OK, I really want to do a detailed analysis of the markets. Perhaps the key lies in doing progressed charts for the Dow because although there are some very clear transit triggers, it should be Pluto who is the culprit. And if he is then the problems should (by transit) be triggered at the 0 and 4 degree marks and it seems a bit off. So I’ll figure that one out over the week.

As I said in a post last year about buying GM. I didn’t see the point as this company would go under within the next 2 years. I know they are restructuring in hopes of getting back on their wheels but they really need to do it big time or they won’t survive. If they do make serious and major sweeping changes down to their core ideology they could become a phoenix (hopefully better than the crappy Ford version put out in the 1980s, those cars were serious lemons.)

Again, the bookend crash I feel it coming. I hadn’t in a while. I still feel its a little ways off. But I’m starting to feel the grief. So if you don’t have money in the market, just wait awhile and certainly don’t get antsy and believe the hype trying to get you to put your money back in so it can be taken from you. Seriously, this beast is still on stilts eating its own intestines. Stay out of its way until it has major surgery.

And another incident of domestic terrorism with the murder of the doctor in his church on Sunday. Only sadly that one wasn’t stopped. I also feel we are in more danger from ourselves right now than from foreign terrorists. 

Sit tight and try to be frugal. Let’s bring back the barter system! 

May our world be bathed in pure white healing light. We are very stinky right now.

Many blessings and much love to all you kind hearted people,
