Owl Medicine…

I wasn’t that surprised to see the results of the owl poll. It seems that those who read this blog (the vast majority) have what Native American’s would call Owl Medicine.  It’s interesting that both in the 1970s and again for the past few years owls have become very popular. There are all sorts of representations of them in statuary, toys, fabric patterns, on journals. You name it owls are everywhere. Depending on the culture owls are either assigned an ominous place in the symbolic pantheon or more wisely seen as the messengers they truly are.
I’ve found Owl Medicine related to clairvoyance, the ability to see through things and penetrate the darkness with one’s insight. Those with Owl Medicine are often psychic and/or extremely intuitive. They have an intense gaze, deep understanding and insight into situations that others often don’t even notice. They are intimidating and uncanny, ale to see things with seemingly supernatural ability, an ability they take for granted as second nature.  And of course there is always the premonitory relationship between owls and events, they nearly always show up before something crazy happens (for those with Owl Medicine that is). They are messengers, the bird earthy version of Mercury running messengers from the abyss to us ordinary weirdos attuned to their frequency.

So HOORAY for Owls! They are wise birds for wise, preternaturally observant folks.

Best wishes,


Owl Medicine…