Answering Readers…

From Melissa:


I haven’t read the book you’re reading. But I spent 27 yrs going to a “new thought” church, & reading books that claimed to have all the answers, such as “all you have to do is believe” or “think positive” or “visualize”,or “send love”. I felt so bad that I was not becoming a “master” who had achieved whatever I wanted, etc. My final conclusion: free will of people is the bottom line. We cannot control what others choose to be, or do. And how others choose to be or do, is a big part of what affects everyone, in families, at work, everywhere.We can get some spiritual helps, & little or big miracles here & there, but it is not the way the self-help authors of recent yrs tend to paint things.Earth is not paradise. I think it is meant to be a school.And I think we all have our own “karma” or soul lessons to learn.We don’t all have the same problems, losses, hurts,or opportunities. Many opportunities are blocked by those who have positions of power. Most gov’t leaders are “power” people,rather than “love” people. It’s a mixed bagof souls on earth. It’s about individual soul growth, which could lead to collective soul growth, but it has seemed to me that most people are content with material well-being, and disinterested in the anguishes of others,as long as they are not affected. Selfishness is pretty typical of most. Not on your website, maybe, but it is prevalent. Do most Americans ache for what has happened to the innocent in Iraq,or our own military, or Afghanistan or now,Pakistan? I think not. I’ve not had the desire to be “negative”. When you get to be 58, and have tried what most of the books preach as the “way” for many years, you have to, if you have any sense, look at what the results are, and examine your experiences. We are all affected,for good or for bad, by the free will of others. I wish I believed differently, but I have had to look at realities,based on experiences. Love,love,love ,does not work with many people. Many people are not “run” by desire for love and peace and good for all. I think we’re meant to learn and grow in wisdom,as well as compassion. Our country is in a sorry state. People prefer denial to learning. People want to believe it is all about pol. party platforms. It’s bigger than that.All individuals have the choice to choose good,or evil. And they choose daily. Where we are now, is a result of individual choices. It’s very sad. I wish people would want to have non-denominational prayer groups going, all over the US and world. I hope you feel better and get well soon. You must be a strong person, to have had such high fever, yet still write. Blessings……..

Hi Melissa,

Man I couldn’t have said it better. Or woman I couldn’t have said it better. You are so right. This is exactly what makes me so very angry about the New Age medicine show. There are some insidious things you touch on which I’d like to go into detail here about, firstly, many of these books have a (truly goofy American) “blame the victim” mentality. Let’s take the Louis L. Hay books in which she basically says that if you are sick, it’s your fault! So if having cancer isn’t bad enough, well that’s because you didn’t speak your truth you fat bag of lard! That’s the general undertone of it. I’m not saying that there aren’t symbolic things in illnesses that speak of troubles in our lives but that still doesn’t make it the person’s fault. Is it a child’s fault if they are severely abused? Well, I guess Louis L. Hay would have to say hey, yeah, for sure! Because as it turns out people with abusive childhoods are statistically proven to be much less healthy and die at an earlier age than those who had happy childhoods. Those damn little brats, I guess they did something horrible in their past life to deserve it. This is just so idiotic. And horrible. This is exactly why the ancients did not reveal their teachings to morons who would do exactly what many in the New Age community are doing to these ancient philosophies, taking them out of context and making everything black and white when the universe is so complex it can’t even be boiled down to the color spectrum we can see with our eyes, there are wave lengths of light we can’t detect, sounds we can’t hear, and ideas we obviously can’t comprehend.

Clearly if all we were doing was paying off old karmic debts we would be off the old wheel in no time but that’s not really how it works. I’m not even sure if the idea we have about karma is correct. I believe we can transcend karma through forgiveness which is much easier said than done and lets not forget that old debts were once created, meaning we are unfortunately constantly creating new karma that has to be corrected. So when is it old? When is it new? Does it even matter?

No. It doesn’t matter. Because karma is just the new way of saying, “it was their own damn fault!.” And failing to become Oprah or Jim Carey (who carried a 10 million dollar check in his wallet until he got one as some kind of weird New Age attraction ritual) because you haven’t been able to manifest incredible fortune, wealth, fame and perfect health through visualization is just the New Age replacement for the old American Puritanical idea that rich people were intrinsically good because God had blessed them with wealth. As it turns out God did not bless Jesus with wealth. I guess He really must have hated him.

