Cheney oil grab that turned into a reckless pointless war which the Bush/Cheney administration lied us into.

All of us whether we want to admit it or not actually rely on systems to help us evolve whether that is the family system, the educational system or in the worst case scenarios people who are forced to take help from the government. No one wants to be in that position despite the propaganda of “welfare queens,” welfare has been reformed so that people can’t stay on it for any length of time. Not to mention if you have ever known anyone who has had to take government assistance (which includes social security, disability, medicare, food stamps, unemployment) they do it because they need to generally they aren’t proud of it. Many people are embarrassed about having to use food stamps, or get help of any kind.

Everyone wants to be independent and we must remember that if we are to be a “Christian Nation,” as is the herald of the Republican party, then we must actually posses those Christian values. If you have any doubts about what they are just ask yourself, “Would Jesus walk past a poor distraught person without helping him? Would Jesus want to rob the poor to give to the wealthy?” No. That’s the answer. If you are a Christian I can’t see how the current Republican plutocratic platform in any way conforms to your values. Either the Republican leadership needs to change or those who are staying loyal to a party they once believed in need to take a closer look at what is actual and factual and see if it squares with their real values. I contend it does not.

I do not think that 98% of Republican voters would vote that way if all the facts were broken down without the incendiary rhetoric that is used to make the leadership appear to be in the same camp as the good people who vote for them.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Yule and anything and every other holiday I am forgetting or don’t know about – Have a great holiday season.

Many blessing to all,


Fiscal Cliff

Why Mitt Romney Won’t Show His Tax Returns…

As I talked about in the last post the two most common things one sees in the charts of psychopaths and/or sociopaths is the Grand Fire or Air Trine. I was curious why Mitt Romney has refused to show his tax returns. His own father was very open with that aspect of his life. And because of this people took him to be a credible and a decent man despite what otherwise might have looked odd – his birth in Mexico due to his father’s fleeing the US due to multiple marriages. I have no problem with people having multiple co-existing marriages. If twenty women want to marry the same guy for whatever reason – go for it. If twenty men want to marry one woman – who cares? I think however it is very ironic that the Mormons spent so much money across the country defeating gay marriage when they themselves were called a sex cult at their inception. But perhaps this has to do with the fact that they believe when you die and go to heaven your purpose is to have sex constantly and make spirit babies who then come down and inhabit earthly bodies. Really? Because I thought in every other religion God created the spirit. And If you’re a super excellent mormon you get to rule your own solar system, too. No joke. I’m dead serious here – it’s like an earlier more sexual version of Scientology with a lot more Masionic stuff thrown into it like the magic underwear we’ve all heard about. Not to be too snarky about the Mormons, if you look at any organized religion it’s pretty nutty and it’s beginings are often suspect. However when the Mormons say they are Christian this is sort of like saying that Christians are Jews or that Jews are Muslims because they don’t just believe in the bible they have an extra addendum like the Muslims and the Christians – it’s called the book of Mormon which 2 very sweet young men trying to save my soul gave me recently. I read some of it and it tries to mimic the voice of the bible, but doesn’t really have the feel down.

Anyway, enough of my rant against organized religion. I’m against it if you push it down my throat. I have no problem with it if it’s kept to oneself and people don’t come knocking on my door trying to tell me what I should be or how my relationship with God should go. I don’t do that. Maybe I should? Maybe all of us who are under the general label of “Agnostic” should go around and question people about their faiths until they are so confused they give up and realize that there’s no way any one religion has all the answers to the multi-dimentional, infinite multi-verse created by an energy so far beyond our understanding that all we can do is pray for connection to it (which I do believe is hardwired into most people’s brains.) That being said I will now put up Mitt Romney’s chart and this time you will notice a very conspicuous Grant Trine in Air.



In this chart I included Ceres. She had been the ruler of Virgo for many years but then was downgraded (sort of like Pluto) and has been recently upgraded again to a minor planet – whatever that means. Of course she represents grain, daily bread, how we make our living – she was a very important Goddess to the ancient people and I think has become important again as we see the global climate changing and something like 70+ percent of the “Bread Basket” in serious drought – drought that could become a 1930s sort of problem.

Back to Senior Romney – when looking at his chart to figure out why in the world he wouldn’t release his tax returns I found a huge surprise. Yes, he was born into tremendous wealth and privilege and married a woman of the same class. But those years he won’t release will will show losses in his business. Yes, that’s right folks. All that money stashed away in foreign bank accounts and overseas and he somehow LOST money.

So he was a crappy Governor who did nothing for the economy of Massachusetts and his big claim to why he deserves to be president is a house of cards – if exposed would show a series of bad decisions, major corporate losses and God knows how many jobs shipped overseas. Yes, he did all that and still claimed he personally lost money on his tax returns – now whether that was real or some way to dodge paying his fair share? We won’t know. But it looks like he has seriously misrepresented his achievements for that company. Something I truly did not expect to see.

You maybe asking yourself, “where the hell did she come up with this?” I’ll tell you – from his chart. Now let’s explain the technicality – shall we. Here’s a man with NO EARTH in his chart WHATSOEVER! Woah! Meaning he is a kite flying in the wind without a string to hold him to the earth. He has a Grant Air Trine making his thought process nearly impenetrable to new ideas. He may pretend to change his mind or say the right things (this is typical of a lot of air in one’s chart) he may even have trouble making decisions but once he does his mind – his brain is like a dog with a bone – and no matter what – it can’t be changed. And if you think he feels and seems really slick – like he’s hiding smoething – like some sort of creepy used car salesman or that creepy politician in Steven King’s seminal novel Dead Zone – that’s because he is. All that water in his chart means he lives a secret life, it may not be anything evil or bad but he hides things even from those closest to him – even if it’s just buying shoes when he is suppose to be going golfing. It’s in his nature to be secretive, clandestine and this is why most people feel uncomfortable with him – even Republicans – any one with the slightest degree of intuition (and that pretty much covers 99.99% of humanity) will feel this tug of “something seems wrong,” or “I don’t really trust him.”

Now here’s where the money is. It is represented by Venus and is part of his Grand Trine showing the majority of his money was gifted to him, like my Grand Water Trine I was born with the “gift” of psychic ability, creativity, compassion. He was born with the gift of a big inheritance and a sharp mind. He’s no dummy. He for sure has an above average IQ (unlike some candidates we’ve seen from the Republican party in the past) however in his case the emphasis of his Grand Air Trine isn’t in Mercury or the mind, it’s actually in Venus which trines Uranus and then Neptune. He would come into sudden wealth many times in his life due to other people’s sudden misfortune – hmm, sounds a lot like what he did for a living.

However with Saturn and Pluto opposing his money maker Venus, it’s not money he worked for, it’s money he got through death, through destruction and through loss. He managed to make a career of this but it’s not a constructive sort of money making ability. His Saturn (career) conjuncts (Pluto) death/sex/the occult. He makes money by destroying not by creating.

