Mitt Romeny’s Chart reposted with some extras

I didn’t post Mitt’s chart earlier because I did it on a different computer but here it is of course without his time of birth.

As you can see in his chart there is a plethora of water in his chart which as I researched past presidents was a no go. There has been very few Pisces presidents – the most notable being George Washington. However Washington had only one planet in water – his Sun in Pisces. In almost all cases of presidents we see very strong air/fire dynamics and this was also true of Washington despite his sun sign. I also actually ran the charts of both candidates a few days ago and was surprised to see just how impossible it would be for Romney to win against Obama. Pluto which rules the job of President is making terrible aspects to Romney during this period until the election which is why all this is coming to the surface – the real Romney. Obama on the other hand has a lot of support, trines and positive aspects. There are many reasons I won’t go into here but a few days ago after looking at their charts I was more than reassured my spirit guide was oh, so right about Obama winning. I’m going to repost what I wrote here back in May of this year about Romney’s chart which I completely stand by and you will see just how right on it has shown itself to be. I took a screen shot again so everyone could see the date. You can also use the search button on this site to find all I’ve written about Romney and Ryan.

And let me echo if you want to keep social security, medicare, medicade, unemployment benefits, disability then YOU HAVE TO VOTE. I’d like to say in closing that pretty much everything Romney has been espousing about the lazy, feckless masses applies primarily to Romney – call it projection. All of us need help at some point in our lives and most of us don’t have millionaire fathers to give us that help. In Romney’s case even his millionaire father had help from welfare and like so many others it was not a permanent state of being, just a hand up when in dire straights.

I personally would rather live in a world where people don’t suffer needlessly. I would rather every penny of my tax dollar go toward helping the poor, disabled, the veterans who come back from war broken, getting healthcare and mental healthcare to every person who needs it then giving rich people more money to buy mansions with. I can’t even imagine why the wealthy one percent could or would want to live in a world where they were in constant danger walking down the street because the masses were starving. How anyone could not feel the pain of a poor schizophrenic lacking mental healthcare wandering the streets barely surviving. Do we really want to live in this world of have-nots and a one percent of have-alls? Where we go back to what amounts to the Feudal Europe? Our forefathers sacrificed everything including their lives to leave and revolt against.

Romney and his kind of new aristocracy created by the wealthy protecting their interests and passing down their legacy through political dynasties (unfortunately unforseen by our forefathers who I believe would have written an amendment disallowing generations of people from the same family running for public office) – this is in direct conflict with the values of this country. We had Bush, now we have Romney who is a less charismatic, more uptight, narcissistic, privileged and entitled version of Bush. At least Bush was likable. I’m sure if I met that guy I would at least like him. Romney, hmmm, yeah, gives me Dead Zone moments just looking at him. Romney appears to have even less connection to the drama of life as a we humans, or rather us majority of miscreants know it. You know all us losers who aren’t millionaires.

Many blessings,


Mitt Romeny’s Chart reposted with some extras

46 thoughts on “Mitt Romeny’s Chart reposted with some extras

  1. IMO Romeny pretty much sealed his fate with his statements about 47% of the population. 47% of us aren’t good enough to walk the same earth as him. I thank Mr. Romeny for his honesty. This is something I saw about him from the start. Thanks for sharing , buddy, now everyone sees what I see.

    For awhile there, I was scared, but Romeny and Ryan just keep opening their mouths. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Bush showed more social sense than either of these guys. That cheerleading really worked out for him. Maybe Romeny should have tried out for the cheerleading team instead of beating up gay guys in high school.

  2. I have heard many times that as we get going further into this year, the “truth” will be revealed about everything that has been hidden. I’ ve pretty much known what the Republican agenda is, but what gets me is that even those who dont like Romney will still support and vote for him as long as he heralds the party line and just because they want to oust Obama and for no other reason. Childish. Mitt reminds me of a game show host or a puppet, like “Woody” from Toy Story. He has this cartoonish look about him. I do pray that Obama does get in. Every time I hear him speak, it touches me and I want to believe that he believes it too, which I think he does. He’s doing his best in a monumentally bad situation in my opinion. Thanks for the update.

