Haplotypes and Irony

I’m in the process of getting back my DNA information. I swabbed my brother as he’s the only one in our family who has both patrilineal and matrilineal coding in his genes. As it turns out on my father’s side (I knew was Ashkenazi Jewish, his father came from Lithuania) but I’m still not sure about his mother who was also Jewish, but her family had been in the states much longer. Ironically I belong to the R1A1 haplotype on that side of the family which is also the same line Hitler thought was the “master race.” R1A1 also turns out to be the haplotype for the group of people who settled for awhile in India (arians) and then went up north and became known as the Vikings.

When I first went to look at the results of the haplotype it talked of this descent, having come through India and then going far north. I thought this was in reference to my mother’s side, but then when I went back to find that information it was replaced with information about being Ashkanazi-Levite. I wondered if someone in the lab had a small fit after realizing that I might be sensitive to the whole Arian thing being an Ashkanzi Jew. But anyway I thought this was very odd. So it would seem there is some strange similarity perhaps even shared ancestory between those who became the Arians/Vikings and the Levites who settled in Eastern Europe although for some reason I have seen no information linking the two which leads me to believe either there is fear about linking both due to the Holocaust or I’m completely making wild leaps of association which is possible since I’m still figuring out how haplogtypes work and what they mean. 

Not only is this whole thing historically ironic, but personally so as I am a believer in Jung’s idea of ancestrial memory. I’ve had dreams (which I knew where not my past lives) of being questioned by the Nazi’s and taken by them. Also I’ve had so many dreams about India (although I’m sure this is also due to many past lives there) ever since early childhood throughout today.

Another weird thing is my father on his death bed claimed to have a conversation with Moses. Ironically the Levites are a direct link to Moses. He would be my super great uncle basically. 

I personally think memory is stored not just in the mind but in the DNA which is how certain traits get passed down like musical ability, etc. And why certain strange mutations suddenly occur. We not only have to deal with our own personal karma, and trajectory, but it seems that the family of origin’s trajectory and karma is sealed inside our DNA, the ramifications of this are like waves in our subconscious.

Best wishes to all and many blessings,


Haplotypes and Irony

Israel and Answering A Reader…

Nitin wrote a post a few days back before Israel went insane on Palestine. I wanted to post it for others to read in case they missed it. 


Hi everyone,

hope u guys have had a great xmas. i would like to share one of the weirdest dream i had this morning. i dont claim to be psychic but on many occasions my intuitions have proved right. In simple terms my guts feelings has probably have been right at 90%. However, in 2008 i have noticed that i hve started to have dreams very lucid one arounf 3 to 4ish in the morning. these dreams are like visions of something providing answer in some of the time on the thing thats been on my mind a lot, sometimes i will feel my grandma guiding me through these visions. The funny thing about these dream or vision is that i am fully aware of it.. i know that th moment i opened my eyes it will stop and by keeping my eyes close, its like the movie is playing. It is quite a new phenomenon for me… Ok this morning the 26 December, i start dreaming that i went to see a friend that i studied with when i was in London. He was living in one of those very tall buildings. We took the lift and up we go. he was living on the 17th floor i cant recall. and then i find myself on the balcony of the building. i could see my mum and my dad. and then in the sky i could see figher planes. it was air combat. with all the firing in the sky it looks like lightening in the sky. we were hiding and then i could hear machine guns and so many helicopters around.they were hovering . i could see the soldier in the combat helicopters with guns. they were all shooting towards the ground. at this point i became aware that it is a vision and once i opened my eyes, everything will go. Also eventhough we were lying down,i was not scared of being shot at..at this time india and pakistan came into my mind. then i opened my eyes and obviously evertyhing switched off. ok the way i am looking at it. there would be somemilitary operation that gonna happened i dont know where. with all the wars going around that is obvious :-)…y india and pakistan..part of my ancestor is from india and part is a mixture …its very typical for an islander like myself..but my mum and dad is hindu. .. i dont have a religion as such but i am very close to hinduism because of my parents prctice and i have been growing up with all the occasional hindu rituals. Now this friend of mine in the building is muslim and his wife is pakistani…may be its far fetched but that was ahy i tried tomake a connection. however i doubt myself as well int he sense that the soldiers i say in the combat helicopter were not indian at all. they look european..and it looks like they had proper logistics i.e proper combat helicopters and fighter jets..

i thought about georgia nd russia as well. i dont know…

thank you so much for listening..

god bless

And then Nitin posted this in response to the dream:



could be the dream was an omen to the current event… follow the links

Hi Nintin, 

It’s OK to call yourself psychic when you consistently have dreams that come true, and feelings that turn out to be accurate. It doesn’t make you arrogant, just honest with yourself. You have the gift/curse. We all do, some more than others, that’s all. I have a feeling a pretty big percentage of my readers are psychic. 

Your dream sounds very much like a premonition of Israel bombing the Gaza strip. It makes a lot of sense, especially since you mentioned the people looked European. Seems like a very obvious premonition about Israel’s aggression toward Palestine. I am going to look into what happened (astrologically) there in a later post. It really is disturbing and disgusting of Israel. 

I’m really sick of the way they have treated the Palestinian people. That lame excuse about launches toward Israel that hurt no one, does not give them the right to kill innocent people. My father and his family were Jewish, and great supporters of Israel, but they would I’m sure be disgusted by Israel’s increasing aggression, and out of control reactionary, aggressive dealings with the Palestinian people.

