Answering Readers’ Questions…

Hi everyone, hope your holiday season is going well. It looks like the downward spiral is happening in the market as predicted, despite the time period which is generally characterstically low in movement either way during the week of solstice or yule, Christmas/Hanukkah. 

I just want to say that I read on some financial blog a reference to a statement I made about gold a while back. From what I could tell at the time via the cards there wasn’t a really strong constant direction up, and despite the fact that people turn to precious metals to invest in during recessions and depression, it didn’t look like it was going to go be a straight shoot upward, which I found confusing.

Anyway, I laughed out loud when someone called me an idiot, or something like that, because I said the market was too volatile at the time of the question to predict. And the person posted something like: that twit obviously knows nothing about the market.

So let me assure you I really do know nothing about the market which I have stated numerous times. All I go on here is astrology and whether things look bad for a company, or a stock, or good. If you ask me questions about anything abstract, or that I don’t have a chart for I can’t answer you because I’m not an economist. I’m a freaky artsy, psychic, astrologer not a business/economist type.

That being said of course people are worried about their money which I’m happy to help with, but with the caveat that everyone knows I am just a psychic and an astrologer. I foresaw the first market crash a couple of weeks before it happened because of my psychic ability, but this was a general, “Get out of the market!” sort of warning that was hammered into my skull from whatever or wherever these things come from. And I picked the word tsunami back then (which later Greenspan used to describe the situation) because it felt like it was going to pull back, and then flood us, not tear us down like a tornado in one fell swoop or shake everything to pieces in a matter of moments like an earthquake.

So here goes with questions. The first is more of a comment from Grace who did some research on the world economy, and I’d like to share her post with everyone:


The government of Beligum fell this weekend due to the financial crisis and suspected corruption.

Apparently, those corporate fat cats have learned nothing. AP IMPACT: Wall Street still flying corporate jets

On verge of failure, bank executives collected financial bonanzas, AP study finds,0,568377.story

This is not just happening in the US. In a few minutes search, I found dozens of articles from around the world where corporate fat cats accepted government money that they insisted they needed to continue operations are now using this money so they can have enormous bonuses and fly around in corporate jets playing golf with one another! These same people time and count their underlings bathroom breaks and dock them an hour’s pay if they are five minutes late! I can’t tell you how angry I feel thinking about this on so many levels. Obviously, it is good to be the king.

Andrew Rumsey

Will Lehman Brothers recover from their Chapter 11 of Title 11 Bankruptcy? Should I hold onto what shares I have and possibly buy more or should I sell my Lehman Brothers shares?

Hey Andrew,

Do you have an incorporation date or a start trading date for this company. I need the date, time and place and I can run a chart and let you know what I find. If you could research that for me I’ll be happy to let you know.

Also there were questions about FAZ, which I will get to later, but in the mean time can anyone explain to me what this is? You don’t need to go into too much detail, just give a basic run down, something to clarify what it is that I’m reading.

OK for now that is all. I have so much to do with the holidays as everyone does and my husband was out of town for two weeks, leaving me alone with a little baby so besides getting sick this past week, I’m way behind on everything.

Have a great holiday week.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,


Answering Readers’ Questions…

The Outer Planets: How they effect us personally (part 1)

For those of you who have researched astrology, you’ve probably read that Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are more generational in nature and don’t effect our personality or us personally in the same way that the “personal” planets like: the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn do. (Of course the Sun and Moon are not actually planets but for the sake of astrological influence are lumped in with them and referred to them as such.) But let me assure everyone that this is a major error and misnomer on the part of astrologers that I plan to explain.

The argument set forth by astrologers is that because these outer bodies are slow moving, they can’t directly effect individuals and instead have more to do with whole generations. True, in a way, but lets examine this assumption. There is a quote I read many years ago by Thomas Paine (which I’ll have to find later and post exactly) that states basically: People are more like their generation then their own parents.

People born within a generation (I’ve noticed) not only have  have physical characteristics about them that stand out. The Baby Boomers have Pluto in Leo and Neptune in Libra. Leo the lion has a mane, is it any surprise that this generation was obsessed with hair? They even had a musical with this name and it was a major source of protest for hippies to let their hair grow in every direction, and as long as it could get. This is just the superficial start of how Pluto in Leo plays itself out within the generation.

This was the generation dubbed, “The Me Generation,” again Leo rules the ego, family, creativity, fertility, children, child-like behavior, speculation, hobbies, theater, drama, performing, And this generation was the first to radically change the dynamics of the family literally Pluto = transformation, death and rebirth, sexuality and in Leo the family, the performing arts (hello rock and roll.) This was the beginning of massive divorce rates and partner swapping, which would be the Neptune in Libra. Neptune = confusion, delusion, illusion, spirituality, psychic ability and Libra = Partnerships, marriage, the visual arts, issues of fairness, peace, strategy, legal matters. All people in this generation have dealt with permutations of these issues directly. And in a strange way this over-arching theme among people born from the late 1930s to the mid-late 1950s I’d argue effects them more because they not only have personally dealt with these issues in various forms in their own lives, but it colors their perception of history and world view because their peers also share these same issues and there is a presumption cast on all humanity that these themes are ever present, when in actuality they are, but not to the same degree.

Let’s look at the generation after the boomers, the Gen-Xers, born from about 1957-1971 (this is from an astrological view point not the standard arbitrary time frame given for generations). Less people were born during this period then any other, especially when Pluto conjuncted Uranus in Virgo. This was the height of the sexual revolution from about 1962-1968. Uranus rules revolution, and Virgo rules: perfectionism, health food, dietary concerns, health, medicine, service to others, analysis, criticism, and is associated with the fashion industry. With Uranus conjunct Pluto during a chunk of this generation from about 1962-1968, we have seen a rise in (and I know because this because I am part of this nutty generation) over-zealous almost religious fervor about health food, dietary issues and exercise. On the positive side there has been an exploration (by this generation in particular) of eastern medicine, energy work and all things non-traditional in regards to healing the body.

