Some Forward Movement on the Dwarf Planets…

Ceres which had once been considered a planet than downgraded to an asteroid has recently (the last couple of years) been put into the planetoid or dwarf planet category. Now it’s been my experience that “dwarf planets” are just as powerful as regular planets. Pluto, now a “dwarf planet” is a major butt kicker and in my humble opinion it’s more of a malefic than Saturn. Saturn will collect his toll but Pluto will put you in the grave if you aren’t paying attention or have unfinished karmic business.

We can be all love and light(y) about the planets and how they all teach us things and really it’s for our own good, but bad stuff does happen in this world. Let’s put it this way Charles Manson had a Scorpio stellium in his 8th house (the Scorpio house, one of the houses of death and the occult) so pretty much everything in Manson’s chart led back to Pluto. And if there was a personification of Pluto here on earth, it would pretty much be him. He was a cult leader, a murderer, a sexual abuser and somehow got kids from the suburbs to become sociopaths. If one wasn’t convinced of the validity of astrology than all one would have to do is be told a few basic things and a copy of Manson’s chart and it would be clear to a 10-year-old child that there was something strange going on between the two things.

So back to my point. I’ve found some interesting things out about Ceres. Ceres appears to rule nurturing, the ability to nurture and being nurtured as well or what nurtures a person. It is my opinion that Ceres is the actual (true) ruler of Virgo and Mercury is the ruler of Gemini. I believe we are figuring this out now because the earth is in desperate need of nurturing and people who have strong Virgo in their charts (that would be anyone born after 1960 until about 1971) would be the harbingers of a major turning point in the energy of the world. Until then we had been an agrarian culture, until about 60 years earlier when we had the industrial revolution, we lived close to the land. We had gone from hunting and gathering (in most parts of the world) to growing our own food and eating it. I still find this idea kind of weird, like eating one’s children – which is probably really weird that I find this weird, but it always has a creepy sort of thing about it, the idea of growing a plant so one can eat from it even though this is often a mutually beneficial relationship, it still weirds me out – which is why I have mint growing and can’t use it and strawberries I can’t find myself eating. I’m a freak what can I say.

Anyway, we went from finding our resources to cultivating our resources – this was a huge change and at that time our bodies actually changed. We evolved. According to some researchers even a new blood type came into being around that time, that blood type is A. Before this, human beings shared one universal blood type (which is why we can all use it when we need a blood transfusion) – O. The negative or positive after the blood type has to do with the RH factor, which is sort of another issue altogether. It’s extremely rare to be RH negative, I think less than one percent of the population has this issue.

Back to my point, I love to go off on tangents : It took 60 years of full on “better living through chemistry” to really screw up the eco system and put mother nature out of whack. It’s my belief that the food movements of the 60s and 70s of returning to a more healthful eating style were just the beginning of a needed revolution in our connection to the earth and our connection to the feminine aspect of ourselves. It’s interesting to note that over the last 30 or so years there have been innumerable sightings of the Virgin Mary on walls, tacos, birth marks, lamp shades etc. not to mention the statues of the Virgin said to be crying blood. Why not Jesus? Why not Saint Joseph? You get the picture. The world seemed in need of some sort of Goddess figure, a return of feminine power – as women’s political and economic power has waxed and waned over history, now it seemed the 3 most powerful and largest religions (all based on the same God Jehovah) had castigated the feminine and relegated all things female into the realm of inferior – so much so that even women believed this and instead of embracing themselves as equal but different an entire generation of women tried to take on the roles of men and dismissed all that was beautiful about being female (I’ll have to write a whole piece on this as this is a giant thing to say in this context and needs clarification but I’ll leave that to later).

Now we have Ceres – the Goddess returning, the nurturer, the Great Mother, the root of the word cereal. She is literally and figuratively the host of humanity, feeding us physically and emotionally as well as spiritually. She is unfortunately one of the only positive Goddess figures assigned to these new dwarf planets. I’ll go into those ladies in a later article.

Ceres in your chart is the place that healing happens, the place that represents how you need to be nurtured and how you nurture others. Mine is in Gemini in the first house, makes sense, eh? Yes, I love to nurture through communication and I’m the person who if behind you in a supermarket line, you would inexplicably feel the need to tell me all your troubles. And I’d listen and actually be really happy to do so. When I found this in my chart I was like, wow, no wonder why this always happens to me and everyone thinks I’m so nurturing and an earth momma. Although, I can tell you I’m really not that at all. I have really no earth (except 2 generational planets) in my chart and one could fly a kite using all the wind I create from my blabbing. I’m so airy and so watery it’s kind of ridiculous.