Israel is a disgrace to all Jewish people. Just as America under George W. Bush became a disgrace to the West. They had better stop this crap or they are going to trigger a much bigger problem. I feel so much instabilty in that region. It feels like that area of the world is teetering on the verge of a nuclear holocaust. I’ve been feeling that build since we invaded Iraq.

Does the Israeli government not realize how much damage the Bush administration has done to the cause of Democracy and tolerance? Don’t they get that bull dozing an apartment building when someone who lived there Ding-Dong- ditched your house is more than over kill right now, it’s enough to incite a major war.

This is very disturbing.

There are so many militant terrorist groups pushing the west toward all out war — the terrorist action in Mumbai, 9/11, the bombings in London, Madrid, the idiot shoe bomber. By reacting with this kind of force, the way our moronic president handled the situation with 9/11, only gives these horrible meat headed spiritually devoid terrorists power and ignites the flame of anger and revenge. It is the responsibility of those with great might and power to show restraint and use logic, kindness, compassion and diplomacy in the face of these irrational, blood thirsty zealots, or we become worse than they are. This is true of the U.S. and true of Israel.

I certainly hope that India is more evolved then we are and they don’t throw their weight around like a western country would. Let’s pray that they are wiser then all of us. Their main religion of Hinduism which teaches tolerance, that in itself shows they are miles above us in terms of their spiritual development. Let’s hope their leaders are as wise as those ancient teachings.

Best wishes to all and many blessings,


Israel and Answering A Reader…

Reader’s Comments and Questions…

Hi everyone,

Tonight I tried to catch up on a bit of news.  It was just confirmed that the bones of Caylie Marie Anthony, found about a block and a half away from where the toddler was living were indeed the remains of the little girl. I watched the news in horror. And noticed that this was in Orange County. I had to roll back the DVR to make sure, because Hope and A Plan had posted this after the orange light incident/poltergeist activity:


Hi Denise,

I just saw in the news that there was an earthquake in S Carolina, early this morning. I had a thought about the orange garage light experience you had last night. Sometimes when I get signs they are literal. Do you think its somewhere called Orange? Orange county Florida, California, or Orange the city in different areas??? And, Do you think there is anything to worry about with the Soviets doing naval excercises in the waters off of Venezuela? Thanks for keeping up the blog!

I wondered if this was a visitation from the little girl, trying to get a message through. I was after all alone with my  11 month old daughter. Child murders are always extremely upsetting, but this one in particular always made me sick to my stomach, its not like Casey (the mother and talk about some narcissism with the name freakishness of Casey, grandma Cindy, I mean come on) was having a psychotic break like Andrea Yates which was horrifying, but at least she was out of her mind, this woman Casey is clearly just a sociopath. Every time I’d see her disgusting face on the news my stomach would turn. She just oozes manipulative, sociopathic, self-centered, self-indulgent slime bag. The pictures of that poor daughter are just heart breaking especially after having a daughter myself. Anyway, perhaps this was an attempt by the child’s spirit to communicate, or just a total coincidence. Either way it’s weird.


dear sir, i went thru your analysis about -india pakistan war.i agree with you. transit of mars and rahu in capricorn –interchange of sun and saturn and presence of transit mercury in capricorn……indictions are horrifying….may lead to ANTHRAX BOMB and other such inhumane attacks. destiny cannot be altered. thnx and regards,and… see u in the dreams. bye http://www.astrokhare.com

Hi Prabhat,

It’s fascinating how both Vedic/Sideral astrology and Western/Tropical astrology use completely different systems, calculations, even planets and both come to similar conclusions. As my readers can see that Prabhat says, “destiny cannot be altered,” this is a common theme in Vedic astrology although westerners who practice Vedic astrology will argue that, Indian astrologers will not. I have studied both systems and I find that they are both accurate, however in the west we do have more ability to exercise our free will and therefore have more control of our destiny. The reality is that in India, marriages are arranged, and people are tracked toward a particular career, and although the cast system is outlawed, it still exists. People born in India do have to contend with fate in a much different way then we do in the west which is why I think Vedic astrology is so accurate for people in that part of the world, but less so for westerners. And why western astrology is much more accurate for us on this side of the globe.

They are both equally accurate and important despite the entirely different viewpoints, calculations, house systems, aspects, including planets, even the signs are different for example if you are an Aries in western astrology, unless you were born at the very end of that sign you’d be a Pisces. Pretty different yet both are accurate. The universe sure is complex and amazing.


Funny, my husband and I were talking about places he had lived that we would like to go back to. He has been longing to return to Italy for several days now. My kids also have an annoying toy that plays the alphabet song that’s been going off a lot lately. Unlike your baby’s toy, this one goes off at the drop of a hat. An interesting thing is that this fall before the election it was another toy that plays Peter and the Wolf went off constantly. Just out of curiousity, my 2 year old got out a deck of cards and completely crumpled the 8 of hearts, King of Diamonds and the Jack of Diamonds. What do these cards correspond with in the tarot? I thought she was destroying face cards because her older sister and I were playing Slap Jack earlier. Then I remembered, she thinks every card is a “slap jack”. She also pretty much destroyed a joker, but we give her the jokers to play with while we are playing other games, so I didn’t think much of it. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Congratulations on the book deal! Happy Holidays!