This configuration also gives a strange sort of not wanting to be part of a generation thing, where there is an emphasis on individuality because of the Uranus interaction with Pluto, and a recycling of the past in new ways, hence the obsession with vintage everything. Also this generation has Neptune in Scorpio which brought to the forefront the modern primitive/tattoo clan, and also an acceptance and fascination with the occult in general among my peeps. 

I’m going to continue this post tomorrow, discecting generation Y and beyond. And then wrap it all in a nice bow and illustrate how these generational traits play a personal role in our lives.

I’m going to be lazy and sleep now. It’s been a very hectic couple of weeks, and it’s almost the holidays. And I haven’t even finished shopping! That’s how behind I am.

Best wishes to all of you. May your dreams come true (as long as they are not nightmares) and may the Universe bestow many blessings upon you, and your loved ones.


The Outer Planets: How they effect us personally (part 1)

Answering Readers’ Questions and Comments

Happy almost official Solstice or Yule tide.

The first question comes from Sag.


Hi Denise, Thanks a lot for doing the charts for Boston. I had emailed this separately, and here is the gist with a little more info. I stared at the European and Italy maps for a while, and the Vatican caught my eye. It’s a neighbor/friend of Italy, of the great book the Bible, and its Pope Benedict XVI is from Germany. Does it resonate with the cards Grace mentioned above? The Vatican is near the River Tiber. All the pieces from my intuition fit in the puzzle. And the Vatican is a symbol of religious or Christian power. What do you think?

Hi Sag,

It makes almost too much sense for a terrorist to think up!

I’ve been to the Vatican. It is actually in the center of Rome, and is considered its own country, with its own postage stamps, and everything. The guards still wear uniforms designed by Michael Angelo. They are extremely goofy looking, and wouldn’t scare a child with a water pistol away. It’s an interesting notion, but my gut tells me no.

There is so much gold, lapis luzuli, and garnet or ruby dust on the walls of that place selling off part of one of the walls could feed all of Africa for a year. There is so much raided treasure in the Vatican it is both beautiful, and if one knows the history, actually very appalling.

I wouldn’t rule out Italy though. I could imagine something happening in a train station or something like that, something transportation related.

I asked the tarot though just to be sure, and of course they said, Yes. But it was an odd sort of yes in that it didn’t look like a physical sort of attack against the Vatican and/or it didn’t look like it would really work. 


Hi Denise You are right on in your assessment of Casey Anthony … she is a true sociopath. No doubt the defense will try to get her off on the grounds of temporary insanity, since the evidence against her is so damning; but she knew exactly what she was doing: Caylee Marie got in the way of her partying lifestyle, so she offed her. I suspect there are many dark and terrible secrets in the Anthony home, not just this horrific crime. I live in central FL and we’ve had this story on the local news pretty much 24/7 since it happened. Now that the poor child’s body has been found, we all want justice for her. So sorry you have to deal with migraines, Denise. But perhaps they intensify your gift. I’ve heard them described as “an electrical storm in the brain” and some sufferers report a feeling of clarity after the pain wears off. I get them, also, but not nearly as badly as you do; I find if I take the herb feverfew daily, it helps cut down on the frequency and severity of the attacks. But I don’t take other meds that might conflict with it. Herbs are powerful medicine in themselves! Thanks for all you do here. May peace and prosperity be yours in the New Year. And thank God the Boooosh Administration is on its way out! I hope you’re right … that a war tribunal is in their future, with prison close behind. Peace! Norah Ocala, FL

Hi Norah,

Thanks for the kind words and good wishes. I’m wishing you the very same.

We haven’t had the same coverage here about that poor girl. I’ve only seen snippets here and there. There was never a doubt in my mind that the girl’s mother did it.

The poltergeist phenomena stopped once I posted that Cassey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee Marie Anthony. Perhaps the little girl wanted word to get out that her mother did indeed kill her. What a sick, despicable woman that sweet little one’s mother is, it is beyond tragic.


i have some ?s about my satrun dasha?I need answers and help from you. thanks kish

Hi Kishwer,

I am not a Vedic/Sidereal astrologer. I’m of the Western/Tropical persuasion contrary to many websites stating that I am an Indian astrologer. I’m flattered by this as I’ve had dreams of India all my life since childhood, and memories of a past life there, and a real love of this country, but in this life I do Western astrology.

The little I have studied of Vedic astrology would be of  no help to you. It would be better off for you to go to someone who specializes in this because it is very different then Western astrology. We do not use dashas and we use outer planets, the old tropical placements rather then the sidereal ones, and so many other differences it’s hard to explain in one post. Both are extremely accurate, but oddly enough, there isn’t much cross over.

Best of luck in finding help with this. If you find a good reference for a Vedic astrologer please post it. I’m fascinated by this branch of astrology, but upon researching and studying it, I found it so different then the western system that it just confused what I already knew. However, I would love to have a chart done by a good Indian astrologer.


Hello Denise, just read your prediction of market crash next week. Would it also affect the financial stocks adversely? If so, I was considering investing in stock FAZ which does well if financial stocks crash. Please advise. Appreciate your help. Thanks, Vish

Hi Vish,

Do you have any sort of information on FAZ such as its incorporation date or when it was founded? If so please post it and I will run a chart.

The market crash will most likely be ongoing through the end of January, and then will rebound a bit when another crash will happen in June, and stay unstable like it has been now until the end of November in 2009 when it will again show real signs of recovery. 