Now here’s the kind of disturbing thing about the dwarf planet Eris – from the research I’ve done she’s the sister of Aries. She’s the Goddess of strife and discord. She wasn’t invited to one of the Gods royal weddings (between Peleus and Thetis) and as revenge painted an apple gold and through it into the festivities addressed only to “the fairest.” So Hera, Athena and Aphrodite all fought over it. Zeus asked the mortal shepherd Paris to settle the dispute. Supposedly, Aphrodite bribed Paris into picking her by promising to deliver whatever woman he wanted for his bride. He picked the fairest woman of all mortals named Helen, of course, it was due to her abduction by the Gods that the Trojan war began.

As one can plainly see here, the message imbued in the myth of Eris is revenge through the use of trickery and deceit through human frailty such as: vanity, greed, pride, competitiveness and the need for prestige, even being number one (sounds like us, the US). It is the false promise of these things that leads to the downfall of the Gods and a horrible war here on earth. It’s sort of like the use of our own domestic airplanes on 9-11 turned against us, something used for pleasure, business, fun, something generally very safe (it’s the safest form of travel in terms of accidents) used as a weapon of horrible destruction. It was so bizarre and unexpected no one seemed to know what to do on that day, even the slightly mental deficient president or his (literally) heartless VP.  It was around this time that Eris was found and since then the world has been fighting a shadowed enemy among us, one that can not be seen, one that is hidden, crafty and uses our own resources against us.

I have some thoughts now on the other dwarf planets and their significance like Sedna whose limbs were cut off and was thrown into the sea by her father (patriarchy) where she became a sort of protector of the ocean from what I can remember. Now we are dealing with major environmental oceanic issues that will only continue to get worse. I have to study her more and put it together I think though her discovery and the BP disaster are related.

More on Dwarf planets soon…

Keep on praying, keep working on yourself. By lifting yourself up – you lift all of us.

Best to all,


Some Forward Movement on the Dwarf Planets…

Back Again to Basic Astrology

Over the next few posts I’m going to deconstruct some charts and give some tips for those who are interested in learning the art of astrology better. I will do this hopefully, as clearly as possible and also talk about transits and how they effect us and our charts. The subjects will be anonymous for their privacy. I’ll start with this chart:

Picture 18Let’s start with the basics. On the far left, the symbol that looks like a Roman number II but joined together is the symbol of Gemini. The house it rules is the first house, meaning at the time this person was born Gemini was the constellation rising in the east. The glyph that is a circle with a dot inside is the sun and this person’s sun is in Libra in the 5th house.

The house systems can be difficult to understand so I’ll break it down into very practical easy to understand mechanics. Each house represents a different time of day, always.

At the top of the chart, the culmination point or 10th house, represents, the mid-point of the day. Here’s where charts seem counter-intuitive; the sun actually rises from the east or 1st house and then goes into the 12th house, the 11th house, 10th, 9th and so on. Why the western chart was set up like this, I have no idea.

So the 12th house actually represents the period of time just after dawn for about 2 hours, the 11th house the morning and the 10th from approximately 10AM to 12 PM, the 9th house is usually from about 12-2 PM, the 8th 2-4 PM, the 7th 4-6PM, 6th 6-8 PM, 5th 8-10 PM, 4th 10PM – Midnight, 3rd Midnight – 2:00 AM, 2nd house 2-4 AM, the first house 4-6 AM. These times are approximate depending on the time of year and the exact time the sun rises that day. So if it rises at 6:11 AM then the 12th house is from about 6:11 AM – abouy 8:11 AM and the rest of the chart of course adjusts accordingly.