Hi Grace,

The 8 of hearts is the 8 of cups in the tarot. It means so many options that the person can’t decide what to do. Often there is an element of illusion involved in this card. The King of Diamonds is the King of Pentacles, and this is a tricky one because in order for Rider/Waite to publish the first tarot deck and honor their vows to the magical order they were involved in they had to switch certain cards to get around things. The King of Pentacles, most books will tell you, is an earth sign man, but according to the Brotherhood of Light, which is where I really learned the craft of reading (rather then just using them as clairvoyant jumping off points) the card is actually a Gemini male if it is right side up, and a Gemini woman if it is reversed.

The Jack of Diamonds is the Page of Pentacles which would actually be an Aquarian male right side up or an Aquarian female if reveresed. Again a book would tell you it was an earth sign, but it really isn’t. This little switch-a-roo is evident when you actually look at the cards, there are clues built into the illustrations.



Sorry, Denise, Sept. 7, 1630, from the blog I cited before was a more accurate date for the founding of Boston (not 11/17/1630). Please use the Sept date if you are doing the chart.

Hi Sag,

There are two charts I ran for Sept. 7 because I guess back in 1630 they were using a different calendar and my computer compensated for that putting the actual date at 9/17/1630 but just in case it was already compensated for, I ran a chart for Sept. 7, 1630 as well. The compensated chart has some tension with Mars conjuncting the part of fortune in Aries in the 8th house inconjuncting the Sun and Mercury. However you must bare in mind that these are both just solar charts so there maybe things going on in the chart of Boston that are hidden from me since we don’t have an exact time. In general though neither chart looks terrible. Hope that helps calm your fears. Below are the two solar charts.

picture-25Also I saw a few things I wanted to make sure no one missed, Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol’s, future mother-in-law was arrested for crank. That can’t be good for Mrs. Palin’s career – karma anyone? There has been a minor auto industry bail-out which I thought would happen earlier then this, they really dragged this one out. And there is an investigation that has been started by congress here’s a passage I found about it:

A bipartisan Senate report, issued on December 11, accuses Rumsfeld and other top Bush administration officials – including Condoleezza Rice – of being directly responsible for the abuse and torture of prisoners at Guantanamo and other US prisons. It is the result of a two-year investigation conducted by the Senate Armed Services Committee under the direction of Democratic Senator Carl Levin and Republican John McCain, the former presidential candidate.

Although the report remains confidential, a 29 page summary was made public. It states that the source of the CIA’s resort to methods of “aggressive interrogation’ of terrorist suspects lay in Bush’s decision on February 7, 2002 that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to Taliban and Al Qaida prisoners. This opened the door for water-boarding (simulation of drowning), nudity, tying prisoners in stress positions for long periods and, of course, “extraordinary rendition”, that is to say the practice of sending prisoners abroad to be tortured in foreign countries on behalf of the United States.

Another critical report – not yet published but circulating among top officials in Washington – is a 513-page history of America’s lamentable yet highly-expensive failure at rebuilding Iraq after the devastation it caused in overthrowing Saddam. Entitled Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience, the report was compiled by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, led by Stuart Bowen, a Republican lawyer.

Also I’ve heard that Rumsfeld can’t go to certain countries because there are warrants for his arrest to be tried for war crimes. It has long been my prediction that this administration will be tried for war crimes by an international court, and that many, if not all will end up in prison. I’ve been saying that since we went into Iraq, and of course no one believed me. My friends and family have heard me rail on about this prediction for a long time now. So lets all do something positive and imagine the Bush administration and all their lacky’s behind bars. They deserve that times a billion.

All the lives lost, the death, destruction, tearing apart a soveirgn nation for what? Imbalancing the power in that region so that Iran has become a real threat, and making the Muslim population of the world hate us ten fold?

We know how many of our people have died. But how many innocent Iraqi people, men, women and children have died due to this arrogant, disgusting and perverted, vile, administration? They have been more like a gang of greedy psychopaths then a group of leaders.

Let’s not lie to ourselves and pretend the Bush administration is the first and only vile administration. There were others, one that springs to mine was old Hickory – Andrew Jackson, a real horror show with his trail of tears, or what we would now call ethnic cleansing.

It makes me angry that we Americans somehow think we are always the good guys, and that’s exactly how we become the bad guys — we forget to look at ourselves, that’s when we get into trouble. This is exactly why the patriotic BS after 9/11 was so destructive, as if criticizing the government was somehow anything other then those among us with a moral compass trying to keep our government on the straight and narrow.  

My great hope is for those out there who we have hurt or wounded, trampled on with our mighty power, or abandoned in their time of need, just know it is not us the people of the US, it is and has been our lame government. There are people here who care about the world, who understand we are not perfect and who believe we should rectify the mistakes we’ve made.

It’s important to remember there are good and bad people everywhere, and terrorism hurts only the innocent. It accomplishes nothing and is just an empty egomaniacal gesture and vein attempt at fleeting self-importance and world attention that leads directly to the dark side. There are no virgins awaiting you in paradise. Terrorism isn’t martyrdom. It’s the way of cowards killing innocent people because those terrorists are too small, cowardly and weak to take up arms against the real people in power who oppress them.

Martyrdom is serving, and helping your fellow human beings, feeding the hungry, saving the broken, not murdering innocent people. Mother Teressa was a martyr. Bin Laden was a (I have a strong feeling he’s dead now or  is in the process of dying) maladjusted lost soul looking to be important because his ego was weak, and just being wealthy wasn’t enough for him, he had to be important, even if that meant killing innocent human beings to feed his pathetic ego.