All of this nonsense is justification for why the rich should be allowed to get rich without guilt and why the poor should just lay down and die because they didn’t really deserve anything anyway. I have a close friend from India who was a member of the Shadow cast. His father was a famous author and his mother a scientist but when people found out they were of the cast they wouldn’t allow him in their homes anymore. It’s the same idea in that case.

The thing I most want to say in regards to all of this crap is, it’s CRAP! And the universe, God/Goddess/Creator is far too complex and our personal evolution and how it interacts with the collective evolution are far too complex for any of this simple minded BS. In this world their are victims, their are criminals, there is evil, there is good, mostly there is a mix of all that goes between these things that is so tangled up it would take a billion forevers to entangle it. It is not our place to judge ourselves or others. It is our place to find compassion for ourselves and others and to fight against injustice and point out wrong headedness so we can all evolve and grow.

And Jennifer:


Well, Denise, I agree with you again. I also have this book and could only read a portion of it for exactly the same reason.

We are all so individually hardwired by our own childhoods that many of these “archetypes” just aren’t in our brains. I suppose this is where I disagree with Jung. I don’t think that there is a collective consciousness as strong as Myss and Jung have proposed.

Or, how about this? Maybe there are two separate collective consciousnesses. And maybe that is the reason that people like us simply don’t understand the seemingly missing spirituality of what appears to be the majority of Americans today.

Possibly, the people that are on what seems to us a less spiritual path, have more archetypes or less than us.

Maybe these people have an archetype that favors the propagation of their own race, especially their own offspring at all costs – similar to other, less evolved beings that we share the earth with. Maybe they cannot understand the idea of our “tending” the planet, as they cannot get past the concept of their main purpose being to propagate. And anyone: homosexuals, pro-choice advocates, anti-gun legislators, birth control enthusiasts. etc. that could possibly get in the way of their or their children producing offspring are considered “evil” in their eyes. This is the survival of the fittest.

And maybe some of us have another archetype (maybe a God or Mother Earth archetype) that favors the love of all species and the planet above all else. I must admit that there are times that I could see that the earth could be better off with the human race. But then, I love feeling nature and talking with my spirit guides (angels, arch angels, power animals, spirit guides, healing angels, healers of the universe, the Universe, Nature or Mother Earth, God, Jesus) so much that I know that we have a wonderful place on this earth. We are here for an important reason that is probably so vast that we couldn’t begin to comprehend it.

Well, maybe this is the dilemma. Maybe this is the question of our times. Maybe some of us are missing or have extra archetypes.

Thanks for your post, Denise!


Hi Jennifer,

You maybe right. I have often felt that there are two halves to the human collective consciousness. There are two halves to our brains, the right and the left, so maybe we have a split here as well in the over-soul. It does seem like one side pushes us forward and the other back, one is patriarchal and one matriarchal and compassionate. So you may very well be onto something. Like I said earlier, I’ve felt us at a crossroads for a long time and have felt us flipping back and forth. This would explain it.

And Hello:


As a parent I find myself thinking about my son’s future and what it might look like. Denise, you mentioned in a prior post about the feeling you were getting that we might be past the “tipping point of no return” in terms of the environment, and that the Bush administration was holding back information in that regard. I am not psychic like you but I had a feeling like that about a month ago. The feeling washed over me out of no where.

Do you get a sense that a shift in energy policy will be a successful part of the Obama administration?

Thank you for your compassion and caring wisdom you bring the days I read your Post.

Hi Hello,

I’ve had visions of our demise since childhood but I’ve always had the feeling they were warnings and not absolute. I really feel we don’t have much time, maybe 5 years to be realistic in order to radically change our ways or we will leave our children to inherit a horrible, terrifying place. Honestly, this was a very difficult thing for me and a reason I worked hard not to have a child for many years despite my personal desire to have one. I’m so thankful that my daughter chose me to be her mother however I am terrified for her and sometimes just break down weeping at the potential future she may have to deal with. That being said I have always done everything within my personal power to change things, and everyone doing everything within their personal power is not and will never be enough. Our governments have to change, our industry has to change, the wealthy and powerful have to change in order to save the world for our children. And I think they are betting on having an escape hatch. I do feel Obama will make changes but I feel he’s distracted by the economic situation which is understandable. Bush left our country stabbed a thousand times, bleeding from everywhere while being dragged by a Brinks truck. First we have to get stabilized, stop the bleeding, detach from the brinks truck and then after we live through that go and save our kids. I think this is how Obama sees it. We just have to keep putting pressure on our government and stay involved in environmental issues.