Of course this is assuming that the Dow’s chart is accurate, if it is not the timing will be off. We’ll soon see. If the market continues to spiral down until the end of January and then starts to stabilize a bit after that, then we’ll know the chart I have is correct.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,


Answering Readers’ Questions and Comments

Reader’s Comments and Questions…

Hi everyone,

Tonight I tried to catch up on a bit of news.  It was just confirmed that the bones of Caylie Marie Anthony, found about a block and a half away from where the toddler was living were indeed the remains of the little girl. I watched the news in horror. And noticed that this was in Orange County. I had to roll back the DVR to make sure, because Hope and A Plan had posted this after the orange light incident/poltergeist activity:


Hi Denise,

I just saw in the news that there was an earthquake in S Carolina, early this morning. I had a thought about the orange garage light experience you had last night. Sometimes when I get signs they are literal. Do you think its somewhere called Orange? Orange county Florida, California, or Orange the city in different areas??? And, Do you think there is anything to worry about with the Soviets doing naval excercises in the waters off of Venezuela? Thanks for keeping up the blog!

I wondered if this was a visitation from the little girl, trying to get a message through. I was after all alone with my  11 month old daughter. Child murders are always extremely upsetting, but this one in particular always made me sick to my stomach, its not like Casey (the mother and talk about some narcissism with the name freakishness of Casey, grandma Cindy, I mean come on) was having a psychotic break like Andrea Yates which was horrifying, but at least she was out of her mind, this woman Casey is clearly just a sociopath. Every time I’d see her disgusting face on the news my stomach would turn. She just oozes manipulative, sociopathic, self-centered, self-indulgent slime bag. The pictures of that poor daughter are just heart breaking especially after having a daughter myself. Anyway, perhaps this was an attempt by the child’s spirit to communicate, or just a total coincidence. Either way it’s weird.


dear sir, i went thru your analysis about -india pakistan war.i agree with you. transit of mars and rahu in capricorn –interchange of sun and saturn and presence of transit mercury in capricorn……indictions are horrifying….may lead to ANTHRAX BOMB and other such inhumane attacks. destiny cannot be altered. thnx and regards,and… see u in the dreams. bye

Hi Prabhat,

It’s fascinating how both Vedic/Sideral astrology and Western/Tropical astrology use completely different systems, calculations, even planets and both come to similar conclusions. As my readers can see that Prabhat says, “destiny cannot be altered,” this is a common theme in Vedic astrology although westerners who practice Vedic astrology will argue that, Indian astrologers will not. I have studied both systems and I find that they are both accurate, however in the west we do have more ability to exercise our free will and therefore have more control of our destiny. The reality is that in India, marriages are arranged, and people are tracked toward a particular career, and although the cast system is outlawed, it still exists. People born in India do have to contend with fate in a much different way then we do in the west which is why I think Vedic astrology is so accurate for people in that part of the world, but less so for westerners. And why western astrology is much more accurate for us on this side of the globe.

They are both equally accurate and important despite the entirely different viewpoints, calculations, house systems, aspects, including planets, even the signs are different for example if you are an Aries in western astrology, unless you were born at the very end of that sign you’d be a Pisces. Pretty different yet both are accurate. The universe sure is complex and amazing.


Funny, my husband and I were talking about places he had lived that we would like to go back to. He has been longing to return to Italy for several days now. My kids also have an annoying toy that plays the alphabet song that’s been going off a lot lately. Unlike your baby’s toy, this one goes off at the drop of a hat. An interesting thing is that this fall before the election it was another toy that plays Peter and the Wolf went off constantly. Just out of curiousity, my 2 year old got out a deck of cards and completely crumpled the 8 of hearts, King of Diamonds and the Jack of Diamonds. What do these cards correspond with in the tarot? I thought she was destroying face cards because her older sister and I were playing Slap Jack earlier. Then I remembered, she thinks every card is a “slap jack”. She also pretty much destroyed a joker, but we give her the jokers to play with while we are playing other games, so I didn’t think much of it. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Congratulations on the book deal! Happy Holidays!

Hi Grace,

The 8 of hearts is the 8 of cups in the tarot. It means so many options that the person can’t decide what to do. Often there is an element of illusion involved in this card. The King of Diamonds is the King of Pentacles, and this is a tricky one because in order for Rider/Waite to publish the first tarot deck and honor their vows to the magical order they were involved in they had to switch certain cards to get around things. The King of Pentacles, most books will tell you, is an earth sign man, but according to the Brotherhood of Light, which is where I really learned the craft of reading (rather then just using them as clairvoyant jumping off points) the card is actually a Gemini male if it is right side up, and a Gemini woman if it is reversed.

The Jack of Diamonds is the Page of Pentacles which would actually be an Aquarian male right side up or an Aquarian female if reveresed. Again a book would tell you it was an earth sign, but it really isn’t. This little switch-a-roo is evident when you actually look at the cards, there are clues built into the illustrations.



Sorry, Denise, Sept. 7, 1630, from the blog I cited before was a more accurate date for the founding of Boston (not 11/17/1630). Please use the Sept date if you are doing the chart.

Hi Sag,

There are two charts I ran for Sept. 7 because I guess back in 1630 they were using a different calendar and my computer compensated for that putting the actual date at 9/17/1630 but just in case it was already compensated for, I ran a chart for Sept. 7, 1630 as well. The compensated chart has some tension with Mars conjuncting the part of fortune in Aries in the 8th house inconjuncting the Sun and Mercury. However you must bare in mind that these are both just solar charts so there maybe things going on in the chart of Boston that are hidden from me since we don’t have an exact time. In general though neither chart looks terrible. Hope that helps calm your fears. Below are the two solar charts.

picture-25Also I saw a few things I wanted to make sure no one missed, Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol’s, future mother-in-law was arrested for crank. That can’t be good for Mrs. Palin’s career – karma anyone? There has been a minor auto industry bail-out which I thought would happen earlier then this, they really dragged this one out. And there is an investigation that has been started by congress here’s a passage I found about it:

A bipartisan Senate report, issued on December 11, accuses Rumsfeld and other top Bush administration officials – including Condoleezza Rice – of being directly responsible for the abuse and torture of prisoners at Guantanamo and other US prisons. It is the result of a two-year investigation conducted by the Senate Armed Services Committee under the direction of Democratic Senator Carl Levin and Republican John McCain, the former presidential candidate.