So an astrologer, based on the time of year, place and date of your birth should have a pretty good idea of what house your sun will fall in and a narrowed down idea of what your rising is. For example if  a client was born at 11:00 AM on February 3rd you would know immediately their sun was in the 10th house because the houses in the chart revolve around the placement of the sun. Meaning, depending on where the sun was in the sky, it will fall into a particular house, like this fake client who has sun in the 10th near the culmination point of the day. The signs or constellations in general move through a house in approximately 2 hours, hence the breakdown of the houses. The closer a person is born to the equator the more equal the houses will be, meaning each sign will move at about the same speed through the sky therefore making the houses fairly equal in size (by degree). However the closer a person is born to the north or south pole the more unequal the signs move, and they actually sort of pile up on each other causing what is known as an interception. An interception is when more than one sign occupies the same house or place in time/space at once. This creates uneven houses where some houses are very large and others small in a person’s chart. For example someone with Virgo at 0 degrees intercepted in their 2nd house will have an opposite interception on the other side at 0 degrees of the 8th house as these two houses are mirror opposites of one another in the sky or to put it simply; the 2nd house is 2-4 AM and the 8th house represents 2-4 PM. The second house occupies a parallel place below the horizon of the rising as the 8th house above the horizon of the rising.

So to get back to the fake client born 2/3 at 11:00 AM we know they have a 10th house sun and if they were born in Central America they you count backwards 2 signs and they would have an Aries rising. If however they were born far North or South it becomes a bit trickier to tell right off the bat. However if someone was born on the equator in winter, or summer or anytime of year it would always be the 2 hour interval. This is what makes astrology complex mathematically. All I can say is I’m happy to use a computer to do the calculations, it’s a million times faster. I used to do them many years ago and it was fatiguing. But it did help me understand the basic dynamics of how the stars, constellations and planets fall in a chart and see the patterns in it rather than it being a crazy bunch of glyphs that had no relation to one another. So enough super technical stuff, let’s dissect the chart a bit and I’d love it if other people would use their intuition and knowledge of astrology to point out things and explain them in the comments section. 

Even though there is no birthdate or time on the chart I posted we know immediately this is a young person because he/she has the outer planets in a configuration only seen during the 1980s. The outer planets are Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. They are generational planets. Some astrologers have argued because they move slowly and effect such large groups of people they are not relevant to individuals. I however completely disagree with this notion. People are products of the time they grow up in and are just as influenced by their peer group as they are by their families. We are complex beings. Especially when a person has an outer planet making either intense aspects or rules the sun, moon or rising, this intensifies the individuals connection to their peer group. 

Some basic explanations here readership’s are the planet that rules the constellation. So:

Mars rules Aries and the 1st house

Venus rules both Libra and Taurus and the 2nd and 7th houses

Mercury rules Gemini, Virgo and the 3rd and 6th house

Moon rules Cancer and the 4th house

Sun rules Leo and the 5th house

Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house

Jupiter rules Sagittarius and the 9th house

Saturn rules Capricorn and the 10th house

Uranus rules Aquarius and the 11th house

Neptune rules Pisces and the 12th house

This means that the 12th house has Piscean qualities and so does Neptune, same with all the other associations given above.

So back to the chart above we see a strong grouping of planets in this persons 5th and 6th house. This means these areas of his/her life will be more emphasized in this person’s chart then in most. This person needs a creative outlet as the 5th house rules Leo things like children, hobbies, creativity, the arts, drama, acting, theater, performing and gambling. The 6th house is more practical and has Virgo elements in common such as: service, a person’s job, health, health care, nutrition. With Mercury and Venus in the 6th house (Mercury is the natural ruler of this house although in this person’s chart Pluto rules it as Scorpio is on the cusp) making a trine or positive aspect (approximately 120 degrees apart makes a trine) this person has good communication with their mother who is likely to be from a foreign land (not born in the same country as the child) and with Venus conjunct Mercury in Scorpio also included in this trine to the Moon Jupiter conjunction, this person is likely to be very intuitive, perhaps psychic especially in relationships with women and their mother. This person is likely to be highly sensitive to his/he environment and this sensitivity because it is in the 6th house can lead to health problems. Ok, I’m going to go more into this tomorrow, it’s getting really late and this is going to take awhile to explain…

Best wishes and many blessings to all you kind souls,


Back Again to Basic Astrology

A Sun Sign Overview for 2009

We are all very complex beings are charts reflect this. Sun sign horoscopes for newspapers are more akin to fortune cookies then real astrology, but that being said I have been asked to write a column for a very large local blog serving the Inland Empire here in Southern California. I’ll put up their link once everything is in order. 

Since it is the New Year coming up and we are all wondering about our fate, I thought it would be fun to share the unconventional astrological column I wrote for them which you will get to see first. 

I will then get into answering questions again after the holiday season is over.

