Obama’s 2nd Oath

I ran a chart for the 2nd oath taken by Obama. However, according to the post by Hopeandaplan, legally Obama became president at noon on the 20th. It seems this would be a chart related to how his neigh sayers and enemies will deal with him over the next 4 years. I think this because it was only for them that this second oath took place, so that no one could claim that because the oath was flubbed it didn’t count. Plus the justice who flubbed the oath was someone whom Obama had opposed. 

So let’s look at it and see.

picture-10With Mercury ruling the chart due to the Virgo ascendant and it being Mercury retrograde, which is probably why this happened to begin with (if something legal occurs during Mercury retrograde it inevitably has to be redone or if one goes on a trip during Mercury retrograde it means you will return to that place again later so it’s not always a bad thing), but getting back to the point, Mercury is in Capricorn in the 5th. I’d say there will be a lot of criticism and judgement from the other side about how to deal with the stock market and the financial disaster we’re in.

Be prepared to hear a lot of dramatic exaggeration of how his plan will ruin everything if put into place (by the Republicans) with Mercury being in the 5th house.  There will be an unfair amount of expectation for Obama to be perfect, and his critics will be very nitpicking and harsh with Saturn in Virgo in the 1st house. Expect his greatest criticism to come from the fiscally privileged with Moon in Sagittarius. Those corporations who have shipped jobs over seas, taking them off American soil. This could be because of new laws Obama will try to put in place making it difficult, if not impossible, for companies to exploit developing nations in leu of paying a proper wage to the American worker and keeping jobs here.

With Uranus and Venus conjunct in Pisces in the 7th house squaring the Moon in the 4th and opposing Saturn in the 1st, the loss of jobs, money, and passing of new laws pertaining to work, health-care, public service and  the real estate market means richy rich isn’t going to be pleased. There will be some real reform coming from an idealistic compassionate bent with Uranus conjunct Venus in Pisces meaning the Obama administration won’t have the motto, “greed is good,” but rather a motto of, “lifting up your brother, lifts all humanity.” Usually, selfish, greedy people don’t really dig this, too much, and they will be ravenous dogs picking at every tiny little thing they can find to try and show some sort of hole in his ideals.But I don’t think they’ll get far.

The public is going to be overwhelmingly with Obama, all that Aquarius in the 6th house of the regular working person means he will appeal to their issues and needs. He will do a lot to help those people. Also this chart reflects the reform of the health care system coming in his first term of office.

My feeling is Obama will be like Reagan in that any dirt thrown his way will just blow back on those throwing it. He is definitely the man for this big job, and the hope he has inspired alone is worth so much after 8 years of utter storming despair under the Bush administration’s fear and spy tactics. It’s as if we just broke down the Berlin wall again. The last 8 years were as close as we’ve come so far to a Plutocracy.

As a person who was born in the late 60s, this current America seems to be the direct logical step toward the future I was promised as a kid. The idealism, enlightenment and humanitarianism of that time has come to fruition and feels like a road that one side of us have been walking since this country began. On the other side of that is the old aristocracy, the Queen’s subjects who came over with their Manifest Destiny, murdering the Native Americans, trading slaves and genuinely feeling they were better than everyone else because they were more prosperous.

America it seems has this double, almost schizophrenic personality, the one of Thomas Paine, full of idealism, humanitarian outcry, a desire for personal freedom, a belief in intrinsic rights of mankind and unshakable faith in the goodness of the human heart. And the other religious zealot side, and not just any kind of religious zealot, but the kind who actually believe they are so much better than everyone else, and their religion is so righteous, that God has given them the right to enslave, steal, lie, cheat and murder “heathen” Native Americans. Whole villages of Native Americans were murdered and by accounts horrendous war crimes committed such as cutting off Native American women’s breasts and throwing them around as a game and raping and murdering both women and children.

This unabashed, disgusting, grotesque narcissistic imperial mind set is the shadow side, the one we don’t teach to our children in school, but it lives on in people like Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilley, Rush Limbaugh. These vile bottom feeders dig deep into the well of the shadow side of the American psyche, playing the strings of racism, hatred, fear and stupidity.

In my lifetime I have witnessed the tug of war between our better “angels” as Lincoln said and our inner demons. We’ve ping ponged from darkness to light and from light to darkness with the push of a chad. When I was younger I was naive enough to believe that people were becoming more enlightened, and the world was going to just keep getting better and better all the time. But it isn’t that simple, we will always have to fight off are dark side. We must always be vigilant against those who preach hate and masquerade it with long blond hair and a tight mini-skirt up to the Va-Jay-Jay. Those like Ann Coulter who want everyone else to follow the rules in her head, except that she won’t live by them because she’s special. If she were so conservative then where is her husband and 15 kids? I’ve heard it said in passing several times that she believes in “free love,” meaning she likes to sleep around with people who can make her more money. But if she’s so Christian and pure, then doesn’t this go against her belief system? Why people buy her books or pay attention to anything she has to say is beyond me. I wish people would give her the treatment she deserves, silence and a turn of the back. She isn’t worth the touch of my fingers on the keyboard.

Enough rambling….

Best wishes to all,


Obama’s 2nd Oath