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Hey everyone. I got an angry e-mail from a reader in defense of Israel. I just wanted to say that I am of Jewish descent and actually could move there if I wanted, so could my daughter. I am a supporter of Israel, but I feel they over responded to the mortar fire that by their own original accounts didn’t hurt or kill any of their people. So far there are confirmed 3 Israeli deaths, and over 300 Palestinian.

I was listening to Air America tonight on my way to the drug store, and Thom Hartmann was reading a bunch of Israeli op-ed pieces from different major Israeli newspapers. They were about 90% negative in regards to the recent attack on the Gaza Strip. Hartmann said he was getting all kinds of hate e-mails and phone calls.

I just wanted to clear a few things up about why I am so upset at Israel:

I want there to be an Israel.

I am also an empath and feel the pain of others, killing should never the first response, it should always be the absolute last answer when your own life is endangered. The Jewish people more than most should know the horrors of racial cleansing and murder. We of all people should be the most pacifistic of all, yet, Israel has turned into an insanely hawkish nation. I fear they have taken a cue from our terrible foreign policy of the last 8 years, and are going to push the region into an all out war. There is so much tension there and hatred for the west.

All Israel is doing by responding with such force is creating more terrorism and escalating the attacks against them. They have the right to defend themselves, of course, but the first tact should always be diplomacy which they refuse to do because the Israeli government hates Hamas — granted they do want to obliterate Israel, but Israel doesn’t make itself look gracious, accepting, logical or willing to change their mind by taking the slightest opportunity to blow up apartment buildings in the Gaza strip. This is insane! If they would have appealed to the UN or the US or any of their neighbors to help negotiate, they would have come out heros, and the world would be on their side. If those talks broke down, and their people were attacked again then they could have responded strategically.

But this response was extreme and very much in keeping with our reaction to 9/11, start a war when we should have rooted out Bin Laden and his gang. I understand the rage of being attacked, and the ruthlessness of terrorists, but we can never be blindly loyal to any country, person, place or thing or we stop seeing the truth. It is important to always look at both sides of an issue, have compassion even for the enemy, try to find a peaceful way out, and always respect the lives of others instead of dehumanizing them which is so often done in times of war.

This is a very grave situation Israel has stepped into and it really freaks me out.

I usually have dreams before Israel does something like this. I had a vision of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination when I was traveling with my husband in Germany. I told him about it, and a few weeks later Rabin was assassinated. I also dreamt about a month later that I was hanging out with a family in a suburb of Tel Aviv (which looked somewhat like the desert area of southern CA) and me, and their teenaged kids were talking outside when we looked up, and saw fighter jets zooming overhead with the star of David on them. It was so real this dream. Shortly there after the peace Rabin had been trying to negotiate fell apart, and the war with the Palestinine people began again in earnest.

I knew back in 1995 that dream I had meant that the reality of peace there was broken. Since then I have often had dreams of being in Israel. I have always been a staunch supporter of Israel, especially when Rabin was in charge. He was a great man, and a great leader, full of compassion. I felt that he really could have changed the fate of Israel for the better, and solved the problems with the Palestinians. This is because he listened to them, had compassion for their side of the story. Israel desperately needs another leader like this, or they are going to be blown off the map. I pray someone steps forward soon to change the bad feelings they are engendering among the Arab and Islamic world or God help us all.

I worry that this is just one more piece in a big puzzle leading us into another world war. Iraq was one, Israel’s over-zealous aggression against the Palestinians, and the Pakistani terrorists who are trying goad India into a response. If these cards keep falling, we could see some really terrible things. I didn’t want to freak everyone out but when I was doing charts for the future, I realized that Uranus was going to go into Aries starting in the spring of 2010, this squaring Pluto in Virgo could lead to great upheaval, war, and violence sparked in part by the lording over of power of the west and the world financial troubles. Once Neptune goes into Pisces at the beginning of 2011 there could be major loss of life and tremendous world sorrow.

This doesn’t have to be our path but it is one possible future. We can use these aspects and energies to become more enlightened, empathic, compassionate and honest. But this is why I am so upset with Israel, and the US because we are pushing this energy toward the negative, chaotic, shadow side instead of the positive enlightened side. Let’s just pray for humanities enlightenment and greater compassion for all, and stay involved in the realm of politics where these big broad lessons will be carried out either for or against us as individuals. We have to stay involved, and steer this ship in the right direction! We each have the power to influence the Collective Unconscious and the more we work toward not just our own positive transformation but those around us, helping, listening and being compassionate the more we will grow out of our shadow self.

I know this is hard. We have been living in our shadow self for a long time, and people have become remarkably self-involved in a way I don’t remember them being even 10 years ago. It seems we have fermented a culture of greed and selfishness, and many have taken it to heart, living this shadow side every day without even knowing it.

I believe in confronting people who are taking advantage of others, and standing up for the down trodden, fighting for people to respect one another. To me the worst thing we can do as human beings is to be indifferent to others. Even hate is the other side of love, and can be flipped, but indifference is nothingness, an empty chasm that leads only to isolation, chaos and emptiness. So don’t be afraid to speak your truth. If someone hurts you or others, let them know in as kind a way as you can – this is how we all learn, and grow toward becoming more compassionate, better people.

Peace and best wishes,


More About Israel