OK, sorry I got very angry there thinking about people who do such evil deeds in the name of religion or God. It literally drives me nuts. It’s absolutely the most vile thing, justifying murder via God. Horrible.

Anyway, on a lighter note, hope all are having a good weekend, and hopefully nothing crazy will happen over the next few days.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you good and wise readers,


Reader’s Comments and Questions…

Answering a Reader…

I had to answer this post by Truthseeker. I saw it after the post just below it and it also confirmed my skin crawling feeling. Here it is:


  Calm before the storm maybe. 

I was actually wondering if the market crash was from an unexpected reason. For example a terrorist attack, war (if India dropped a bomb on Pakistan) , possibly Israel attacking Iran out of no where.

Heaven forbid.

Hi Truthseeker,

I have a weird feeling you are onto something. As I was writing the post below I felt that the warning the spirits were showing me was not just about the economy, that something else was in the mix. I really hope I’m getting confused here. But when I focus on the message I get anxious. I’m going to try and see if I can dream anything about this for clarification. If I do I will post it. If anyone else has a feeling about this, please post it. 

The other scary thing I noticed when looking at the charts of almost all the western nations was (including the US) there was a theme of 01 degrees in a cardinal sign. Meaning Pluto is about to either, square, oppose or conjunct this sensitive point of a bunch of nations. India has Mars at 0 degrees Cancer, Pluto was exactly opposite its Mars during the Mumbai attack and also exactly incounjuncting the country’s 0 degree Gemini rising. And Pakistan has 2 degrees Aries, which Pluto will hit in late January early Feb of 09. This is why I felt India would strike back at Pakistan during that period. I think Pluto actually hits 2 degrees Capricorn making the square exact, just after Obama’s inauguration. Perhaps the transition will be so focused on the economy, India will feel it can strike back at Pakistan. Let’s hope not.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,


Answering a Reader…

Answering Readers…

Hi, it’s been a crazy busy week and I’m working on some very big posts for next week. So here’s just a little something for now. A comment to be commented on by Krish:


Submitted on 2008/12/08 at 4:26pm Krish

Pakistan has become a Rogue state. There is a parallel state there being run by ISI/Army. They have stoked the fire of Jihadi and it has been good money from them. Pakis are getting money from Arabs in the name of Jihad and getting from USA in the name of fighting it. But America is suffering from romantic nostalgia and does not want to act. I see deja vu all over again. American public want to pull out and this is going to create Taliban part 2.


Hi Krish,

i’m not sure if you mean pull out of Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iraq. But your point is well taken. Pakistan is playing both sides of the fence, and is a dangerous rouge state. My intuition has been telling me for a while, that this is the area of the next big conflict for the US, the West in general and also India. I feel the most turmoil there in regards to potential war and terrorism. We’ve been being worried about iran and North Korea, but its Pakistan that could errupt like an oversized pimple at any moment. It’s coming to a head.


Best wishes and many blessings to all. I promise I will post more and with more in depth articles once I finish playing catch up. Please keep posting questions!


Answering Readers…

Answering Readers’ Questions…


More questions, more answers, the first from KRG:


Hi : Very interesting

On the prediction that India will hit Pak sites, I wonder whether this could happen thru US, becos it seems more likely that Obama will use his power to persuade Pak to let US take on the training camps etc in Pak. Don’t see India doing this unless we continue to get hit like 26/11. May be you could run a chart for US vis-a-vis Pak and see how it looks…


I think you are right in the sense that the US will try to hit the camps at some point in the future, especially with the recent news about an increase in the chances of a bio-terrorist attack. However, it looked like India was still very vulnerable and that this Pakistani terrorist group wanted to push India to respond to Pakistan. The last post I did detailed all of this.


I woke up with the feeling that the credit crisis wasnt the cause of the market crash at the end of Dec/ Jan

Hi Truthseeker,

I’m sure you’re right. It’s turning out to be the information about the economy, joblessness, and eventually as Pluto crosses the 1st house of the Dow, and squares many other important planets at the critical cardinal 01 degree, (many western nations have a planet at this critical degree as well) we’re going to see some very ugly, criminal and shady stuff uncovered about how companies have been operating which will further freak out investors. Of course the news coming out about the seriousness of this crisis, joblessness and personal spending freezes we are all in will contribute to this coming Tsunami.

We’ve been at the point where we noticed the water receding back from the shore, and it looks really weird, but we couldn’t figure out what was happening or why. We are now at the point where the water is starting to hit the shoreline.


Any thoughts on the two unresolved Senate races in Minnesota and Georgia? I think you predicted the Senate would get close to 60 seats a few weeks back. I wonder what the cards say closer to the evantual realities. Thanks!

Hi Northernlights,

It seems that I’m too late to predict Georgia. It looks like Republican Chamblis won. I really feel Franken should win Minnesota, if he doesn’t I think there was funny business going on. So I guess it will be 58 or 59, but its close enough. The Republicans are so fractured right now the next couple of  years will make it worse for them. I don’t think that number will stand long.

I do feel Obama will have the 60 needed, if not this go round, then next. The cards indicated it would happen. As I’ve said before about the cards, they are always right, but their timing isn’t always accurate.


Another question. Some of Obama’s supporters are up in arms about the people he is choosing to work in his Administration. They feel that they have been betrayed. Will the Disgruntled Dems. get over it in time or will they hold a grudge for the next 4 years?

