Clarification about the George Noory Interview

When I was on Coast to Coast I was rattled by the barrage of questions and interruptions. I wanted to clarify that when I said the thing that was going to destroy this world wasn’t going to be what he believed at the time, an impending war in Libya. Rather it would be climate change. When he asked how long I said 30 years. But instead of getting to explain what I meant by that he was like, “30 years, we’ll all be dead by then.” I made a comment that I wouldn’t be nor did I expect my kid to be.

In fact this is the very problem with being short-sighted. Go ahead George Bush Jr. have a giant party on the American people, kill hundreds of thousands of people in the middle-east for no reason – because of a lie and then leave our country bankrupt for the next president to fix. This is the way of the Republican party since what was called “The Southern Strategy.”

The “Southern Strategy,” took direct aim at enticing racists in the south to get their vote since none would vote Republican due to the Civil War. Yes, they held a grudge until their own hatred was used to turn them toward the Republican party. This happened around the time of Nixon and has been the strategy ever since. This is HISTORICAL FACT. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

Now back to my point about Noory. I love his show and he’s a good man. I think either he was nervous since I was a new guest that I wasn’t going to perform so he over-reached in his desire to keep the conversation flowing. I don’t blame him for my inablity to get my point across – there was however very limited time. However the point I was trying to make was over the next 30 years we will see the human population on this earth dwindle due to natural disasters, famines – due to weather problems, and everything one can imagine from a changing earth. 30 years is not very long for 7 billion people to be wiped out.

It’s my very strong psychic belief that the road we are on is one in which our kind will be wiped out in a whimper not a bang. If we are lucky we can turn it around – in the “fiction” book I wrote, Americhrist, (first draft started in 1998 and finished in 1999) based on visions I had of the future, we are a divided people – those on the extreme right which stands against science. A few of each tribe survived and a conflict ensues. I don’t want to give it away as it will eventually come out and you can read it in full. But the amount of people who are left on this continent are literally in the thousands. I decided to focus primarily on North America since that’s where I live. I’m sure there will be pockets of people who survive all over the world but it will be miniscule compared to how many of us there are now.

However I KNOW WE CAN CHANGE THIS! I STILL BELIEVE IN HUMANITY AND OUR BRILLIANCE! If we took this SERIOUSLY we could FIX it. This is why I wrote the book, to make it so real, so visceral that it motivated people to DO something about it.

Yes, that is the future I see and it scares the hell out of me. And to answer one person who commented here – I always feel like Cassandra and as you can see by the right-wing ostriches who freak out on me – I am also blamed for the message. It’s frustrating to feel like I’m trying to warn this big bus it’s about to go off a cliff but instead of the driver listening to me – he and half the people on it are giving me the finger as they drive off the cliff – as if I put the cliff there? Pretty irrational, depressing and sad.

That’s humanity for you. Do the world a favor by exposing the truth – Michael Moore, Al Gore and countless others and you get rewarded with death threats.


My prayers go out to all those on the east coast.

Many blessings,


Clarification about the George Noory Interview

Hey Everyone an Update…

I am liberal in my personal beliefs, because I do believe in helping other people whenever I can, and I do believe all people are not given the same opportunities in life.  In order for everyone to fulfill their true potential we need to help one another not tear each other down or deride those who make less or are less fortunate. So for those of you who claim me to be a liberal you are right – any person of faith in God (in my opinion) has to be. Every religious book, every spiritual practice teaches us to help the needy, love our brother as ourselves – you know all those things the bible teaches that so many Christians seem to have exchanged for a love of money which BTW goes directly against all teachings in both books of the bible.

Ironically I would not consider myself to be part of any organized religion – they are all too politically motivated and (in my opinion) often separate us from our own connection to the divine. But they do provide a great jumping off point and for the vast majority of people they work very well – just not people like me who are more shamanistic in our approach to the Great Spirit.