Although the report remains confidential, a 29 page summary was made public. It states that the source of the CIA’s resort to methods of “aggressive interrogation’ of terrorist suspects lay in Bush’s decision on February 7, 2002 that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to Taliban and Al Qaida prisoners. This opened the door for water-boarding (simulation of drowning), nudity, tying prisoners in stress positions for long periods and, of course, “extraordinary rendition”, that is to say the practice of sending prisoners abroad to be tortured in foreign countries on behalf of the United States.

Another critical report – not yet published but circulating among top officials in Washington – is a 513-page history of America’s lamentable yet highly-expensive failure at rebuilding Iraq after the devastation it caused in overthrowing Saddam. Entitled Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience, the report was compiled by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, led by Stuart Bowen, a Republican lawyer.

Also I’ve heard that Rumsfeld can’t go to certain countries because there are warrants for his arrest to be tried for war crimes. It has long been my prediction that this administration will be tried for war crimes by an international court, and that many, if not all will end up in prison. I’ve been saying that since we went into Iraq, and of course no one believed me. My friends and family have heard me rail on about this prediction for a long time now. So lets all do something positive and imagine the Bush administration and all their lacky’s behind bars. They deserve that times a billion.

All the lives lost, the death, destruction, tearing apart a soveirgn nation for what? Imbalancing the power in that region so that Iran has become a real threat, and making the Muslim population of the world hate us ten fold?

We know how many of our people have died. But how many innocent Iraqi people, men, women and children have died due to this arrogant, disgusting and perverted, vile, administration? They have been more like a gang of greedy psychopaths then a group of leaders.

Let’s not lie to ourselves and pretend the Bush administration is the first and only vile administration. There were others, one that springs to mine was old Hickory – Andrew Jackson, a real horror show with his trail of tears, or what we would now call ethnic cleansing.

It makes me angry that we Americans somehow think we are always the good guys, and that’s exactly how we become the bad guys — we forget to look at ourselves, that’s when we get into trouble. This is exactly why the patriotic BS after 9/11 was so destructive, as if criticizing the government was somehow anything other then those among us with a moral compass trying to keep our government on the straight and narrow.  

My great hope is for those out there who we have hurt or wounded, trampled on with our mighty power, or abandoned in their time of need, just know it is not us the people of the US, it is and has been our lame government. There are people here who care about the world, who understand we are not perfect and who believe we should rectify the mistakes we’ve made.

It’s important to remember there are good and bad people everywhere, and terrorism hurts only the innocent. It accomplishes nothing and is just an empty egomaniacal gesture and vein attempt at fleeting self-importance and world attention that leads directly to the dark side. There are no virgins awaiting you in paradise. Terrorism isn’t martyrdom. It’s the way of cowards killing innocent people because those terrorists are too small, cowardly and weak to take up arms against the real people in power who oppress them.

Martyrdom is serving, and helping your fellow human beings, feeding the hungry, saving the broken, not murdering innocent people. Mother Teressa was a martyr. Bin Laden was a (I have a strong feeling he’s dead now or  is in the process of dying) maladjusted lost soul looking to be important because his ego was weak, and just being wealthy wasn’t enough for him, he had to be important, even if that meant killing innocent human beings to feed his pathetic ego.

OK, sorry I got very angry there thinking about people who do such evil deeds in the name of religion or God. It literally drives me nuts. It’s absolutely the most vile thing, justifying murder via God. Horrible.

Anyway, on a lighter note, hope all are having a good weekend, and hopefully nothing crazy will happen over the next few days.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you good and wise readers,


Reader’s Comments and Questions…

Answering Readers: Tsunami, Auto Makers, Germany and Italy, Oh, My!

Hi everyone,

I’m sorry I missed posting last night. I’ve been run down and having migraine issues. But am doing better now. If anyone is both psychic and has migraines please post your experiences. I ran a poll about this a while back but not many people responded. A friend has a theory that somehow they are related, I’m not so sure. But it does make a good super-hero sort of Achilles heel. I don’t think these two things are necessarily related but you never know. It turns out I also have an abnormal brain from recent MRI’s, hmm, somehow that doesn’t surprise me, doubt it surprises any of you. I have Chiari I malformation, a genetic disorder causing the brain stem to be partially in the spinal column. Several people have told me they thought this was why I’m psychic. I doubt that as well, but if anyone has both Chiari I, II or III malformation and is psychic let me know!

So here are some new posts from readers that I will answer, first from Wyntyr.


Hi Denise,
I really hope that you are feeling better! You have been working tirelessly on this blog and just know that you touch many souls and hearts. I have been getting the same poltergeist activity (lights, objects, etc.). It sure makes you wonder huh? I don’t know about you but I just have this ‘intuitive’ feeling for lack of better words that something is creeping up on us on the near horizon. I don’t want to speculate but I really believe we are headed for a depression. And, what concerns me is that a lot of people really don’t understand why that means to our country and the world! I don’t think the auto/bank bail-out is even the ‘tip’ of the ice-berg. Scary huh? And, the morons that have contributed to putting us into this mess are not going to want to go quietly into the night either! Good news? I see a two-term Presidency for Obama. Maybe a woman in 2016 (not Sarah Palin..thank goodness). Your posts are eerily accurate and the research you put into your answers is just superb and helpful! BTW – I don’t know if you have anything in ‘print’ (book, novel, newsletters, etc.) but I keep getting a STRONG message to tell you to give it a go. You will find GREAT success! I usually don’t say things like this but I keep getting that from my own guides that I wanted to pass it on to you! You have a great gift!