According to Wikipedia he was Bain Capital’s founder in 1984 when “greed was good,” it was somewhere between 1999-2002 that the site claims he exited although it’s not clear like so many mysteries surrounding the man who want’s to be president. So when did he really leave? Let’s figure it out with astrology…. According to the news Mitt Romney was still recieving money from Bain Capital a “bizarre” practice unheard of until about 2010-2011 which is the only tax return he will show. So let’s find out if he ever really left or if the media suspicion is right; that he’s just trying to hide money in offshore accounts (I think that’s just a given so I’m not going to bother looking into that – it’s pretty well established he has money everywhere in the world in Swiss banks and the Cayman Islands – everywhere the world has a tax shelter to offer.)

His chart shows that he would have had Pluto starting to make a square to his Mars in 1999 and from there things would only continue to progress as Pluto would have squared his Mercury in 2002. Someone very powerful within the corporate structure didn’t like him and made it known. But my guess is since he was the founding member of the company he was paid to go away and perhaps received a dividend or stipend or some negotiated financial compensation that ended in one final lump sum windfall scheduled for sometime between Jan-Feb of 2011 but perhaps asked that it be put in a fund overseas or was put in his wife’s name (the aspect is between the Moon and Uranus.) I would venture a guess that he wasn’t seen as the best and brightest and the company went on to do much better once he was out of the decision making chair starting back in 1999 when I believe he started to come up against powerful forces within the company who felt his strategies were wrong and he wasn’t turning enough of a profit and like I said in some cases even losing money for the company.

So folks this is the big reveal. Mitt Romney isn’t even a great business man and unless he shows his tax returns to us – all we have to go on is the astrology.

Many blessings to all those who are trying their best during this difficult time,


Why Mitt Romney Won’t Show His Tax Returns…

It’s Not the End of the World…

Hey Everyone – I’ve been getting flooded with e-mails and people worried that I am implying the end of the world or something of the sort. I’m not. However I do think this is a time of reckoning, a period of adjustment and re-alignment that will cause lots of good and bad things. This will certainly not be a boring period of time to live in. As the old Chinese curse states: May you live during interesting times.

Well, it will be interesting but not the end. Empires will fall and others will rise and we will be very different 100 years from now than we can even begin to imagine. Right now the seeds of fate for the next 2000 years are being sown. We are all here for a reason and it is important (more than anything else) that we find our mission and follow it. That we live by the golden rule and learn to cherish all creatures and people for their gifts and the special lessons they teach. The more we go toward the rational (ironic coming from someone like me I know) and toward trusting our own intuition and knowledge, allowing our freak flags to fly, encouraging our individuality in the context of the ever-expanding multi-verse the closer we will get to putting humanity on the right course.

Every human being is equal in the eyes of the Creator and equal in reality, that does not mean we are all the same – in fact we are all different and that is the beauty, the dichotomy the two opposing ideas that we must learn to balance in our minds in this new era. We all deserve to be the captains of our own lives, to weave our own fate and we have no right to judge others for really anything as the truth is complex and often beyond our ability to understand it in the sound bite fashion we are used to digesting information.

My advice to all is to carve your pathway to the Great Spirit through meditation and or prayer and trust your own way – don’t allow anyone (including me) to usurp your own heart’s connection. A good teacher will always encourage you to follow your path no matter how far off the ordinary trail it is. A dictator will impose their will on you and unfortunately there are people operating as “spiritual leaders” who fall under this category – more of them than there are good teachers. But most importantly the best teacher is that little voice inside your head or heart that tells you the truth – follow it for it is the way to the Creator.

Many blessings and Happy Lunar/Chinese New Year,




It’s Not the End of the World…


The promised conversation with the guides about H1N1.

OK, there’s a lot to be afraid of on both sides if we are to believe everything. So I spent some time meditating and using a pendulum for answers.

I asked, “Will there be a big giant epidemic of H1Ni?” and got the answer — NO

“Will there be complications from the flu shot?” —  YES

“Will people die from the flu shot” — YES

“Will there be other complications from the flu shot” — YES

“Is this a drug company scheme to make money?” — YES

“Will a large number of children die from the H1N1 virus?” — NO

“Will this flu be in the normal middle range of most flus for deaths and complications?” — YES

“Will squalene be added now to the vaccine?” — YES

“Will this vaccine be responsible for new cases of Gion Beret Syndrome?” — YES

“Is there thimerosal in the vaccine” — YES

“Were the free doses of the H1N1 flu vaccine, given to the poor in Los Angeles and other parts of the country, a way of testing the vaccine?” YES

“Will people get hepatitis from this flu vaccine?” — YES

“Will people get AIDS from this flu vaccine?” — NO

These questions were compiled by me from those asked by you all. I hope this helps people to make as an informed of a decision as they can. Do your research. There’s a lot out there. My husband has been busy reading up on it last night and sent me some links that I have yet to open. I will put them up in the next post.

Please follow your own intuition. I’m sure for some people the vaccine is the right decision for you, but for the vast majority it may not be advantageous according to the spiritual information I’ve gotten. However every person is different and their chemistry, tolerance and needs are different. You must do what feels right for you. If you have a terrible feeling about this vaccine, avoid it. If you feel you really need it, go with your own intuition.

I must say I had sort of the feeling about the H1N1 virus that I had about the Avian flu which was not much energy at all, no more than a normal flu, perhaps even less. But I had to be sure through meditation that this wasn’t just wishful thinking. As a parent I’ve been very concerned about this and wanted to make sure about my clarity on the subject.

The prayer page is going up today. So please take a look at it and help pray for those who need help.
Best wishes to all you kind, good people,



Answering Readers

There are a million questions to answer and I’m going to do it! I promise. So let’s start with these and get to all the others over the next couple of weeks:


A lot of sensitives have noticed a certain shift in the air for the month of February, more so the last week of Feb. Some have said they felt the shift was very positive and others like me, have never felt anything so negative…why do you think this shift has occurred and why are we feeling so differently about it? This topic comes after many message boards saying the exact same thing.

Hi Shay,

I have felt a personal shift toward being more productive but in terms of a global shift I’ve felt that since last summer. But my timing is usually off in that way. I’ve always tended toward precognition and the whole time/space thing gets confused for me. I can feel things years before they happen with the urgency of something going down that moment. Or it could be months or just weeks of days ahead of schedule. I have often felt out of synch with time, and I think actually there is something about me that bends it, because no matter who ends up hanging out with me, it’s like all of a sudden they’ve entered a worm hole and look at the clock 5 hours later and go, “Oh, my God is it really that late?” It always seems that time gets lost in and around me.

So for me the shift was extremely negative in the summer, so much so that I actually felt depressed, frightened and extremely worried. Then it moved toward the next phase which was a sense of hope and peace which I feel will be coming in about 2 years. I think the shift you are feeling is the shift into this depression and then there will be a shift out, we are sort of in the middle right now. And according to the US chart (which I’ve figured  now is most accurate) March is the month when the market is supposed to truly bottom out. We’ll see. But I do feel we will recover within the next couple of years. The panic, fear and depression I felt coming I feel is here and we will rise out of its ashes in a bit. 