Thanks! -)

Hi  Iris,

I have noticed this very thing, and it’s annoying. The poor guy hasn’t even taken office yet. He can always fire people if they don’t work out! I wish they would let him get out of the gate before they tried breaking his legs. This is the very thing that is lame about Democrats, and the reason they are perceived as weak. And why it has been so easy to split the party, divide and conquer, a technique used efficiently by the Republicans who had the binding force of greed to keep them together as one giant jelly fish stuck to the butt of our country.

Democrats are often too idealistic, and not practical enough. They expect miracles immediately, and are too easily disappointed by reality because the binding force that makes people Democrats is a variety of things. There is no one glue keeping the party together except for idealism, so its a double edged sort of thing. It’s why Obama won. But also why people from his own side are going to pick on him like he’s the fat kid on a baseball diamond. It’s annoying.

Obama is putting together an entire administration. Just because he’s carrying some people over from the Bush admit-nothing-stration doesn’t mean they will ultimately stay, and there is some need for consistency and experience. If company A bought company B, they’d replace almost everyone, but just for efficiancy sake, and the sake of time, some employees from company A would transition to company B.

I think everyone getting their panties all up in a bunch before Obama even has possession of the white house is ridiculous. And frankly, the dude has 60 odd days to pick everyone on his team, move his family, and get a meeting of the minds together to basically run the free world.

So I say to those spastic hypercritical Democrats and lefties, cut him some slack! Jeez! There’s a lot to worry about right now, and I’m sure Obama will cull through people over time. Give the guy a chance. God, knows we gave George W. Idiot a new chance every day which he spent screwing something else up, and there was very little fuss made about any of his messes. But he had the web of greed there to catch him at all times where Obama has a sack full of ideologies to try and placate.

All I ask is 6 months to let the Obama administration get going before the traditional Democratic backstabbing and infighting. We are in a global state of emergency. Which will require us to learn to be more practical, and pragmatic instead of dreaming up ways in which we wish our politicians were more delightful. 

So in answer to your question. Unfortunately, I’m sure we will see the traditional Democratic hazing, but lets all commit to do our part not to participate in it.  There’s enough to fix that Obama shouldn’t have to worry about pandering to everyone, too.


Will Arnold Schwartzenegger be joining Obama’s cabniet? I thought when Obama said a top Republican would be on his cabniet, it would be Arnie. Now he’s picked Gates to stay on as Sec. of Defense. Since some very conservative Christians are in top level positions in the military, this seems to be a wise move aimed at keeping them calm. What’s up for the Governator after his term runs out?

Here’s his birth information: 30 July 1947, Thal, Styria, Austria (Taken from his bio on Internet Movie Database)
Birth Time: 04:10 (04:10 AM) MEDT(-1:00) (taken from Lois Rodden’s AstroDatabank
http://www.astrodatabank.com/nm/SchwarzeneggerArnold.htm )

Thanks in advance!


I sure hope he will be. After four years of having to look at Bush and Cheney, this lady would appreciate someone up there easier on the eyes. LOL

Hi Grace,

I just don’t see Schwartzenegger in Obama’s cabinet. He’s really done a bad job here in California. We’ve had budget problems, and the unions are talking about throwing him out of office. He’s a big oaf. Sorry to say. I’m sure his wife would make a better governor then him. He should have stuck to his acting career. Here’s his chart from the source you gave:

picture-151In 2010 he’s going to have transiting Pluto going over his Moon in the 6th house. His moon rules his chart, it’s in Capricorn/career and in the 6th that’s your job.  And it will be making an applying inconjunction to his Sun. So I’d say he’ll have some trouble in the career department. His wife should take extra precautions for her health at that time, too. As the moon in the 6th could be his wife Maria having some sort of health problem that could be fatal if not caught early.  Or if his mother if she is still alive could have a health crisis. So the women in his life will have to be diligent with their health over approximately the next 5 years.

He may very well get recalled here in California in a special election at that time (November 2010). He himself was put into office on a trumped up recall election, ousting our Democratic Governor Gray Davis. It was pretty lame. Karma’s a b*tch. So looks like he’ll be getting it back right about then. Or at least the fire will be roaring in that direction by then. I hope for him, and his family’s sake it’s just his career that has trouble, and not the women in his life.

Bedtime! More questions and answers tomorrow…

Best wishes to all of you!


Answering Readers’ Questions…

India/Pakistan and Answering Readers’ Questions…


Hi D,

Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for answering the question about Laura Bush.

What is going on with India? Obviously it’s a terrorist attack. but any correlation with pakistan or al queda? What’s next for India?

Thank you!!!

Hi A,

I didn’t feel it was Al Queda, never did. And, not being an expert on the whole world of terrorism didn’t know about all the other groups out there. I watched MSNBC today (maybe it was CNN) first there was an interview with Kissinger, yawn. And then with two actual experts on India. The first thought there was some domestic involvement, the second thought it had all the hallmarks of some group that was a terrorist group born, breed and trained in Pakistan.

My gut told me the second guy was right. I’m sure the terrorists knew the lay of the land, had been to Mumbai before many times planning everything out. They were not Indian. And I’m sure they were Muslim extremists. I’m sure of that for so many reasons, as I’m sure the rest of the world is 100% sure of it, too. I’m not going to go into how angry I am about this, how anti-spiritual all forms of terrorism are, whether its Islamic, or Christians blowing up abortion clinics, or the ancient Jews murdering the Goddess worshippers (notice a theme, they all believe in the same God, and yet they all fight over details about Him? Hmmm, people didn’t do that before Jehovah, what’s up with that? But I digress.)