    1. zoma777 says:

      Yes if you look in my search button you’ll find his actual birthday, time and place because unlike any other American president he has had to “prove” he was born here. I have yet to see any other candidates chart. Obama’s birth information is easily obtained and has been the most transparent of any candidate in history.

    2. Joy Williams says:

      actually, everyone knows who Obama is, he was born in Hawaii, was raised for a few years in Indonesia, and then moved to Kansas. He was born on August 4, 1961. His birth certificate proved that. Why must you people keep questioning this? Stop DOING that. He’s an American citizen! Probably more freaking American that most people who question his background… he goes back to the first black slaves and to Pocahontas. (And I do too). Stop being IDIOTS. PLEASE. YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT to this COUNTRY! Trust me the rest of this world does not believe he’s not a real citizen of the US. It’s just you teapartying idiots. Please GO AWAY, PLEASE!

    3. Euromio

    4. foresight says:

      I am sorry you feel this way, you can only go by what your parents tell you and the birth certificate that is hand to you. do you know where you was really born? Do you have a pesonal relationship with mitt, the one that you should really be affraid of. watch his demeanor,this man don’t care about anyone else, but his own , and sometime not even them. be careful what you wish for , it might not be of your liking after all.

  3. Mrs.M Johnson says:

    Hello Denise;
    Interesting analysis about the Rep. Candidate birth chart… but the birth time for Mr. Rommey is actually 9:51 AM E.S.T. Am I missing a conversion into another time zone here? Maybe you can enlighten your readers about the birth time of Mr. Rommey and hopefully we can learn something new. Also, did you take into consideration both candidates birth charts with connections to the US horoscope natal Moon on Election Day and Oath of Office in January? And, the other facts & factors: such as, a Jupiter station on Gemini on Oct 4th; Neptune’s direct station on November 11th; a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on November 13; and lastly but not least, a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 28th – all of them very meaningful afflictions when estimating the astrological conditions around Election Day, won’t you say? These are of major considerations because the influences of any of these planetary facts before and after voting day could afflict a candidate birth chart in the positive or the negative. Needless to say what you already know so very well, a person’s birth chart has very complex dynamics, even when using the advantage of calculation software, but in astrology there are diverse schools of thought that at times could seem sketchy to the novice. We can’t obtain a clear picture until all the fact and influences are taken into account.
    Thank you for allowing me to share a few my thoughts with you.
    Have a blessed fall season,

    1. Mrs. Johnson- You make good points. The analyses from this blog host is deeply lacking objectivity; it is tainted by her issues and thick attachment to The Agenda. Sad. Scary. But true.