Best wishes, many blessings to all of you and Happy New Year!!!! 



An Overview of your Sun Sign for the New Year 


Aries (March 21 – April 19) – If you were born at the start of the sign of Aries, it will be an odd year. Not only will your sense of identity shift and wobble, but so will your career. You may find starting your own business or becoming more independent in your job situation is the best way to solve the coming changes. You may have heavily identified with your career in the past, and will be forced to re-invent how you see yourself. It will be essential to put your ambition and career aspirations into perspective.


It is important for all Aries people to re-examine their careers right now with Pluto in Capricorn making an applying square over the next several years, issues of self-fulfillment in relationship to your career, and also becoming more independent, and less reliant on your job to give you a sense of yourself and your identity. Now will be the time you find yourself spiritually, attuning to who you truly are, finding your passion, and putting it to action if you do things right.


If you resist the karma of Pluto, and push to stay in a career that is making you miserable, chances are you will find yourself out of a job, and with identity issues. If this becomes the case, use your time to find your passion, and re-create yourself, and your life, instead of wallowing in anger or depression.


Taurus – (April 20 – May 20) If you are an April Taurus through to the middle of May Taurus you either felt or are currently feeling Neptune squaring your sun. This has been, or was a weird time for you, a lot of confusion about how to best express yourself, and issues about serving the greater good, flashes of deep knowing, and transformations in your friendships. For those in the later part of this sign get ready for all of the above to happen. Good news for all of you though, Pluto will be making an applying trine to your sun starting this year, meaning greater opportunities for you over the next 7-10 years, somewhere in this period depending on the exact time of your birth you will reap great benefits and have major transformations coming your way for the better. Powerful allies and better job, and career prospects will be yours, despite the economy, you personally will find your way through this period. If you are in the beginning period of Taurus this luck will come over the next few years, if in the middle, then this luck will be building, and come to fruition in about 4 or 5 years, and again if you are late Taurus you will find your time later in this period, but will start to see this luck build in a few years.


The vast majority of Taurus people have gone through a period where they had to learn to let go of the past in lieu of a better future, often this meant the loss of old friends who perhaps no longer fit in ones life or even family members who created too much hurt to hold onto. Now that this great letting go, flushing out period is almost over (about ¾ of you are done with it, just those late sign people are currently or will in the coming years go through this) you will find a renewed spiritual understanding, and deeper insight into the world, humanity and yourself.


Gemini _ (May 21 – June 21) It’s been the best of times, and the worst of times for Gemini people.  With Pluto making an opposition to your sun for nearly a decade (depending on when you were born some will have had this aspect as long as 8 or 9 years ago, some just last year) you will have seen love lost and found, major changes in the dynamics of your family, more than usual amounts of travel, and an either an urge to go back to school for some, for others perhaps just taking classes here and there during this aspect. This aspect will also have given you access to powerful people that may have taken you on a bit of a roller coaster.


And with Neptune making a trine to your sun, you have found friends who have been good spiritual guides, but have lost friends who were bad for you. If you are in the later part of Gemini, you have yet to experience the positive aspect of friends helping, and guiding you, or those who are negative falling away, but will soon. You will also have and (later Gemini will experience) a greater need to connect with their spirit and a sense of the common good. Humanitarian issues will play a bigger role in your life if they haven’t already. You may find good, even great things come from helping others.


With Saturn squaring your Sun for the past couple of years, somewhere during this period you have felt down, even depressed at times, there may have been career struggles and changes in your work situation. But this will pass in the fall of 2009 as Saturn goes into Libra. This change will bring more balance to your work, and home life, and provide new career opportunities over the next few years. And with Jupiter in Aquarius making a trine to your Sun (early Gemini have already been feeling this) an expansion of your social circle, friendships, and help or aid coming through your friends. You may also feel the desire to get involved in humanitarian causes as your sense of the world at large expands and you see the connection between all people more clearly.


Cancer – (June 22 – July 22) With Pluto beginning to make an opposition to your Sun back in the fall of 2008 and continuing through 2009, there have been housing, family and security issues arising, especially if you were born in the early part of Cancer. You will find yourself torn between work and home, often feeling you are sacrificing one while trying to balance the other. Now is the time to be frugal if you haven’t been because this opposition can destabilize your foundation, specifically your home and career. Saturn in Virgo will soften things until the fall when it goes into Libra and squares your Sun.