Many blessings to you! ~Wyntyr~

Hi Wyntyr,

Thanks for all your support and kind words. I actually just found out that (I’m also a photographer) I will be doing the photography for a vintage knitting/coffee table book. We just got an offer today. So your guides are right. And I do plan on putting together some other writing to get published. This summer I also was part of a chapbook of poetry called, “Haiku Not Bombs,” that was published. Just re-affirming your psychic ability and intuition. And I’m also working on a new astrological theory involving the dwarf planets and plan to write about it, besides the fiction writing i normally do, but haven’t been lately due to time constraints.

Interesting you too have been having poltergeist activity. Last night I had planned to write for the blog, but I wasn’t feeling well, and my mother was staying the night from out of town. We both fell asleep putting the baby to bed. I had planned on getting up a few hours later and writing. So I woke up, looked at the clock, it was 4:11 AM. Just after I awoke one of the baby’s toys started going off. At first I thought maybe a cat had triggered it in the living room. But it kept repeating the alphabet, did this about 5 or 6 times. So I got up, and saw that it was in the baby’s (yet to be inhabited) room. It was going nuts with lights, and not only were there no cats around, there was no way a cat could have gotten near it. The doors and gates to the hallway where the baby’s room was, were all closed. So I got a little disturbed by this, but figured maybe some other motion had set it off, and went back  to bed.

The next morning I went into the baby’s room, and tried pushing every button on the toy, but the only thing that triggered the alphabet song was rolling a barrel full of little plastic beads. And it wasn’t easy to get the thing to go off! Also it didn’t do the weird light show like it had the night before.

So again, it seems the spirits were trying to say something. I don’t think they were malicious, just concerned. My mom got a freaked out, she stayed in bed with us. I’ve always kind of freaked her out despite her own psychic experiences. But that’s another story. 

I thought about why it choose the alphabet song. And came up with the notion of an elementary warning, a basic sort of thing, perhaps a code for saying all ducks are in a row just put it together now, it’s 1,2,3… A, B, C, all it takes is logic to sort out what’s happening now.

I have to agree we are seeing all the signs of falling into a Depression now, and its only getting worse. I have to admit I’ve been news avoidant for the past week because, I’ve been under the weather, and haven’t had the energy to keep up with the world. But the little bits of information friends, and all of you very smart, savy readers have been feeding me, have been a bit scary. I stayed away from Keith Oberman and Rachel Maddow because I was afraid my migraine would get worse. So I have some catching up to do! Thanks to everyone for informing me. I’ve been a bad girl lately in terms of that.



It looks like OPEC hasn’t figured out we’re in a depression yet:

OPEC agrees to slash output but oil price sinks

More bad news on auto industry layoffs:

Chrysler, Ford Idle Factories; GM Delays New Plant

It looks like your tsumani is nearly here. :o(

Hi Grace,

It seems that perhaps the auto industry will be one of the things that push the economy over the edge. All of this is happening during that Pluto window, over the holidays, and up until about the 20th of January, it looks like all the major car companies are shutting down until then. I think they will eventually get some kind of help because when I looked at their charts it seemed they wouldn’t collapse for a couple of years, but who knows how long we will try to keep them afloat, and if they keep stringing their workers along they’ll put tremendous strain on the economy due to their contribution to unemployment rates, and will drain federal, and state money for unemployment, loans, their bail-outs, etc. Not a good situation.

It really is turning out to be tsunami, we saw the water pull back in the fall, and now we’re starting to feel the flooding overtake the shore.



Hi Denise,
I want to share that about two weeks ago while drifting off to sleep (the in-between stage, sometimes images appear to me), I saw two very large fire balls on a big boat coming towards my view. I thought that was odd. Then in my mind, it connected to Boston’s fear since 9/11-that we have natural gas shipped to the south of the city.

Two days later in another in-between-stupor stage I saw a big ball of explosion, again. Yesterday the word Germany came to me while I was making dinner. I thought it didn’t make sense. When my husband mention this particular blog post and said I should share my intuition, he described potential terroirst attacks on 12/21/08 (happens to be my 42th birthday), Italy came to my mind. I wonder if some kind of attack will come to the harbors/major cities in Europe? I am hoping it’s not Boston. Or anywhere, for that matter.

I don’t consider myself psychic, but I have picked up chestpain once before a flashing ambulance flew by me. Thanks for sharing your wisdom in this blog.

Hi Sag, 

You are barely a Sag! Almost a Capricorn, very cuspy, born on the solstice — a very special day, although I’m sure it kind of sucked when you were a kid. You got all your presents just once a year! Not very fair. Anyway, I couldn’t find an incorporation date for the city of Boston, and there isn’t a chart in my computer data base probably because no one knows the exact date the city was founded. All I could find was a year, and that’s not too much help. I do however have both Italy and Germany’s charts and they are 2 of the western nations with cardinal planets about to be slammed by Pluto. I will post their charts and then give some analysis:

picture-24As you can see Italy has 1 degree Mercury in Cancer, meaning their Mercury will be exactly opposed Pluto starting around the 21st of this month until the end of January. And just after that Pluto will be squaring Germany’s Mercury in Libra at 2 degrees starting at the end of January 2009, just around our presidential inauguration. In Italy’s case the aspects being made are more about an ally or friend being hit by a foreign group. In Germany’s case it also looks indirect, more through money and the way the world views them, and their economy. 

I wonder if there won’t be some sort of terrorism related to the banking industry. Or maybe we’ll discover something related to this. I do feel though that there will also be terrorist attacks, again in a western country. It’s very interesting that you picked Italy and Germany though because both of the country’s will be seriously effected soon by Pluto. So I’d say it’s very possible your visions and intuition are picking up on something about to happen.