  4. Dean from Abilene says:

    So where is Obama’s chart? You did Romney’s; surely you did Obama’s? I am neither party anymore; I’m an old hippie and damn sure no “right wing fundamentalist whatever.” I had high hopes, was very excited about Obama but he has made me regret my endorsement. It will not make any difference, it is the principal of the thing but I intend to write in Ron Paul. But you, in spite of everything Obama has done, all the lies, all the corruption, all the broken promises, you still believe in him and want him as your leader? Are you CRAZY? The MSM has done a horribly mean hatchet job on Ron Paul, to OUR detriment. He was the only truly competent, 100% trustworthy candidate we’ve had since JFK, but “they’ve” seen to it that he’ll never win. BTW, do all of you not know that right after Obama took office, he GAVE a company in Spain that is owned by George Soros, the contract to count all US votes in this coming election? And “overseen,” (for what that is worth), by the UN! Aaargh! Guess who’s going to “win” this election, no matter what? Whatcha wanna bet there’s going to be a HUGE backlash, complete with martial law, because everyone is going to learn of this fraud, and they will storm the palace with pitchforks and fire! Plus, I’m quite confident the US dollar/economy will totally crash within a few months. On top of this, there’s an outstanding probability Israel will invade/attack Iran, and Obama will have no choice but to involve us because we have major bases all over the Middle East and we have millions of dollars invested in oil pipelines & processing facilities for loading ships with the oil we are TAKING. Plus, they recently discovered HUGE gold and ruby deposits in Afghanistan, and WE are going to TAKE it ALL. Problem is, China is on a huge “expansionist” program; they think we owe them billions of dollars for some reason, and they’re not going to like us literally taking over the entire Middle East as our very own…a little too close to their border, plus, they NEED that oil, gold and rubies to support their soon to implode economy, AND to feed their huge population AND this war machine they are investing Trillions into…they intend to take over the world TOO; just like US! And Russia isn’t gonna like that; they’re already doing some “saber rattling” of their own. They MAY play along “to get along” with China against us (the US) for awhile, but it won’t be long before Russia gets involved in all this. China has almost totally polluted and wiped out their fresh water supplies and their ability to grow enough unpolluted food to feed them all. They poop, piss and dump their trash and wastes no matter how toxic, right into their food production/farming areas, and while at first they were just poisoning us and our animals with tainted/poisoned food, it’s gotten so bad they’re home grown foods are poisoning their own people and can no longer hide that fact. They’re actually in the beginning stages of thinking about taking Japan over because of this! Yeah, kids, we’re ALL in a heap of trouble here, and you can, in great part, thank these so called “global bankers/ investors,” the same wonderful people who established the so called “federal” “reserve,” which is NEITHER, by the way. Greed, corruption, maniacal egos with an equal amount of desire for total and absolute world domination with us in total slavery, utterly and hopelessly dominated by implanted chips and facial recognition cameras and bio security that tracks and controls our every move. If they even think you might be thinking subversive thoughts of breaking free from them, they send a radio signal that wipes out your implanted chip with all your ID, your “money credits,” your medical records, etc, all completely clean; you no longer exist and neither does your money, can’t buy food, can’t open the door to your own home, can’t get in and start your own car, can’t access your own computer, can’t get in the front door of the place you work in, can’t get medical care, can no longer get your prescriptions, can’t use your cellphone anymore, but you ARE an immediate “blip” on the scope of the international militarized corporate police force, who comes to get you because they ALWAYS knew and know right where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, where you were going…you’re going to die, your body parts will be harvested and that is the end of the story. I am 60 years old, have been involved in CLEARANCED, HIGH NATIONAL SECURITY electronics, security, cellular communications, surveillance technology, biometrics, telephone companies, cellular service providers, computer WAN networking, thermal imaging/night vision, radar, microwave, all my life; worked for Homeland Security, DOJ, Southwestern Bell, Customs & Border Patrol, many police departments, the Army, National Guard, even spent a year in the Middle East, and I can tell ya for a fact, kids: we’re in deep trouble. Within a few months at the most, the trap will be sprung, the economy will collapse and the ONLY way we will be allowed to buy, sell, have a job, property, get medical care, drive a car, even live, will be to accept “the chip.” The FBI was just given over a billion dollars to finish their nationwide facial recognition camera system; a system that actually is very nearly finished already; I KNOW, because I helped them test and verify almost every single fiber optic segment of it, starting back about 1997 when I worked for “THE phone company,” and I was the interface between the phone company and the DOJ. Furthermore, the NSA is right now completing a facility that can simultaneously record, monitor, store, ALL data, ALL voice, ALL video, ALL images, ALL geo-positioning data, ALL radio communications, ALL text messages, ALL banking transactions, ALL changes in medical records & prescriptions, ALL legal documents, ALL television & radio programs, ALL internet traffic, ALL emails, etc, etc, SIMULTANEOUSLY, FOR EVERY SINGLE PERSON, FOR EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, 24/7/365, FOR 100 YEARS BEFORE THEY HAVE TO ADD NEW DATA STORAGE & PROCESSING CAPACITY! Remember that “beast” mentioned in that old book called the bible? I think it is this international electronic surveillance system and everything associated with it that I just mentioned that will soon and is already starting to TOTALLY control, monitor and dominate our lives from the day you’re born til the day you die. It doesn’t much matter anymore WHO becomes president, but anyone who doesn’t believe that Obama has been working AGAINST our best interests is a total, utter, totally deceived, FOOL. Romney scares me, too though. I don’t trust either one of them, and it’s too damn late thanks to the MSM to get Ron Paul in. We’re screwed. Mr. Paul was our one and only hope, and our foolish belief in someone just because he was black and made all these glorious promises, even though he had no birth certificate, had a history of close friendships with racist preachers and professed communists and socialists, was BEYOND stupid. Our chickens are coming home to roost now, aye? Remember the trillions of dollars he gave away right after coming into office? He was TOLD to do that, but it was also to pay off those that put him there. The deceit and deaths that occurred because of “fast & furious,” was conceived as a plan to swing support to “rescind” the second amendment and disarm Americans so they can more easily take us over and impose their will on us. You don’t KNOW that that was conceived by Obama, Soros, Holder, Napolitano and the rest of those sickos? There’s a hundred more examples, but if you haven’t woken up, seen him for what he really is, seen “the plan” that has been “worked” ever since he came into office to overturn the US economy, destabilize and divide our country, enable radical Muslims around the world to our detriment, cause us to lose our HOMES, our careers, split up families, promote alcohol and drug use, take away what little credit and money we had, cause us to lose even more of our jobs to the Chinese, etc, how can you not see what the hell is going on? Remember what he did to the Gibson guitar company just over their use of a little piece of wood from the wrong country? And for them to say that our veterans who faithfully served our country are terrorists, after they sent them into fake wars under false pretenses? And to say someone is to be considered a terrorist and on ‘the list’ just because they are a Christian? Have you not noticed the HUGE increase in unnecessary and even illegal police violence and killings of oftentimes INNOCENT people, even WOMEN and OLD women, disabled people, deaf people, sometimes for LEGAL things like just video recording police from a distance while they effect an arrest, etc, and all the outright corruption and extortions since this ass came into office? Beating HELL out of people, even young girls, knocking their teeth out and breaking bones, literally smashing their skulls just because they are LEGALLY exercising their First Amendment rights in a peaceful way? If you doubt, it, go to YT and do a search on the topic; there’s THOUSANDS of videos about these things. I’m telling you, this Muslim socialist is a puppet of the NWO globalist bankers; they’re trying to FORCE us ALL into a one world government/one world religion, literally where the incarnation of satan will head this worldwide government, and having us to WORSHIP him or be beheaded. If you’re over the age of 30 and have an IQ of 70 or more, and you can’t see this, you’re one of those who is just going to have to go through the worst suffering that has EVER come on this earth; suffering such as this world has NEVER seen, before you believe. But at that point, it’s too late. Don’t forget to research “Spanish company to count US electoral votes.” A contract GIVEN them by Obama; a company OWNED by Soros. This isn’t BEYOND shady?

