An Open Letter to President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President:

Most of us wept with joy when you took the oath of office. It was an amazingly moving day, one we won’t forget. Not because you are the first African American president, although that’s a beautiful thing to see, but because you represented the hope of getting our country back.

You see, we don’t want to be an imperialist nation acting as dictators to other cultures. We want all people to get the chance to choose whatever form of government they want, even if its something we don’t understand or agree with. But most of all, we want the tyranny of multinational corporations to end. We want them to stop the exploitation of the earth, her resources and people for the sake of a few CEOs and shareholders can get ridiculously wealthy.

In you we saw our idealism reflected. A hope that we could get out of the mess the Bush administration had tied us in and we could do it with dignity, reclaiming our democracy in the process, and righting the wrongs which had been foisted upon us over the last thirty or so years.

Many of us did things we never believed possible of ourselves to get you elected. I have friends who went to different states and campaigned for you. I myself started a blog partially to inspire people to the call of change you sang out.

I know it’s only been a few months since you’ve taken office and you have done many remarkable things except the one we are all desperate for you to do; change the flow of the river of our democracy. The change you talked about, the change we envisioned along side you. Instead of the trickle up (disguised as the trickle down theory) of economics which has engrossed our land with unabashed greed, relentless ruthlessness and complicacy in the depravity of other countries who take full advantage of their people to the point that even Dickens would shudder at how dark the human soul could blacken in the search for the dollar. And which has drug us into a pit of debt and dependency on governments we should be more than weary of yet like a beaten down prostitute we get back on the street corner and do business with the same John who almost killed us last time in the name of a few bucks.

Perhaps it is a myth that we were once a nation better than this; a nation where the bottom line, bottom dollar and corporate robber barons were not looked upon with tender compassion but reviled for the filthy, money grubbing thieves they were. Where the people had pride in their work, were paid a fair wage, and we expected our corporations to abide by common laws of decent behavior.

That era has certainly died a slow painful death since the Reagan administration. We are now a nation of debtors who make nothing but intellectual property and export only culture to the world. A lot of good that would do us in a war! We are like the slacker kid who has been spoiled by his parents showering him with expensive gifts and when he comes of age to go to college there is nothing left for him to better himself because his parents had no foresight, only to please him in the moment so he would not complain.

Let us complain!

Don’t be afraid of critics or the idiot talking heads on the right. The only thing you have to be afraid of is leaving this planet in peril for your children, letting America fall the way of a Banana Republic, allowing each succeeding generation to do worse than their parents (which has already begun) and allowing corporations to continue their exploitation.

I am an American and in earnest I ask of you this question; if I can’t move to Europe, work and live as I please then how come an American corporation can set up here and export all its jobs? How can, in essence, a corporation not be restrained by the same laws of the land that govern me? If our country will allow people to manufacture wherever they want then I want to move to France and work there. It seems only fair. Why should I pay taxes when corporations find loopholes and get welfare? Why should I, or any of my fellow Americans, labor in their cubicles, solving problems so our jobs can be sent to a country that’s pay scale verges on slavery?

We can all lie to ourselves and say that these companies are helping to develop these countries, but the truth is these people work for nothing. They live in abject poverty and only a few people develop a fat wallet, those who skim the most off the top by exploiting them. This is more than absurd it is disgusting, an abomination – a moral outrage.

I beg of you to pull the plug and make some real laws that constrict these corporations to realistic growth and to realistic profits that include bringing back jobs or risk being taxed to the point where they can’t make a profit by exploiting foreign people. And for those countries that we do want to help develop, lets do so by opening divisions that service only their part of the world, allowing them to have jobs and grow their economies, pay them a fair wage for their work there and let their middle class bloom as ours did when we used this model. The model of making things here in America, by Americans and paying them a living wage.

If we don’t do this we will be a fallen empire and you the last elected president before a series of revolutions. I know some are worried about deflation with the Chinese and other developing countries who have lent us lots of dough, wanting to change the standard of currency. Some are saying our country will be like the Weimar Republic. I think it will be more akin to what happened in the Soviet Union after their fall. A world run by black market hoodlums, were crime is so out of control there won’t be enough police to find all the cracks, thieves, slave traders and pimps.

Please realize that you have a mandate. We voted for change. Change away. Change so big we can’t even imagine it! Be the Shiva of a new world order and destroy all the idiocy that has been built up in Washington so we may remake ourselves in our ideal image. If you don’t we have a million times more to loose than if you find the strength to take these horrors head on and fight them.

I don’t envy you. Your job is extreme, difficult, perhaps verging on impossible. But we all believe in you. We know better than you know yourself, that you can do it if you choose to fight for us and your children.

And I am begging you to please fight for us, our planet, our children and life itself. We are at a cross roads on this planet. I’m sure you know this better than most. Your job is vitally important to solving this and reviving the world from her current heart attack.

Peace and kind wishes,

Denise Siegel

An Open Letter to President Barack Obama