From Juno:


To comment on what Denise and grace43 have said about what it takes to chnage — it seems humans need to face extreme pain and/or sustained discomfort before they will change. What’s spooky is that we are on the same wavelength again, Denise, because I was in the library 2 days ago and Stephen King’s The Stand fell out of the stacks when I was walking by and I checked it out. I am halfway thru it and if you have not read it it is about a killer flu virus (99% mortality) that the Army has created that is accidentallt unleashed. It depopulates the U.S., laying waste civilization as we know it. Not so far fetched as when the book was written 20 years ago. Gaia may beat the U.S army to the ELE, tho…

Hi Juno,

That is spooky especially since I have the flu!

From Grace:


Any ideas on how to get people to listen?  I have been on this mantra for over 25 years – writing letters to Congressional Representatives, signing petitions, starting recycling programs at work, talking to people, etc and I don’t think I’ve gotten very far.  I can’t imagine how the folks who have been saying this exact same thing since the 60s must feel.  Sometimes I think the only thing that will make people listen is if a major catastrophy happens in someplace wealthy.  Not a tsumani in Southeast Asia or a tornado in China, but in someplace western and wealthy.  I believe a majority of the rapidly declining middle class and the rampantly increasing poor are mostly convinced but without convincing the profiteers global change is worth it, I fear we won’t get very far.

I am sad to say that rampent, out of control gas prices may have done more for the environment than most environmental efforts in the last 20 years.  I can’t afford another car, but we could do more getting away from using gasoline to run cars than anything.

I do have some hope because after many, many years of protesting against one of the nation’s worse polluting power plants, our efforts finally paid off.  New air scrubbers have been installed and that plant is now over 98% emission free!  In addition, the new system requires more upkeep so an addition 340+ workers were hired in this economy in a poor area that despritely needed the jobs.

We are looking for ways to find employment for people when it is as obvious as the nose on our face that there is a major industry waiting to be born in cleaning up the environment and restoring lands destroyed by strip mining and other disasterous practices.

After over 25 years of trying, I haven’t found the answer.  But now even my father, who never really cared much before, is starting to care.  It’s not much, but it’s a start.

Hi Grace,

Everything you have done has made a difference. It may not feel like it sometimes but it all does make a difference. The fact that your father has started to shift proves my point. He represents thousands if not millions of people like him.

From Wei:

Denise, I think you are absolutely right. We are at a cross roads. I am in the process of learning past life regression therapy and I believe in past lives. If all of us understand that we will have to come back to this world and home, we would take care of it better. The analogy that I think of is that the roads we can take are already marked, but which road we choose is up to us. The destination may change midway, but more often than not, we are set on a particular course. The older I get, the more I believe that free will comes into play if we break our karmic issues, otherwise we are destined to stay on the road we have agreed to be on. The truth of the matter is, if we plunder our resources, there will be nothing left. It is very obvious that we are on the way of destroying ourselves. I am ashamed of the garbage and CO2 I produce daily. Thank you for imploring all of us to do better. It is time for a change in mass consciousness.

Hi Wei,

You are absolutely right. We can break our karmic cycle, it’s actually not as hard as we think. And free will is true, there are thousands of time streams that are possible if even a few of us change we can actually change the whole of things maybe not entirely but enough to shift the future. That is the feeling I have now. I feel people are waking up and there isn’t a defined time stream. We still have a chance to change our world but once we get past a certain point it will be too late.

From Jennifer:


I believe in free-will, but there three books written by Hank Wesselman about his experiences when he went into involuntary trances for a period of his life that are worth reading. I picked up the second book (“Medicinemaker”) at a Border’s in Deerfield, Il in 2000. The author tells the story of a person from the future that he has a type of vision with. He is actually able to see through this man’s eyes. They share the same power animal, and the author believes that he is the man’s ancestor…anyway I highly recommend the books because they give a glimpse into the distant future of 5000 years from now in which the humans are sparsely populated and technology and even metals are non-existent. The first book is called “Spiritwalker: Messages from the Future.” The author is an anthropologist and approaches his experience from a scientific viewpoint, if that is even possible.