For those who think my predictions are what I wish where true, nothing could be further from the truth. Obama is actually far more conservative than I would like him to be. I wish he did do the things that FOX accuses him of, like helping the needy more. I do like him and admire him for turning this economy around and for trying to stay very much in the middle because that’s where the majority of Americans are – in the middle.

As liberal as I am about helping those in need I am very conservative about my views on violent criminals. I don’t believe that people who commit violent crimes should be given a chances which amounts to an experiment on the innocent masses of all of us who are non-violent. I do think people who hurt themselves like drug addicts and the insane should be given treatment rather than prison.

It’s true I have predicted many events I did not wish to happen. I knew Ronald Reagan would win – although I was too young to have a real opinion about this. I knew he would win a second term, I knew George Bush would win and that Clinton would get two terms that George W would win the electoral college making him our president and Al Gore would win the popular vote. I would have preferred Al Gore as the winner. In fact I was very upset about this revelation but I still made that prediction.

I actually voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary so I am not an operative for Obama although I think he’s done an amazing job despite how things have gone. The truth is I am compassionate and due to my empathy which is the very thing I use to read events and people through, it’s impossible for me to root for people whose policies I know would mean the death, destruction and contribute to poverty for millions more people.

I want everyone to be happy, healthy, and secure. I want everyone to find love and peace and a connection to God however they can or if they choose to not find God but just peace. I hold no grudges even for those who have betrayed me at the deepest levels and I pray for those who have hatred in their heart that they may find peace and happiness. It is from this perspective that I am proud to say that I am a liberal. I want freedom – this is the root of the word liberal – freedom. Just as the word libertarian comes from that same root.

I have traveled around the world and seen 3rd world countries and European democracies. I know that when people are encouraged to do well in school and given free education, when they are given real vacation time and healthcare they not only have a better quality of life they are happier more productive people with tighter family units. It is actually our government that set up many of these governments after WWII and we not only gave them freedom – we gave them a better deal than we have been able to give ourselves.

I understand that there has been a media machine brainwashing people who don’t benefit from a plutocracy – toward believing they somehow they will benefit from it. I have also had the special privilege of growing up among the wealthy 1 percent in fact my father’s family was in that group before the market crash of 1929. My grandfather was a CEO of a kosher meat-packing company and was very wealthy. His children were all conservative Republicans. My father and my mother as well were Republicans. We moved into a Republican enclave shortly before my father died when I was ten and I saw the man behind the curtain that so many Americans have not until now.

I was raised Catholic after my father died because that was my mother’s religion and it was the Rabbi who performed my father’s funeral service who introduced us to a wonderful church. I studied the bible intensively and many other religious traditions (later on). My father had wanted to be a Rabbi and in fact my family is Levite which is in the Jewish faith is from the tribe of Levi – or a sort of priest caste.

I am absolutely pro religious freedom because I believe all religions are right and all religions are flawed due to our inability to understand the nature of God and human beings desire for power over their fellow human beings. I really resent the idea that I am an “operative of Obama” as I truly am not. If there were a Republican who reflected my values I would vote Republican, but not since before Nixon has their been one that I would consider (and of course I was a baby then so…). I certainly would have voted for Lincoln. I would have voted for Eisenhower. Never have the Republicans been so in the pocket of the plutocrats. I know the Democrats are not perfect – but I do believe they are at least following in the footsteps of our Forefathers spirit. Yes, they too have been bought and if it were up to me I would say give all people running for the presidency 100,000 of public money and no more and disallow them from any contributions from the public or the private sector. I think if they actually had to convince us based on their ideas (as they used to before TV) and had to listen to our collective voices we would restore this democratic-republic to its true state of balance. Until then we are in trouble.

And there are Republicans I admire like John McCain. I just don’t think he would have made the best president at that time. He however is someone who is true to his ideals and I believe a stand up person. I’m sure if I met George W at a party, I would love the guy but that’s not who I vote for. I vote for people who will help the less fortunate because I don’t want to live in a world where hundreds of children run up to me trying to sell pencils (like in Bali) just so they can eat when they should be in school. I don’t want to live in a world where there are old blind beggars because we (despite our immense wealth) won’t give them social security or medicare. I don’t want to walk down a street where my heart aches for the hordes of homeless people we saw during the 80s when I worked 80 hours a week and gave every desperate person I could whatever money I had on me.