The other interesting thing the second expert said was that India had developed some sort of nuclear based laser system to take out terrorist camps in Pakistan if something like this were to happen to them. He claimed India wouldn’t start there, but that the people of India would demand the government do something.

All of this lead me to believe that those aspects coming up made even more sense. Perhaps India will try to get Pakistan to offer an apology. It won’t be either good enough or they won’t do it. India will either as retaliation, or as a means of defense hit Pakistan with its new weapons system to try, and take out what they see as the next potential threat. 

After 9/11 I think we as Americans know how it feels to be attacked, and not only do we feel for the people of India, but we can understand their outrage, and pain. It is natural they will want to strike back. And, unfortunately, I get the feeling from Pakistan they are indifferent, or cold to the pain of their neighbor, and this will exacerbate the wound.

I don’t think Obama will be able to stop this, nor do I think its in our best interest that he does. I don’t have a feeling this war would escalate to the point of getting totally out of control. I feel it will be more strategic. And perhaps even help us to bond with India in an attempt to rid Pakistan of their compliance with terrorist groups. 

I will spend the next couple of posts answering questions about the stock market. 

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend. And again we pray for the Indian victims, and their families. May they cross into the light without fear, without pain, without sorrow, without regret and may those they left behind be given solace, protection, and remember their loved ones will always be with them. 

Wishing for this world compassion and love. If we could only have that — we would have everything.


India/Pakistan and Answering Readers’ Questions…

NIFTY: India’s Stock Market: Chart and Analysis

I’m dedicating this entire post to Malayali’s question of what the future holds for NIFTY.  Malayali has been very patient and done a lot of research to bring insight into the stock market side of what is going on in India. 

Let me remind everyone again, I’m not a financial person, just a monkey with an ephemeris, tarot cards, computer and some astrology charts. So try to bare with me.

Here is an explanation from Malayali on what NIFTY is and then the chart and analysis will follow.



Hi Denise, thanks for your humble reply. With lot of respect… here are some details regarding NIFTY. The National Stock Exchange of India Limited or S&P CNX NIFTY (NSE), is a Mumbai based stock exchange. It is the largest stock exchange in India in terms of daily turnover and number of trades, of both equities & derivative trading. NSE is also the third largest stock exchange in the world in terms of number of trades in equities. Though a number of other exchanges exist, NSE and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) are the two major significant stock exchange in India, and between them are responsible for the vast majority of share transations. The NSE’s key index is the S&P CNX NIFTY, known as Nifty, an index of 50 major stocks weighted by market capitalisation. The Standard & Poor’s CRISIL NSE Index 50 or S&P CNX Nifty nicknamed Nifty 50 or simply Nifty. The Nifty is a well diversified 50 stocks index accounting for 21 sectors of the economy and is the list of bluechip stocks listed on National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) (nseindia.com). Nifty is used for variety of purposes, often used as the benchmark of trading the health of the Indian Stock Markets, and also used for benchmarking fund portfolios, index based derivatives and indux funds. Nifty 50 Index started with a base value of 1000 on November 3rd, 1995. I hope you won’t disappoint your friend. I believe, that your predictions will hit the desired targets. Expecting your valuable advice & comments on NIFTY….. your friend, fan & believer….. malayali….. (Life’s Highest Value of NIFTY Index = 6357.10 dated 27th November, 2008) & (Current Value of NIFTY Index = 2752.25 dated 26th November, 2009). But today, 27 th November, 2009….. both NSE & BSE is closed due to the terror atacks on Mumbai. For more details & NIFTY charts, log on to : nseindia.com

BIG correction : (Life’s Highest Value of NIFTY Index = 6357.10 dated 8th january, 2008) & (Current Value of NIFTY Index = 2752.25 dated 26th November, 2008). But today, 27th November 2008….. both NSE & BSE is closed due to the terror attacks on Mumbai. For more details & NIFTY charts, log on to : nseindia.com. I’m sorry,… typing mistake, malayali…

After searching the Historical Index Charts of NIFTY (nseindia.com)… the start date of NIFTY is on 3rd July, 1990 = 279.02 (Index Closing Value). Each day, Nifty Index trading starts from 09.55 A.M to 03.30 P.M (Monday to Friday). Life’s Highest Value of NIFTY Index = 6357.10 dated 8th January, 2008. Current Closing Value of NIFTY Index = 2755.10 dated last Friday, 28th November 2008. Denis Siegel….. you are great…… mind-blowing…… & simply superb. Your true friend & follower….. Malayali


picture-113OK, here goes. 

The information Malayali gave will hopefully help those of you who are more familiar with how markets work. Again, I’m just an a psychic and an astrologer so I’m just going to go with my intiution and what the stars point out.

It’s interesting to me to see how the problems in this market are manifested very differently then in the Dow Jones or NASDAQ charts. It is Jupiter in Capricorn going through the 5th house (of speculation, Jupiter = foreigners) conjuncting the stellium there and opposing the stellium in the 11th house. I know in Vedic astrology Jupiter is the great beneficent and Saturn the great Malific and in this case Jupiter is opposing itself and later conjuncting Saturn (also in Vedic astrology there is no use of the outer planets, Pluto, Uranus or Neptune.)

Basically, this means that it is foreign markets making investors nervous and causing a see-saw effect; this aspect would have been felt strongly during our crash at the end of October, but would have been felt as early as January of 08 when there may have been technology jobs lost in India for some reason, and feelings among astute investors that something didn’t seem right. This little period of instability would have gone on until mid-late February of 2008 and then there would have been a period when investors would have felt safer again, and been lulled back into complicity. The big wake up call being this fall.