For those who are early in the sign, you will find that period bringing issues of marriage, partnerships, legal situations, contracts and issues of fairness in relationship to your career. It could be an anxious time, so be frugal now, and plan ahead. It could also make things happen, such as an engagement, a long awaited contract or a longed for business partnerships finally come to fruition. Best to be self-aware and manifest the positive side of this aspect. For those born later, you will have these issues in 2010-or 2011, so you have longer to prepare, get working on it!


With Uranus in Pisces, you Cancer people have been having keen intuition, flashes of brilliance, loads of ideas and sporadic connection to your spirituality. Right now this is most intense for those Cancer’s born toward the middle-late part of the sign, and would have happened several years back for early cancers, and be something to look forward to for latecomers.


Leo – (July 23 – August 22) Leo’s have been enjoying a time of opportunity for power coming to them from Pluto. Our next President Barack Obama is a Leo, he had positive aspects from the powerful Pluto giving him luck in the arena of politics, but you don’t have to be involved in politics to have seen a rise in your career over the last decade, and major changes in your family life, or at least your perception of them.


As Neptune entered Aquarius back in 1998, those of you who are early Leo’s would have seen major, out of the blue changes in your self-perception, and your goals in life. Some of these may have been paths that went nowhere, others led you to where you are today, and have helped you get in touch with what was truly important in your life, and the more spiritual side of your nature. You also probably went through many friends, loosing touch with some, keeping sporadic contact with others and finding new people filling your life.  This aspect could have brought about a loss in your family. There was also a great urge to connect with the greater good and your mission in life. As Neptune has moved through Aquarius and opposed Leo people’s Sun’s along the way, you will have experienced what I am relaying. For those of you who are mid-late Leo’s you will go through these changes and feelings now. And of course the late Leo’s will feel this between now and 2011.


As of the fall of 2008 and onward, Pluto will no longer feed you a lucky streak, so it is best to ground yourself and tighten your belt, and become more practical in your assessment of all things related to yourself, and your family. You will have some opportunities in your career, which you must go after to make happen, starting when Saturn enters Libra in the fall of 2009. So don’t assume things will just come your way in your career as has been the case for many of you, you will have to play a more active roll in gaining opportunities and capitalizing on them. You will have opportunity for business partnerships, marriage, contracts and legal dealings that will be to your benefit. Saturn will remain in Libra until the fall of 2012. So of course the earlier of a Leo you are the more this applies for 2009 and the later you are you will see these opportunities manifest toward the end of Saturn’s reign in Libra toward the fall of 2011.


Virgo – (August 23 – September 22) Virgos have had a tough go of it for a long time now, they’ve been beaten up by squares to their Sun from Pluto, causing upheaval in their family life, their sense of identity, and in their work. Another whammy has been the opposition of Uranus in Pisces to their Sun’s making them do things that have been out of character. They have felt the need to suddenly rebel against their lives nearly tearing away everything in the process, and in the less fortunate Virgos’ cases they may have lost a lot. But even those that caught themselves at the precipice of throwing away everything they had worked for due to overwhelming unconscious feelings suddenly erupting into their lives, they couldn’t help but do damage to friendships, family, and their own moral code. Some may have had problems with drinking binges, spending binges, or emotional outbursts and/or anxiety.


The good sides of this aspect have been revelations about the self that were buried; a greater connection forged between the mind, and the soul and heightened intuition. For those of you, who are late in the sign of Virgo, watch out! Try to realize these feelings are just those, try not to act on them and destroy the life you have created for yourself. If you do act on them consider going to therapy as a way to tell if you are being self-deceptive, or projecting your own issues onto others. This opposition creates a distorted mirror, exaggerating your own sense of perfection and the people in your life’s flaws. This aspect will make you want to smash your friendships, partners and sense of self to bits leaving you to pick up the pieces after a lot of destruction. So be careful with this, Uranus in Pisces will give you a desperate need to rebel and the Pisces side of it will add illusion and delusion, making you a rebel without a cause.