I believe that money is not the holy grail. I believe our connection to God and the divine, love and kindness are the holy grail that life has to offer. And that goes beyond just helping out our own family, it means helping all of humanity, all the earth and all the creatures that God has made.

Call me what you will, but this is who I am and it can not be separated from my spirituality. I see what I see and often it isn’t what I want. But just because it doesn’t match up with what others want to believe doesn’t make it wrong. In fact there have been so many things I saw coming that I didn’t want to happen like the inevitability of the Iraq war and the lies that were at the core of  selling it to us. The fact that George W was going to win because (his astrology was a tad better than Gore’s at the time for winning) and it actually upset me because I could see the dark road we were about to head down and indeed that happened. But that didn’t stop me from telling people what was going to be.

I don’t control anything. I’m just a messenger. And yes the old expression, “don’t kill the messenger” applies here. Don’t mistake me for having any power over events – I don’t. And just because I say it, doesn’t make it happen. For whatever reason I just know and am told by spirit what will happen. I am as powerless and as powerful as every other human being on this planet.

Sure if I had my way I would wave a magic wand and give everyone peace, happiness and prosperity but I can’t do that. We have to do that together by being rational and looking at the truth even when it goes against what we are led to believe.

Many blessings,


In response to all the people who have been writing me for readings. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to do this either through a podcast or something so that I can do it for free. I don’t like charging people for what I feel is something sacred. And I do feel money can pervert the ability in some cases. I originally set my rates based on what the going prices were and the fact that I was on the fence about doing readings because I do have a tendency to really empathize with my clients and it can really disturb me if they are having troubles. So I had to stop for my own health and I have been making my living writing (not for this blog by the way) and I feel that is where I am heading. I am however training a woman with an exceptional gift to take on people who need help. She will be charging less. I may on occasion do readings when I’m not so bogged down and I’m still looking for an outlet. If I could do it for people who need it but not have to charge them that would be ideal but find a way to be sponsored. So I am also looking into doing spots on radio and podcasts and when I’m not so bogged down doing my own podcast where I can read people.

For those of you who are in a bad place and want people to pray for you post on the prayer page. The more we pray for one another the better the world will be. As I said in my Noory interview the next 30 years will see climatic and environmental changes taking out more people than anything else – and all that is related to that like the spread of diseases, quakes, all things of natural origin.

Yes, the middle east will be in turmoil for a long time. But I guess it wasn’t clear that I was saying I didn’t see us getting involved in any more wars over there for the time being. Perhaps 8-12 years away but for now their conflicts will stay regional except the wars we are already involved in. Eventually I feel we will be pulled back into war and that war which we will teeter on for the next decade will the one no one would ever wish for WWIII.

In fact the future is a stew of our collective decisions and there is still a chance to change this if we want to. I am conservative on my views of Islam – the moderates are fine but the zealots remind me of the ancient middle-aged views that created the death of millions of Europeans. But I’m also concerned about people who claim to be of any religion who think murdering others or controlling others is the key to the problems of the world. God’s ways our beyond our understanding and we have to remain humble to that and follow the moral compass given us by our Creator. We know hurting, killing, violating, stealing, cheating, betraying are all hurtful – morality is really simple – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And if you can’t relate to others or lack compassion for their circumstances take a moment to reflect on something in your own life – a time when you may have done or been in a similar situation and first forgive yourself for your failings and then do what you can to help the other person be the best person they can be in whatever small way you can.

So for those who think I’m just a “liberal” which I am. Think about this I don’t just believe in God I KNOW there is a GOD and I KNOW without a doubt that GOD is so far beyond our puny human minds that we have no business judging those who have been less fortunate than ourselves.

Blessings to all beings, may peace, happiness, love and prosperity be a reality for all who choose the path of kindness.

Hey Everyone an Update…