The good news for NIFTY is this market is very strong, and really its the global market that is causing problems here, right now. Those problems will get worked on, even fixed over the next few years. It’s not until February of 2011 that there will be unexpected, out of the blue troubles, mostly again with the work force, and more then likely with technology jobs. This will cause a big adjustment in the market at the time and by May of 2012 will very likely lead to value being lost in the market, especially companies that deal in technology, communication or communication related jobs. I wonder if this will be because laws will be passed in the US giving domestic companies greater incentive to hire US citizens instead of outsourcing these types of technology related and communication related jobs to India, reversing the current trend. So watch for that in the next four years.

This will be the start of a major adjustment of the NIFTY. And will be when NIFTY will have its version of what we are seeing here in the US, but I’m sure not to this extent because by then there will be even more laws in place protecting the world markets, but still, there will be a tremendous amount of Pluto aspects going on, so you will see this market restructured starting with this out of the blue crisis in 2011 and then some major restructuring starting in December of 2013, and later some big losses for investors about a year later when Pluto conjuncts Neptune exactly in the 5th house of speculation. So I would say to anyone at that time, pull your money out well before that time, and put it in something safe or in another market until this market goes through its period of adjustment.

It will have one very bad last readjusment when Pluto conjuncts NIFTY’s Saturn in the 5th house and square’s NIFTY’s Mars in the 8th from about 2019-2020. This could be a much bigger problem for India, I’m going to look at India’s chart and post it right now. Here’s the chart of India:

Based on this, I’d say there will be some sort of a global crisis. It could be the climate crisis, a major famine or drought or natural disaster, something that will impact everyone and make trade, business and the economy seem very small by comparison. That being said, I hope I’m very wrong.

Hope I have shed some light on NIFTY. If you have a specific question, something I could ask the tarot in a yes/no spread, then please feel free to post it and I will answer it as soon as I can.

Best wishes to all and many blessing to you,


NIFTY: India’s Stock Market: Chart and Analysis

Answering Readers’ Questions…(India & Pakistan War?)

Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a good holiday for those of you in the US. And I’m very sorry for those who went through the horrors in Mumbai. Wishing all the people of that city much peace and healing in this very troubled time for them. I will focus on issues regarding this area of the world in this post.



Hi Denise,

hope u r well. thanks for all your contribution for the blogs. My main concern was always qantas and another recent incident 3 days ago mean a qantas airplane had to shut down one engine and land on one engine only. My gut feelings are not good.

Also i would like to mentioned that i had the weirdest dream the previous week and it looks like nightmare. Then came the Mumbi attacks. I just learned that a family friend who was staying at the Taj got killed. may be my dream was an omen.

Now the next question is Will India and Pakistan go to war?

why i think it is imporant to ask this question is because it would have an impact in the war on terror in Afghanistan. I feel a new test for president elect Obama on international affairs is coming.

Hi Nintin,

I thought of you when I heard there had been a crash of a training jet. I think it was New Zealand Air which of course is not even the same country, but it is in the general area of Australia. I always think its best to trust your own intuition especially if you or someone you love is directly involved with the issue at hand. You more than anyone will be plugged into the zeitgeist of that company especially if you are an intuitive type which it seems you are. So trust yourself. What’s the worst thing that can happen by doing so? If you work for them, you get another job and nothing goes wrong with the company. Well, maybe its because you were meant to move on with your life. And even that is a good reason to listen to your intuition. 

I want to stress here for EVERYONE: ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INTUITION! It will never lie to you. It will never lead you astray. It will always guide you, if you let it. It is intuition that saves peoples lives in crisis situations. IF SOMETHING OR SOMEONE DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT — TRUST YOURSELF! Forget being polite, forget social morres. I have hear countless examples of people trusting themselves and barely escaping serial killers and those who went against everyone intuition and were later nearly murdered. 

Why do you think all the animals on the island of Sumatra started walking up hill hours before the tsunami hit? Trained elephants were seen literally breaking free from their chains just hours before the water rose. These were animals that had never exhibited this behavior before. The answer is simple. They have instinct — intuition. Something we all have, but humans turn it off, and chose to listen to our logical brain. We talk ourselves out of our feelings, often at our own peril.

So if your about to get on an airplane, and you suddenly feel really panicky, and have no logical reason why, have always been fine before a flight, and just start to sweat, or itch, or something weird as you stand in line to get on — bail out. I hearby grant you permission! Death isn’t an worthy test of your psychic abilities. 

It’s my feeling that in the case of 9/11 and in Mumbai, Madrid and in London were these attacks have taken place, more people were not killed because they did get a weird feeling, and people trusted it. There should have been more people who died in all of these situations which tells me, and it should tell everyone, some part of us knows danger and that part is ALWAYS to be TRUSTED. Above and beyond logic, psychics, preachers, priests, gurus, presidents, authorities, whomever. 

Now for your next question. I’m going to post both the charts of Pakistan and India here and do some analysis:


inner-india-outerindia-bothOK, I know I posted a lot of charts, some are comparisons from India’s side, then from Pakistan’s side of the equation. It’s interesting to see how at the very beginning both of these countries were very similar, and would have gotten along like twins. 

Then the second chart for Pakistan when it became an Islamic Republic, still has some commonality with its mother country, but takes a strong turn. 