My main concern is making sure that we solve the global warming problem which I’m afraid will get lost in the mayhem of the market, the financial industry going down the tubes and the recession/depression and wars we are in. All the money in the world doesn’t do any good if there’s no world to live in.


Hi Denise, thanks so much for expanding the discussion. I have a question that is somewhat personal but does have applicability to others besides me. I am wanting to change jobs–I am lucky that this is a choice and not a necessity–but I do feel that a career change is important for my mental health, as soon as I can manage it. I am wondering when the jobs outlook in Washington state will improve. Currently there is a hiring freeze in state jobs, including higher education, until July 1st. Will the stimulus bill be able to help us lift that freeze sooner? What will the jobs outlook be in education in general as 2009 progresses, both in K-12 and higher education (either public or private institutions)?

Hi Lori,

I am getting that the stimulus package will lift the hiring freeze sooner than July, more likely it will be lifted in May. I have a feeling though in general for 2009 the jobs outlook in education will be much like it has been for the past few years. It will take a little longer before the education field gets the boost it needs through government support. I do feel this will be coming but not immediately. I do get a sense that in about 2-3 years much more money will be pumped into that pipeline and there will be some major changes for the better.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Best wishes and many blessings to all you good people,


Answering Readers

Auras, Questions and Comments

Hi everyone,  I’m so glad everyone posted about their own aura experiences. Like I said, it’s interesting to me that all psychics seem to see auras differently. They have different colors with different attributes and meanings. I’ve yet to figure out why. Perhaps we are reading different layers of the human soul. And we each have personal associations that take precedence over universal ones when it comes to our intuition.

Sally mentioned she sees white around people. I used to see this as well. According to some books I’ve read this is actually the etheric body, which is different from the astral body, the one with all the colors in it. 

And here’s a post I want to address from Vishalsaxena:


Hi Denise, I have been following your wonderful blog since couple of month. My interest in Astrology comes from my Mother who works on Vedic/Horary astrology. I have a question, which I am trying to get answered for some time. Since last 2-3 months I have been seeing sparks of light appearing suddenly floating in the air and they vanish quickly. This usually happens when I am focused or in deep thought. The sparks are point size and have intensity of the Sun. Also, it feels like a sweet calm after the observation. I am sure I have no medical issue with my eyesight and I can read from far and for long time without the eyes watering. Also, these sparks are occurring more frequently since a month and I am curious if they have a purpose. I have done some Kundalini exercises last year and had to discontinue them due to work pressure. Do you have any take on this from psychic point of view?

Hi Vishalsaxena,

The Kundalini exercises may have opened you up more to psychic phenomena. This is a powerful chakra and I’ve heard of this happening to people who work with it.

I have seen this as well. It started out as little white flashes and then I noticed these flashes in different colors, usually around people’s heads. Then later, and currently, I see them in relation to what I have figured out is precognitive weather or world patterns. When it’s going to rain I’ll see blue flashes, when it’s going to be exceptionally windy, yellow flashes, or when there is going to be a rash of fires I have seen red flashes. And of course the bright green flashes when there is going to be seismic activity. Over the years I’ve decided they are elementals.

On the rare occasion when I have seen either white or purple flashes (usually in the sky, often at night) it proceeds some major world event like 9/11, Mumbai, the Tsunami in Indonesia, Katrina, a major earthquake or flood that kills hundreds or thousands. It at first seemed odd that these very spiritual colors would be associated with what I see as negative world events. But I think these flashes are signs that the gateway between the worlds is opening and readying to accept a mass group of souls.

So while the events are always tragic, I see it as reassurance that the people who go through those terrible things are being greeted by angelic energy waiting to transition them to a higher plane.

If I were you I would keep a diary of whatever you notice going on in the world and in your life within a few days or a week of seeing the flashes. The language of psychic phenomena is so personal that the best way to determine what the flashes mean is for you to be vigilantly observant and try to make connections with patterns you notice. This will take a while. Sometimes it can take years but it’s worth it. However, chances are good if you keep a journal and meditate on the meaning of the flashes for you, the answer will become clear.

This is the most important thing in interpreting psychic phenomena, being in touch with your own subconscious. We all have different associations for things, colors, objects, people, etc. Always go with what your feeling is about a color or whatever. Other people can sometimes act as guides, and there are some universal things that help as a jumping off point in interpreting the language of your psychic ability, but we all have different parents, backgrounds, religions, cultures and these things make a major difference in how our unconscious speaks to us through pictures, colors, sounds, smells and feelings. We are all psychic and the more one pays attention to their own truth the clearer and more refined the intuitive ability becomes.

And from Hope and a Plan:


Hi Denise, My ears have been buzzing with energy like crazy for the past week. I was going to share this yesterday but thought it could just be me. Friends are having a lot of nightmares. Of course we’re having terrible news about employment rates. I have noticed that when packs or schools of animals do odd things in they may be reacting to wierd energy swirling. At least its a theory that continues to play out successfully for me. So again with Austrailia with me with the beaching of the whales and the shark attacks and then last night massive schools of sharks sighted off of Florida. This theory began back in the summer of 2001 when there was a huge spike in shark attacks in Florida and that was when the 9/11 terrorists were preparing down there. Its an observation I personally note. Thanks Denise.

Hi Hope and a Plan,

I agree it’s all connected. And however you see the patterns and make the connections is the way your unconscious speaks to you. Always trust in your intuition. It really will never lead you astray. It’s the logical mind that gets us into trouble, talks us into helping the “nice man” in the cast when we get a creepy feeling and should run away (Ted Bundy). It’s interesting to note people who escape from serial killers always do so because they trust a feeling they are getting that appears to be completely irrational. So, there you go. 

The nightmares are I’m sure everyone plugging into the collective anxiety of the world. We are in trouble for sure. And it’s not going to be an easy couple of years. Even if we as individuals maybe OK, it won’t be easy to see other people losing their jobs, becoming homeless, and being destitute. 

One thing is for sure, we are supremely lucky Obama won. Imagine the energy right now if McCain had beaten him. It would be extremely depressing and we would be looking at a much worse future that would take, who knows how long to recover from.

Best wishes and many blessings to all in this New Year of the Ox,


Auras, Questions and Comments

Earthquakes and Auras

Odd as this may sound I’ve noticed a lime green color in people’s auras, and also sort of floating around always and only within a week of an earthquake. For those of you who see aura colors and live in earthquake country, this is a big heads up. Also if you own pets and they start acting very oddly, and/or you notice everyone around you getting terrible headaches, and extremely erratic driving be aware, there could be an earthquake coming. 

For those of you who don’t see auras but are interested in learning or trying to see them, there is one way that really works. You have to work with a partner (I guess you could try this alone but it would be hard). First do some meditation to clear your minds. Dim the light so that you can barely see. Then take turns standing in front of a white wall. It’s best if you have as much skin exposed as possible. if you are both comfortable being naked with the other person that’s the best (I’m not comfortable being naked so I’d go for a tank top, but that’s me) squint your eyes and look just above the line of their body. At first you may get vague impressions or feelings about colors, then as you practice more you will start to see colors. Later you may find yourself in the middle of a conversation over coffee and see someones aura if work at it or turns out you have a hidden talent for it.

