Winner of the contest!

Here’s the winning entry for the free reading.

“Science and religion at odds once again, but I never tire of it.

The plot is smooth and the characters are interesting enough, but by far the strength of this book is its originality. We see Native American spiritualism, bio-engineered lifeforms large enough to shelter an entire community, and a strong female cast.

The portrayal of Christians in this work might be off-putting, but is central to the major themes.

It missed five stars due to the odd ever-shifting point-of-view (first-person at times, third-person at times, all within the same chapter), which sometimes broke the immersion for me.

But the story is solid. I recommend this to any sci-fi lover.”

Claim your prize by e-mailing me at! And let’s book your free 1 hour reading!

Winner of the contest!

4 thoughts on “Winner of the contest!

      1. Marie says:

        aah, ok, I was not sure… I bought that book several months ago. I found it interesting Denise, but I only read up to 4 chapters. I started it and then put it down due to too much going on in my life.

        yes, I would highly recommend it. it appears to be revolved around climate change. scary..

  1. Marie says:

    BTW- I did leave a feedback on Amazon. 🙂 I recall you offered the free readings, but at the time, I was not sure which area to focus on. hmmm.. thinking… I would love a reading from you.

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