The web of stuff going on feels so complex right now. There is so much hitting the fan. It makes sense that both Germany and Italy would be good targets for terrorists. Italy is pretty easily accessable to the middle-east compared to most european countries, and there was the shoe bomber/mentally challenged, can’t light a match dude, who was on board a flight from Germany. 

My dreams have been evading my waking capture lately because I’m on so much medicine, and I’m so exhausted.

But everyone keep posting any premonitory dreams, lets all delve into the collective unconscious and see if we can find out what’s going on. Perhaps together we can piece it together like the alphabet song, stringing one thing after the next until all the pieces show themselves as part of a bigger dynamic.

Many blessings to all of you and have a happy holiday season,




Answering Readers: Tsunami, Auto Makers, Germany and Italy, Oh, My!

Answering Readers, and More About Eris…

  Hi Denise, 

I just saw in the news that there was an earthquake in S Carolina, early this morning. I had a thought about the orange garage light experience you had last night. Sometimes when I get signs they are literal. Do you think its somewhere called Orange? Orange county Florida, California, or Orange the city in different areas??? And, Do you think there is anything to worry about with the Soviets doing naval excercises in the waters off of Venezuela? Thanks for keeping up the blog!

Hi Hope and A Plan,

I had wondered about this, it was definitely something one would see in a ghost movie. I remembered as I was falling to sleep having had a dream the night before about an attempted terrorist type of attack, the weapons were mostly machine guns and I think there was an armored car involved. In the dream I was a spy uncovering the scheme. it was a foreign european country. it was night time and I didn’t think that much about it. That was all I remembered of it. It was so odd, that I kind of forgot about it. It’s not often I’m a spy exchanging gun fire in a dream. But I wondered as I was falling asleep the night of the crazy garage light, if perhaps I had blown off a warning dream the night before, and the light was trying to draw my attention to my unconscious.

I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older (and because of all the migraine and seizure medicine I take now) that I often forget my dreams, and most of my psychic stuff happens while I’m awake, often physical/poltergeist type of manifestations mixed with intense emotional feelings attached to words that circle around in my head for days until I can’t ignore them anymore. Maybe the spirits really have to hit me over the head because I’m either jaded or the medicine I take makes remembering my dreams difficult. Anyway, I thought it was interesting to read the post by you which I have coming up after Better Days Ahead’s comment, about the terrorist attack in France. I’m not surprised by the attempt because as i said there are a bunch of European countries that have Pluto hitting something important in their national chart right now. But France actually doesn’t have anything all that nasty compared to most, so its not surprising the attempt was stopped. In my dream there was gun fire exchanged. And I’m not sure if it was France or Germany or England, it was just a very typical European city. There are parts of all European cities that look the way the dream did. Hopefully this will be it for attempted terrorist attacks for the time being, but I don’t know. I am a little worried that there maybe a bigger broader wider international type of plan coming, something that will involve multiple attacks in many European cities at the same time, and here as well because of this critical degree in cardinal signs seen in so many important and national charts. I really need to study the charts again, but I’ve been so busy as we all have with the holiday and trying to keep away one of my intense migraine’s under control for the past week.


  If there’s gonna be a big sell off, it might be lead by a failure to make a loan to the auto industry. Clearly Bush and his folks are against this.


Hi Better Days Ahead,

It looked like the American auto industry would survive for the next couple of years and then go under. But there is so much anger about the last bail out which as I said in the posts back before it happened, wasn’t going to go through the first time around when it actually would have helped, but rather a watered down crappy version would pass and do really no good. People have a right to be angry. In my opinion the only reason the bail out happened was to show good faith to the rest of the world — basically to make it look like we were doing something, ANYTHING. But alas, the bail out was so flawed by the time it passed it really was an empty, extremely expensive gesture. Of course though the banking industry is the life blood of the global economy and if we poisoned it, then we were obliged to fix it or risk losing our place in the world economy. We would have been thrown out of the game for being cheaters, which of course, we were, so our government had to make a show of good faith to save face. But they really didn’t get much else accomplished for the money. The auto industry is a very different beast and it will fold our economy into a full swing Depression if it collapses, but we won’t be contaminating the world water supply like we did with the banking scheme. The Republicans don’t really care about saving Joe Normal’s job at GM, and as its turning out they didn’t really care about saving the world economy either, just fattening deals for their peeps. But that’s another story. I can’t say I have a lot of pity for the CEO’s of the American car makers, they’ve been morons. But I do feel for the people who have done their best, and worked hard at their jobs, and now face the potential loss of the life they’ve known.



Hi Denise,

I woke up with the feeling that everything was shaking and a lot of energy was swirling. I have been sensitive to geo activity. It doesnt need to be local. Of course, all of this might be personal to me… I wonder if this is particularly heightened since I have my Moon at 0 degrees of Capricorn at the nadir, or collective unconscious of my chart?? I just saw that a terrorist attack and asassination attempt were thwarted in France. There was a thwarted terrorist attempt of an Air France flight to LA a couple of years ago. Seems like this time of year is a vulnerable time for France… Take care of yourself…

Hi Hope And A Plan,

There have also been some earth quakes out this way the past few months. There was a pretty big one (5. something) about 4 months ago that we really felt, another out in the desert that was over 6 something, but in a very un-populated area, but it was felt here as well as in Arizona and Nevada. I felt it as a gentle rocking. Then of course some in the mid-west not too long ago. It has made me wonder, seems like there are an awful lot of them all over the place but then again, it seems earthquakes come in swarms and then calm for a while before the next swarm hits.

I would think you’d be very sensitive to both geo activity and the collective unconscious with your moon at 0 degrees Cap and Pluto going over it right now. Pluto does rule mass consciousness, transformation, and of course Capricorn is an earth sign. 