On the brighter side, those who are early Virgos have gone through this and are about to feel Pluto give them a boost in their careers and work situations. Those of you who are later degree Virgos will experience this later on. Also for the past couple of years and on into the fall of 2009; Saturn has been hitting your Sun. You may have felt or do feel down, depressed, drained, perhaps guilty if you ran your life off into a ditch, and your career/work life has felt like its been in a slump. Saturn will move off your sun in the fall of 2009. It will feel as if a huge weight has been taken off your shoulders and you can finally breath again. For those of you who are late Virgo’s you’ve had some of that, but you’ve also experienced 2008 as a period of expansion in some areas of your career, even giving you some luck, but it came at a price, the price of being overworked and exhausted.


2009 will be much lighter and more full of ease for early Virgos, and all Virgos will see powerful allies coming to their aid in work and career over the next 13 or so years as Pluto moves slowly through Capricorn. So if 2009 isn’t your year, you have time to build a strong career/job foundation, the more you work for this the more it will pay off as Pluto eventually trines your Sun.


Libra – (September 23 – October 22) Libra’s I’m not going to lie to you, the fall of 2009 won’t be easy if you were born during the early part of the sign.  There will be a lot of adjusting to do as Pluto squares your Sun – providing both identity and career issues; questions about what you are doing with your life, and if you are on the right path or not. Also you will have questions about your partnerships, which will come to a head during that period.  However you won’t feel this if you were born later on in the sign until the year’s progress.


A double whammy happens for those born early on in Libra because Saturn will also be on top of their Sun, making them feel drained and overwhelmed. Try focusing on your career at that time without losing yourself to it, and don’t make any big decisions about career, partnerships, legal situations or your spouse either. Wait at least 3-6 months from November of 2009 to decide what you are doing, and seek out counseling or talk to a trusted wise friend to help you gain clarity. You will feel the desire to cut off ties, to make big decisions, but you will be too overtaxed and overwhelmed to make good decisions so wait it out!


For those born about ¾ of the way through Libra, Neptune will be aiding you in your spiritual development, bringing you new friends, an interest in charitable organizations, a greater connection to your fellow man, more social opportunities and a greater love and appreciation of music. Those earlier in the sign already experienced this depending on how early in the sign; it could have been as far back as 1998. This transit will, and for some already was life altering for Libras and will continue to be feed as Neptune rolls through Aquarius. And for those later Libras file away the above warning about Saturn. It will eventually hit your Sun too, depending on when you are born, this aspect could hit you up until late 2011.


Scorpio – (October 23 – November 21) Those who are born early in this sign will see more opportunities coming their way in their career and family life starting from late 2008, and into 2009. But these opportunities are the type that one must work in order to make happen. There will be doors opening you will have to walk through, not lucky breaks.  The last couple of years there have been opportunities in your career especially through higher education, continuing education or taking classes. If you were wise and used this feeling to gain new skills you will have seen doors opening for you.


Now with Pluto you will have a second chance if you didn’t take advantage of that urge. This time will provide a powerful deeper-rooted sense of your spirituality and a pathway to following your bliss. By doing so, doors will open, but again you will have to knock on a lot of them, and do the footwork to make it happen, this aspect does not guarantee success, just opportunity for success.


As Neptune has been squaring your Sun sign for quite a while and depending on where you fall, either early, middle or late in the sign, you would have had, or will have, a period of loss of friends, family, and a lack of self-confidence. You may have felt depleted, depressed, even using social situations as an excuse to loose yourself and go crazy through drinking. Or it could have manifested as the loss of social interactions, which led to a period of isolation leaving you spinning around in your own head. Early degree Scorpios would have felt this as long ago as 1998, and those about ¾ of the way through the sign will feel it now. Be careful not to get carried away with drinking especially in social situations as it can lead to friendships ending.


With Uranus in Pisces those who are again about ¾ of the way through the sign will be experiencing a lot more psychic activity, intense dreams, flashes of knowings, deep sudden realizations about people, events, and even the occasional premonition.  You will find yourself much more open to psychic ability, the occult, astrology and spiritual development during this period. For those earlier in the sign you’ve already gone through this, for those who are at the tail end of Scorpio you have this to look forward to. However again the theme of drinking/drug/food/shopping abuse (anything escapist) comes up so be careful!


All in all there will be more opportunities for your sign starting this year and besides Pluto, and Uranus’ help eventually Neptune will go into Pisces and there will be more opportunity, more spiritual development down the line. This period has and will become a great awakening for Scorpios. They will find themselves and who they were truly meant to be. It will also open up your intuition and if you are open to it great spiritual experiences.