Here are some basic color definitions please post your own associations on the blog. I’m always interested to see how colors appear and what they mean to different people. 

Yellow: Super analytical, left brain type. If you see this as a blob on the head it means the person is thinking, usually about something very left brained like math. This type is very logical and can be intolerant of spiritual or emotional types. On the negative side they can come across as arrogant to sensitives because they have a tendency to be judgmental about anything that strikes them as flaky.

Red: I’ve only seen this in spots on people and it usually, for me, means there is physical problem that needs to be addressed where the spot is. If it is more detached and has other colors associated in the spot it indicates (for me) an emotional problem, usually suppressed anger.

Orange: I’ve seen this pretty rarely as well, as most of my friends are in the cool spectrum. But anyway, it indicates intense passion, creativity and in one person I knew whose whole aura was orange, he had an invasive sexuality. Everything he did and said seemed like he was astrally tongue kissing you. 

Green: Ah, the healer. These people tell you everything is going to be OK and you completely believe them. They have this intense calmness and groundedness. They are great with their hands and often go into some form of healing as a profession or I’ve seen sculptures who are greens as well.

Blue: Calm yet emotional, loyal, kind hearted, easy going for the most part. They are very balanced and have good command of both their right and left brains. They are creative but also logical. They are spiritual or religious but again it is in balance.

Indigo: A new color, added to the human spectrum according to older psychics around the 1960s. This is when they began seeing it in some children. It has become more common now. They are psychic, spiritual, eccentric, strong willed, independent minded and can be moody. They are very creative but their creativity comes from tapping into the collective unconscious rather than in the case of the oranges whose creativity is more raw and primal.

Violet: Very spiritual, psychic, leader types, bossy, can be a  know-it-all. Sylvia Brown is kind of a full on Violet personality type but a negative version. A more positive version would be Allison Dubois (from the show “Medium”).  They are really intense and can be a handful but they are very spiritually powerful.

White/silver: I’ve only seen this (oddly) around people who were trying to project a persona. It doesn’t seem to be a natural human aura color but rather a protective shell that is meant to hide the real personality. Not to say there is anything bad about these people, they could be either insecure or assuming a role instead of being themselves. They are usually good people who are trying to live up to a lot.

Gray: If you see someone with this, tell them to go to a doctor ASAP. This is the color of someone who is physically ill. I was at the David Letterman show a few weeks before his heart attack and he had a really sick gray look in his aura. This is when I started to put the gray aura together with heart attacks. It usually is heart related from my experience.

Chartreuse: Now that’s a weird one huh! Yes, it is. I’ve seen it only twice and if you see it run for the hills this is a person who is trying to seem like something they are not. Both times the person was “new age,” and very messed up emotionally. They may want to help others but they don’t have the knowledge or ability and are trying to project something that isn’t real. This is the color of a con.

Magenta: Very spirited, whimsical, artistic, fun loving people who love to be different.

If anyone has more questions or again, if anyone has different associations with the aura colors please post them. I’ve noticed different psychics will attribute different characteristics to the colors. Perhaps we all notice different things about people with different aura colors depending on our perspective.

Best wishes and many blessings to all,


Earthquakes and Auras

A Sun Sign Overview for 2009

We are all very complex beings are charts reflect this. Sun sign horoscopes for newspapers are more akin to fortune cookies then real astrology, but that being said I have been asked to write a column for a very large local blog serving the Inland Empire here in Southern California. I’ll put up their link once everything is in order. 

Since it is the New Year coming up and we are all wondering about our fate, I thought it would be fun to share the unconventional astrological column I wrote for them which you will get to see first. 

I will then get into answering questions again after the holiday season is over.

Best wishes, many blessings to all of you and Happy New Year!!!! 



An Overview of your Sun Sign for the New Year 


Aries (March 21 – April 19) – If you were born at the start of the sign of Aries, it will be an odd year. Not only will your sense of identity shift and wobble, but so will your career. You may find starting your own business or becoming more independent in your job situation is the best way to solve the coming changes. You may have heavily identified with your career in the past, and will be forced to re-invent how you see yourself. It will be essential to put your ambition and career aspirations into perspective.


It is important for all Aries people to re-examine their careers right now with Pluto in Capricorn making an applying square over the next several years, issues of self-fulfillment in relationship to your career, and also becoming more independent, and less reliant on your job to give you a sense of yourself and your identity. Now will be the time you find yourself spiritually, attuning to who you truly are, finding your passion, and putting it to action if you do things right.


If you resist the karma of Pluto, and push to stay in a career that is making you miserable, chances are you will find yourself out of a job, and with identity issues. If this becomes the case, use your time to find your passion, and re-create yourself, and your life, instead of wallowing in anger or depression.


Taurus – (April 20 – May 20) If you are an April Taurus through to the middle of May Taurus you either felt or are currently feeling Neptune squaring your sun. This has been, or was a weird time for you, a lot of confusion about how to best express yourself, and issues about serving the greater good, flashes of deep knowing, and transformations in your friendships. For those in the later part of this sign get ready for all of the above to happen. Good news for all of you though, Pluto will be making an applying trine to your sun starting this year, meaning greater opportunities for you over the next 7-10 years, somewhere in this period depending on the exact time of your birth you will reap great benefits and have major transformations coming your way for the better. Powerful allies and better job, and career prospects will be yours, despite the economy, you personally will find your way through this period. If you are in the beginning period of Taurus this luck will come over the next few years, if in the middle, then this luck will be building, and come to fruition in about 4 or 5 years, and again if you are late Taurus you will find your time later in this period, but will start to see this luck build in a few years.


The vast majority of Taurus people have gone through a period where they had to learn to let go of the past in lieu of a better future, often this meant the loss of old friends who perhaps no longer fit in ones life or even family members who created too much hurt to hold onto. Now that this great letting go, flushing out period is almost over (about ¾ of you are done with it, just those late sign people are currently or will in the coming years go through this) you will find a renewed spiritual understanding, and deeper insight into the world, humanity and yourself.


Gemini _ (May 21 – June 21) It’s been the best of times, and the worst of times for Gemini people.  With Pluto making an opposition to your sun for nearly a decade (depending on when you were born some will have had this aspect as long as 8 or 9 years ago, some just last year) you will have seen love lost and found, major changes in the dynamics of your family, more than usual amounts of travel, and an either an urge to go back to school for some, for others perhaps just taking classes here and there during this aspect. This aspect will also have given you access to powerful people that may have taken you on a bit of a roller coaster.


And with Neptune making a trine to your sun, you have found friends who have been good spiritual guides, but have lost friends who were bad for you. If you are in the later part of Gemini, you have yet to experience the positive aspect of friends helping, and guiding you, or those who are negative falling away, but will soon. You will also have and (later Gemini will experience) a greater need to connect with their spirit and a sense of the common good. Humanitarian issues will play a bigger role in your life if they haven’t already. You may find good, even great things come from helping others.