I hope you feel better!!! Many Angels to you!!!
As for the comment I made last night about Eris, after reading it today I am not so sure about how well I conveyed my thoughts. It didn’t come out the way I thought I was conveying it at the time. Hence, I am not a writer! I am also not sure if I was right about her. I had some very weird, and actually not very dreamy, dreams last night about a lot of people being homeless. Not sure if it was Eris visiting me in my sleep or if it the fact that writing that comment was the last thing I did before I went to bed last night. I thought I was being enlightening but, I am not so sure about it today.
But, anyway, FEEL BETTER!! : ) Many Angels to YOU!! 

Hi Sparker,

I’ve been doing more research on Eris. It seems that my hunch about the patriarchal version of her as slanted toward the negative is right. She is much like a trickster, Goddess of chaos and discord. She likes to confuse or as my friend would say she’s a sh*t stir, meaning she likes to get people to think, laugh and is seen (among those who see her as positive) to be a Goddess of creativity through chaos. She also likes to reveal the superficial and make people think. I found a site that extolls Her virtues and have posted some of it here for reference and a link to the site for anyone who wishes to find out more about this Goddess who will ultimately be absorbed into astrology once we figure her out. I’m working on it right now. Here are some excerpts from the site:

Today’s Eris, as is often said by Discordians, shows more of Her mellow aspects, at least to Her ‘co-conspirators’ who sometimes tend to err on the side of attributing to Her every sort of weirdness that intrudes into their lives. Eris is said to be responsible for generating bureaucracies among human societies to both keep the tyrants confused and to keep the intelligent perplexed. She is also here to tell us that, contrary to the religious, spiritual, and theological dogmas of the past centuries, We Are Free. Humankind is not inherently flawed, spiritually blocked, or sinful. Any flaws, blocks, or sins as may exist are entirely our own doing, and as such, they can be overcome, outgrown, or avoided if we decide so.

Eris also represents the active principle of standing up for oneself in the face of exclusion, betrayal, or injustice. In Discordianism, getting ‘even’ is considered a valuable experience in one’s ability to recognize a need for redress without having to rely on so-called authority or parent figures to tell them so. How a Discordian goes about gaining redress is left up to each person. The Myth of the Golden Apple (discussed below) is often cited as a prime example of doing so.

Here’s the post that I took those excerpts about Eris from:

Answering Readers, and More About Eris…

Answering a Reader…

I had to answer this post by Truthseeker. I saw it after the post just below it and it also confirmed my skin crawling feeling. Here it is:


  Calm before the storm maybe. 

I was actually wondering if the market crash was from an unexpected reason. For example a terrorist attack, war (if India dropped a bomb on Pakistan) , possibly Israel attacking Iran out of no where.

Heaven forbid.

Hi Truthseeker,

I have a weird feeling you are onto something. As I was writing the post below I felt that the warning the spirits were showing me was not just about the economy, that something else was in the mix. I really hope I’m getting confused here. But when I focus on the message I get anxious. I’m going to try and see if I can dream anything about this for clarification. If I do I will post it. If anyone else has a feeling about this, please post it. 

The other scary thing I noticed when looking at the charts of almost all the western nations was (including the US) there was a theme of 01 degrees in a cardinal sign. Meaning Pluto is about to either, square, oppose or conjunct this sensitive point of a bunch of nations. India has Mars at 0 degrees Cancer, Pluto was exactly opposite its Mars during the Mumbai attack and also exactly incounjuncting the country’s 0 degree Gemini rising. And Pakistan has 2 degrees Aries, which Pluto will hit in late January early Feb of 09. This is why I felt India would strike back at Pakistan during that period. I think Pluto actually hits 2 degrees Capricorn making the square exact, just after Obama’s inauguration. Perhaps the transition will be so focused on the economy, India will feel it can strike back at Pakistan. Let’s hope not.

Best wishes and many blessings to all of you,


Answering a Reader…

Something Kind of Creepy…

Pluto hits 1 degree Capricorn on the day of the winter Solstice, December 21 (this year 2008), I picked that day in the first post for all hell to break loose because of the astrological hit. Of course I had been feeling the crash and posted a couple of weeks before the market started going nutty, but warned that date was when something very bad would happen, this of course is only if that chart is 100% correct. Stuff doesn’t always happen exactly when the aspect hits, but it usually does. So far we’ve seen the market go crazy at 0 degrees quite a bit, and seems to go nuts every time Pluto goes back and forth over that point.

Now for the creepy thing. My sister in Chicago told me that a friend of her friend’s kid, a young man who recently had a schizophrenic break, and has been in a psych ward for the past few months has been screaming recently that God has been speaking to him, and that something was going to come to an end on December 21, 2008. He’s been very specific about that date, but not exactly what this end is, or what exactly this terrible thing God has been telling him is going to occur then. When my sister told me this I got the chills.

Now, maybe you’re thinking. OK, Denise this kid is nuts, so what? Well, its been my experience that psychic ability and schizophrenia in particular are two sides of the same coin. Schizophrenics are psychics without a filter, it’s as if their ego is shattered into a million pieces, and they are an open channel. Psychics have a thin filter, and with training learn how to open themselves up enough to see things. But psychics have an ego, allowing them to function almost like normal people do. In my family both schizophrenia/insanity and psychic ability run on both sides. I’ve known people who have worked in the psychiatric field who have told me very bizarre paranormal stories about schizophrenics.  I personally witnessed some very bizarre activity around my own grandmother who was schizophrenic.

Now here’s another creepy thing. Something that gave me the chills. I have poltergeist activity in my house, always have, always will. I’m pretty used to it. When I was younger it really upset me, and my family, husband, my friends, room mates, etc. But generally I’m not freaked out by it anymore, usually it’s very begnine. I feel it is mostly people from my family who come around when I’m alone with my kid (who is also psychic) doing things like turning the faucets on in my house (which several people have witnessed, 4 different friends and my husband) just to let me know they’re here as emotional support (water is emotion and turning on the faucet is a symbol of communication.)

