The upcoming election Romney Vs. Obama

A friend asked if I would look at the upcoming election via astrology. I’ve already posted what I was told about the situation when Newt Gingrich was being lauded as the shoo in for the Republican candidacy. What I was told so far has born out that Romney would win the spot and that it would be a very tight race between Obama and Romney.

So just to double-check with the stars I checked out the lead up and the actual election day with their basic charts. Here’s the thing. It was as I was told – a NAIL BITER! If you care at all about the future of the US you HAVE TO VOTE this COMING ELECTION!

Here’s what I saw in the fall leading up to the election Romney would get a slight advantage. It might even look like he will or could win. He may even lead in the poles but on the day of the election Obama has enough of an astrological edge to beat out Romney.

I know a lot of people have been disappointed by Obama but the Obama we wanted to step up will have a much better shot if we not only give him the tools to do so – like a majority of Democrats in Congress but also he needs to communicate what he’s doing to help our economy. The thing is. He actually has helped it. We’ve averted bread lines and complete collapse that would otherwise have come our way but we are not out of the woods here and I don’t want to go too negative on Romney but the truth is the man was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his job was created from a legal loop-hole that Reagan put in place. He loves firing people, thing is he’s never known what living on the edge is like and has no compassion for the common person. To be totally and completely straight here his chart terrifies me more than any other Republican I’ve ever seen. If you want to live in a 3rd world country (which has been the plan of the wealthy oligarchs for the past 40 years working and eroding every American institution put in place to level the playing field for all) then vote for Romney. He will be the nail on the coffin. And we will be living in a country where the middle-class and upper middle-class disintegrate and the wealthy go back to their Feudal roots.

And no offense to Mormons – there is nothing wrong with their religion, however if those people on the right actually investigated the beliefs of Mormons they would realize it has more in common with Scientology than it does with any other form of Christianity. I don’t judge people’s religion, everyone has their path to the creator. I do guarantee that Mormonism would deeply disturb Born Again Christians and Evangelicals if they bothered to do even the most cursory research.

Obama’s spiritual belief system is far more akin to the norm of most American citizens than Romney’s, again I’m no one to judge as I’m far from the norm but it is something that those who hold their religious principles dear should consider. If one looks into the history of the Mormons and into their belief system it has more in common with what Evangelicals would call the “occult” than it does with anything else. Again I have no problem with that, in fact I investigated the religion in high school because I found it fascinating but it’s ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DEGREES LEFT of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT.

In Romney’s case it’s not his religion I have a problem with, its him. I think this man is about as in touch with the rest of us as whales are with Mount Everest.

Many blessings,


Oh, and I am currently working on teaching here in LA and I’m thinking of taping these sessions for those interested in podcast form – hopefully this will come together for everyone to hear by July.

The upcoming election Romney Vs. Obama