Looking at the transits on the start date of the Mumbai terrorist attacks and onward, Pluto was at 0 degrees Capricorn (a critical degree) exactly opposing India’s Mars and in Pakistan’s original chart, their Mars as well. It was also making an exact inconjunction to India’s rising. Pluto rules nuclear power, mind blowing experiences, the occult, death, the hidden and unseen, power over others and Mars rules aggression, war, fighting, guns, weapons of all kinds, the military, etc.

There was also an exact fatal Neptune opposition from Aquarius transiting the country’s 10th house, opposing the country’s Sun. This was also an attempt on the part of the terrorists to disrupt India’s business and wound the spirit of the country, and the feeling of safety not just for westerners, but for Indian nationals as well.

Transiting Uranus was also making an applying square to the country’s Jupiter in the 6th house (almost exact), giving chaos a greater opportunity. Luck was not on the India’s side. Uranus also was making an applying inconjunction to the mid-point of the natal Sun and Venus, so the health and financial well being were suddenly disrupted, and men, women and children were all fair game to these disgusting vile sickos. 

India (as we all know) has been recently blaming Pakistan for the terrorist attacks, and calling it their 9/11. Now here’s the very scary part: transiting Pluto will be at 2 degrees of Capricorn, going through Pakistan’s 9th house of foreign countries, squaring the countries Mars. This happens around the 20th of January 2009. This could very much mean a retaliatory attack from India against Pakistan at that time, and it could (with Pluto’s involvement) involve nuclear weapons, perhaps not the high powered kind we have, but still. This information may not be known to the general public right away, if ever, or might not come out immediately because of the 12th house involvement. It maybe that India takes out terrorist camps with dirty bombs, or some kind of weapon that isn’t like Hiroshima, but smaller, more targeted and meant to surgically destroy a particular area. But chances are good they won’t just use traditional weapons with this transit and are more likely to use very powerful, surgical type of warheads or nuclear type of weapons.

Transiting Neptune will also be opposing Pakistan’s natal Jupiter in the 5th house in January, exactly. I would think there would be some global confusion in terms of their alliances with other countries at that time, also with Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Leo in the 5th it seems this country has a tendency to control its children to a pretty extreme degree, this Neptune opposition could put these children in real danger. I’ll put this bluntly, it looks like there is a strong element of brain washing geared toward children, and children are often gambled with in order to gain power (Pluto conjunct Jupiter in Leo 5th house), with this Neptune opposition, many of them could die as a result of them being used for a particular ideology (Neptune=loss, 11th house=ideology). So it could be that many of the terrorists and terrorists in training are actually pretty young, some even children.

Then into late February Saturn will retrograde, making a transiting opposition to Pakistan’s natal Mercury in the 12th house (ruler of the 3rd and 6th), I believe causing more conventional type of conflict perhaps an invasion across the boarder from India into Pakistan (3rd house) perhaps even declaring a sort of martial law or a take over of the country (6th house of general health of the country, Saturn being constriction, opposing Mars violence, 12th house behind the scene and ones hidden enemies).

All in all, I’m going to say there is a very strong chance that come early-mid January of this year we will see talks between India and Pakistan break down completely as transiting Mercury will oppose India’s natal Mercury and there is no glue nataly between India and Pakistan, they really do not know how to communicate with one another. Pakistan has Mercury in Pisces in the 12th, very duplicitous, sneaky, religious in an organized religion sort of way, intellectually repetitive and India has Mercury in Leo in the 3rd, very bold, dramatic, intellectual, wordy, perhaps even threatening things they often don’t ever intend to do (under normal circumstances). They are like a goat and a pig trying to carry on a conversation, just doesn’t work. Once talks break down, this is when we will see targeted nuclear strikes coming from India in my opinion toward the end of January and then there is a strong possiblity of a conventional war/invasion in February.

OK, I was planning on going over a bunch more questions tonight, but got very absorbed in all the charts relating to India and Pakistan.

I will get to the question of NIFTY tomorrow. 


Do you have the start date of when that market began? And when trading starts each day for NIFTY? I can run charts based on that and give some analysis. Please post it if you have that info. I will try to do some research myself in the mean time and I will post about it tomorrow.

Answering Readers’ Questions…(India & Pakistan War?)

Mumbai India

Hi Everyone,

I’m sorry I couldn’t post for the past 2 days. Especially with the terrorist attacks going on in Mumbai India. I have a feeling this was part of the reason the Tower card kept coming up for this month and why I had the creepy terrorist attack dream about my hometown of Chicago.

Before the 9/11 attacks I had both types of things happen, both dreams of skyscrapers falling in Chicago and the tower card showing up. I believe this is because Chicago is my dream-scape city, generic stand in for all major cities since I grew up there. I wish the dream could have been more specific and I could have warned people in advance, perhaps though this dream was a warning of this and not literally of Chicago, but then again, premonitory dreams often have multiple layers of time built into them, so I hope this is not also linked to some sort of future attack in Chicago.

I am going to run a chart specifically for Mumbai India and for the start of this terrorist attack and try to see if there is some pattern between it and other attacks.

Oddly, last week I had run a chart for India, Pakistan and a bunch of other countries in the region, and was going to do some analysis of what was going on there, but didn’t get a chance. I wish I would have now. 

This is such a horrible and hideous tragedy. I feel so bad for all the victims and their families, and will pray (as I hope all of you will, too) for a peaceful crossing over for those souls who died during these attacks.

Mumbai India