But tonight I had a creepy thing happen. And it seemed more like a warning then a friendly “hello, we’re here watching over you,” kind of thing. I was in the kitchen holding my baby daughter when I noticed the garage light (there are 2 but only one was doing this) blinking in a sort of morris code way. And the color of the light itself was unusual, perhaps because it was so fast, more like an orange then the normal white it usually is. It’s motion activated, but there was nothing outside, no wind and the rain has stopped here for 24 hours so it wasn’t that. My neighbor’s motion detector light that always goes off when ours does, wasn’t triggered. All I can say is it gave me the creeps, and things don’t usually do that. I tried to video tape it, but of course it stopped doing the creepy Morris code thing and just went black like it had been. The other odd thing was the garage lights haven’t been working for the past 2 weeks. Maybe it was just a short or something electrical, but I’ve never seen it behave that way in the 13 years we’ve lived in this house and as I was talking to my husband about it over the phone, I heard three slow knocks on the outside of my house. 

I am taking this all to be a warning from the spirit world that something is up, and to be warned that we haven’t seen the worst of things just yet. I hope this is nothing. But I fear, from experience, that this is another warning. I had something similar, but also very different happen about a month before the first market crash. It also scared me which again isn’t easy to do. 

So, be safe, don’t do anything rash with your money, and take this warning to hunker down and be forewarned. Remember the other side usually does this sort of thing for a reason. As long as it’s not a negative entity (which is always possible and would be my trouble not a universal warning) then the spirits are just saying, “Key keep an eye out and be careful right now.”

Something Kind of Creepy…

The Stock Market: Answering a Reader’s Question

This question from George is a good one. It is at the bottom of this post for reference.

I have to admit that the feeling I had before the initial crash was intense and urgent. Since then it has been erratic. I picked the end of December into January because this is when Pluto is exactly conjunct the Dow Jones first house. Of course if the date or time was off in that chart (which is always possible) then we could have seen the hit at 0 degree instead of the 1 degree in the official chart. 

The other manifestation of Pluto going over the first house is the exposure of corruption, scandals, abuse of power and scams that could hamper investment in the market out of fear. We’ve started seeing this with the most recent news of the ex-head of NASDAQ taking rich investors for an estimated 50 billion dollars. Pluto will uncover more of this sort of thing, it may or may not lead to another crash, but it will definitely transform the way the markets are ultimately allowed to do business.

In the next 10-15 years the  market will go through such major transformations economists/brokers/bankers and financial people won’t recognize it as the same entity it once was. I think we will see instability for a long time as the market re-organizes, and gets restructured under Pluto’s influence. Which means during this long period we may see wild fluctuations as new things become uncovered, and new laws are put in place to shore up the bleeding. 

It’s my feeling that we are still in the midst of this crisis, and haven’t seen the worst of it, but it will turn around over the next couple of years. In terms of the bottoming out, if I were looking just at the aspects I’d have to say as an astrologer that the worst still will be the end of December into January when Pluto hits that 1 degree mark. And again when Pluto retrogrades back to that point at different points in 2009. However, as a psychic, I also know that charts are not always 100 accurate, so timing isn’t always exact because of this, and the intense urgency about the market I felt back in September has abated. I’m not sure if this is because we’re already in it, and I’ve gotten used to the energy, or if we really have seen the biggest drop we’re going to feel by comparison of where it was to begin with.

I do feel however, that we haven’t seen the end of companies going under, and the market dropping and being very erratic which is why for those of us who are not incredibly market savvy, it is still best to wait it out. I’d give it at least a couple of years to stabilize.

It’s been my intuition for a number of years now that there is a lot of criminal activity taking place in the stock market and I feel the uncovering of this is part of Pluto going over the first house of the Dow. I mentioned this in earlier posts. I feel we are entering into this phase of Pluto now where a lot of dirty tricks, insider trading, corruption and scams are exposed. Pluto is going to clean house, and while this is good in the long run, it will disrupt people’s faith in the market, and bring down value substantially. 

So to summarize: We are still in the middle of the bleeding. Criminal activity regarding the market will continue to come to light. The market will undergo tremendous change over the next decade. It won’t really be “safe” for normal people to invest in the market for a few years when it begins to stabilize again. More companies are going to go under. The overall value of the market is going to go down. We are headed into a different sort of depression then the 30s, but still it will be a depression. There will be international market, and banking laws put into place over the next decade, and the world will become even more intricately connected as one economy, with one set of rules we all have to abide by. After a few years of changes people will get used to the Pluto energy, and begin to understand the new flow of the market, and it will turn around for the better, and start to build more value again.

This new depression will be somewhere between the recession we felt of the 70s, and the 30s, but on a global scale. It won’t be barrels full of money to buy bread, but there will be tremendous unemployment and people having to change their lifestyles dramatically in some cases to get through this time. I also feel that the length and severity of this depression/recession has been greatly reduced by the election of Obama. His chart compared to that of the US constitution signing, and the Dow, and NASDAQ are good. Most of his energy regarding the markets will be spent in re-structuring them for the future good of the world’s economy. 

I hope I’ve made sense and this is helpful. If you want anymore clarification just let me know. 

Here is George’s question:


  Hi Denise,  

Do you still think that US stock markets will crash during December and January? It is interesting if you see anything new. Can you please share with us.


The Stock Market: Answering a Reader’s Question

An Extension…

For all of those who have been interested in getting a reading for the discounted rate, as long as you let me know this week, even if I can’t fit you in — I will honor the lower price. Even if the booking ends up being after the holidays. So if anyone is interested just e-mail and let me know you are interested this week so you can secure a less expensive reading.

Best wishes to all,


P.S. I’m fighting off a cold which is why I am extending this offer. Hopefully, I won’t give into this cold and next week I’ll be able to read everyone, if not I will, of course, schedule everyone when I can, and you will still get the discount.

An Extension…