    1. foresight says:

      You poor thing, first, anyone that know better would think with common sense, knowing that it will take longer then four years for this mess to be fixed, secondly the day the man stepped in office you have heard the replublicans saying we are not do anything with him, but to make sure he is a one term president. who does that. They have been put there by the people, and the people is who they should be working for. lets forget about what party you are from, and come together for the people, we should be united as one. what happen to lending a hand to our fellow man. all I can see is let me be for myself and my family, and not anyone else. It is so sad what we have become in this country, it is so sad the hatered that is still here so strong, it is so sad the stones that are thrown, are thrown in the wrong direction, as if we have a right to throw them at all. stop the hatered.
      mr obama still have his vision, it is not just a dream, old men dream, young men have visions. give him that chance. They should be working with him, not against him, it is about the people of the great country, and not about them. We are our own worst enemy. Forget about the terrorist, they have he upper hand we can’t even get along with ourselves. A Country that is divided will fall. If we stand together we will concur.We must unit.

    2. zoma777 says:

      My personal agenda is to make sure all Americans have a fair shot. However this doesn’t have anything to do with what Spirt tells me or what the stars show me. I did actually and for real predict President Bush would win the Electoral college back in 2000 and Al Gore would win the popular vote and Bush would be our sitting pres. So although that wasn’t MY preference – it was the truth. That’s what I deal in here. I’m human and have opinions. I am openly liberal rather than many who pretend to be open minded (or neutral when they are not) but who cater to the radical right and use their platform to try and stir public fear of everything. I do insert my opinions – this is a BLOG not a newspaper column. So yeah, guilty as charged I tell you what I think. However I NEVER LIE about what SPIRIT tells me. And I’m not delusional enough to believe things are always going to work out the way I want them too – so there you go. You think I wanted the stock market to crash? Well, I predicted that, too? I saw that disaster coming and I was scared like everyone else. I also saw the terrorist attacks had a series of dreams of being in a falling skyscraper. I knew those buildings were going to fall and unlike some people I really don’t believe the government (even though it was a Republican/Bush administration) blew up the twin towers unlike some people who are on the fringes. Actually I’m fairly moderate so if I scare you, imagine how the real radical left would make you freak out if you listened to them!