Hi Jennifer,

There are actually a lot of books that make those claims (and a lot of scientist/shaman combos who have come before him) also a lot of psychics who have for years been saying that we are going to go through a period on earth were there aren’t many humans. I don’t think this is absolute at this point. I think it’s a bit lazy. We are here for a reason, not to just give up to the powers that be but to change the stream for the betterment of our children and children’s children and for the betterment of all the Creator’s creatures.

From Pat:


The get the truth must listen to those who know. Nisargatta, a spiritual teacher stated the following: To help others one must be beyond the need of help.  Everybody sees the world through the idea he has of himself.  Great teachers know the world is not coming to and end, mother earth will continue, there is no karma and no need of fear.
The mind has no capacity for truth….none.
Ramana Maharshi is also a great wisdom teacher who confirms the above. Fear is nonsense.  Let it go.

Hi Pat,

Firstly I would guess you were born before 1957, My guess is Pluto in Leo because I’ve had this argument with countless seekers in your age group. First of all I am not of the belief that gurus are possible or spiritual leaders. I have been put in that position before and rejected it out of hand. The reason being I believe everyone must find their own path to God/Goddess/Great Spirit and anyone claiming they are more holy than anyone else is full of crap. I do believe that we can teach each other a great deal and that is what we are here for. Anyone elevating themselves to the level of “Great spiritual leader” or “Great teacher” is delusional at best, at worst all I can say is Jonestown. I think by your comments you are missing the point of what I was trying to impart. Fear has nothing to do with the issue. In the universe stars, planets, galaxies, you name it, they all die, they all have a shelf life. To believe that the earth is somehow immune to the laws of nature is inane. In the physical world everything has a beginning and and an end. The idea that humanity can’t kill the earth is just a lame justification for our stupidity, it’s equivalent to saying that cancer can’t kill human beings because it’s not big enough, the body, humanity is too great, too powerful, too intelligent to be killed by a lowly disease. I don’t mean to diss your spiritual teachers but this is the problem: when we let other people think for us we lose perspective, our own connection to the universe and our own personal spiritual development. You have perfectly illustrated why I think following any guru is a horrible idea and why we as human beings should always take what we can from wherever we can, analyze it (that’s why we were given this sophisticated hardware) and find the meaning in it for ourselves. Quoting other people is as empty and meaningless as giving me a math problem to the question, “where does the soul go after death?”

There’s a reason we spend so many lifetimes here on earth. Our brains are wired to follow. We are social creatures but our soul’s goal is to individuate and at the same time find it’s way back to the One, bringing with us new insight and elevation to add to the One/Creator’s being. That’s my belief.

I have been extremely psychic since I was born. After my back was fractured and my disc herniated when I was 12, I spent most of a year laying flat on my back, no school, just meditating on things and reading. I began learning meditation at that time. Of course I taught myself. I tried to become a Roscicrucian through the mail but I was too young to join. I had amassed a huge library of occult books by this time as I had noticed that I seemed to scare people and was often asked how I knew things about people. After a lot of telekinetic events like the radio dial turning on its own while I sat in front of it, the TV flipping on and off and the garage door going up and down all day I started to think that there was something odd going on, this was when I was about 10, before my father died. I’m not going to go into all the other bizarre things that happened but anyway lets just say I had some very intense and scary experiences mostly because I wasn’t trained how to control my ability and other people’s fear made the situation much worse.

After my father died. I made if my mission to become Catholic (my father was Jewish, my mom Catholic and the Rabbi felt it was best for my brother and I to be raised in her religious tradition). And so I read the bible, attended CCD was confirmed, baptised and full on for a couple of years. When I realized this religion had a lot of confliction and that it didn’t suit my needs as a psychic/sensitiveve I looked elsewhere. I went to every friends church or temple in search of the perfect thing. I had Mormons do presentations, went to Buddhist temples, searched nearly every organized religion available in the Chicago land area and nothing stuck. Oddly during this period a woman of the western shamanistic tradition wanted to teach me but being afraid of this because I was still Catholic I refused. I gravitated eventually toward the western esoteric tradition of high magic because it had roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition, called upon angels, used the cabala or tree of life as its basis and used the names of God I was used to.