With Saturn squaring your Sun for the past couple of years, somewhere during this period you have felt down, even depressed at times, there may have been career struggles and changes in your work situation. But this will pass in the fall of 2009 as Saturn goes into Libra. This change will bring more balance to your work, and home life, and provide new career opportunities over the next few years. And with Jupiter in Aquarius making a trine to your Sun (early Gemini have already been feeling this) an expansion of your social circle, friendships, and help or aid coming through your friends. You may also feel the desire to get involved in humanitarian causes as your sense of the world at large expands and you see the connection between all people more clearly.


Cancer – (June 22 – July 22) With Pluto beginning to make an opposition to your Sun back in the fall of 2008 and continuing through 2009, there have been housing, family and security issues arising, especially if you were born in the early part of Cancer. You will find yourself torn between work and home, often feeling you are sacrificing one while trying to balance the other. Now is the time to be frugal if you haven’t been because this opposition can destabilize your foundation, specifically your home and career. Saturn in Virgo will soften things until the fall when it goes into Libra and squares your Sun.


For those who are early in the sign, you will find that period bringing issues of marriage, partnerships, legal situations, contracts and issues of fairness in relationship to your career. It could be an anxious time, so be frugal now, and plan ahead. It could also make things happen, such as an engagement, a long awaited contract or a longed for business partnerships finally come to fruition. Best to be self-aware and manifest the positive side of this aspect. For those born later, you will have these issues in 2010-or 2011, so you have longer to prepare, get working on it!


With Uranus in Pisces, you Cancer people have been having keen intuition, flashes of brilliance, loads of ideas and sporadic connection to your spirituality. Right now this is most intense for those Cancer’s born toward the middle-late part of the sign, and would have happened several years back for early cancers, and be something to look forward to for latecomers.


Leo – (July 23 – August 22) Leo’s have been enjoying a time of opportunity for power coming to them from Pluto. Our next President Barack Obama is a Leo, he had positive aspects from the powerful Pluto giving him luck in the arena of politics, but you don’t have to be involved in politics to have seen a rise in your career over the last decade, and major changes in your family life, or at least your perception of them.


As Neptune entered Aquarius back in 1998, those of you who are early Leo’s would have seen major, out of the blue changes in your self-perception, and your goals in life. Some of these may have been paths that went nowhere, others led you to where you are today, and have helped you get in touch with what was truly important in your life, and the more spiritual side of your nature. You also probably went through many friends, loosing touch with some, keeping sporadic contact with others and finding new people filling your life.  This aspect could have brought about a loss in your family. There was also a great urge to connect with the greater good and your mission in life. As Neptune has moved through Aquarius and opposed Leo people’s Sun’s along the way, you will have experienced what I am relaying. For those of you who are mid-late Leo’s you will go through these changes and feelings now. And of course the late Leo’s will feel this between now and 2011.


As of the fall of 2008 and onward, Pluto will no longer feed you a lucky streak, so it is best to ground yourself and tighten your belt, and become more practical in your assessment of all things related to yourself, and your family. You will have some opportunities in your career, which you must go after to make happen, starting when Saturn enters Libra in the fall of 2009. So don’t assume things will just come your way in your career as has been the case for many of you, you will have to play a more active roll in gaining opportunities and capitalizing on them. You will have opportunity for business partnerships, marriage, contracts and legal dealings that will be to your benefit. Saturn will remain in Libra until the fall of 2012. So of course the earlier of a Leo you are the more this applies for 2009 and the later you are you will see these opportunities manifest toward the end of Saturn’s reign in Libra toward the fall of 2011.


Virgo – (August 23 – September 22) Virgos have had a tough go of it for a long time now, they’ve been beaten up by squares to their Sun from Pluto, causing upheaval in their family life, their sense of identity, and in their work. Another whammy has been the opposition of Uranus in Pisces to their Sun’s making them do things that have been out of character. They have felt the need to suddenly rebel against their lives nearly tearing away everything in the process, and in the less fortunate Virgos’ cases they may have lost a lot. But even those that caught themselves at the precipice of throwing away everything they had worked for due to overwhelming unconscious feelings suddenly erupting into their lives, they couldn’t help but do damage to friendships, family, and their own moral code. Some may have had problems with drinking binges, spending binges, or emotional outbursts and/or anxiety.


The good sides of this aspect have been revelations about the self that were buried; a greater connection forged between the mind, and the soul and heightened intuition. For those of you, who are late in the sign of Virgo, watch out! Try to realize these feelings are just those, try not to act on them and destroy the life you have created for yourself. If you do act on them consider going to therapy as a way to tell if you are being self-deceptive, or projecting your own issues onto others. This opposition creates a distorted mirror, exaggerating your own sense of perfection and the people in your life’s flaws. This aspect will make you want to smash your friendships, partners and sense of self to bits leaving you to pick up the pieces after a lot of destruction. So be careful with this, Uranus in Pisces will give you a desperate need to rebel and the Pisces side of it will add illusion and delusion, making you a rebel without a cause.


On the brighter side, those who are early Virgos have gone through this and are about to feel Pluto give them a boost in their careers and work situations. Those of you who are later degree Virgos will experience this later on. Also for the past couple of years and on into the fall of 2009; Saturn has been hitting your Sun. You may have felt or do feel down, depressed, drained, perhaps guilty if you ran your life off into a ditch, and your career/work life has felt like its been in a slump. Saturn will move off your sun in the fall of 2009. It will feel as if a huge weight has been taken off your shoulders and you can finally breath again. For those of you who are late Virgo’s you’ve had some of that, but you’ve also experienced 2008 as a period of expansion in some areas of your career, even giving you some luck, but it came at a price, the price of being overworked and exhausted.


2009 will be much lighter and more full of ease for early Virgos, and all Virgos will see powerful allies coming to their aid in work and career over the next 13 or so years as Pluto moves slowly through Capricorn. So if 2009 isn’t your year, you have time to build a strong career/job foundation, the more you work for this the more it will pay off as Pluto eventually trines your Sun.


Libra – (September 23 – October 22) Libra’s I’m not going to lie to you, the fall of 2009 won’t be easy if you were born during the early part of the sign.  There will be a lot of adjusting to do as Pluto squares your Sun – providing both identity and career issues; questions about what you are doing with your life, and if you are on the right path or not. Also you will have questions about your partnerships, which will come to a head during that period.  However you won’t feel this if you were born later on in the sign until the year’s progress.


A double whammy happens for those born early on in Libra because Saturn will also be on top of their Sun, making them feel drained and overwhelmed. Try focusing on your career at that time without losing yourself to it, and don’t make any big decisions about career, partnerships, legal situations or your spouse either. Wait at least 3-6 months from November of 2009 to decide what you are doing, and seek out counseling or talk to a trusted wise friend to help you gain clarity. You will feel the desire to cut off ties, to make big decisions, but you will be too overtaxed and overwhelmed to make good decisions so wait it out!