  5. Dean from Abilene says:

    So where is Obama’s chart? You did Romney’s; surely you did Obama’s? I am neither party anymore; I’m an old hippie and damn sure no “right wing fundamentalist whatever.” But I had high hopes, was very excited about Obama but he has made me regret my endorsement. It will not make any difference, it is the principal of the thing but I intend to write in Ron Paul. But you, in spite of everything Obama has done, all the lies, all the corruption, all the broken promises, you still believe in him and want him as your leader? Are you CRAZY? The MSM has done a horribly mean hatchet job on Ron Paul, to OUR detriment. He was the only truly competent, 100% trustworthy candidate we’ve had since JFK, but “they’ve” seen to it that he’ll never win. BTW, do all of you not know that right after Obama took office, he GAVE a company in Spain that is owned by George Soros, the contract to count all US votes in this coming election? And “overseen,” (for what that is worth), by the UN! Aaargh! Guess who’s going to “win” this election, no matter what? Whatcha wanna bet there’s going to be a HUGE backlash, complete with martial law, because everyone is going to learn of this fraud, and they will storm the palace with pitchforks and fire! Plus, I’m quite confident the US dollar/economy will totally crash within a few months. On top of this, there’s an outstanding probability Israel will invade/attack Iran, and Obama will have no choice but to involve us because we have major bases all over the Middle East and we have millions of dollars invested in oil pipelines & processing facilities for loading ships with the oil we are TAKING. Plus, they recently discovered HUGE gold and ruby deposits in Afghanistan, and WE are going to TAKE it ALL. Problem is, China is on a huge “expansionist” program; they think we owe them billions of dollars for some reason, and they’re not going to like us literally taking over the entire Middle East as our very own…a little too close to their border, plus, they NEED that oil, gold and rubies to support their soon to implode economy, AND to feed their huge population AND this war machine they are investing Trillions into…they intend to take over the world TOO; just like US! And Russia isn’t gonna like that; they’re already doing some “saber rattling” of their own. They MAY play along “to get along” with China against us (the US) for awhile, but it won’t be long before Russia gets involved in all this. China has almost totally polluted and wiped out their fresh water supplies and their ability to grow enough unpolluted food to feed them all. They poop, piss and dump their trash and wastes no matter how toxic, right into their food production/farming areas, and while at first they were just poisoning us and our animals with tainted/poisoned food, it’s gotten so bad they’re home grown foods are poisoning their own people and can no longer hide that fact. They’re actually in the beginning stages of thinking about taking Japan over because of this! Yeah, kids, we’re ALL in a heap of trouble here, and you can, in great part, thank these so called “global bankers/ investors,” the same wonderful people who established the so called “federal” “reserve,” which is NEITHER, by the way. Greed, corruption, maniacal egos with an equal amount of desire for total and absolute world domination with us in total slavery, utterly and hopelessly dominated by implanted chips and facial recognition cameras and bio security that tracks and controls our every move. If they even think you might be thinking subversive thoughts of breaking free from them, they send a radio signal that wipes out your implanted chip with all your ID, your “money credits,” your medical records, etc, all completely clean; you no longer exist and neither does your money, can’t buy food, can’t open the door to your own home, can’t get in and start your own car, can’t access your own computer, can’t get in the front door of the place you work in, can’t get medical care, can no longer get your prescriptions, can’t use your cellphone anymore, but you ARE an immediate “blip” on the scope of the international militarized corporate police force, who comes to get you because they ALWAYS knew and know right where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, where you were going…you’re going to die, your body parts will be harvested and that is the end of the story. I am 60 years old, have been involved in CLEARANCED, HIGH NATIONAL SECURITY electronics, security, cellular communications, surveillance technology, biometrics, telephone companies, cellular service providers, computer WAN networking, thermal imaging/night vision, radar, microwave, all my life; worked for Homeland Security, DOJ, Southwestern Bell, Customs & Border Patrol, many police departments, the Army, National Guard, even spent a year in the Middle East, and I can tell ya for a fact, kids: we’re in deep trouble. Within a few months