Sagittarius – (November 22 – December 21) Pluto has just gone over your Sun for the past decade depending on when you were born within your sign. You would have had a tremendous overhaul of your ego, your sense of family, and would have come to understand yourself in ways you never did before. Sagittarians are blessed with tremendous good luck; they are charming, capricious and also on the other side decadent and didactic.  Pluto going over your sun allowed you to see deeply into your own soul, and own who you truly are. You would have experienced your personal foibles and had to come to terms with the truth about yourself, either bad or good. With Uranus making a square to your Sun (those who are about ¾ of the way through the sign) you are currently experiencing both flashes of knowing and intuition and a loss of friends, outworn ideals, and the delusions or illusions still lingering in the ego. For those born earlier in the sign they have already gone through this, for those later in the sign, go with the energy to come, and make the best of it.


Neptune has been providing some cover for those born about ¾ of the way through the sign, it has brought into your life wise friends and more social activities also a broader compassion for humanity. Sagittarians tend to be so lucky that they often don’t delve deeply into their psyches, and have a tendency to escape into excessive spending, drinking, drug taking or eating. As Uranus has been making this opposition, and with Pluto’s conjunction it has forced foot loose and fancy free Sagittarians to come to terms with the darker side of their nature, to dig deeper into their own psyches, and transform for the better.


2009 will be easier as Pluto is finally out of your sign, and when Saturn stops squaring you in November of 2009, you will finally feel some real relief especially in regards to your career and work situation.


Capricorn – (December 22 – January 19) if you are an early Capricorn, times are tough. You have to make a major transformation and find your true spiritual path – your reason for being here, and career path all at once.


Saturn your ruling planet has been giving you some steering directions for the past couple of years, and will continue to do so especially for those born later on in the sign, but once it goes into Libra in the fall of 2009, you must be careful not to become too anxious or stressed out by the rigors of your relationship balanced with your career. This period could bring about the cementing of a contract, relationship or a business partnership, but it will take a lot of work, and be exhausting so try to build in time to rest during this period.


For those of you who are later on in the sign Uranus is giving you lots of inspiration, and good ideas follow these flashes of intuition and you will find success. Those of you who are early in the sign have had this aspect already pass, and those who are late in the sign will have it happen in a few years, but will start to feel the effects of this coming on. Trust your intuition, and it will open doors for you.


Aquarius – (January 20 – February 18) In January of 2009 Jupiter will be in Aquarius expanding your sense of self, your base of knowledge, your circle of friends, and your waistline if you’re not careful! Also Neptune has been transiting Aquarius for quite some time now, those who are about ¾ of the way through the sign will have Neptune conjunct their Sun leading to greater psychic ability and/or confusion, drug or alcohol problems and a plethora of ideas and imagination. Also there is a danger to your health so you must be careful and trust every weird intuition you have about your health during this period or you could really suffer. Those born earlier in the sign went through this as early as 1998 and those later in the sign will experience this in years to come. 


By the fall of 2009 you will find even greater flow and ease in your career as Saturn enters Libra. If you are early in the sign you will see this then if late it will manifest as late as 2011. But either way you will see ease and flow, as Saturn is the old ruler of Aquarius and still co-king. Your partnerships, friendships and career will feel easier then they have in a long time. There will be more opportunity coming to you and luck will be on your side. Of course for those early Aquarians they will feel this strongly by the fall of 2009 and those later in the sign will feel this in the next couple of years.


Pisces – (February 19 – March 20) These past 12 or so years haven’t been the easiest. Pluto was squaring your sun and depending on if you are early in the sign or late, this next bit would apply anywhere to over a decade ago to as recently as 2008. There was a lot of confusion and misplaced optimism and when the delusion was uncovered, it could have worn down either into a depression, or a period where you overindulged through drugs, alcohol, shopping, spending, or any kind of excess and escapism.

Pluto was the culprit but you are free of it! Now do a little happy dance. Coming up is much more opportunity for your career, and with Uranus in Pisces if you are about ¾ of the way into the sign you will experience great flashes of knowing, greater insight, and understanding, things you never got before will suddenly click in. On the negative side you have to be careful not to be too erratic or you could loose some friends. Also be careful with binge drinking which will be a great temptation. Those who are early in the sign will have already gone through this as long ago as 1998 those late in the sign will go through this in a few years, but will start to see the signs of it as early as this year. 

A Sun Sign Overview for 2009