For those born about ¾ of the way through Libra, Neptune will be aiding you in your spiritual development, bringing you new friends, an interest in charitable organizations, a greater connection to your fellow man, more social opportunities and a greater love and appreciation of music. Those earlier in the sign already experienced this depending on how early in the sign; it could have been as far back as 1998. This transit will, and for some already was life altering for Libras and will continue to be feed as Neptune rolls through Aquarius. And for those later Libras file away the above warning about Saturn. It will eventually hit your Sun too, depending on when you are born, this aspect could hit you up until late 2011.


Scorpio – (October 23 – November 21) Those who are born early in this sign will see more opportunities coming their way in their career and family life starting from late 2008, and into 2009. But these opportunities are the type that one must work in order to make happen. There will be doors opening you will have to walk through, not lucky breaks.  The last couple of years there have been opportunities in your career especially through higher education, continuing education or taking classes. If you were wise and used this feeling to gain new skills you will have seen doors opening for you.


Now with Pluto you will have a second chance if you didn’t take advantage of that urge. This time will provide a powerful deeper-rooted sense of your spirituality and a pathway to following your bliss. By doing so, doors will open, but again you will have to knock on a lot of them, and do the footwork to make it happen, this aspect does not guarantee success, just opportunity for success.


As Neptune has been squaring your Sun sign for quite a while and depending on where you fall, either early, middle or late in the sign, you would have had, or will have, a period of loss of friends, family, and a lack of self-confidence. You may have felt depleted, depressed, even using social situations as an excuse to loose yourself and go crazy through drinking. Or it could have manifested as the loss of social interactions, which led to a period of isolation leaving you spinning around in your own head. Early degree Scorpios would have felt this as long ago as 1998, and those about ¾ of the way through the sign will feel it now. Be careful not to get carried away with drinking especially in social situations as it can lead to friendships ending.


With Uranus in Pisces those who are again about ¾ of the way through the sign will be experiencing a lot more psychic activity, intense dreams, flashes of knowings, deep sudden realizations about people, events, and even the occasional premonition.  You will find yourself much more open to psychic ability, the occult, astrology and spiritual development during this period. For those earlier in the sign you’ve already gone through this, for those who are at the tail end of Scorpio you have this to look forward to. However again the theme of drinking/drug/food/shopping abuse (anything escapist) comes up so be careful!


All in all there will be more opportunities for your sign starting this year and besides Pluto, and Uranus’ help eventually Neptune will go into Pisces and there will be more opportunity, more spiritual development down the line. This period has and will become a great awakening for Scorpios. They will find themselves and who they were truly meant to be. It will also open up your intuition and if you are open to it great spiritual experiences.


Sagittarius – (November 22 – December 21) Pluto has just gone over your Sun for the past decade depending on when you were born within your sign. You would have had a tremendous overhaul of your ego, your sense of family, and would have come to understand yourself in ways you never did before. Sagittarians are blessed with tremendous good luck; they are charming, capricious and also on the other side decadent and didactic.  Pluto going over your sun allowed you to see deeply into your own soul, and own who you truly are. You would have experienced your personal foibles and had to come to terms with the truth about yourself, either bad or good. With Uranus making a square to your Sun (those who are about ¾ of the way through the sign) you are currently experiencing both flashes of knowing and intuition and a loss of friends, outworn ideals, and the delusions or illusions still lingering in the ego. For those born earlier in the sign they have already gone through this, for those later in the sign, go with the energy to come, and make the best of it.


Neptune has been providing some cover for those born about ¾ of the way through the sign, it has brought into your life wise friends and more social activities also a broader compassion for humanity. Sagittarians tend to be so lucky that they often don’t delve deeply into their psyches, and have a tendency to escape into excessive spending, drinking, drug taking or eating. As Uranus has been making this opposition, and with Pluto’s conjunction it has forced foot loose and fancy free Sagittarians to come to terms with the darker side of their nature, to dig deeper into their own psyches, and transform for the better.


2009 will be easier as Pluto is finally out of your sign, and when Saturn stops squaring you in November of 2009, you will finally feel some real relief especially in regards to your career and work situation.


Capricorn – (December 22 – January 19) if you are an early Capricorn, times are tough. You have to make a major transformation and find your true spiritual path – your reason for being here, and career path all at once.


Saturn your ruling planet has been giving you some steering directions for the past couple of years, and will continue to do so especially for those born later on in the sign, but once it goes into Libra in the fall of 2009, you must be careful not to become too anxious or stressed out by the rigors of your relationship balanced with your career. This period could bring about the cementing of a contract, relationship or a business partnership, but it will take a lot of work, and be exhausting so try to build in time to rest during this period.


For those of you who are later on in the sign Uranus is giving you lots of inspiration, and good ideas follow these flashes of intuition and you will find success. Those of you who are early in the sign have had this aspect already pass, and those who are late in the sign will have it happen in a few years, but will start to feel the effects of this coming on. Trust your intuition, and it will open doors for you.


Aquarius – (January 20 – February 18) In January of 2009 Jupiter will be in Aquarius expanding your sense of self, your base of knowledge, your circle of friends, and your waistline if you’re not careful! Also Neptune has been transiting Aquarius for quite some time now, those who are about ¾ of the way through the sign will have Neptune conjunct their Sun leading to greater psychic ability and/or confusion, drug or alcohol problems and a plethora of ideas and imagination. Also there is a danger to your health so you must be careful and trust every weird intuition you have about your health during this period or you could really suffer. Those born earlier in the sign went through this as early as 1998 and those later in the sign will experience this in years to come. 


By the fall of 2009 you will find even greater flow and ease in your career as Saturn enters Libra. If you are early in the sign you will see this then if late it will manifest as late as 2011. But either way you will see ease and flow, as Saturn is the old ruler of Aquarius and still co-king. Your partnerships, friendships and career will feel easier then they have in a long time. There will be more opportunity coming to you and luck will be on your side. Of course for those early Aquarians they will feel this strongly by the fall of 2009 and those later in the sign will feel this in the next couple of years.


Pisces – (February 19 – March 20) These past 12 or so years haven’t been the easiest. Pluto was squaring your sun and depending on if you are early in the sign or late, this next bit would apply anywhere to over a decade ago to as recently as 2008. There was a lot of confusion and misplaced optimism and when the delusion was uncovered, it could have worn down either into a depression, or a period where you overindulged through drugs, alcohol, shopping, spending, or any kind of excess and escapism.

Pluto was the culprit but you are free of it! Now do a little happy dance. Coming up is much more opportunity for your career, and with Uranus in Pisces if you are about ¾ of the way into the sign you will experience great flashes of knowing, greater insight, and understanding, things you never got before will suddenly click in. On the negative side you have to be careful not to be too erratic or you could loose some friends. Also be careful with binge drinking which will be a great temptation. Those who are early in the sign will have already gone through this as long ago as 1998 those late in the sign will go through this in a few years, but will start to see the signs of it as early as this year. 

A Sun Sign Overview for 2009

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Hi everyone, more questions, more answers.