at the most, the trap will be sprung, the economy will collapse and the ONLY way we will be allowed to buy, sell, have a job, property, get medical care, drive a car, even live, will be to accept “the chip.” The FBI was just given over a billion dollars to finish their nationwide facial recognition camera system; a system that actually is very nearly finished already; I KNOW, because I helped them test and verify almost every single fiber optic segment of it, starting back about 1997 when I worked for “THE phone company,” and I was the interface between the phone company and the DOJ. Furthermore, the NSA is right now completing a facility that can simultaneously record, monitor, store, ALL data, ALL voice, ALL video, ALL images, ALL geo-positioning data, ALL radio communications, ALL text messages, ALL banking transactions, ALL changes in medical records & prescriptions, ALL legal documents, ALL television & radio programs, ALL internet traffic, ALL emails, etc, etc, SIMULTANEOUSLY, FOR EVERY SINGLE PERSON, FOR EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, 24/7/365, FOR 100 YEARS BEFORE THEY HAVE TO ADD NEW DATA STORAGE & PROCESSING CAPACITY! Remember that “beast” mentioned in that old book called the bible? I think it is this international electronic surveillance system and everything associated with it that I just mentioned that will soon and is already starting to TOTALLY control, monitor and dominate our lives from the day you’re born til the day you die. It doesn’t much matter anymore WHO becomes president, but anyone who doesn’t believe that Obama has been working AGAINST our best interests is a total, utter, totally deceived, FOOL. Romney scares me, too though. I don’t trust either one of them, and it’s too damn late thanks to the MSM to get Ron Paul in. We’re screwed. Mr. Paul was our one and only hope, and our foolish belief in someone just because he was black and made all these glorious promises, even though he had no birth certificate, had a history of close friendships with racist preachers and professed communists and socialists, was BEYOND stupid. Our chickens are coming home to roost now, aye? Remember the trillions of dollars he gave away right after coming into office? He was TOLD to do that, but it was also to pay off those that put him there. The deceit and deaths that occurred because of “fast & furious,” was conceived as a plan to swing support to “rescind” the second amendment and disarm Americans so they can more easily take us over and impose their will on us. You don’t KNOW that that was conceived by Obama, Soros, Holder, Napolitano and the rest of those sickos? There’s a hundred more examples, but if you haven’t woken up, seen him for what he really is, seen “the plan” that has been “worked” ever since he came into office to overturn the US economy, destabilize and divide our country, enable radical Muslims around the world to our detriment, cause us to lose our HOMES, our careers, split up families, promote alcohol and drug use, take away what little credit and money we had, cause us to lose even more of our jobs to the Chinese, etc, how can you not see what the hell is going on? Remember what he did to the Gibson guitar company just over their use of a little piece of wood from the wrong country? And for them to say that our veterans who faithfully served our country are terrorists, after they sent them into fake wars under false pretenses? And to say someone is to be considered a terrorist and on ‘the list’ just because they are a Christian? Have you not noticed the HUGE increase in unnecessary and even illegal police violence and killings of oftentimes INNOCENT people, even WOMEN and OLD women, disabled people, deaf people, sometimes for LEGAL things like just video recording police from a distance while they effect an arrest, etc, and all the outright corruption and extortions since this ass came into office? Beating HELL out of people, even young girls, knocking their teeth out and breaking bones, literally smashing their skulls just because they are LEGALLY exercising their First Amendment rights in a peaceful way? If you doubt, it, go to YT and do a search on the topic; there’s THOUSANDS of videos about these things. I’m telling you, this Muslim socialist is a puppet of the NWO globalist bankers; they’re trying to FORCE us ALL into a one world government/one world religion, literally where the incarnation of satan will head this worldwide government, and having us to WORSHIP him or be beheaded. If you’re over the age of 30 and have an IQ of 70 or more, and you can’t see this, you’re one of those who is just going to have to go through the worst suffering that has EVER come on this earth; suffering such as this world has NEVER seen, before you believe. But at that point, it’s too late. Don’t forget to research “Spanish company to count US electoral votes.” A contract GIVEN them by Obama; a company OWNED by Soros. This isn’t BEYOND shady?

