Truth To Power

When we stand together and use our voices they can not be silenced no matter how many voting machines they rig, or voters they scam off the rolls. I was never nervous about this election until I went to our polling place and found out how crazy things were going down there. Then I worried (human fear not intuition fear) that somehow fate would be thwarted in some evil Faustian deal with the devil made by Romney.

This election was settled by Spirit in the first days of December of 2011 as I posted back then and everything Spirit told me (I don’t know what else to call it) came to pass exactly. Now I know why my Aunt was laughing her head off and saying that I would be right. She knew I would be freaking out like everyone else. She tried to calm me but I am human and a Romney/Ryan presidency would be a disaster for the world – seriously.

Anyway I am SOOO Happy that the right man is in the job and that the Universe is  moving forward as it should – that no amount of money or powerful idiots could change what was meant to be. It is because of us – the people who saw through all of the lies and deception. I have never been prouder of the US not because Obama won but because people GOT IT!

Thanks to all who have participated and to all who have been reading my frantic freak-out blogging.

Peace, abundance and blessings to all,


And thanks to my deceased Aunt Doris and Grandmother Minnie for appearing yesterday in an effort to reassure me (and my readers) once and for all despite knowing it wouldn’t work.

Truth To Power