The first from Kathleen,


Would like to know future physic prediction of Obama and Pallen

These are pretty broad questions but I’ll do my best and I’m sure over the next few years their destiny and my predictions will become more intricate and precise as their paths evolve.

But here goes.


Sarah Palin isn’t going to go quietly into the night. She’s going to exploit her 15 minutes as much as possible, however, she has transiting Neptune hitting her natal Mars in the 7th house of open enemies, squaring her 12th house cusp starting in December of this year. Mars also rules her 9th house (the law) and 4th house (home). This aspect will bring someone to the forefront, someone who has a grudge against Palin, more unflattering information will come out about her, and it’s possible another investigation of her, and her family could be triggered.

Another aspect that does not bode well for her immediate future is Pluto inconjuncting her Venus (Venus rules her 10th house of career). This is a separating aspect and Pluto rules power, so one could interpret that as power being taken from her. It again seems to indicate family trouble. Her 5th house is involved indicated it could be separation from a child, so perhaps her daughter will decide to move out once she’s married (that’s the best possible interpretation). I’m not going to mention some of the darker things these aspects could mean because as much as I don’t like her politically, I don’t want wish any ill on her regarding her personal or family life. And I don’t want to put anything out there that could freak the family out in any way. If it does manifest in a potentially very negative way there isn’t anything that can be done, so it serves no purpose. This aspect is very active from late December into late January, then comes back late June until early August of 09, and hits again from mid-October until the end of November.

And later when Neptune conjuncts her Saturn starting around the 13 of March, 2009, her career will be put in serious jeopardy. This aspect could trigger a loss of her career (and job in her case as Saturn rules her 7th) also there could be repercussions or loss within her marriage or her father or father’s side of the family or a father figure/John McCain?. However, these aspects will be conjunctions and don’t make any other major aspects so its hard to say how strong this energy will be. And there is a good chance that the negative aspects of these aspects will be off set when Jupiter goes over her 7th house and over her stellium in Aquarius in mid-April. So whatever comes up may not stick.

I’m just going to skip ahead to what we all want to know. Does she have a shot at becoming president? So lets look at the transits happening in her chart during November 2012 and 2016. I’ll spare you the astrological details and just say that her chances in 2012 aren’t good, but she does have a pretty good shot at 2016. She’ll very likely rear her head in a major way at that time.

Obama’s chart:


Obama has some amazingly great aspects for 2012 and if he was in a contest with Palin would win hands down. Now if someone came along who had even better aspects for that time period, Obama might not win, but I would doubt it as Obama’s chart would be extremely hard to beat. So I can pretty confidently say that it looks like he will win again in 2012.



I have two questions regarding the role of the Christian Right.

Someone asked about Rush Limbaugh’s decline and you responded that his influence would wane. How about James Dobson of Focus on the Family? His influence and the influence of his organization has been tremendous in affecting evangelicals and the Christian Right. Jerry Falwell has passed from the scene. So has James Kennedy. Pat Robertson seems next. Ralph Reed seems to have been neutered. That only leaves Dobson (71) as one of the remaining big names and voices of the Moral Majority and the Christian Right.

Second, will the influence of the Christian Right diminish or surge for 2012? It seems that by pandering to this part of the GOP by adding Palin to the ticket, McCain alienated a sufficient number of moderates and independents who would have otherwise voted for him. Leaders of the GOP assessing the future of their party may decide to limit the role of the CR.


Hi Moonbaby,

I looked for a DOB on James Dobson, but couldn’t find anything. If you come up with one let me know and I’ll run a chart (even if its solar) and be able to read his future influence with greater detail. My intuition is that the Christian right (if they haven’t figured this out already) is beginning to realize they have been used by the Republican party. Oddly, the inclusion of Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket ought to make this clearer then ever for them. Republicans have no problem playing the family values angle, and “social conservatives,” (ie. how shall I put it nicely: uneducated, isolated rural white America) but God forbid they actually run the party! That was the message coming through loud and clear (between the lines of course) with Sarah Palin. The quote from a McCain aide, “Wasilla hillbillies raiding Neiman Marcus coast to coast,” is a perfect example of this double standard.

Bush appeared to be one of the religious right “social conservatives,” and although he was as dumb as bubble gum stuck to the bottom of a tennis shoe, he had a pedigree. He went to Ivy league schools, his dad was president, he grew up in the halls of power (albeit he was drunk and doing cocaine, but still.) He wasn’t a “hillbilly,” he just seemed like one. 

The splintering in the Republican party is only going to get worse in my opinion because there are two very different sets of Republicans who really share little in common. 1) The “social conservatives,” who want to deny civil rights to people based on their sexual orientation and control other people’s wombs and: 2) The very greedy and privileged, who really don’t care about “social conservative,” issues, they just care about not paying taxes and being crazy squirrels who bury so many nuts in their lawns they can’t even remember where they put them. These people look down on group #1. And group #2 is a very small group, so they desperately need group #1 to horns-waggle and manipulate. The sad thing here is I believe group #1 has naively gone along with their religious leaders, who are busy getting rich and trying to keep their wealth like group #2. 

My point here is, the vast majority of the Republican party, those who are “values voters,” can not be happy that there have been so many shenanigans within the Republican party over the past 8 years from corruption indictments to homosexual romps exposed. These are the people who were horrified Bill Clinton had an affair with a woman. Imagine how hard they took it when they found out Ted Stevens was doing blow with a male hooker and Senator foot tapper was caught in an airport bathroom trolling for gay sex. All this and they didn’t get to overturn Roe vs. Wade! Really, they didn’t even get close. President Bush (the supposed 2nd coming of Christ according to some churches before the 1st election — boy were they wrong!) abandoned them pretty early on, and followed his own interests those of group #2, the one he really belonged to.

I predict there will be a couple of opposite pulls going on in the Christian right. I feel there will be a strong, even more crazy, racist, sexist, nut jobby (not what Jesus would condone in any way) neo-nazi type of arch, and those who are more moderate, and more intelligent who will loose their faith, or move more toward the middle, or the left over the next few years. I feel there will be great polarization in this movement, and it will not really have the strong hold it has enjoyed, but will be more of a fringe group of kind of crazy people who will truly be anything, but Christian.

Tjuania in Desoto, Texas

Hi Denise,

What do the cards say about Bobby Jindal from Louisiana or Mitt Romney? I do think that Obama will win another 4 years and there will not be any mention about Sarah Palin. Also why did the McCain campaign have two separate campaigns going on? One for McCain and the other for Sarah Palin?????

Hi Tjuania,

I have to admit I knew nothing about Bobby Jindal until you asked the question about him. The little bit of research I did makes me wonder so many things about this man, did he convert to Christianity just to get into politics? Why would a person of East Indian descent become a Republican? Or be against abortion in the case of rape or incest? Or be against stem cell research? Especially when he considered going into medicine. 