    1. zoma777 says:

      I didn’t bother to read your novel but if you put the words Obama and natal chart in the search box on the front page you will find it. I did Obama’s chart back in 2008 during that election.

  6. Janelle says:

    For claiming to not follow the news or politics, you do a good job of repeating what a lot of liberal media spew about Romney – taking away benefits, Sicial Security, et all. I’m not buying. My guess is your psychic intuition may be more than slightly influenced by your very apparent political opinions.

  7. Joy Williams says:

    Your reading of him is exactly my intuition of him. He is a very shadowed person, and I cannot trust him. He lies CONSISTENTLY. So of course I can’t trust him. But this isn’t just about ambition, this is about his own attitude about his own “manifest destiny”. Polk is related to this, as is Joseph Smith. I’ve been reading books about Mormonism, and this is part of their doctrine, that someone will become the President to bring Mormonism about as a major religion that rules the planet. This is major scary for me. It’s a cult. It’s nutty.

    Romney lies consistently because he believes he will be President despite what anyone says, because “GOD” wants it that way. He’s “special” and “privileged” because he’s born that way. He has no accountability to the rest of the nation because he’s SUPPOSED to be the President, and how dare that “black guy” be in that “white” house. this is pretty scary in an attitude of a person who’s vying to be the President.There’s a lot more I could say, but it basically agrees with your intuitions about him.

    Bright Blessings,

  8. R L Morgan says:

    Scorpio is the Key of mankinds support, yes against Evil. Excellent response. Hell does exist, it was created about 1979, which contains the largest empty space ever discovered reported several years later, I think 1983. It contains nothing and is many light years across (around).

  9. Denise,
    Your liberal blue slip is showing. Frightening though your interpretations be, most frightening is your extreme misportrayal if Romney and, with that, blindness to who Obama is.

    Indeed, replace Romney with Obama and you gave a portrayal nearer rhe truth.