When I went off to college and learned more about the Judeo-Christian mythos and history I became increasingly turned off to it. Besides my own personal experiences that led me to believe it wasn’t for me personally. I had already started coming to the conclusion that too many of my lifetimes had been spent in other traditions that I couldn’t start all over again with that one. My soul just didn’t connect in a deep way with it. I was drawn toward ancient western shamanism very akin to Native American, Aboriginal and all ancient shamanistic practices actually. I studied with a woman who supposedly (I say this because it’s not like she had a certificate on her wall) studied with a group of people who had kept the ancient traditional Celtic religion and shamanistic practices alive. I studied to be a priestess. The study involved about 8-12 hours of trance work several times a day, outside and in rugged conditions from sundown until sun-up. Doing crazy stuff that seems reckless to me now but I was 18 at the time and fits very much the ancient shamanistic traditions. I came by my religious/spiritual experience through very hard work that had started long before I came to this teacher.

After a year of studying in that situation I started to feel  the idea of a hierarchy was wrong because it played upon the human weakness of ego and  led to abuse of power. I tried to convince the two young women I had brought into the situation with me to leave but they were too involved and as one was my best friend, the other her sister, I felt I couldn’t leave until I convinced them to get out. After a trip to Big Sur in Northern California where were sleep deprived for about a week, not allowed to wear shoes or socks, made to walk alone in the forest at night on visonquests and on one occasion were made to walk on a ledge that was about 8 inches wide with about a 500 foot drop, I finally convinced my best friend that there was some power tripping going on and it boarded on a cult. She agreed to leave with me. Unfortunately her sister did not. The two never spoke again. They have been estranged now for more than 20 years. They were very close and I felt and still feel very badly that I got my friend and by proxy her sister involved with this “teacher.”

I studied with other people who were not power trippers and they truly just wanted to impart their knowledge and I thank them for that but they also would never have called themselves “spiritual leaders” nor would they have considered themselves anything but a simple teacher passing along what they learned for the next person to make what they would of it. They didn’t make money on it, actually none of my teachers did including the intense/head trippy one.

So fast forward to my early 20s out of art school when I began to work professionally as a psychic. I somehow figured out how to channel and was very accurate in terms of my information. About a dozen or so psychics who I worked with ended up wanting me to teach them how to channel as well. Actually what they wanted was for me to channel and they wanted me to be their “spiritual leader.” I can’t tell you how many of these well meaning and good hearted psychics looked at my palm and told me I was going to be “a great spiritual leader,” and I looked each one in the eye and said, “no, I’m not.”

The reason I was so sure about this was because I don’t believe in spiritual leaders. I don’t believe anyone should lead anyone in that area of their life. Teaching people to get closer to their own truth is fine, helping others to get in touch with their higher self, OK. But anyone who claims to have a direct line to God that you have to go through, watch out! That is just the biggest scam in the universe. We are all part of God and NO ONE! NO ONE is more connected to God than anyone else. Absolutely. There are some people who have worked harder on listening and being in touch with God. Some who have a better understanding of the signs given them, some who understand signs and are more psychic. But no one is more spiritual than anyone else. That’s akin to saying I’m more real than you are because I’ve got more muscle so that makes me physically denser so, I’m more physical hence I’m more present and real in the world. How ludicrous! I can’t tell you how the whole thing makes me sick and angry, more than almost anything else because it just leads people to feel, once again, powerless, less than someone else and enables people to unscrew their brains from their heads and let other people fill the space between the ears with their thoughts. It’s awful! Even in what has become 2 of the world’s biggest religions based on the teachings of masters or in Jesus’ case, saviour, if you actually read what they themselves said, they never claim to be anything but human beings who are nothing special and tell their followers to look inside and live their life with compassion and find that connection to God themselves.

I could go on all night about this and I’m sure I will at some point but I have to go to bed, I still have the stinkin’ flu!

Many blessings,


Answering Readers…