Since I couldn’t find a time of birth here’s his solar chart:


Is it just me or is it chilly in here? No, it’s Bobby Jindal’s chart. Eeeck, he’s icy. Moon in Capricorn, Venus Saturn conjunct in Taurus in the 12th with a Sun and Mercury in Gemini! He may have a grand earth trine depending on the time of his birth, but its safe to say he is very ambitious, lacking in compassion, materialistic and opportunistic with Neptune conjunct Jupiter. He does have a loose grand air trine that makes him extremely intelligent, calculating, strategic and insufferably fixed in his ideas of the way he thinks things should be.

Honestly, his chart gives me the creeps. I hate to say that because I think it’s great that he managed to become governor of a southern state despite the racism he must have faced with both his parents being from India. And I must say I have a soft spot for Hinduism, but alas he’s not a Hindu, his parents are. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bobby, hadn’t been angling for a career in politics since grammar school. And it makes sense that he went for the Republican side as it fits his personality much better than what seems on the surface would seem a more natural fit, the Democrats. I have a feeling this guy isn’t going away and is likely to try a run for the highest office in the land as soon as it seems viable for him to do so. My gut says, he’s power hungry, snobby and arrogant. I’m sure he truly believes he’s better than everyone, and has the right to govern because of it.

OK, now Mitt Romney. I ran a solar chart on him, again no time of birth:


You ever get the feeling Mitt is hiding something? Well, that’s because he is, I knew he felt a bit slimy but he’s not as bad as he seems. He actually is pretty sensitive, but he is also extremely secretive. And it looks like he came from money through both his father and his mother’s sides. This is a man who hasn’t had a tremendous amount of struggle in his life, and this is most likely why he can’t really understand what it’s like to be a regular working person.

With so much water in his chart in weak placements it is why he changes his opinions with the wind. It looks like he is a pretty religious guy, and not a bad person if you got to know him, which very few people really do. But he’s very out of touch with ordinary people, and with America as a whole, and I doubt very much he could be much of a leader. His chart doesn’t show strong leadership skills. He’s too passive, and too secretive even though he has this tremendous desire for power that comes from his father. He just doesn’t have the character to live up to that desire. Looking at his chart I don’t see any real chance that he could ever become president.


What will happen to the auto industry Ford and crysler?

Hi Elly,

Here’s Ford’s chart, hint, it doesn’t look good for them right now:


By the end of this month Pluto will be conjuncting Ford’s natal Mars, this is not good for their investors, as Mars rules the 8th house of investments. If you own stock, I’d look for a good day to sell it before the 26th of November unless you want to keep it for a very long time. Once this aspect hits off and on over the next year, there will be major losses for investors. Then things will sort of stabilize for awhile, but really the worse is yet to come as Pluto will conjunct Ford’s Pluto in the 10th causing major changes in the way Ford works, and possible relocation of their company. That will come in about 2011 so we don’t have to get too exact right now with that aspect, but after that transiting Pluto (through the 5th house of speculation) will hit the company’s Sun in the 11th and I would say at that point either Ford will come up with some radical new technology, and save themselves, or go out of business. This will be in about 8 years from now.

However, some good news: there is a positive aspect helping the company as Pluto opposes its Mars, transiting Pluto will be making a trine to natal Uranus which is in the 6th and rules the 6th. I would think that this means there will be some sort of bail out for the company that will save jobs at least for the time being. But the stock will go down in value as a result of the opposition. It may have some better days ahead, but its going to go through some serious changes over the next 8 years. And there is a chance with so much Pluto action that the company could fail, and ultimately go out of business.So, its up to you to trust your intuition about this. My gut tells me its going to be all over the place for awhile and will eventually mutate into something else.

I have been feeling the auto industry’s demise since this summer but I’m not sure if I wrote a post exclusively about it although I meant to. I may have mentioned it in relationship to the financial crisis in another post. I meant to do a detailed analysis of this issue, but felt it might seem to obvious a prediction and also got side tracked by the election.

Hope this helps you some.

I will save the other car makers for tomorrow and the following questions! As well as new posts.

Best wishes and many blessings!



Nice site ) I concurr that a bad crash is yet to come on the markets. GM (general motors) is a likely cause for this fall. Do you also see GM been the cause or do you see them been bailed out? Also if i may ask Do you see a time frame for the inevitable war with Iran which also would cause a stockmarket crash and a likely rise dramatically in oil prices.

Thank you )


Hi Denise,
Thanks for this
blog. I really enjoy reading it everyday.
I am curious if you can
find out about the Acr of the Covenant. Is a religious conglomerate hiding it? I suspect it could be the Catholic or Protestant church? When and/or how will it be found? I am really curious as to what it reveal and how it will change our lives.
Thank You

Answering Readers’ Questions…

Meditation, Chakras, and Aura-Soma

We are going through some turbulent times and this can reek havoc on our psyches. So besides meditation, I found (when I was going through a very emotionally turbulent time in my life) this system called Aura-Soma. 

I’ll explain. Our etheric bodies are a rainbow of colors, starting at the base of the spine with a red chakra, the next over the sexual organs is orange. Over the solar plexus is a yellow chakra which controls our will. Our heart chakra is green, our throat chakra is blue. And there is a chakra over our third eye which is indigo and finally at the top of our heads, the part of us that is connected to all and the universe is violet. The chakras are not to be confused with our auras which are different but kind of related, that’s another post. I want to deal with the chakras because many of us carry around stuff inside them that blocks our progress, intuition, happiness, and our ability to manifest our dreams. 

As evidence of how chakra’s work let me give you a very solid example that anyone can relate to. Remember back to a betrayal. Didn’t it literally feel like you had been stabbed in the heart? If the betrayal was bad enough, it can actually physically hurt. As a matter of fact there is scientific evidence and an actual medical term for people who have heart attacks after tremendous loss or betrayal. The heart chakra is often the one we feel the most. Like the opening up of our heart when we see our baby for the first time, or fall in love. This is the heart chakra. So you see, it often stores pain as well that needs to be cleared out in order to move on to the next level or lesson in our lives. 

I’m not going to bore everyone with a long drawn out explanation of how the chakras work, but I am going to recommend for anyone in need of a clearing, anyone feeling depressed, anxious, worried, etc. a couple of things. One meditation on your own chakras, aligning them and clearing them. The best book I have found for this is: Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series)
Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn’s New Age Series)

And a product that will help you accomplish this more easily called Aura-Soma. It’s a long and interesting story. I’ll let you look into it. But basically these oils or water based colored perfumes are prayed over, and utilize herbs, precious gems and color therapy. I found them to be amazingly helpful, really, I noticed a huge difference immediately when I was distraught. I don’t use them much now because I’m not in that state of mind, but when I do get upset I still break them out and notice a big difference in how I feel. For me the water based tinctures were much more helpful then the double colored oil based ones which work more on the emotional body. If you are a sensitive you will probably be like me and need the other type which works more from the spiritual toward the body rather then the way the oils work which is from the body outward toward the spirit. Or if you have a lot of earth in your chart you will probably find the oils to work better. For most people the oils are recommended.

Here’s a link to the book I have on Aura-Soma:
Aura-Soma: Healing Through Color, Plants, and Crystal Energy
Aura-Soma: Healing Through Color, Plants, and Crystal Energy

Meditation, Chakras, and Aura-Soma