    Scary too that people listen to your analyses.

  10. Your blue liberal slip is showing. More disturbing is the lack of objective analysis. Replace each Romney with Obama and you are nearer the truth. Scary your blindness and that readers will believe you.

  11. Phyllis says:

    You are merely a cheerleader for Obama parading as an astrologist. Do us a favor and try to be impartial, although that seems to be impossible for you.

  12. Don says:

    I heard your rant on George Noory’s show the other night. George tried to cover for you by saying that you don’t pick who you like, but you gave yourself away when you said “yes, I even picked George Bush” which in other words you were saying you wanted Kerry to win, but knew he wouldn’t.

    Give it up, you are nothing more than a political hack. You even admit as much in this blog when you say “if you want to keep social security, medicare, medicade, unemployment benefits, disability then YOU HAVE TO VOTE.” You just repeat democrat party talking points about how Romney will take those things away. Romney and Ryan are the only ones that have a plan to save them! We cannot just keep spending ourselves into oblivion on these programs. Wake up!

    And please just admit to your readers that you’re a liberal hack in the tank for Obama..

  13. katypress says:

    Reblogged this on The Noetic Digest and commented:
    Astrologer Denise Siegel has a good track record of accurately predicting the outcome of the US elections. Her opinion is that President Obama will win the 2012 election and that in 2016 it will be Hilary Clinton. To see what she has to say visit her blog article below.

    1. @katypress – it’s your right to reblog crap analysis (an absolutely ill-fitting word for this astro beast). fortunately others recognize it for what it is. the rest of you won’t and extend credibility where it is not due. that’s frightening. especially in an election of profound importance.

      1. katypress says:

        @eaglesheart Just saw your message. The Noetic Digest is a news blog (albeit alternative news) and posted this for balance as our resident astrologer is very convinced that Romney will win. We take no sides, so felt it important to post Ms Siegel’s opposing view for balance. Feel free to read the other views and to comment on what you think.

  14. A C says:

    What trash you are writing? Whoever believe in your nonsense predictions about anyone is ignorant & evil. Obama team must have pay you for this .

    1. JRL323 says:

      Pay no attention to those who have been programmed by Romney, ruler of the planet Kolob. At last, his underwear are working their magic!

  15. One of the worst displays of political favoritism and an affront to astrology. Readers can and should disregard this so-called analysis for its sheer lack of objective astrological analysis and personal agenda pollutants. Disgusting, really.

  16. I agree with all you read into Romney. I have the same feelings and thought I was in the mynority. He speaks like a dictator. and his feeling of being the chosen one is part of the Morman philosophy.
    I hope people will see through him and elect our president or we could be in alot of trouble..

  17. Swiss German says:

    Wow! It never ceases to amaze me as to who nasty and horrible many Whites in America are. Simply nasty bunch of people and they’re nothing like us in Europe. A bunch of ignorant, uneducated, bigots. We laugh at you here in Switzerland where Romney is hiding his fortunes.

  18. Edward Butler says:

    if he s such a business wiz, build some factories and hire somebody!!!!
    also, it gives me the willies to see a candidate that never even photographed near a minority person- Condi Rice and his bodyguards don t count…

  19. Marie says:

    pay no attention to the Romney bots, they know he won’t win and living through fear and emotionalism. Half this country are racists. it’s a shame really.

  20. Marie says:

    and I agree with Edward, that if he is such a business wiz, build a company and hire people in the USA. He is unamerican and a plutocrat

  21. Princess Aloha says:

    Denise, I totally agree with your take on Romney. He’s a snake and a liar. He’ll say anything — just depends on who he’s talking to. He’s evil! Hey, all you numbnuts: if you really want to know the truth, watch MSNBC and get the facts about Romney and President Obama. Just admit it! You’re all nigger haters, ain’t ya? I bet you’re part of the 47% too! What fools you are!
    Get over it!!! President Obama will serve a second term!

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